def _apply(self, ks, parent_pose, child_pose, child_parent_tf, connection_tf, axis, position, vel_limit, mimic_m, mimic_o): position = position if mimic_m is None or mimic_o is None else position * mimic_m + mimic_o return {'child_parent': self.joint_obj.parent, 'child_parent_tf': connection_tf * rotation3_axis_angle(axis, position) * child_parent_tf, 'child_pose': parent_pose * connection_tf * rotation3_axis_angle(axis, position) * child_pose, 'connection': self.joint_obj}, \ {'{}_velocity'.format(self.conn_path): Constraint(-vel_limit, vel_limit, get_diff(position))}
def generate_constraints(self): soft_constraints = {f'{}_vel_{x}': SC((, self.input_lin_vel.vec))[x], (, self.input_lin_vel.vec))[x], 1, gm.pos_of(self.fk_frame)[x]) for x in range(3)} self.goal_rotation =, self.input_rot_goal.pose, self.input_rot_offset.pose) axis, angle = gm.axis_angle_from_matrix(, self.goal_rotation)) r_rot_control = axis * angle hack = gm.rotation3_axis_angle([0, 0, 1], 0.0001) axis, angle = gm.axis_angle_from_matrix(, hack)) c_aa = (axis * angle) soft_constraints[f'{} align rotation 0'] = SC(lower=r_rot_control[0], upper=r_rot_control[0], weight=1, expr=c_aa[0]) soft_constraints[f'{} align rotation 1'] = SC(lower=r_rot_control[1], upper=r_rot_control[1], weight=1, expr=c_aa[1]) soft_constraints[f'{} align rotation 2'] = SC(lower=r_rot_control[2], upper=r_rot_control[2], weight=1, expr=c_aa[2]) return soft_constraints
def test_revolute_and_continuous_joint(self): ks = ArticulationModel() a = Position('a') b = Position('b') c = Position('c') parent_pose = frame3_axis_angle(vector3(0,1,0), a, point3(0, b, 5)) joint_transform = translation3(7, -5, 33) axis = vector3(1, -3, 7) axis = axis / norm(axis) position = c child_pose = parent_pose * joint_transform * rotation3_axis_angle(axis, position) ks.apply_operation('create parent', CreateComplexObject(Path('parent'), KinematicLink('', parent_pose))) ks.apply_operation('create child', CreateComplexObject(Path('child'), KinematicLink('', se.eye(4)))) self.assertTrue(ks.has_data('parent/pose')) self.assertTrue(ks.has_data('child/pose')) ks.apply_operation('connect parent child', SetRevoluteJoint(Path('parent/pose'), Path('child/pose'), Path('fixed_joint'), joint_transform, axis, position, -1, 2, 0.5)) self.assertTrue(ks.has_data('fixed_joint')) self.assertEquals(ks.get_data('child/pose'), child_pose) ks.remove_operation('connect parent child') ks.apply_operation('connect parent child', SetContinuousJoint(Path('parent/pose'), Path('child/pose'), Path('fixed_joint'), joint_transform, axis, position, 0.5))
def create_nobilia_shelf(km, prefix, origin_pose=gm.eye(4), parent_path=Path('world')): km.apply_operation( f'create {prefix}', ExecFunction(prefix, MarkedArticulatedObject, str(prefix))) shelf_height = 0.72 shelf_width = 0.6 shelf_body_depth = 0.35 wall_width = 0.016 l_prefix = prefix + ('links', ) geom_body_wall_l = Box( l_prefix + ('body', ), gm.translation3(0, 0.5 * (shelf_width - wall_width), 0), gm.vector3(shelf_body_depth, wall_width, shelf_height)) geom_body_wall_r = Box( l_prefix + ('body', ), gm.translation3(0, -0.5 * (shelf_width - wall_width), 0), gm.vector3(shelf_body_depth, wall_width, shelf_height)) geom_body_ceiling = Box( l_prefix + ('body', ), gm.translation3(0, 0, 0.5 * (shelf_height - wall_width)), gm.vector3(shelf_body_depth, shelf_width - wall_width, wall_width)) geom_body_floor = Box( l_prefix + ('body', ), gm.translation3(0, 0, -0.5 * (shelf_height - wall_width)), gm.vector3(shelf_body_depth, shelf_width - wall_width, wall_width)) geom_body_shelf_1 = Box( l_prefix + ('body', ), gm.translation3(0.02, 0, -0.2 * (shelf_height - wall_width)), gm.vector3(shelf_body_depth - 0.04, shelf_width - wall_width, wall_width)) geom_body_shelf_2 = Box( l_prefix + ('body', ), gm.translation3(0.02, 0, 0.2 * (shelf_height - wall_width)), gm.vector3(shelf_body_depth - 0.04, shelf_width - wall_width, wall_width)) geom_body_back = Box( l_prefix + ('body', ), gm.translation3(0.5 * (shelf_body_depth - 0.005), 0, 0), gm.vector3(0.005, shelf_width - 2 * wall_width, shelf_height - 2 * wall_width)) shelf_geom = [ geom_body_wall_l, geom_body_wall_r, geom_body_ceiling, geom_body_floor, geom_body_back, geom_body_shelf_1, geom_body_shelf_2 ] rb_body = RigidBody(parent_path, origin_pose, geometry=dict(enumerate(shelf_geom)), collision=dict(enumerate(shelf_geom))) geom_panel_top = Box(l_prefix + ('panel_top', ), gm.eye(4), gm.vector3(0.357, 0.595, wall_width)) geom_panel_bottom = Box(l_prefix + ('panel_bottom', ), gm.eye(4), gm.vector3(0.357, 0.595, wall_width)) handle_width = 0.16 handle_depth = 0.05 handle_diameter = 0.012 geom_handle_r = Box( l_prefix + ('handle', ), gm.translation3(0.5 * handle_depth, 0.5 * (handle_width - handle_diameter), 0), gm.vector3(handle_depth, handle_diameter, handle_diameter)) geom_handle_l = Box( l_prefix + ('handle', ), gm.translation3(0.5 * handle_depth, -0.5 * (handle_width - handle_diameter), 0), gm.vector3(handle_depth, handle_diameter, handle_diameter)) geom_handle_bar = Box( l_prefix + ('handle', ), gm.translation3(handle_depth - 0.5 * handle_diameter, 0, 0), gm.vector3(handle_diameter, handle_width - handle_diameter, handle_diameter)) handle_geom = [geom_handle_l, geom_handle_r, geom_handle_bar] # Sketch of mechanism # # T ---- a # ---- \ Z # b ..... V \ # | ...... d # B | ------ # c ------ # L # # Diagonal V is virtual # # # Angles: # a -> alpha (given) # b -> gamma_1 + gamma_2 = gamma # c -> don't care # d -> delta_1 + delta_2 = delta # opening_position = gm.Position(prefix + ('door', )) # Calibration results # # Solution top hinge: cost = 0.03709980624159568 [ 0.08762252 -0.01433833 0.2858676 0.00871125] # Solution bottom hinge: cost = 0.025004236048128934 [ 0.1072496 -0.01232362 0.27271013 0.00489996] # Added 180 deg rotation due to -x being the forward facing side in this model top_hinge_in_body_marker = gm.translation3(0.08762252 - 0.015, 0, -0.01433833) top_panel_marker_in_top_hinge = gm.translation3(0.2858676 - 0.003, -wall_width + 0.0025, 0.00871125 - 0.003) front_hinge_in_top_panel_maker = gm.translation3(0.1072496 - 0.02, 0, -0.01232362 + 0.007) bottom_panel_marker_in_front_hinge = gm.translation3( 0.27271013, 0, 0.00489996) # Top hinge - Data taken from observation body_marker_in_body = gm.rotation3_axis_angle(gm.vector3(0, 0, 1), math.pi), gm.translation3(0.5 * shelf_body_depth - 0.062, -0.5 * shelf_width + 0.078, 0.5 * shelf_height)) top_panel_marker_in_top_panel = gm.translation3( geom_panel_top.scale[0] * 0.5 - 0.062, -geom_panel_top.scale[1] * 0.5 + 0.062, geom_panel_top.scale[2] * 0.5) bottom_panel_marker_in_bottom_panel = gm.translation3( geom_panel_bottom.scale[0] * 0.5 - 0.062, -geom_panel_bottom.scale[1] * 0.5 + 0.062, geom_panel_bottom.scale[2] * 0.5) top_hinge_in_body =, top_hinge_in_body_marker) top_panel_in_top_hinge = top_panel_marker_in_top_hinge, gm.inverse_frame(top_panel_marker_in_top_panel)) front_hinge_in_top_panel =, front_hinge_in_top_panel_maker) bottom_panel_in_front_hinge = bottom_panel_marker_in_front_hinge, gm.inverse_frame(bottom_panel_marker_in_bottom_panel)) # Point a in body reference frame point_a =, 0, 1, 1), gm.pos_of(top_hinge_in_body)) point_d = gm.point3(-shelf_body_depth * 0.5 + 0.09, 0, shelf_height * 0.5 - 0.192) # point_d = gm.point3(-shelf_body_depth * 0.5 + gm.Symbol('point_d_x'), 0, shelf_height * 0.5 - gm.Symbol('point_d_z')) # Zero alpha along the vertical axis vec_a_to_d = - point_a) alpha = gm.atan2(vec_a_to_d[0], -vec_a_to_d[2]) + opening_position top_panel_in_body = top_hinge_in_body, # Translation hinge to body frame gm.rotation3_axis_angle(gm.vector3(0, 1, 0), -opening_position + 0.5 * math.pi), # Hinge around y top_panel_in_top_hinge) front_hinge_in_body =, front_hinge_in_top_panel) # Point b in top panel reference frame point_b_in_top_hinge = gm.pos_of(, 0, 1, 1), front_hinge_in_top_panel, top_panel_in_top_hinge)) point_b =, 0, 1, 1), gm.pos_of(front_hinge_in_body)) # Hinge lift arm in body reference frame point_c_in_bottom_panel = gm.diag(1, 0, 1, 1), bottom_panel_marker_in_bottom_panel, gm.point3(-0.094, -0.034, -0.072), # gm.point3(-gm.Symbol('point_c_x'), -0.034, -gm.Symbol('point_c_z')) ) point_c_in_front_hinge = gm.diag(1, 0, 1, 1),, point_c_in_bottom_panel)) length_z = gm.norm(point_a - point_d) vec_a_to_b = point_b - point_a length_t = gm.norm(vec_a_to_b) length_b = gm.norm(point_c_in_front_hinge[:3]) # length_l = gm.Symbol('length_l') # 0.34 length_l = 0.372 vec_b_to_d = point_d - point_b length_v = gm.norm(vec_b_to_d) gamma_1 = inner_triangle_angle(length_t, length_v, length_z) gamma_2 = inner_triangle_angle(length_b, length_v, length_l) top_panel_offset_angle = gm.atan2(point_b_in_top_hinge[2], point_b_in_top_hinge[0]) bottom_offset_angle = gm.atan2(point_c_in_front_hinge[2], point_c_in_front_hinge[0]) gamma = gamma_1 + gamma_2 rb_panel_top = RigidBody(l_prefix + ('body', ),, top_panel_in_body), top_panel_in_body, geometry={0: geom_panel_top}, collision={0: geom_panel_top}) # old offset: 0.5 * geom_panel_top.scale[2] + 0.03 tf_bottom_panel = front_hinge_in_top_panel, gm.rotation3_axis_angle( gm.vector3(0, 1, 0), math.pi + bottom_offset_angle - top_panel_offset_angle), gm.rotation3_axis_angle(gm.vector3(0, -1, 0), gamma), bottom_panel_in_front_hinge) rb_panel_bottom = RigidBody(l_prefix + ('panel_top', ),, tf_bottom_panel), tf_bottom_panel, geometry={0: geom_panel_bottom}, collision={0: geom_panel_bottom}) handle_transform = gm.translation3(geom_panel_bottom.scale[0] * 0.5 - 0.08, 0, 0.5 * wall_width), gm.rotation3_axis_angle(gm.vector3(0, 1, 0), -math.pi * 0.5)) rb_handle = RigidBody(l_prefix + ('panel_bottom', ),, handle_transform), handle_transform, geometry={x: g for x, g in enumerate(handle_geom)}, collision={x: g for x, g in enumerate(handle_geom)}) # Only debugging point_c =, point_c_in_bottom_panel) vec_b_to_c = point_c - point_b km.apply_operation(f'create {prefix}/links/body', CreateValue(rb_panel_top.parent, rb_body)) km.apply_operation(f'create {prefix}/links/panel_top', CreateValue(rb_panel_bottom.parent, rb_panel_top)) km.apply_operation( f'create {prefix}/links/panel_bottom', CreateValue(l_prefix + ('panel_bottom', ), rb_panel_bottom)) km.apply_operation(f'create {prefix}/links/handle', CreateValue(l_prefix + ('handle', ), rb_handle)) km.apply_operation( f'create {prefix}/joints/hinge', ExecFunction( prefix + Path('joints/hinge'), RevoluteJoint, CPath(rb_panel_top.parent), CPath(rb_panel_bottom.parent), opening_position, gm.vector3(0, 1, 0), gm.eye(4), 0, 1.84, **{ f'{opening_position}': Constraint(0 - opening_position, 1.84 - opening_position, opening_position), f'{gm.DiffSymbol(opening_position)}': Constraint(-0.25, 0.25, gm.DiffSymbol(opening_position)) })) m_prefix = prefix + ('markers', ) km.apply_operation( f'create {prefix}/markers/body', ExecFunction(m_prefix + ('body', ), Frame, CPath(l_prefix + ('body', )),, body_marker_in_body), body_marker_in_body)) km.apply_operation( f'create {prefix}/markers/top_panel', ExecFunction(m_prefix + ('top_panel', ), Frame, CPath(l_prefix + ('panel_top', )),, top_panel_marker_in_top_panel), top_panel_marker_in_top_panel)) km.apply_operation( f'create {prefix}/markers/bottom_panel', ExecFunction( m_prefix + ('bottom_panel', ), Frame, CPath(l_prefix + ('panel_bottom', )),, bottom_panel_marker_in_bottom_panel), bottom_panel_marker_in_bottom_panel)) return NobiliaDebug( [ top_hinge_in_body, top_hinge_in_body, gm.rotation3_axis_angle(gm.vector3(0, 1, 0), -opening_position + 0.5 * math.pi), top_panel_in_top_hinge, front_hinge_in_top_panel), body_marker_in_body,, top_panel_marker_in_top_panel),, bottom_panel_marker_in_bottom_panel) ], [(point_a, vec_a_to_d), (point_a, vec_a_to_b), (point_b, vec_b_to_d), (point_b, vec_b_to_c)], { 'gamma_1': gamma_1, 'gamma_1 check_dot': gamma_1 - gm.acos( gm.dot_product(-vec_a_to_b / gm.norm(vec_a_to_b), vec_b_to_d / gm.norm(vec_b_to_d))), 'gamma_1 check_cos': gamma_1 - inner_triangle_angle( gm.norm(vec_a_to_b), gm.norm(vec_b_to_d), gm.norm(vec_a_to_d)), 'gamma_2': gamma_2, 'gamma_2 check_dot': gamma_2 - gm.acos( gm.dot_product(vec_b_to_c / gm.norm(vec_b_to_c), vec_b_to_d / gm.norm(vec_b_to_d))), 'length_v': length_v, 'length_b': length_b, 'length_l': length_l, 'position': opening_position, 'alpha': alpha, 'dist c d': gm.norm(point_d - point_c) }, { gm.Symbol('point_c_x'): 0.094, gm.Symbol('point_c_z'): 0.072, gm.Symbol('point_d_x'): 0.09, gm.Symbol('point_d_z'): 0.192, gm.Symbol('length_l'): 0.372 })
def create_door(km, prefix, height, width, frame_width=0.05, to_world_tf=gm.eye(4)): km.apply_operation(f'create {prefix}', ExecFunction(prefix, ArticulatedObject, 'door')) prefix = prefix + ('links', ) base_plate_geom = Box(prefix + ('frame', ), gm.translation3(0, 0, 0.015), gm.vector3(0.2, width + 0.2, 0.03)) frame_pillar_l_geom = Box( prefix + ('frame', ), gm.translation3(0, 0.5 * (width + frame_width), 0.5 * height + 0.03), gm.vector3(frame_width, frame_width, height)) frame_pillar_r_geom = Box( prefix + ('frame', ), gm.translation3(0, -0.5 * (width + frame_width), 0.5 * height + 0.03), gm.vector3(frame_width, frame_width, height)) frame_bar_geom = Box( prefix + ('frame', ), gm.translation3(0, 0, height + 0.5 * frame_width + 0.03), gm.vector3(frame_width, width + 2 * frame_width, frame_width)) frame_rb = RigidBody(Path('world'), to_world_tf, geometry={ 1: base_plate_geom, 2: frame_pillar_l_geom, 3: frame_pillar_r_geom, 4: frame_bar_geom }, collision={ 1: base_plate_geom, 2: frame_pillar_l_geom, 3: frame_pillar_r_geom, 4: frame_bar_geom }) door_geom1 = Box(prefix + ('door', ), gm.translation3(0.015, 0, 0), gm.vector3(0.03, width, height)) door_geom2 = Box(prefix + ('door', ), gm.translation3(-0.005, 0, 0.01), gm.vector3(0.01, width + 0.02, height + 0.01)) handle_bar_geom = Box(prefix + ('handle', ), gm.translation3(-0.08, 0.06, 0), gm.vector3(0.02, 0.12, 0.02)) handle_cylinder_geom = Cylinder( prefix + ('handle', ),, 0, 0), gm.rotation3_axis_angle(gm.vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.5 * math.pi)), 0.02, 0.08) door_rb = RigidBody(Path(f'{prefix}/frame'), gm.translation3(0.0, 0.5 * -width - 0.01, 0), geometry={ 1: door_geom1, 2: door_geom2 }, collision={ 1: door_geom1, 2: door_geom2 }) handle_rb = RigidBody(Path(f'{prefix}/door'), gm.eye(4), geometry={ 1: handle_bar_geom, 2: handle_cylinder_geom }, collision={ 1: handle_bar_geom, 2: handle_cylinder_geom }) km.apply_operation(f'create {prefix}/frame', CreateValue(prefix + ('frame', ), frame_rb)) km.apply_operation(f'create {prefix}/door', CreateValue(prefix + ('door', ), door_rb)) km.apply_operation(f'create {prefix}/handle', CreateValue(prefix + ('handle', ), handle_rb)) door_position = gm.Position('door') handle_position = gm.Position('handle') prefix = prefix[:-1] + ('joints', ) km.apply_operation( f'create {prefix}', ExecFunction( prefix + ('hinge', ), RevoluteJoint, CPath(door_rb.parent), CPath(handle_rb.parent), door_position, gm.vector3(0, 0, -1), gm.translation3(0.5 * -frame_width - 0.005, 0.5 * width + 0.01, 0.5 * height + 0.03), 0, 0.75 * math.pi, 100, 1, 0)) km.apply_operation( f'create {prefix}', ExecFunction(prefix + ('handle', ), RevoluteJoint, CPath(handle_rb.parent), CPath(f'{prefix}/handle'), handle_position, gm.vector3(-1, 0, 0), gm.translation3(0, -0.5 * width - 0.02 + 0.06, 0), 0, 0.25 * math.pi, 100, 1, 0)) prefix = prefix[:-1] km.apply_operation( f'connect {prefix}/links/frame {prefix}/links/door', CreateURDFFrameConnection(prefix + ('joints', 'hinge'), Path(door_rb.parent), Path(handle_rb.parent))) km.apply_operation( f'connect {prefix}/links/door {prefix}/links/handle', CreateURDFFrameConnection(prefix + ('joints', 'handle'), Path(handle_rb.parent), Path(f'{prefix}/links/handle'))) km.apply_operation( f'add lock {door_position}', ConditionalDoorHandleConstraints(door_position, handle_position, math.pi * 0.01, math.pi * 0.15))
fac = (stamp - p_data.stamp).to_sec() / segment_length return (1 - fac) * getattr(p_data, value) + fac * getattr(data, value) angle_hinge = gm.Symbol('angle_top') x_hinge_in_parent, z_hinge_in_parent = [ gm.Symbol(f'hinge_in_parent_{x}') for x in 'xz' ] x_child_in_hinge, z_child_in_hinge = [ gm.Symbol(f'child_in_hinge_{x}') for x in 'xz' ] fwd_kinematic_hinge = gm.translation3(x_hinge_in_parent, 0, z_hinge_in_parent), gm.rotation3_axis_angle(gm.vector3(0, -1, 0), angle_hinge), gm.translation3(x_child_in_hinge, 0, z_child_in_hinge)) # we don't care about the location in y fwd_kinematic_hinge_residual_tf = gm.speed_up(, 0, 1, 1), fwd_kinematic_hinge), gm.free_symbols(fwd_kinematic_hinge)) def compute_y_hinge_axis_residual(x, angle_tf): """Computes the residual for an estimate of the hinge locations on the nobilia shelf Args: x (np.ndarray): [xh, zh, xc, zc] x and z locations of hinge in parent and child in hinge angle_1_tf (TYPE): list of tuples (a, tf) where a is the angle of the top panel relative to the parent """ param_dict = {
import kineverse.gradients.gradient_math as gm import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from kineverse.visualization.plotting import hsv_to_rgb, \ rgb_to_hex if __name__ == '__main__': a, b = [gm.Position(x) for x in 'ab'] l = 2 a_in_w =, 0, 2), gm.translation3(0, 0, -a)) d_in_a = gm.rotation3_axis_angle(gm.vector3(0, 1, 0), gm.acos(a / l)) d_in_w =, d_in_a) A = gm.pos_of(a_in_w) B =, gm.point3(0, 0, l)) C =, gm.point3(0, 0, l * 0.5)) D =, gm.point3(0, 0, l * 0.25)) E =, gm.point3(0, 0, l * 0.75)) lock_bound = gm.alg_not( gm.alg_and(gm.less_than(b, 0.3), gm.less_than(1.99, a))) # PLOT OF MOVEMENT As = [] Bs = [] Cs = [] Ds = [] Es = []