def cli_pull(command, raw_args): """Pull the repository """ assert command == "pull" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('kipoi {}'.format(command), description="Downloads the directory" + " associated with the model.") parser.add_argument( 'model', help='Model name. ' '<model> can also refer to a model-group - e.g. if you ' 'specify MaxEntScan then the dependencies\n' 'for MaxEntScan/5prime and MaxEntScan/3prime will be installed') add_source(parser) args = parser.parse_args(raw_args) src = kipoi.config.get_source(args.source) sub_models = list_subcomponents(args.model, args.source, which='model') if len(sub_models) == 0: logger.error("Model {0} not found in source {1}".format( args.model, args.source)) sys.exit(1) if len(sub_models) > 1: "Found {0} models under the model name: {1}. Pulling all of them". format(len(sub_models), args.model)) for sub_model in sub_models: src.pull_model(sub_model)
def cli_ls(command, raw_args): """List all kipoi models """ assert command == "ls" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('kipoi {}'.format(command), description="Lists available models") parser.add_argument("group_filter", nargs='?', default='', help="A relative path to the model group used to subset the model list. Use 'all' to show all models") parser.add_argument("--tsv", action='store_true', help="Print the output in the tsv format.") add_source(parser) args = parser.parse_args(raw_args) grp = kipoi.get_source(args.source) df = grp.list_models() ls_helper(df, args.group_filter, args.tsv)
def cli_pull(command, raw_args): """Pull the repository """ assert command == "pull" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('kipoi {}'.format(command), description="Downloads the directory" + " associated with the model.") parser.add_argument('model', help='Model name.') add_source(parser) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--env_file', default=None, help='If set, export the conda environment to a file.' + 'Example: kipoi pull mymodel -e mymodel.yaml') args = parser.parse_args(raw_args) kipoi.config.get_source(args.source).pull_model(args.model) if args.env_file is not None: env = kipoi.cli.env.export_env(args.env_file, args.model, args.source) print("Activate the environment with:") print("source activate {0}".format(env))