class Btcchina(object):
    def __init__(self,public_key,private_key):
        self.key = Key(public_key,private_key)

    def order_params(self,params):
        l = []
        order = ['tonce','accesskey','requestmethod','id','method','params']

        for field in order:
            l.append(field + '=' +str(params[field]))

        #join the list with '&' and replace '[', ']' and space
        return ('&'.join(l)).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(' ','')

    def _public_request(self,method):
        status_code = 0
        while status_code != 200:
            conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("data.btcchina.com")
            conn.request("GET", method)
                resp = conn.getresponse()
                status_code = resp.status
            except Exception:

        st = str(resp.read().decode('utf-8'))
        return json.loads(st)

    def _private_request(self,method,params):
        status_code = 0
        while status_code != 200:
            conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.btcchina.com")
            tonce = self.key.get_tonce()
            params = {"method":method,\
                      "tonce": tonce,\
                      "accesskey": self.key.BTCChina_api_key,\

            pstring = self.order_params(params)
            header = self.key.gen_header(pstring)
                conn.request("POST", "/api_trade_v1.php" , json.dumps(params), header)
                resp = conn.getresponse()
                status_code = resp.status
            except Exception:
                print("Error occured")
        st = str(resp.read().decode('utf-8'))

    def getinfo(self):
        method = "getAccountInfo"
        params = []
        return self._private_request(method,params)

    def buy(self,pair,amount=0.0,price=0.0):
        method = "buyOrder"
        params = [price,amount]

    def sell(self,pair,amount=0.0,price=0.0):
        method = "sellOrder"
        params = [price,amount]

    #parameter 'pair' is unused. It is to keep compatiblity with the the run method in the trade module
    def get_last(self,pair):
        method = "/data/ticker"
        return float(self._public_request(method)['ticker']['last'])

    def get_sell(self,pair):
        method = "/data/ticker"
        return float(self._public_request(method)['ticker']['sell'])

    def get_buy(self,pair):
        method = "/data/ticker"
        return float(self._public_request(method)['ticker']['buy'])
    def get_sales(self,pair):
        method = "/data/orderbook"
        sales = self._public_request(method)['asks']
        return [{'price':x[0],'amount':x[1]} for x in sales]

    def get_bids(self,pair):
        method = "/data/orderbook"
        bids = self._public_request(method)['bids']
        return [{'price':x[0],'amount':x[1]} for x in bids]
class Btcchina(object):
    def __init__(self, public_key, private_key):
        self.key = Key(public_key, private_key)

    def order_params(self, params):
        l = []
        order = ["tonce", "accesskey", "requestmethod", "id", "method", "params"]

        for field in order:
            l.append(field + "=" + str(params[field]))

        # join the list with '&' and replace '[', ']' and space
        return ("&".join(l)).replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(" ", "")

    def _public_request(self, method):
        status_code = 0
        while status_code != 200:
            conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("data.btcchina.com")
            conn.request("GET", method)
                resp = conn.getresponse()
                status_code = resp.status
            except Exception:

        st = str(resp.read().decode("utf-8"))
        return json.loads(st)

    def _private_request(self, method, params):
        status_code = 0
        while status_code != 200:
            conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.btcchina.com")
            tonce = self.key.get_tonce()
            params = {
                "method": method,
                "tonce": tonce,
                "accesskey": self.key.BTCChina_api_key,
                "requestmethod": "post",
                "id": tonce,
                "params": params,

            pstring = self.order_params(params)
            header = self.key.gen_header(pstring)
                conn.request("POST", "/api_trade_v1.php", json.dumps(params), header)
                resp = conn.getresponse()
                status_code = resp.status
            except Exception:
                print("Error occured")

        st = str(resp.read().decode("utf-8"))
        return json.loads(st)

    def getinfo(self):
        method = "getAccountInfo"
        params = []
        return self._private_request(method, params)

    def buy(self, pair, amount=0.0, price=0.0):
        method = "buyOrder"
        params = [price, amount]
        self._private_request(method, params)

    def sell(self, pair, amount=0.0, price=0.0):
        method = "sellOrder"
        params = [price, amount]
        self._private_request(method, params)

    # parameter 'pair' is unused. It is to keep compatiblity with the the run method in the trade module
    def get_last(self, pair):
        method = "/data/ticker"
        return float(self._public_request(method)["ticker"]["last"])

    def get_sell(self, pair):
        method = "/data/ticker"
        return float(self._public_request(method)["ticker"]["sell"])

    def get_buy(self, pair):
        method = "/data/ticker"
        return float(self._public_request(method)["ticker"]["buy"])

    def get_sales(self, pair):
        method = "/data/orderbook"
        sales = self._public_request(method)["asks"]
        return [{"price": x[0], "amount": x[1]} for x in sales]

    def get_bids(self, pair):
        method = "/data/orderbook"
        bids = self._public_request(method)["bids"]
        return [{"price": x[0], "amount": x[1]} for x in bids]