def convert_poses_to_trajectory(poses, initial_joint_state, linear_vel, leeway=2.0, warn_threshold=0): last_joints = initial_joint_state.position last_pos = np.array(urkin.fwd_kin(last_joints)[:3, 3]).T[0] traj = JointTrajectory() traj.header.stamp = traj.joint_names = traj.points.append(construct_joint_point(last_joints, 0.0)) # Kind of a hack, offset correction due to fwd kins not being exact believed_pos = point_to_array( urkin.fwd_kin(last_joints, o_unit='p').position) correction = believed_pos - point_to_array(poses[0].position) joints = [last_joints] t = 0.0 for pose in poses: pose.position = Point(*point_to_array(pose.position) + correction) new_pos = point_to_array(pose.position) new_joints = urkin.inv_kin(pose, last_joints) dt = max( np.linalg.norm(new_pos - last_pos) / linear_vel * leeway, 0.01) t += dt traj.points.append(construct_joint_point(new_joints, t)) last_joints = new_joints last_pos = new_pos joints.append(new_joints) if warn_threshold > 0: joints = np.array(joints) sum_abs_diff = np.abs(joints[:-1] - joints[1:]).sum(axis=1) if np.any(sum_abs_diff > warn_threshold): rospy.logwarn( 'Detected a large joint movement! Either near singularity or need to increase path resolution' ) sys.exit(1) goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() goal.trajectory = traj return goal
def choose_q(out_invKine, index): out_invKine[0:5,:] = out_invKine[0:5,:] - (out_invKine[0:5,:]>math.pi)*2*math.pi + (out_invKine[0:5,:]<-math.pi)*2*math.pi # print(out_invKine)1) for i in range(8): q = [joint[0,i] for joint in out_invKine] print('q %s', q) print('fwd %s' %fwd_kin(q, o_unit = 'p')) return [joint[0,index] for joint in out_invKine]
def main(): with tf.Session() as sess: def dynamics(x,t,tau_v,g_v,q0_v,grasping_point,sess): position = grasping_point s_v = canoSystem(tau_v,t) feeddict = {g[0]:g_v[0],g[1]:g_v[1],g[2]:g_v[2],g[3]:g_v[3],g[4]:g_v[4],g[5]:g_v[5], q[0]:x[0],q[1]:x[1],q[2]:x[2],q[3]:x[3],q[4]:x[4],q[5]:x[5], qd[0]:x[6],qd[1]:x[7],qd[2]:x[8],qd[3]:x[9],qd[4]:x[10],qd[5]:x[11], q0[0]:q0_v[0],q0[1]:q0_v[1],q0[2]:q0_v[2],q0[3]:q0_v[3],q0[4]:q0_v[4],q0[5]:q0_v[5], tau:tau_v,s:s_v,xg:position[0],yg:position[1],zg:position[2] } qdd1_v,qdd2_v,qdd3_v,qdd4_v,qdd5_v,qdd6_v =,feed_dict = feeddict) dx = [x[6],x[7],x[8],x[9],x[10],x[11],qdd1_v,qdd2_v,qdd3_v,qdd4_v,qdd5_v,qdd6_v] return dx period = 50 t = np.linspace(2, period, 100) print(t) tau_v = float(1)/period # q0_v = [-0.0003235975848596695, -1.040771786366598, 1.6213598251342773, -0.34193402925600225, 1.5711277723312378, 3.141711950302124] q0_v = [0, -pi/2, pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi] v0 = [0,0,0,0,0,0] x0 = []; x0.extend(q0_v); x0.extend(v0) print("Initiate Object Detection") STATE = 'NONE' _,_,_, last_capture = IntelRealsense.pingpong_detection(display = False) T_camera2base = IntelRealsense.transformation_camera2base() T_end2base = IntelRealsense.transformation_end2base() gripper = np.array([ [0], [0], [0.1], [1] ]) Y = np.array([ [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0] ]) X = np.array([ [np.random.normal(0, sigma_x)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_y)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_d)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_x)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_y)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_d)] ]) X, P = init_state(X, Y, 0) print('First State is %s' %X) I = np.identity(6, dtype=float) H = np.identity(6, dtype=float) count = 0 global client