def test_ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_count): if vm_count == 'all': vm_ids = None else: vm_ids = vm_helper.get_any_vms(count=vm_count) assert vm_ids != [] vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_ids=vm_ids, fail_ok=False)
def test_non_primary_tenant(): vm_1 = vm_helper.boot_vm(cleanup='function', auth_info=Tenant.get('tenant1'))[1] vm_2 = vm_helper.launch_vms(vm_type='dpdk', auth_info=Tenant.get('tenant1'))[0][0] vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_id=vm_1) vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_id=vm_2) vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_ids=vm_2) vm_helper.ping_vms_from_vm(vm_2, vm_1, net_types='mgmt')
def test_snat_reset_router_ext_gateway(snat_setups): """ Test VM external access after evacuation. Args: snat_setups (tuple): returns vm id and fip. Enable snat, create vm and attach floating ip. Test Setups: - Find a tenant router that is dvr or non-dvr based on the parameter - Enable SNAT on tenant router - boot a vm and attach a floating ip - Ping vm from NatBox Test Steps: - Ping outside from VM - Clear router gateway - Verify vm cannot be ping'd from NatBox - Set router gateway - Verify vm can be ping'd from NatBox - Verify vm can ping outside Test Teardown: - Delete the created vm (module) - Disable SNAT on router (module) """ vm_, fip = snat_setups LOG.tc_step("Ping vm management net ip from NatBox") vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_, use_fip=False) # vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_, use_fip=True) LOG.tc_step("Ping outside from VM".format(vm_)) vm_helper.ping_ext_from_vm(vm_, use_fip=True) LOG.tc_step("Disassociate floatingip from vm and verify it's successful.") network_helper.unset_floating_ip(floating_ip=fip, port=True) # assert not network_helper.get_floating_ip_info(fip=fip, field='fixed_ip_address'), \ # "Floating ip {} still attached to fixed ip".format(fip) LOG.tc_step("Clear router gateway and verify vm cannot be ping'd from NatBox") fixed_ip = network_helper.get_router_ext_gateway_info()['external_fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] network_helper.clear_router_gateway(check_first=False) ping_res = vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_, fail_ok=True, use_fip=False)[0] assert ping_res is False, "VM can still be ping'd from outside after clearing router gateway." LOG.tc_step("Set router gateway with the same fixed ip") network_helper.set_router_gateway(clear_first=False, fixed_ips=fixed_ip, enable_snat=True) LOG.tc_step("Verify SNAT is enabled by default after setting router gateway.") assert network_helper.get_router_ext_gateway_info()['enable_snat'], "SNAT is not enabled by default." LOG.tc_step("Associate floating ip to vm") network_helper.associate_floating_ip_to_vm(floating_ip=fip, vm_id=vm_) LOG.tc_step("Verify vm can ping to and be ping'd from outside") vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_, timeout=60, fail_ok=False) vm_helper.ping_ext_from_vm(vm_, use_fip=True)
def test_snat_evacuate_vm(snat_setups, snat): """ Test VM external access after evacuation. Args: snat_setups (tuple): returns vm id and fip. Enable snat, create vm and attach floating ip. snat (bool): whether or not to enable SNAT on router Test Setups (module): - Find a tenant router that is dvr or non-dvr based on the parameter - Enable SNAT on tenant router - boot a vm and attach a floating ip - Ping vm from NatBox Test Steps: - Ping VM from NatBox - Reboot vm host - Verify vm is evacuated to other host - Verify vm can still ping outside Test Teardown: - Delete the created vm (module) - Disable snat (module) """ vm_ = snat_setups[0] snat = True if snat == 'snat_enabled' else False LOG.tc_step("Update tenant router external gateway to set SNAT to {}".format(snat)) network_helper.set_router_gateway(enable_snat=snat) time.sleep(30) vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_, timeout=60, use_fip=True) host = vm_helper.get_vm_host(vm_) LOG.tc_step("Ping VM from NatBox".format(vm_)) vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_, use_fip=False) # vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_, use_fip=True) LOG.tc_step("Evacuate vm") vm_helper.evacuate_vms(host=host, vms_to_check=vm_) LOG.tc_step("Verify vm can still ping outside") vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_, use_fip=snat, timeout=VMTimeout.DHCP_RETRY) vm_helper.ping_ext_from_vm(vm_, use_fip=True) host_helper.wait_for_hosts_ready(hosts=host) vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_, timeout=60, use_fip=False) if snat: vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_, timeout=60, use_fip=True)
