def init_db(db_filename):

    # in the form key, SQL type

    cols_db = {
        'agent_id': 'TEXT PRIMARY_KEY',
        'v': 'TEXT',
        'ip': 'TEXT',
        'port': 'INT',
        'operational_state': 'INT',
        'public_key': 'TEXT',
        'tpm_policy': 'TEXT',
        'vtpm_policy': 'TEXT',
        'metadata': 'TEXT',
        'ima_whitelist': 'TEXT',
        'revocation_key': 'TEXT',
        'tpm_version': 'INT',
        'accept_tpm_hash_algs': 'TEXT',
        'accept_tpm_encryption_algs': 'TEXT',
        'accept_tpm_signing_algs': 'TEXT',
        'hash_alg': 'TEXT',
        'enc_alg': 'TEXT',
        'sign_alg': 'TEXT',
        'quote_col': 'TEXT'

    # these are the columns that contain json data and need marshalling
    json_cols_db = [
        'tpm_policy', 'vtpm_policy', 'metadata', 'ima_whitelist',
        'accept_tpm_hash_algs', 'accept_tpm_encryption_algs',
        'accept_tpm_signing_algs', 'quote_col'

    # in the form key : default value
    exclude_db = {
        'registrar_keys': '',
        'nonce': '',
        'b64_encrypted_V': '',
        'provide_V': True,
        'num_retries': 0,
        'pending_event': None,
        'first_verified': False,

    return keylime_sqlite.KeylimeDB(db_filename, cols_db, json_cols_db,
def init_db(dbname):
    # in the form key, SQL type
    cols_db = {
        'agent_id': 'TEXT PRIMARY_KEY',
        'key': 'TEXT',
        'aik': 'TEXT',
        'ek': 'TEXT',
        'ekcert': 'TEXT',
        'virtual': 'INT',
        'active': 'INT',
        'provider_keys': 'TEXT',
        'regcount': 'INT',

    # these are the columns that contain json data and need marshalling
    json_cols_db = ['provider_keys']

    # in the form key : default value
    exclude_db = {}

    return keylime_sqlite.KeylimeDB(dbname, cols_db, json_cols_db, exclude_db)
    def test_sql(self):
        # test invalid coldb
        cols_db = {
            'agent_ids': 'TEXT PRIMARY_KEY',

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                Exception, 'the primary key of the database must be agent_id'):
            _ = keylime_sqlite.KeylimeDB(None, cols_db, [], {})

        # testing
        db_filename = 'testdata.sqlite'

        if os.path.exists(db_filename):

        # in the form key, SQL type
        cols_db = {
            'agent_id': 'TEXT PRIMARY_KEY',
            'v': 'TEXT',
            'ip': 'TEXT',
            'port': 'INT',
            'operational_state': 'INT',
            'public_key': 'TEXT',
            'tpm_policy': 'TEXT',
            'vtpm_policy': 'TEXT',
            'metadata': 'TEXT',
            'ima_whitelist': 'TEXT',
            'revocation_key': 'TEXT',

        # these are the columns that contain json data and need marshalling
        json_cols_db = [
            'tpm_policy', 'vtpm_policy', 'metadata', 'ima_whitelist'

        # in the form key : default value
        exclude_db = {
            'registrar_keys': '',
            'nonce': '',
            'b64_encrypted_V': '',
            'provide_V': True,
            'num_retries': 0,
            'pending_event': None,
            'first_verified': False,
        db = keylime_sqlite.KeylimeDB(db_filename, cols_db, json_cols_db,

        json_body = {
            'v': 'vbaby',
            'agent_id': '209483',
            'cloudagent_ip': 'ipaddy',
            'cloudagent_port': '39843',
            'tpm_policy': '{"atpm":"1"}',
            'vtpm_policy': '{"abv":"1"}',
            'ima_whitelist': '{"abi":"1"}',
            'metadata': '{"cert_serial":"1"}',
            'operational_state': 0,
            'ip': "",
            'port': 2000,
            'revocation_key': '',
            'public_key': 'bleh',

        json_body2 = {
            'v': 'vbaby',
            'agent_id': '2094aqrea3',
            'cloudagent_ip': 'ipaddy',
            'cloudagent_port': '39843',
            'tpm_policy': '{"a":"1"}',
            'vtpm_policy': '{"ab":"1"}',
            'ima_whitelist': '{"ab":"1"}',
            'metadata': '{"cert_serial":"1"}',
            'operational_state': 0,
            'ip': "",
            'port': 2000,
            'revocation_key': '',
            'public_key': 'bleh',

        self.maxDiff = None

        #some DB testing stuff
        # test add/get
        db.add_agent('209483', json_body)
        got = db.get_agent(209483)
        self.assertEqual(json_body['metadata'], got['metadata'])

        # test disallowed overwrite
        self.assertEqual(db.add_agent('209483', json_body), None)

        # test update
        db.update_agent('209483', 'v', 'NEWVVV')
        got = db.get_agent(209483)
        self.assertEqual(got['v'], 'NEWVVV')

        # test invalid update
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            db.update_agent('209483', 'vee', 'NEWVVV')

        #test remove
        self.assertEqual(db.get_agent_ids(), [])

        # test remove nothing
        self.assertEqual(db.remove_agent('209483'), False)

        # test get multiple ids
        db.add_agent('209483', json_body)
        db.add_agent('2094aqrea3', json_body2)
        self.assertEqual(db.get_agent_ids(), ['209483', '2094aqrea3'])

        #testing overwrite
        agent = db.get_agent('2094aqrea3')
        agent['agent_id'] = 209483
        agent['v'] = 'OVERWRITTENVVVV'
        db.overwrite_agent(209483, agent)
        self.assertEqual(db.get_agent(209483)['v'], 'OVERWRITTENVVVV')

        # test update all
        db.update_all_agents('operational_state', 2)

        self.assertEqual(db.get_agent(209483)['operational_state'], 2)
        self.assertEqual(db.get_agent('2094aqrea3')['operational_state'], 2)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            db.update_all_agents('operational_stateaaaa', 2)

        # test count
        self.assertEqual(db.count_agents(), 2)

        # test print

        # test update all with json
        db.update_all_agents('vtpm_policy', '{"abv":"2"}')

        self.assertEqual(db.get_agent(209483)['vtpm_policy'], '{"abv":"2"}')
            db.get_agent('2094aqrea3')['vtpm_policy'], '{"abv":"2"}')