def bigtest(): from jds_image_proc.clouds import voxel_downsample from jds_image_proc.pcd_io import load_xyz import mayavi.mlab as mlab pts = load_xyz("/home/joschu/Data/scp/three_objs_ds.pcd") #pts = voxel_downsample(xyz, .03, False) mlab.clf() mlab.points3d(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], pts[:, 2], color=(1, 1, 1), scale_factor=.01) clus = [] labels = decompose(pts, .025) for i in xrange(labels.max() + 1): clu = np.flatnonzero(labels == i) clus.append(clu) for clu in sorted(clus, key=len, reverse=True): if len(clu) < 10: break dirs = ss.get_sphere_points(1) sup_pd =[clu, :], dirs.T) best_d = sup_pd.max(axis=0) print "max deficit", (sup_pd - best_d[None, :]).max(axis=1).min() mlab.points3d(pts[clu, 0], pts[clu, 1], pts[clu, 2], color=(rand(), rand(), rand()), scale_factor=.01) raw_input()
def bigtest(): from jds_image_proc.clouds import voxel_downsample from jds_image_proc.pcd_io import load_xyz import mayavi.mlab as mlab pts = load_xyz("/home/joschu/Data/scp/three_objs_ds.pcd") #pts = voxel_downsample(xyz, .03, False) mlab.clf() mlab.points3d(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], pts[:,2], color = (1,1,1), scale_factor=.01) clus = [] labels = decompose(pts, .025) for i in xrange(labels.max()+1): clu = np.flatnonzero(labels == i) clus.append(clu) for clu in sorted(clus, key=len, reverse=True): if len(clu) < 10: break dirs = ss.get_sphere_points(1) sup_pd =[clu,:], dirs.T) best_d = sup_pd.max(axis=0) print "max deficit",(sup_pd - best_d[None,:]).max(axis=1).min() mlab.points3d(pts[clu,0], pts[clu,1], pts[clu,2], color = (rand(),rand(),rand()), scale_factor=.01) raw_input()
def generate_db(db, manip, xlim, ylim, zlim, xres, yres, zres, subdivisions): manip_name = manip.GetName() group = db.h5file[manip_name] erase_all_data(group) pointing_axes = sphere_sampling.get_sphere_points(subdivisions) xticks = np.arange(xlim[0], xlim[1], xres) yticks = np.arange(ylim[0], ylim[1], yres) zticks = np.arange(zlim[0], zlim[1], zres) nx, ny, nz = xticks.size, yticks.size, zticks.size x0, y0, z0 = manip.GetBase().GetTransform()[:3, 3] reachable = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz), dtype='uint8') t_start = time() count = 0 n_total_ik = len(pointing_axes) * reachable.size for (i_ax, x_ax) in enumerate(pointing_axes): for (ix, iy, iz) in np.ndindex(nx, ny, nz): if count % 200 == 100: t_remains = (n_total_ik - count) / count * (time() - t_start) print "%i hours, %i minutes, %i seconds remain" % ( t_remains // 3600, t_remains // 60 % 60, t_remains % 60) #if iz == 0: #print "orientation %i of %i. position %i of %i -----"%(i_ax+1, len(pointing_axes), count+1, reachable.size) posemat = np.eye(4) posemat[:3, 3] = [xticks[ix] + x0, yticks[iy] + y0, zticks[iz] + z0] posemat[:3, :3] = make_orth_basis(x_ax) try: solns = manip.FindIKSolutions(posemat, 2 + 16) reachable[ix, iy, iz] = len(solns) except Exception: print "error when solving for ik" reachable[ix, iy, iz] = 0 count += 1 ax_str = str(i_ax) group[ax_str] = reachable group["xticks"] = xticks group["yticks"] = yticks group["zticks"] = zticks group["pointing_axes"] = pointing_axes
