def transform(self, stream=None, filters=[]):
        Execute the template and apply any match transformations.

        If stream is specified, it must be one of the following:

          A kid.Element.
          An `pull.ElementStream` instance or other iterator that yields
          stream events.
          A file or URL unless the string starts with
          '<' in which case it is considered an XML document
          and processed as if it had been an Element.

        By default, the `pull` method is called to obtain the stream.
        if stream is None:
            stream = self.pull()
        elif isinstance(stream, basestring):
            if xml_sniff(stream):
                stream = XML(stream, fragment=False)
                stream = document(stream)
        elif hasattr(stream, 'tag'):
            stream = ElementStream(stream)
            stream = ElementStream.ensure(stream)
        for f in filters + self._filters:
            stream = f(stream, self)
        return stream
def transform_filter(stream, template):
    templates = template._get_match_templates()

    def apply_func(item):
        return transform_filter(generate_content(item), template)

    stream = ElementStream.ensure(stream)
    return ElementStream(apply_matches(stream, template, templates,
    def transform(self, stream=None, filters=[]):
        Execute the template and apply any match transformations.

        If stream is specified, it must be one of the following:

          A kid.Element.
          An `pull.ElementStream` instance or other iterator that yields
          stream events.
          A file or URL unless the string starts with
          '<' in which case it is considered an XML document
          and processed as if it had been an Element.

        By default, the `pull` method is called to obtain the stream.
        if stream is None:
            stream = self.pull()
        elif isinstance(stream, basestring):
            if xml_sniff(stream):
                stream = XML(stream, fragment=False)
                stream = document(stream)
        elif hasattr(stream, 'tag'):
            stream = ElementStream(stream)
            stream = ElementStream.ensure(stream)
        for f in filters + self._filters:
            stream = f(stream, self)
        return stream
 def pull(self):
     """Returns an iterator over the items in this template."""
     # create stream and apply filters
     stream = ElementStream(
         _coalesce(self.content(), self._get_assume_encoding()))
     return stream
def generate_content(content):
    """Generate ElementStream from content."""
    if content is None:
        return []
    elif isinstance(content, basestring):
        return [(TEXT, content)]
    elif isinstance(content, (ElementStream, kid.BaseTemplate)):
        return content
    elif isinstance(content, GeneratorType):
        return ElementStream(content)
    elif hasattr(content, 'tag') and hasattr(content, 'attrib'):
        # if we get an Element back, make it an ElementStream
        return ElementStream(content)
    elif hasattr(content, '__iter__'):
        # if we get any other iterable, chain the contents together:
        return itertools.chain(*itertools.imap(generate_content, content))
        return [(TEXT, unicode(content))]
def xinclude_filter(stream, template):
    xi = Namespace('')
    include = xi.include
    fallback = xi.fallback
    for ev, item in stream:
        if ev == START and item.tag == include:
            item = item.expand()
            href = item.get('href')
                doc = document(href, template._get_assume_encoding())
                fallback_elm = item.find(fallback)
                for ev, item in ElementStream(fallback_elm).strip(1):
                    yield ev, item
                for ev, item in doc:
                    if ev != XML_DECL:
                        yield ev
def apply_matches(stream, template, templates, apply_func):
    for ev, item in stream:
        if ev == START:
            matched = False
            for i in range(0, len(templates)):
                match, call = templates[i]
                if match(item):
                    item = stream.expand()
                    newstream = _coalesce(call(template, item, apply_func),
                    if len(templates) < 2:
                        for ev, item in newstream:
                            yield ev, item
                        for ev, item in apply_matches(
                                ElementStream(newstream), template,
                                templates[:i] + templates[i + 1:], apply_func):
                            yield ev, item
                    matched = True
            if matched:
        yield ev, item
def test_expand_fragments():
    """Testcase for expanding XML fragments (ticket #145)."""
    template = """<div xmlns:py=""
        py:replace="stream" />"""
    t = Template("""\
        <div xmlns:py="">
            <div py:for="i in range(3)">
                <p>Hello World #$i</p>
    s = t.serialize(fragment=True)
    expected = """<div>
                <p>Hello World #0</p>
                <p>Hello World #1</p>
                <p>Hello World #2</p>
    assert s == expected
    stream = ElementStream(t.transform()).expand()
    t2 = Template(source=template, stream=stream)
    s2 = t2.serialize(fragment=True)
    assert s2 == s
    t = Template("""\
        <div xmlns:py="" py:for="i in range(3)">
            <p>Hello World #$i</p>
    s = t.serialize(fragment=True)
    expected = """<div>
            <p>Hello World #0</p>
            <p>Hello World #1</p>
            <p>Hello World #2</p>
    assert s == expected
    stream = ElementStream(t.transform()).expand()
    t2 = Template(source=template, stream=stream)
    s2 = t2.serialize(fragment=True)
    assert s2 == s
    t = Template("""\
        <div xmlns:py="">
            <div py:strip="True">
                <p>Hello World</p>
    s = t.serialize(fragment=True)
    expected = """<div>
                <p>Hello World</p>
    assert s == expected
    stream = ElementStream(t.transform()).expand()
    t2 = Template(source=template, stream=stream)
    s2 = t2.serialize(fragment=True)
    assert s2 == s
    t = Template("""\
        <div xmlns:py="" py:strip="True">
            <p>Hello World</p>
    s = t.serialize(fragment=True).strip()
    expected = """<p>Hello World</p>"""
    assert s == expected
    stream = ElementStream(t.transform()).expand()
    t2 = Template(source=template, stream=stream)
    s2 = t2.serialize(fragment=True).strip()
    assert s2 == s
文件: 项目: thraxil/gtreed
def transform_filter(stream, template):
    templates = template._get_match_templates()
    def apply_func(item):
        return transform_filter(generate_content(item), template)
    stream = ElementStream.ensure(stream)
    return ElementStream(apply_matches(stream, template, templates, apply_func))