def test_online(verbosity=1):
    """ Run online unit tests.  Run them against the 6.034 server via XMLRPC. """
    lab = get_lab_module()

        server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url, allow_none=True)
        tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
    except NotImplementedError: # Solaris Athena doesn't seem to support HTTPS
        print "Your version of Python doesn't seem to support HTTPS, for"
        print "secure test submission.  Would you like to downgrade to HTTP?"
        print "(note that this could theoretically allow a hacker with access"
        print "to your local network to find your 6.034 password)"
        answer = raw_input("(Y/n) >>> ")
        if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] in "Yy":
            server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url.replace("https", "http"))
            tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
            print "Ok, not running your tests."
            print "Please try again on another computer."
            print "Linux Athena computers are known to support HTTPS,"
            print "if you use the version of Python in the 'python' locker."
    except xmlrpclib.Fault:
        #raise   # To debug online tests by allowing them to raise cryptic exceptions, uncomment this
        print "\nError: Either your file is out of date, or online "
        print "tests for " + lab.__name__ + " are not currently available."
        print "If you believe this is may be a mistake, please contact a TA.\n"

    ntests = len(tests)
    ncorrect = 0

    lab = get_lab_module()

    target_dir = get_target_upload_filedir()

    tarball_data = get_tarball_data(target_dir, "lab%s.tar.bz2" % lab.LAB_NUMBER)

    print "Submitting to the 6.034 Webserver..."

    server.submit_code(username, password, lab.__name__, xmlrpclib.Binary(tarball_data))

    print "Done submitting code."
    print "Running test cases..."

    for index, testcode in enumerate(tests):
        dispindex = index+1
        summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests)

        try:  # Prevent errors from interrupting test execution
            answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module())
            correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password, lab.__name__, testcode[0], type_encode(answer))
            show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected, verbosity)
            if correct: ncorrect += 1
        except Exception:
            show_exception(summary, testcode)

    response = server.status(username, password, lab.__name__)
    print response
文件: 项目: farrigaba/6.034
def test_online(verbosity=1):
    lab = get_lab_module()

        server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url, allow_none=True)
        tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
    except NotImplementedError:
        print "Your version of Python doesn't seem to support HTTPS, for"
        print "secure test submission.  Would you like to downgrade to HTTP?"
        print "(note that this could theoretically allow a hacker with access"
        print "to your local network to find your 6.034 password)"
        answer = raw_input("(Y/n) >>> ")
        if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] in "Yy":
            server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url.replace("https", "http"))
            tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
            print "Ok, not running your tests."
            print "Please try again on another computer."
            print "Linux Athena computers are known to support HTTPS,"
            print "if you use the version of Python in the 'python' locker."

    ntests = len(tests)
    ncorrect = 0

    lab = get_lab_module()

    target_dir = get_target_upload_filedir()

    tarball_data = get_tarball_data(target_dir,
                                    "lab%s.tar.bz2" % lab.LAB_NUMBER)

    print "Submitting to the 6.034 Webserver..."

    server.submit_code(username, password, lab.__name__,

    print "Done submitting code."
    print "Running test cases..."

    for index, testcode in enumerate(tests):
        dispindex = index + 1
        summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests)

            answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module())
        except Exception:
            show_exception(summary, testcode)

        correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password,
                                               lab.__name__, testcode[0],
        show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected, verbosity)
        if correct: ncorrect += 1

    response = server.status(username, password, lab.__name__)
    print response
    print "!! Please note that lab0 has no server-side test cases."
    print "You receive a 5 if you submit on-time."
def test_online(verbosity=1):
    """ Run online unit tests.  Run them against the 6.034 server via XMLRPC. """
    lab = get_lab_module()

        server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url, allow_none=True)
        tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
    except NotImplementedError: # Solaris Athena doesn't seem to support HTTPS
        print "Your version of Python doesn't seem to support HTTPS, for"
        print "secure test submission.  Would you like to downgrade to HTTP?"
        print "(note that this could theoretically allow a hacker with access"
        print "to your local network to find your 6.034 password)"
        answer = raw_input("(Y/n) >>> ")
        if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] in "Yy":
            server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url.replace("https", "http"))
            tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
            print "Ok, not running your tests."
            print "Please try again on another computer."
            print "Linux Athena computers are known to support HTTPS,"
            print "if you use the version of Python in the 'python' locker."
    except xmlrpclib.Fault:
        print "\nError: Either your file is out of date, or online "
        print "tests for " + lab.__name__ + " are not currently available."
        print "If you believe this is may be a mistake, please contact a TA.\n"

    ntests = len(tests)
    ncorrect = 0

    lab = get_lab_module()

    target_dir = get_target_upload_filedir()

    tarball_data = get_tarball_data(target_dir, "lab%s.tar.bz2" % lab.LAB_NUMBER)

    print "Submitting to the 6.034 Webserver..."