def patch_function_check(request): vms = vm_helper.get_vms(name='patch', strict=False) boot_vm = False if len(vms) == 2 else True if not boot_vm: for vm in vms: if vm_helper.get_vm_status(vm) != VMStatus.ACTIVE or not vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm, fail_ok=True): boot_vm = True break if boot_vm: if vms: vm_helper.delete_vms(vms, remove_cleanup='module') vms = [] for source in ('volume', 'image'): vms.append(vm_helper.boot_vm(name='patch_{}'.format(source), source=source, cleanup='module')[1]) def remove_on_teardown():"Check vm status and delete if in bad state") for vm_ in vms: if vm_helper.get_vm_status(vm_) != VMStatus.ACTIVE: vm_helper.delete_vms(vm_, remove_cleanup='module') LOG.fixture_step("Remove test patches") remove_test_patches() request.addfinalizer(remove_on_teardown) return vms
def ping_vms_from_nat(request): """ TODO: - should only compare common vms - should pass as long as after test ping results are good regardless of the pre test results - if post test ping failed, then compare it with pre test ping to see if it's a okay failure. - better to re-utilize the check vm fixture so that we don't need to retrieving the info again. i.e., use fixture inside a fixture. Args: request: Returns: """"Gathering VMs ping to NAT before test begins.") before_ping_result = vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox() def verify_nat_ping(): after_ping_result = vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox() assert before_ping_result == after_ping_result"Ping from NAT Box to VMs verified.") request.addfinalizer(verify_nat_ping) return
def test_fip(): vm_id = vm_helper.boot_vm(name='snat', reuse_vol=False, cleanup='module')[1] LOG.tc_step("Ping from NatBox") vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_id, fail_ok=False, use_fip=False) LOG.tc_step("Create a floating ip and associate it to VM") floatingip = network_helper.create_floating_ip(cleanup='function')[1] network_helper.associate_floating_ip_to_vm(floatingip, vm_id) # vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_id, use_fip=False) TODO: used to work before Mitaka, but should not work? LOG.tc_step("Ping vm's floating ip from NatBox and ensure it's pingable") vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_id, use_fip=True) LOG.tc_step("Attempt to ping vm's private ip from NatBox") vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vm_id, use_fip=False)
def test_evacuate_vms_with_inst_backing(self, hosts_per_backing, storage_backing): """ Test evacuate vms with various vm storage configs and host instance backing configs Args: storage_backing: storage backing under test Skip conditions: - Less than two hosts configured with storage backing under test Setups: - Add admin role to primary tenant (module) Test Steps: - Create flv_rootdisk without ephemeral or swap disks, and set storage backing extra spec - Create flv_ephemswap with ephemeral AND swap disks, and set storage backing extra spec - Boot following vms on same host and wait for them to be pingable from NatBox: - Boot vm1 from volume with flavor flv_rootdisk - Boot vm2 from volume with flavor flv_localdisk - Boot vm3 from image with flavor flv_rootdisk - Boot vm4 from image with flavor flv_rootdisk, and attach a volume to it - Boot vm5 from image with flavor flv_localdisk - sudo reboot -f on vms host - Ensure evacuation for all 5 vms are successful (vm host changed, active state, pingable from NatBox) Teardown: - Delete created vms, volumes, flavors - Remove admin role from primary tenant (module) """ hosts = hosts_per_backing.get(storage_backing, []) if len(hosts) < 2: skip( SkipStorageBacking.LESS_THAN_TWO_HOSTS_WITH_BACKING.format( storage_backing)) target_host = hosts[0] LOG.tc_step("Create a flavor without ephemeral or swap disks") flavor_1 = nova_helper.create_flavor( 'flv_rootdisk', storage_backing=storage_backing)[1] ResourceCleanup.add('flavor', flavor_1, scope='function') LOG.tc_step("Create another flavor with ephemeral and swap disks") flavor_2 = nova_helper.create_flavor( 'flv_ephemswap', ephemeral=1, swap=512, storage_backing=storage_backing)[1] ResourceCleanup.add('flavor', flavor_2, scope='function') LOG.tc_step("Boot vm1 from volume with flavor flv_rootdisk and wait " "for it pingable from NatBox") vm1_name = "vol_root" vm1 = vm_helper.boot_vm(vm1_name, flavor=flavor_1, source='volume', avail_zone='nova', vm_host=target_host, cleanup='function')[1] vms_info = { vm1: { 'ephemeral': 0, 'swap': 0, 'vm_type': 