try: rospy.init_node("dmp", anonymous=True, disable_signals=True) client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() print ("Connected to server") parameters = rospy.get_param(None) index = str(parameters).find('prefix') if (index > 0): prefix = str(parameters)[index+len("prefix': '"):(index+len("prefix': '")+str(parameters)[index+len("prefix': '"):-1].find("'"))] for i, name in enumerate(JOINT_NAMES): JOINT_NAMES[i] = prefix + name book = Workbook() sheet = excel_row = 1 while(True): initial_time = time.time() pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth, capture = IntelRealsense.pingpong_detection(display = True) pingpong_camera = IntelRealsense.reverse_perspective_projection(pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth); pingpong_camera[3] = 1 processing = capture - last_capture; timestep = processing pingpong_base = v_x, v_depth, v_z, a_x, a_y, a_depth, STATE = IntelRealsense.pingpong_velocity(STATE, pingpong_base[0,0], pingpong_base[1,0], pingpong_base[2,0], capture, display = False) last_capture = capture sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 1).value = pingpong_base[0] sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 2).value = pingpong_base[1] sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 3).value = pingpong_base[2] sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 4).value = v_x sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 5).value = v_depth sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 6).value = v_z sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 7).value = a_x sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 8).value = a_y sheet.cell(row = excel_row,column = 9).value = a_depth excel_row +=1 if excel_row == 10000:'/home/s/catkin_ws/src/camera/src/real_world_variance.xlsx') print('Excel Saved') # print('Real World Coordinates From KF \n %s \n' %pingpong_camera) # print('Ping-Pong Position (Base Frame) \n %s \n' %pingpong_base) grasping_point = [pingpong_base[0], pingpong_base[1], pingpong_base[2]] # print('grasping point %s' %grasping_point) pingpong_base = pingpong_base - inp_invKine = IntelRealsense.transformation_end2base(pingpong_base[0,0],pingpong_base[1,0],pingpong_base[2,0]) inv_pingpong = invKine(inp_invKine) # print('IK \n %s \n' %inv_pingpong) grasping_q = cost_func(inv_pingpong) # print('Grasping q \n%s\n' %grasping_q) g_v = grasping_q print('grasping_q %s' %grasping_q) fwd_grasping = fwd_kin(g_v, o_unit = 'p') print('fwd Grasping q %s' %fwd_grasping) inp = raw_input("Set Home! (Enter to continue)") set_home(set_duration = 10) # inp = raw_input("Continue? y/n: ")[0] # if (inp == 'y'): # q_ode = odeint(dynamics,x0,t,args=(tau_v,g_v,q0_v,grasping_point,sess)) q_ode = np.load('q_sample1.npy') # set_home(g_v, 3) # print('q_ode %s' %q_ode) t = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 100) move_dmp_path(q_ode,t) final_time = time.time() print("Processing Time : %s" %(final_time-initial_time)) # else: # print ("Halting program") # break # print('\n#############################################\n') except KeyboardInterrupt: rospy.signal_shutdown("KeyboardInterrupt") raise
m_rest = 100 # fontsize fs = 40 motor_pos = np.array(range(-80, 150, 20)) - m_rest h = np.array([ 1 + 6.0 / 16, 1 + 3.0 / 16, 1 + 1.0 / 16, 14.5 / 16, 11.5 / 16, 9.5 / 16, 6.5 / 16, 4.0 / 16, 1.5 / 16, 0, -1 + 12.5 / 16, -1 + 10.0 / 16 ]) # convert to mm h = h * -25.4 h_calc = np.array([]) # h_calc = [np.append(h_calc,k.fwd_kin(m)) for m in motor_pos] h_calc = [k.fwd_kin(m) for m in motor_pos] # error = calculated - physical (actual) e = h_calc - h # square error se = np.power(e, 2) # absolute error ae = np.abs(e) print(ae) print(np.mean(ae)) print(np.std(ae)) plt.plot(motor_pos, h) plt.plot(motor_pos, h_calc, '--') plt.legend([r"Actual", r"Calculated"], fontsize=20) plt.grid(True)