    server.submit_code(username, password, lab.__name__, xmlrpclib.Binary(tarball_data))

    print "Done submitting code."
    print "Running test cases..."

    for index, testcode in enumerate(tests):
        dispindex = index+1
        summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests)

            answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module())
        except Exception:
            show_exception(summary, testcode)

        correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password, lab.__name__, testcode[0], type_encode(answer))
        show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected, verbosity)
        if correct: ncorrect += 1

    response = server.status(username, password, lab.__name__)
    print response
def test_online(verbosity=1):
    lab = get_lab_module()

        server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url, allow_none=True)
        tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
    except NotImplementedError:
        print "Your version of Python doesn't seem to support HTTPS, for"
        print "secure test submission.  Would you like to downgrade to HTTP?"
        print "(note that this could theoretically allow a hacker with access"
        print "to your local network to find your 6.034 password)"
        answer = raw_input("(Y/n) >>> ")
        if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] in "Yy":
            server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url.replace("https", "http"))
            tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
            print "Ok, not running your tests."
            print "Please try again on another computer."
            print "Linux Athena computers are known to support HTTPS,"
            print "if you use the version of Python in the 'python' locker."
    ntests = len(tests)
    ncorrect = 0

    lab = get_lab_module()
    target_dir = get_target_upload_filedir()

    tarball_data = get_tarball_data(target_dir, "lab%s.tar.bz2" % lab.LAB_NUMBER)
    print "Submitting to the 6.034 Webserver..."

    server.submit_code(username, password, lab.__name__, xmlrpclib.Binary(tarball_data))

    print "Done submitting code."
    print "Running test cases..."
    for index, testcode in enumerate(tests):
        dispindex = index+1
        summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests)

            answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module())
        except Exception:
            show_exception(summary, testcode)

        correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password, lab.__name__, testcode[0], answer)
        show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected, verbosity)
        if correct: ncorrect += 1
    response = server.status(username, password, lab.__name__)
    print response
    print "!! Please note that lab0 has no server-side test cases."
    print "You receive a 5 if you submit on-time."
文件: 项目: dkout/6.034
def test_online(verbosity=1):
    """ Run online unit tests.  Run them against the 6.034 server via XMLRPC. """
    lab = get_lab_module()

        from key import USERNAME as username, PASSWORD as password, XMLRPC_URL as server_url
    except ImportError:
        print("Error: Can't find your '' file!  Please go download one from")
        print(" <>")
        print("and put it into either your lab's directory, or its parent directory.")

        server = xmlrpc.client.Server(server_url, allow_none=True)
        tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
    except NotImplementedError: # Solaris Athena doesn't seem to support HTTPS
        print("Your version of Python doesn't seem to support HTTPS, for")
        print("secure test submission.  Would you like to downgrade to HTTP?")
        print("(note that this could theoretically allow a hacker with access")
        print("to your local network to find your 6.034 password)")
        answer = input("(Y/n) >>> ")
        if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] in "Yy":
            server = xmlrpc.client.Server(server_url.replace("https", "http"))
            tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
            print("Ok, not running your tests.")
            print("Please try again on another computer.")
            print("Linux Athena computers are known to support HTTPS,")
            print("if you use the version of Python in the 'python' locker.")
    except xmlrpc.client.Fault:
        print("\nError: Either your file is out of date, or online ")
        print("tests for " + lab.__name__ + " are not currently available.")
        print("If you believe this may be a mistake, please contact a TA.\n")

    # If something is wrong with server, the return value here will be a string
    if isinstance(tests, str):
        msg = tests
        if len(msg) > 0:
            print("\nError: The server has rejected your connection request with the following message:")
            print("> " + tests)
            print("\nError: The server has rejected your connection request for an unknown reason.")
        print("If you believe this may be a mistake, please contact a TA.")

    ntests = len(tests)
    ncorrect = 0

    lab = get_lab_module()

    target_dir = get_target_upload_filedir()

    tarball_data = get_tarball_data(target_dir, "lab%s.tar.bz2" % lab.LAB_NUMBER)

    print("Submitting to the 6.034 Webserver...")

    server.submit_code(username, password, lab.__name__, xmlrpc.client.Binary(tarball_data))

    print("Done submitting code.")
    print("Running test cases...")