'volume', 'disks': vm_helper.get_vm_devices_via_virsh(vm1) } } vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm1) LOG.tc_step("Boot vm2 from volume with flavor flv_localdisk and wait " "for it pingable from NatBox") vm2_name = "vol_ephemswap" vm2 = vm_helper.boot_vm(vm2_name, flavor=flavor_2, source='volume', avail_zone='nova', vm_host=target_host, cleanup='function')[1] vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm2) vms_info[vm2] = { 'ephemeral': 1, 'swap': 512, 'vm_type': 'volume', 'disks': vm_helper.get_vm_devices_via_virsh(vm2) } LOG.tc_step( "Boot vm3 from image with flavor flv_rootdisk and wait for " "it pingable from NatBox") vm3_name = "image_root" vm3 = vm_helper.boot_vm(vm3_name, flavor=flavor_1, source='image', avail_zone='nova', vm_host=target_host, cleanup='function')[1] vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm3) vms_info[vm3] = { 'ephemeral': 0, 'swap': 0, 'vm_type': 'image', 'disks': vm_helper.get_vm_devices_via_virsh(vm3) } LOG.tc_step("Boot vm4 from image with flavor flv_rootdisk, attach a " "volume to it and wait for it " "pingable from NatBox") vm4_name = 'image_root_attachvol' vm4 = vm_helper.boot_vm(vm4_name, flavor_1, source='image', avail_zone='nova', vm_host=target_host, cleanup='function')[1] vol = cinder_helper.create_volume(bootable=False)[1] ResourceCleanup.add('volume', vol, scope='function') vm_helper.attach_vol_to_vm(vm4, vol_id=vol, mount=False) vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm4) vms_info[vm4] = { 'ephemeral': 0, 'swap': 0, 'vm_type': 'image_with_vol', 'disks': vm_helper.get_vm_devices_via_virsh(vm4) } LOG.tc_step("Boot vm5 from image with flavor flv_localdisk and wait " "for it pingable from NatBox") vm5_name = 'image_ephemswap' vm5 = vm_helper.boot_vm(vm5_name, flavor_2, source='image', avail_zone='nova', vm_host=target_host, cleanup='function')[1] vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm5) vms_info[vm5] = { 'ephemeral': 1, 'swap': 512, 'vm_type': 'image', 'disks': vm_helper.get_vm_devices_via_virsh(vm5) } LOG.tc_step("Check all VMs are booted on {}".format(target_host)) vms_on_host = vm_helper.get_vms_on_host(hostname=target_host) vms = [vm1, vm2, vm3, vm4, vm5] assert set(vms) <= set(vms_on_host), "VMs booted on host: {}. " \ "Current vms on host: {}". \ format(vms, vms_on_host) for vm_ in vms: LOG.tc_step("Touch files under vm disks {}: " "{}".format(vm_, vms_info[vm_])) file_paths, content = touch_files_under_vm_disks( vm_, **vms_info[vm_]) vms_info[vm_]['file_paths'] = file_paths vms_info[vm_]['content'] = content LOG.tc_step("Reboot target host {}".format(target_host)) vm_helper.evacuate_vms(host=target_host, vms_to_check=vms, ping_vms=True) LOG.tc_step("Check files after evacuation") for vm_ in vms:"--------------------Check files for vm {}".format(vm_)) check_helper.check_vm_files(vm_id=vm_, vm_action='evacuate', storage_backing=storage_backing, prev_host=target_host, **vms_info[vm_]) vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vms)
def check_vms(vms): for vm in vms: assert vm_helper.get_vm_status(vm) == VMStatus.ACTIVE vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(fail_ok=False)
def test_system_upgrade(vms_with_upgrade, upgrade_setup, check_system_health_query_upgrade):"Boot VM before upgrade ") vms = vms_with_upgrade vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vms) lab = upgrade_setup['lab'] current_version = upgrade_setup['current_version'] upgrade_version = upgrade_setup['upgrade_version'] controller0 = lab['controller-0'] upgrade_helper.ensure_host_provisioned( force = False LOG.tc_step("Checking system health for upgrade .....") if check_system_health_query_upgrade[0] == 0:"System health OK for upgrade......") elif check_system_health_query_upgrade[0] == 2: "System health indicate minor alarms; using --force option to start upgrade......" ) force = True else: assert False, "System health query upgrade failed: {}".format( check_system_health_query_upgrade[1]) LOG.tc_step("Starting upgrade from release {} to target release {}".format( current_version, upgrade_version)) upgrade_helper.system_upgrade_start(force=force)"upgrade started successfully......") # upgrade standby controller LOG.tc_step("Upgrading controller-1") upgrade_helper.upgrade_host("controller-1", lock=True)"Host controller-1 is upgraded successfully......") vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vms) # unlock upgraded controller-1 LOG.tc_step("Unlocking controller-1 after upgrade......") host_helper.unlock_host("controller-1", available_only=True, check_hypervisor_up=False)"Host