def main(): with tf.Session() as sess: def dynamics(x, t, tau_v, g_v, q0_v, grasping_point, sess): position = grasping_point s_v = canoSystem(tau_v, t) feeddict = { g[0]: g_v[0], g[1]: g_v[1], g[2]: g_v[2], g[3]: g_v[3], g[4]: g_v[4], g[5]: g_v[5], q[0]: x[0], q[1]: x[1], q[2]: x[2], q[3]: x[3], q[4]: x[4], q[5]: x[5], qd[0]: x[6], qd[1]: x[7], qd[2]: x[8], qd[3]: x[9], qd[4]: x[10], qd[5]: x[11], q0[0]: q0_v[0], q0[1]: q0_v[1], q0[2]: q0_v[2], q0[3]: q0_v[3], q0[4]: q0_v[4], q0[5]: q0_v[5], tau: tau_v, s: s_v, xg: position[0], yg: position[1], zg: position[2] } qdd1_v, qdd2_v, qdd3_v, qdd4_v, qdd5_v, qdd6_v = dmpNet, feed_dict=feeddict) dx = [ x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9], x[10], x[11], qdd1_v, qdd2_v, qdd3_v, qdd4_v, qdd5_v, qdd6_v ] return dx period = 20 t = np.linspace(2, period, 100) tau_v = float(1) / period # q0_v = [-0.0003235975848596695, -1.040771786366598, 1.6213598251342773, -0.34193402925600225, 1.5711277723312378, 3.141711950302124] q0_v = [0, -pi / 2, pi / 2, 0, pi / 2, pi] v0 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] x0 = [] x0.extend(q0_v) x0.extend(v0) print("Initiate Object Detection") STATE = 'NONE' _, _, _, last_capture = IntelRealsense.pingpong_detection( display=False) T_camera2base = IntelRealsense.transformation_camera2base() T_end2base = IntelRealsense.transformation_end2base() gripper = np.array([[0], [0], [0.1], [1]]) Y = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0]]) X = np.array([[np.random.normal(0, sigma_x)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_y)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_d)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_x)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_y)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_d)]]) X, P, X_pred = init_state(X, Y, 0) I = np.identity(6, dtype=float) H = np.identity(6, dtype=float) count = 0 global client try: rospy.init_node("dmp", anonymous=True, disable_signals=True) client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() print("Connected to server") parameters = rospy.get_param(None) index = str(parameters).find('prefix') if (index > 0): prefix = str(parameters)[index + len("prefix': '"):( index + len("prefix': '") + str(parameters)[index + len("prefix': '"):-1].find("'"))] for i, name in enumerate(JOINT_NAMES): JOINT_NAMES[i] = prefix + name straight_inp = raw_input("Set Straight y/n?") if straight_inp == 'y': set_home(straight, 5) set_home(set_duration=10) # inp = raw_input("Continue? (Enter to continue)") while (True): if STATE == 'GRASPING': print('X: %s' % X) dist = X[0, 0]**2 + X[1, 0]**2 + X[2, 0]**2 timestep_stack = 0 while (dist >= 0.81): timestep_stack += timestep X = grasping_prediction(X, timestep) dist = X[0, 0]**2 + X[1, 0]**2 + X[2, 0]**2 print(dist) print('X: %s (timestep_stack %s)' % (X, timestep_stack)) pingpong_base[0] = X[0] pingpong_base[1] = X[2] pingpong_base[2] = X[1] # print('Real World Coordinates From KF \n %s \n' %pingpong_camera) # pingpong_base = print('Ping-Pong Position (Base Frame) \n %s \n' % pingpong_base) # grasping_point = [pingpong_base[0], pingpong_base[1], pingpong_base[2]] # print('grasping