    for index, testcode in enumerate(tests):
        dispindex = index+1
        summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests)

            answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module())
        except Exception:
            show_exception(summary, testcode)

        correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password, lab.__name__, testcode[0], type_encode(answer))
        show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected, verbosity)
        if correct: ncorrect += 1

    response = server.status(username, password, lab.__name__)
def test_online(verbosity=1):
    """ Run online unit tests.  Run them against the 6.034 server via XMLRPC. """
    lab = get_lab_module()

        server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url, allow_none=True)
        tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
    except NotImplementedError:  # Solaris Athena doesn't seem to support HTTPS
        print "Your version of Python doesn't seem to support HTTPS, for"
        print "secure test submission.  Would you like to downgrade to HTTP?"
        print "(note that this could theoretically allow a hacker with access"
        print "to your local network to find your 6.034 password)"
        answer = raw_input("(Y/n) >>> ")
        if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] in "Yy":
            server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url.replace("https", "http"))
            tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
            print "Ok, not running your tests."
            print "Please try again on another computer."
            print "Linux Athena computers are known to support HTTPS,"
            print "if you use the version of Python in the 'python' locker."
    except xmlrpclib.Fault:
        #raise   # To debug online tests by allowing them to raise cryptic exceptions, uncomment this
        print "\nError: Either your file is out of date, or online "
        print "tests for " + lab.__name__ + " are not currently available."
        print "If you believe this is may be a mistake, please contact a TA.\n"

    ntests = len(tests)
    ncorrect = 0

    lab = get_lab_module()

    target_dir = get_target_upload_filedir()

    tarball_data = get_tarball_data(target_dir,
                                    "lab%s.tar.bz2" % lab.LAB_NUMBER)

    print "Submitting to the 6.034 Webserver..."

    server.submit_code(username, password, lab.__name__,

    print "Done submitting code."
    print "Running test cases..."

    for index, testcode in enumerate(tests):
        dispindex = index + 1
        summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests)

        try:  # Prevent errors from interrupting test execution
            answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module())
            correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password,
                                                   lab.__name__, testcode[0],
            show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected,
            if correct: ncorrect += 1
        except Exception:
            show_exception(summary, testcode)

#todo: is this version better?
#        try:
#            answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module())
#        except Exception:
#            show_exception(summary, testcode)
#            continue
#        # This prevents online testanswer from throwing errors. eg, if return type
#        # is incorrect, testanswer returns False instead of raising an exception.
#        # To debug online tester, remove try/except.
#        try:
#            correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password, lab.__name__, testcode[0], type_encode(answer))
#        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
#            raise
#        except:
#            correct = False
#            expected = ('\nERROR: The online tester encountered an error while '
#                        +'testing your answer, most likely caused by an '
#                        +'incorrect return type.')
#        show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected, verbosity)
#        if correct: ncorrect += 1

    response = server.status(username, password, lab.__name__)
    print response
def test_online(verbosity=1):
    """ Run online unit tests.  Run them against the 6.034 server via XMLRPC. """
    lab = get_lab_module()

        server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url, allow_none=True)
        tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
    except NotImplementedError: # Solaris Athena doesn't seem to support HTTPS
        print "Your version of Python doesn't seem to support HTTPS, for"
        print "secure test submission.  Would you like to downgrade to HTTP?"
        print "(note that this could theoretically allow a hacker with access"
        print "to your local network to find your 6.034 password)"
        answer = raw_input("(Y/n) >>> ")
        if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] in "Yy":
            server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url.replace("https", "http"))
            tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__)
            print "Ok, not running your tests."
            print "Please try again on another computer."
            print "Linux Athena computers are known to support HTTPS,"
            print "if you use the version of Python in the 'python' locker."
    except xmlrpclib.Fault:
        print "\nNote: Online tests for " + lab.__name__ + " are not currently available."
        print "If you believe this is an error, please contact a TA.\n"
    ntests = len(tests)
    ncorrect = 0

    lab = get_lab_module()

    target_dir = get_target_upload_filedir()

    tarball_data = get_tarball_data(target_dir, "lab%s.tar.bz2" % lab.LAB_NUMBER)

    print "Submitting to the 6.034 Webserver..."

    server.submit_code(username, password, lab.__name__, xmlrpclib.Binary(tarball_data))

    print "Done submitting code."
    print "Running test cases..."

    for index, testcode in enumerate(tests):
        dispindex = index+1
        summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests)

            answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module())
        except Exception:
            show_exception(summary, testcode)

        # This prevents online testanswer from throwing errors. eg, if return type
        # is incorrect, testanswer returns False instead of raising an exception.
        # To debug online tester, remove try/except.
            correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password, lab.__name__, testcode[0], type_encode(answer))
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            correct = False
            expected = ('\nERROR: The online tester encountered an error while '
                        +'testing your answer, most likely caused by an '
                        +'incorrect return type.')
        show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected, verbosity)
        if correct: ncorrect += 1

    response = server.status(username, password, lab.__name__)
    print response