    def create_kernel_instance(self, kernel_options, params, verbose):
        """create kernel instance from kernel source, parameters, problem size, grid divisors, and so on"""
        instance_string = util.get_instance_string(params)
        grid_div = (kernel_options.grid_div_x, kernel_options.grid_div_y,

        #setup thread block and grid dimensions
        threads, grid = util.setup_block_and_grid(
            kernel_options.problem_size, grid_div, params,
        if numpy.prod(threads) > self.dev.max_threads:
            if verbose:
                print("skipping config", instance_string,
                      "reason: too many threads per block")
            return None

        #obtain the kernel_string and prepare additional files, if any
        temp_files = dict()
        original_kernel = kernel_options.kernel_string
        if isinstance(original_kernel, list):
            kernel_string, temp_files = util.prepare_list_of_files(
                original_kernel, params, grid)
            kernel_string = util.get_kernel_string(original_kernel, params)

        #prepare kernel_string for compilation
        name, kernel_string = util.setup_kernel_strings(
            kernel_options.kernel_name, kernel_string, params, grid)

        #collect everything we know about this instance and return it
        return KernelInstance(name, kernel_string, temp_files, threads, grid,
                              params, kernel_options.arguments)
def _check_user_input(kernel_name, kernel_string, arguments, block_size_names):
    # see if the kernel arguments have correct type
    if not callable(kernel_string):
        if isinstance(kernel_string, list):
            for file in kernel_string:
            "Checking of arguments list not supported yet for code generators."

    # check for types and length of block_size_names
    def get_kernel_string(self, index=0, params=None):
        """ retrieve the kernel source with the given index and return as a string

        See util.get_kernel_string() for details.

        :param index: Index of the kernel source in the list of sources.
        :type index: int

        :param params: Dictionary containing the tunable parameters for this specific
            kernel instance, only needed when kernel_source is a generator.
        :type param: dict

        :returns: A string containing the kernel code.
        :rtype: string
        #logging.debug('get_kernel_string called with %s', str(kernel_source))
        logging.debug('get_kernel_string called')

        kernel_source = self.kernel_sources[index]
        return util.get_kernel_string(kernel_source, params)
def cpp(function_name, kernel_source, args, convert_to_array=None):
    """ Generate a wrapper to call C++ functions from Python

    This function allows Kernel Tuner to call templated C++ functions
    that use primitive data types (double, float, int, ...).

    There is support to convert function arguments from plain pointers
    to array references. If this is needed, there should be a True value
    in convert_to_array in the location corresponding to the location in
    the args array.

    For example, a Numpy array argument of type float64 and length 10
    will be cast using:
    which allows it to be used to call a C++ that is defined as:
    ``template<typename T, int s>void my_function(T (&arg)[s], ...)``

    Arrays of size 1 will be converted to simple non-array references.
    False indicates that no conversion is performed. Conversion
    is only support for numpy array arguments. If convert_to_array is
    passed it should have the same length as the args array.

    :param function_name: A string containing the name of the C++ function
        to be wrapped
    :type function_name: string

    :param kernel_source: One of the sources for the kernel, could be a
        function that generates the kernel code, a string containing a filename
        that points to the kernel source, or just a string that contains the code.
    :type kernel_source: string or callable

    :param args: A list of kernel arguments, use numpy arrays for
        arrays, use numpy.int32 or numpy.float32 for scalars.
    :type args: list

    :param convert_to_array: A list of same length as args, containing
        True or False values indicating whether the corresponding argument
        in args should be cast to a reference to an array or not.
    :type convert_to_array: list (True or False)

    :returns: A string containing the orignal code extended with the wrapper
        function. The wrapper has "extern C" binding and can be passed to
        other Kernel Tuner functions, for example run_kernel with lang="C".
        The name of the wrapper function will be the name of the function with
        a "_wrapper" postfix.
    :rtype: string


    if convert_to_array and len(args) != len(convert_to_array):
        raise ValueError("convert_to_array length should be same as args")

    type_map = {
        "int8": "char",
        "int16": "short",
        "int32": "int",
        "float32": "float",
        "float64": "double"

    def type_str(arg):
        if not str(arg.dtype) in type_map:
            raise Value(
                "only primitive data types are supported by the C++ wrapper")
        typestring = type_map[str(arg.dtype)]
        if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
            typestring += " *"
        return typestring + " "

    signature = ",".join(
        [type_str(arg) + "arg" + str(i) for i, arg in enumerate(args)])