def generate_db(db, manip, xlim, ylim, zlim, xres, yres, zres, subdivisions): manip_name = manip.GetName() group = db.h5file[manip_name] erase_all_data(group) pointing_axes = sphere_sampling.get_sphere_points(subdivisions) xticks = np.arange(xlim[0], xlim[1], xres) yticks = np.arange(ylim[0], ylim[1], yres) zticks = np.arange(zlim[0], zlim[1], zres) nx, ny, nz = xticks.size, yticks.size, zticks.size x0, y0, z0 = manip.GetBase().GetTransform()[:3,3] reachable = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz), dtype='uint8') t_start = time() count = 0 n_total_ik = len(pointing_axes) * reachable.size for (i_ax, x_ax) in enumerate(pointing_axes): for (ix, iy, iz) in np.ndindex(nx, ny, nz): if count % 200 == 100: t_remains = (n_total_ik - count) / count * (time() - t_start) print "%i hours, %i minutes, %i seconds remain"%(t_remains//3600, t_remains//60%60, t_remains%60) #if iz == 0: #print "orientation %i of %i. position %i of %i -----"%(i_ax+1, len(pointing_axes), count+1, reachable.size) posemat = np.eye(4) posemat[:3,3] = [xticks[ix] + x0, yticks[iy] + y0, zticks[iz] + z0] posemat[:3,:3] = make_orth_basis(x_ax) try: solns = manip.FindIKSolutions(posemat, 2+16) reachable[ix,iy,iz] = len(solns) except Exception: print "error when solving for ik" reachable[ix, iy, iz] = 0 count += 1 ax_str = str(i_ax) group[ax_str] = reachable group["xticks"] = xticks group["yticks"] = yticks group["zticks"] = zticks group["pointing_axes"] = pointing_axes
def decompose(x, thresh): if x.shape[1] == 2: n_dirs = 8 dirs = np.array([(cos(x), sin(x)) for x in (2 * pi * np.arange(n_dirs)) / n_dirs]) elif x.shape[1] == 3: dirs = ss.get_sphere_points(1) n_dirs = len(dirs) #dists = ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(x)) #pt2nn = dists.argsort(axis=1)[:,:5] #def neighbors(ind): #return pt2nn[ind] tree = kdtree.KDTree(x) def neighbors(ind): return tree.query(x[ind], 5)[1] print "starting" n_pts = x.shape[0] pt2supports = pt2label = np.zeros(n_pts, int) UNLABELED = -1 pt2label.fill(UNLABELED) i_seed = 0 i_label = 0 while True: while True: if i_seed == n_pts: return pt2label if pt2label[i_seed] == UNLABELED: break i_seed += 1 logging.debug("starting new region with %i", i_seed) pt2dirs = {} dir2supinfo = [ supinfo([i_seed], [pt2supports[i_seed][i_dir]], pt2supports[i_seed][i_dir]) for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs) ] pt2label[i_seed] = i_label pt2dirs[i_seed] = set(range(n_dirs)) frontier = deque() rejected = set([]) frontier.extend(neighbors(i_seed)) print "neighbs", neighbors(i_seed) while len(frontier) > 0: ###### #clu = pt2dirs.keys() #sup_pd = x[clu,:].dot(dirs.T) #best_d = sup_pd.max(axis=0) #for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs): #i_nearext = [clu[i] for i in np.flatnonzero(best_d[i_dir] - sup_pd[:,i_dir] < thresh)] #assert( set(dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds) == set(i_nearext) ) ### #print dir2supinfo #raw_input() logging.debug("frontier: %s", frontier) i_cur = frontier.popleft() if pt2label[i_cur] != UNLABELED or i_cur in rejected: continue sup_cur = pt2supports[i_cur] logging.debug("checking: %i", i_cur) print i_cur reject = False pt2decrement = defaultdict(int) for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs): cursup = sup_cur[i_dir] if cursup > dir2supinfo[i_dir].best: for (i_pt, sup) in zip(dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds, dir2supinfo[i_dir].supports): if cursup - sup > thresh: pt2decrement[i_pt] += 1 for (i_pt, dec) in pt2decrement.items(): if dec == len(pt2dirs[i_pt]): reject = True logging.debug("rejected because %i would be interior", i_pt) if reject: logging.debug("reject") print "reject" raw_input() rejected.add(i_cur) if not reject: pt2label[i_cur] = i_label pt2dirs[i_cur] = set([ i_dir for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs) if dir2supinfo[i_dir].best - sup_cur[i_dir] < thresh ]) for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs): cursup = sup_cur[i_dir] if cursup > dir2supinfo[i_dir].best: filtinds, filtsups = [], [] for (i_pt, sup) in zip(dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds, dir2supinfo[i_dir].supports): if cursup - sup >= thresh: pt2dirs[i_pt].remove(i_dir) else: filtinds.append(i_pt) filtsups.append(sup) filtinds.append(i_cur) filtsups.append(cursup) dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds = filtinds dir2supinfo[i_dir].supports = filtsups dir2supinfo[i_dir].best = cursup elif cursup > dir2supinfo[i_dir].best - thresh: dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds.append(i_cur) dir2supinfo[i_dir].supports.append(cursup) logging.debug("adding %i. new clu: %s", i_cur, pt2dirs.keys()) frontier.extend(neighbors(i_cur)) i_label += 1