controller-1 unlocked after upgrade......") # Swact to standby controller-1 LOG.tc_step("Swacting to controller-1 .....") rc, output = host_helper.swact_host(hostname="controller-0") assert rc == 0, "Failed to swact: {}".format(output)"Swacted and controller-1 has become active......") # upgrade controller-0 LOG.tc_step("Upgrading controller-0......")"Ensure controller-0 is provisioned before upgrade.....") upgrade_helper.ensure_host_provisioned("Host {} is provisioned for upgrade.....".format( # open vlm console for controller-0 for boot through mgmt interface"Opening a vlm console for controller-0 .....") install_helper.open_vlm_console_thread("controller-0")"Starting {} upgrade.....".format( upgrade_helper.upgrade_host(, lock=True)"controller-0 is upgraded successfully.....") # unlock upgraded controller-0 LOG.tc_step("Unlocking controller-0 after upgrade......") host_helper.unlock_host(, available_only=True)"Host {} unlocked after upgrade......".format( vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vms) upgrade_hosts = install_helper.get_non_controller_system_hosts() "Starting upgrade of the other system hosts: {}".format(upgrade_hosts)) for host in upgrade_hosts: LOG.tc_step("Starting {} upgrade.....".format(host)) if "storage" in host: # wait for replication to be healthy storage_helper.wait_for_ceph_health_ok() upgrade_helper.upgrade_host(host, lock=True)"{} is upgraded successfully.....".format(host)) LOG.tc_step("Unlocking {} after upgrade......".format(host)) host_helper.unlock_host(host, available_only=True)"Host {} unlocked after upgrade......".format(host))"Host {} upgrade complete.....".format(host)) vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(vms) # Activate the upgrade LOG.tc_step("Activating upgrade....") upgrade_helper.activate_upgrade()"Upgrade activate complete.....") # Make controller-0 the active controller # Swact to standby controller-0 LOG.tc_step("Making controller-0 active.....") rc, output = host_helper.swact_host(hostname="controller-1") assert rc == 0, "Failed to swact: {}".format(output)"Swacted to controller-0 ......") # Complete upgrade LOG.tc_step("Completing upgrade from {} to {}".format( current_version, upgrade_version)) upgrade_helper.complete_upgrade()"Upgrade is complete......")"Lab: {} upgraded successfully".format(lab['name'])) # Delete the previous load LOG.tc_step("Deleting {} load... ".format(current_version)) upgrade_helper.delete_imported_load() LOG.tc_step("Delete previous load version {}".format(current_version))
def lock_unlock_host(backup_info, con_ssh, vms): """ Do lock & unlock hosts test before system backup. Args: backup_info: - options for system backup con_ssh: - current ssh connection to the target vms: - VMs on which their host to test Return: None """ active_controller_name = system_helper.get_active_controller_name() target_vm = random.choice(vms)'lock and unlock the host of VM:{}'.format(target_vm)) target_host = vm_helper.get_vm_host(target_vm, con_ssh=con_ssh) if target_host == active_controller_name: if not system_helper.is_aio_simplex(): LOG.warning( 'Attempt to lock the active controller on a non-simplex system' ) host_helper.swact_host() active_controller_name = system_helper.get_active_controller_name()'lock and unlock:{}'.format(target_host)) host_helper.lock_host(target_host) if not system_helper.is_aio_simplex():'check if the VM is pingable') vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(target_vm) else: 'skip pinging vm after locking the only node in a simlex system')'unlock:{}'.format(target_host)) host_helper.unlock_host(target_host) system_helper.wait_for_host_values(target_host, administrative='unlocked', availability='available', vim_progress_status='services-enabled') for tried in range(5): pingable, message = vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox(target_vm, fail_ok=(tried < 4)) if pingable:'failed to ping VM:{}, try again in 20 seconds'.format( target_vm)) time.sleep(20) else:'Succeeded to ping VM:{}'.format(target_vm)) break if backup_info.get('dest', 'local') == 'usb': if active_controller_name != 'controller-0': 'current active_controller: ' + active_controller_name + ', restore to controller-0 in case it was not after swact') host_helper.swact_host() active_controller_name = system_helper.get_active_controller_name() 'current active_controller should be restored to controller-0, actual:' + active_controller_name)
def verify_nat_ping(): after_ping_result = vm_helper.ping_vms_from_natbox() assert before_ping_result == after_ping_result"Ping from NAT Box to VMs verified.")