    if not convert_to_array:
        call_args = ",".join(["arg" + str(i) for i in range(len(args))])
        call_args = []
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            if convert_to_array[i]:
                if not isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
                        "conversion to array reference only supported for arguments that are numpy arrays, use length-1 numpy array to pass a scalar by reference"
                if np.prod(arg.shape) > 1:
                    #convert pointer to a reference to an array
                    arg_shape = "".join("[%d]" % i for i in arg.shape)
                    arg_str = "*reinterpret_cast<" + type_map[str(
                        arg.dtype)] + "(*)" + arg_shape + ">(arg" + str(
                            i) + ")"
                    #a reference is accepted rather than a pointer, just dereference
                    arg_str = "*arg" + str(i)
                #call_args = ",".join(["*reinterpret_cast<double(*)[9]>(arg" + str(i) + ")" for i in range(len(args))])
                call_args.append("arg" + str(i))
        call_args_str = ",".join(call_args)

    kernel_string = util.get_kernel_string(kernel_source)

    return """


    extern "C"
    float %s_wrapper(%s) {


        return 0.0f;
    }""" % (kernel_string, function_name, signature, function_name,
def cpp(function_name, kernel_source, args, convert_to_array=None):
    """ Generate a wrapper to call C++ functions from Python

    This function allows Kernel Tuner to call templated C++ functions
    that use primitive data types (double, float, int, ...).

    There is support to convert function arguments from plain pointers
    to array references. If this is needed, there should be a True value
    in convert_to_array in the location corresponding to the location in
    the args array.

    For example, a Numpy array argument of type float64 and length 10
    will be cast using:
    which allows it to be used to call a C++ that is defined as:
    ``template<typename T, int s>void my_function(T (&arg)[s], ...)``

    Arrays of size 1 will be converted to simple non-array references.
    False indicates that no conversion is performed. Conversion
    is only support for numpy array arguments. If convert_to_array is
    passed it should have the same length as the args array.

    :param function_name: A string containing the name of the C++ function
        to be wrapped
    :type function_name: string

    :param kernel_source: One of the sources for the kernel, could be a
        function that generates the kernel code, a string containing a filename
        that points to the kernel source, or just a string that contains the code.
    :type kernel_source: string or callable

    :param args: A list of kernel arguments, use numpy arrays for
        arrays, use numpy.int32 or numpy.float32 for scalars.
    :type args: list

    :param convert_to_array: A list of same length as args, containing
        True or False values indicating whether the corresponding argument
        in args should be cast to a reference to an array or not.
    :type convert_to_array: list (True or False)

    :returns: A string containing the orignal code extended with the wrapper
        function. The wrapper has "extern C" binding and can be passed to
        other Kernel Tuner functions, for example run_kernel with lang="C".
        The name of the wrapper function will be the name of the function with
        a "_wrapper" postfix.
    :rtype: string


    if convert_to_array and len(args) != len(convert_to_array):
        raise ValueError("convert_to_array length should be same as args")

    type_map = {"int8": "char",
                "int16": "short",
                "int32": "int",
                "float32": "float",
                "float64": "double"}

    def type_str(arg):
        if not str(arg.dtype) in type_map:
            raise Value("only primitive data types are supported by the C++ wrapper")
        typestring = type_map[str(arg.dtype)]
        if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
            typestring += " *"
        return typestring + " "

    signature = ",".join([type_str(arg) + "arg" + str(i) for i, arg in enumerate(args)])

    if not convert_to_array:
        call_args = ",".join(["arg" + str(i) for i in range(len(args))])
        call_args = []
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            if convert_to_array[i]:
                if not isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
                    ValueError("conversion to array reference only supported for arguments that are numpy arrays, use length-1 numpy array to pass a scalar by reference")
                if np.prod(arg.shape) > 1:
                    #convert pointer to a reference to an array
                    arg_shape = "".join("[%d]" % i for i in arg.shape)
                    arg_str = "*reinterpret_cast<" + type_map[str(arg.dtype)] + "(*)" + arg_shape + ">(arg" + str(i) + ")"
                    #a reference is accepted rather than a pointer, just dereference
                    arg_str = "*arg" + str(i)
                #call_args = ",".join(["*reinterpret_cast<double(*)[9]>(arg" + str(i) + ")" for i in range(len(args))])
                call_args.append("arg" + str(i))
        call_args_str = ",".join(call_args)

    kernel_string = util.get_kernel_string(kernel_source)

    return """


    extern "C"
    float %s_wrapper(%s) {


        return 0.0f;
    }""" % (kernel_string, function_name, signature, function_name, call_args_str)