def decompose(x, thresh): if x.shape[1] == 2: n_dirs = 8 dirs = np.array([(cos(x), sin(x)) for x in (2*pi*np.arange(n_dirs))/n_dirs]) elif x.shape[1] == 3: dirs = ss.get_sphere_points(1) n_dirs = len(dirs) #dists = ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(x)) #pt2nn = dists.argsort(axis=1)[:,:5] #def neighbors(ind): #return pt2nn[ind] tree = kdtree.KDTree(x) def neighbors(ind): return tree.query(x[ind], 5)[1] print "starting" n_pts = x.shape[0] pt2supports = pt2label = np.zeros(n_pts, int) UNLABELED = -1 pt2label.fill(UNLABELED) i_seed = 0 i_label = 0 while True: while True: if i_seed == n_pts: return pt2label if pt2label[i_seed] == UNLABELED: break i_seed += 1 logging.debug("starting new region with %i", i_seed) pt2dirs = {} dir2supinfo = [supinfo([i_seed], [pt2supports[i_seed][i_dir]], pt2supports[i_seed][i_dir]) for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs)] pt2label[i_seed] = i_label pt2dirs[i_seed] = set(range(n_dirs)) frontier = deque() rejected = set([]) frontier.extend(neighbors(i_seed)) print "neighbs", neighbors(i_seed) while len(frontier) > 0: ###### #clu = pt2dirs.keys() #sup_pd = x[clu,:].dot(dirs.T) #best_d = sup_pd.max(axis=0) #for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs): #i_nearext = [clu[i] for i in np.flatnonzero(best_d[i_dir] - sup_pd[:,i_dir] < thresh)] #assert( set(dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds) == set(i_nearext) ) ### #print dir2supinfo #raw_input() logging.debug("frontier: %s",frontier) i_cur = frontier.popleft() if pt2label[i_cur] != UNLABELED or i_cur in rejected: continue sup_cur = pt2supports[i_cur] logging.debug("checking: %i", i_cur) print i_cur reject = False pt2decrement = defaultdict(int) for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs): cursup = sup_cur[i_dir] if cursup > dir2supinfo[i_dir].best: for (i_pt, sup) in zip(dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds, dir2supinfo[i_dir].supports): if cursup - sup > thresh: pt2decrement[i_pt] += 1 for (i_pt, dec) in pt2decrement.items(): if dec == len(pt2dirs[i_pt]): reject = True logging.debug("rejected because %i would be interior", i_pt) if reject: logging.debug("reject") print "reject" raw_input() rejected.add(i_cur) if not reject: pt2label[i_cur] = i_label pt2dirs[i_cur] = set([i_dir for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs) if dir2supinfo[i_dir].best - sup_cur[i_dir] < thresh]) for i_dir in xrange(n_dirs): cursup = sup_cur[i_dir] if cursup > dir2supinfo[i_dir].best: filtinds, filtsups = [],[] for (i_pt, sup) in zip(dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds, dir2supinfo[i_dir].supports): if cursup - sup >= thresh: pt2dirs[i_pt].remove(i_dir) else: filtinds.append(i_pt) filtsups.append(sup) filtinds.append(i_cur) filtsups.append(cursup) dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds = filtinds dir2supinfo[i_dir].supports = filtsups dir2supinfo[i_dir].best = cursup elif cursup > dir2supinfo[i_dir].best - thresh: dir2supinfo[i_dir].inds.append(i_cur) dir2supinfo[i_dir].supports.append(cursup) logging.debug("adding %i. new clu: %s", i_cur, pt2dirs.keys()) frontier.extend(neighbors(i_cur)) i_label += 1