point %s' %grasping_point) grasping_point = [ pingpong_base[0], pingpong_base[1], pingpong_base[2] ] pingpong_base = pingpong_base - gripper) # ** inp_invKine = IntelRealsense.transformation_end2base( pingpong_base[0, 0], pingpong_base[1, 0], pingpong_base[2, 0]) inv_pingpong = invKine(inp_invKine) # grasping_q = choose_q(inv_pingpong,0) # print('IK \n %s \n' %inv_pingpong) grasping_q = cost_func(inv_pingpong) # print('Grasping q \n%s\n' %grasping_q) #### to Kanut DMP #### g_v = grasping_q # print('grasping_q %s' %grasping_q) fwd_grasping = fwd_kin(g_v, o_unit='p') print('fwd Grasping q %s' % fwd_grasping) # inp = raw_input("Set Home! (Enter to continue)") # set_home(set_duration = 10) # inp = raw_input("Continue? y/n: ")[0] # if (inp == 'y'): # q_ode = odeint(dynamics,x0,t,args=(tau_v,g_v,q0_v,grasping_point,sess)) # q_ode = np.load('q.npy') set_home(g_v, 3) # print(q_ode) # move_dmp_path(q_ode,t) STATE = 'STOP' time.sleep(2) set_home(set_duration=10) # print('q_ode %s' %q_ode) # move_dmp_path(q_ode,t) # else: # print ("Halting program") # break elif STATE != 'GRASPING' and STATE != 'STOP': initial_time = time.time() pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth, capture = IntelRealsense.pingpong_detection( display=True) # Positional Detection pingpong_camera = IntelRealsense.reverse_perspective_projection( pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth) pingpong_camera[3] = 1 # Real World Positional Projection processing = capture - last_capture timestep = processing # Define timestep values # print('Distance from camera \n%s' %(pingpong_camera)) pingpong_base = pingpong_camera ) # changing reference frame to base frame # print('Distance from base UR5 %s (%s)' %(pingpong_base, timestep)) v_x, v_depth, v_z, a_x, a_y, a_depth, STATE = IntelRealsense.pingpong_velocity( STATE, pingpong_base[0, 0], pingpong_base[1, 0], pingpong_base[2, 0], capture, display=False) # Velocity Detection last_capture = capture #### Kalman Filter Supitcha Klanpradit #### if STATE != 'NONE': # print('(x,y,depth,v_x,v_y,v_depth) (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' %(pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth, v_x, v_depth, v_z)) Y = np.array([ pingpong_base[0], pingpong_base[2], pingpong_base[1], [(v_x != 999) * (v_x)], [(v_z != 999) * (v_z)], [(v_depth != 999) * (v_depth)] ]) # print('Y : %s, STATE : %s' %(Y, STATE)) if STATE == 'VELOCITY': X, P, X_pred = init_detection_state( X, P, Y, timestep) # print('P: %s' %P) elif STATE == 'KALMAN': X, P, X_pred = kalman_filter(X, Y, H, P, timestep) count += 1 if count >= 3: STATE = 'GRASPING' # final_time = time.time() # print("Processing Time : %s" %(final_time-initial_time)) except KeyboardInterrupt: rospy.signal_shutdown("KeyboardInterrupt") raise
def main(): with tf.Session() as sess: def dynamics(x, t, tau_v, g_v, q0_v, grasping_point, sess): position = grasping_point s_v = canoSystem(tau_v, t) feeddict = { g[0]: g_v[0], g[1]: g_v[1], g[2]: g_v[2], g[3]: g_v[3], g[4]: g_v[4], g[5]: g_v[5], q[0]: x[0], q[1]: x[1], q[2]: x[2], q[3]: x[3], q[4]: x[4], q[5]: x[5], qd[0]: x[6], qd[1]: x[7], qd[2]: x[8], qd[3]: x[9], qd[4]: x[10], qd[5]: x[11], q0[0]: q0_v[0], q0[1]: q0_v[1], q0[2]: q0_v[2], q0[3]: q0_v[3], q0[4]: q0_v[4], q0[5]: q0_v[5], tau: tau_v, s: s_v, xg: position[0], yg: position[1], zg: position[2] } qdd1_v, qdd2_v, qdd3_v, qdd4_v, qdd5_v, qdd6_v = dmpNet, feed_dict=feeddict) dx = [ x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9], x[10], x[11], qdd1_v, qdd2_v, qdd3_v, qdd4_v, qdd5_v, qdd6_v ] return dx period = 20 t = np.linspace(5, period, 20) tau_v = float(1) / period q0_v = [0, -pi / 2, pi / 2, 0, pi / 2, pi] v0 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] x0 = [] x0.extend(q0_v) x0.extend(v0) print("Initiate Object Detection") STATE = 'NONE' _, _, _, last_capture = IntelRealsense.pingpong_detection( display=False) T_camera2base = IntelRealsense.transformation_camera2base() T_end2base = IntelRealsense.transformation_end2base() gripper = np.array([[0], [0], [0.1], [1]]) Y = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0]]) X = np.array([[np.random.normal(0, sigma_x)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_y)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_d)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_x)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_y)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_d)]]) X, P, _ = init_state(X, Y, 0) print('First State is %s' % X) I = np.identity(6, dtype=float) H = np.identity(6, dtype=float) count = 0 global client try: rospy.init_node("dmp", anonymous=True, disable_signals=True) client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() print("Connected to server") parameters = rospy.get_param(None) index = str(parameters).find('prefix') if (index > 0): prefix = str(parameters)[index + len("prefix': '"):( index + len("prefix': '") + str(parameters)[index + len("prefix': '"):-1].find("'"))] for i, name in enumerate(JOINT_NAMES): JOINT_NAMES[i] = prefix + name book = Workbook() sheet = excel_row = 1 while (True): initial_time = time.time() straight_inp = raw_input("Set Straight y/n?") if straight_inp == 'y': set_home(straight, 5) pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth, capture = IntelRealsense.pingpong_detection( display=True) pingpong_camera = IntelRealsense.reverse_perspective_projection( pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth) pingpong_camera[3] = 1 processing = capture - last_capture timestep = processing pingpong_base = v_x, v_depth, v_z, a_x, a_y, a_depth, STATE = IntelRealsense.pingpong_velocity( STATE, pingpong_base[0, 0], pingpong_base[1, 0], pingpong_base[2, 0], capture, display=False) last_capture = capture # print('Real World Coordinates From KF \n %s \n' %pingpong_camera) print('Ping-Pong Position (Base Frame) \n %s \n' % pingpong_base) grasping_point = [ pingpong_base[0], pingpong_base[1], pingpong_base[2] ] # print('grasping point %s' %grasping_point) pingpong_base = pingpong_base - inp_invKine = IntelRealsense.transformation_end2base( pingpong_base[0, 0], pingpong_base[1, 0], pingpong_base[2, 0]) inv_pingpong = invKine(inp_invKine) print('IK \n %s \n' % inv_pingpong) # grasping_q = cost_func(inv_pingpong) grasping_q = choose_q(inv_pingpong, 0) print('Selected IK \n%s\n' % grasping_q) g_v = grasping_q fwd_grasping = fwd_kin(g_v, o_unit='p') print('Selected FK \n%s\n' % fwd_grasping) inp = raw_input("Set Home! (Enter to continue)") set_home(set_duration=10) # inp = raw_input("Continue? y/n: ")[0] # if (inp == 'y'): # q_ode = odeint(dynamics,x0,t,args=(tau_v,g_v,q0_v,grasping_point,sess)) # q_ode = np.load('q_sample2.npy') set_home(g_v, 3) # print('q_ode %s' %q_ode) # move_dmp_path(q_ode,t) final_time = time.time() print("Processing Time : %s" % (final_time - initial_time)) # else: # print ("Halting program") # break # print('\n#############################################\n') except KeyboardInterrupt: rospy.signal_shutdown("KeyboardInterrupt") raise