    def load_texture(key, path, region=None, mipmap=False, wrap=None):
        texture_path = join(RESOURCES_DIR, path)
        texture = Image(texture_path, mipmap=mipmap).texture
        if region:
            texture = texture.get_region(*region)

        textures[key] = texture
    def loadTileImages(self, ts):
        """Loads the images in filename into Kivy Images.
        :type ts: TiledTileset
        texture = Image(ts.source).texture

        ts.width, ts.height = texture.size

        # initialize the image array
        self.images = [0] * self.maxgid

        p = itertools.product(
            xrange(ts.margin, ts.height, ts.tileheight + ts.margin),
            xrange(ts.margin, ts.width, ts.tilewidth + ts.margin)

        for real_gid, (y, x) in enumerate(p, ts.firstgid):
            if x + ts.tilewidth - ts.spacing > ts.width:

            gids = self.map_gid(real_gid)

            if gids:
                x = x - ts.spacing
                # convert the y coordinate to opengl (0 at bottom of texture)
                y = ts.height - y - ts.tileheight + ts.spacing

                tile = texture.get_region(x, y, ts.tilewidth, ts.tileheight)

                for gid, flags in gids:
                    self.images[gid] = tile
 def load_texture(key, path, region=None, mipmap=False, wrap=None):
     texture_path = join(RESOURCES_DIR, path)
     texture = Image(texture_path, mipmap=mipmap).texture
     if region:
         texture = texture.get_region(*region)
     textures[key] = texture
文件: view.py 项目: nashr/The-Rooms
class Lamp(Widget):
    # Base variables
    TEXTURE = ObjectProperty(None)

    WIDTH = NumericProperty(1.0)
    HEIGHT = NumericProperty(1.0)

    X_UNIT = NumericProperty(1.0)
    Y_UNIT = NumericProperty(1.0)

    X = NumericProperty(1.0)
    Y = NumericProperty(1.0)

    # Run variables
    state = NumericProperty(1)

    xUnit = NumericProperty(1.0)
    yUnit = NumericProperty(1.0)

    curr_texture = ObjectProperty(None)

    x = NumericProperty(1.0)
    y = NumericProperty(1.0)

    def set_base(self, texture_dir, x, y):
        self.TEXTURE = Image(texture_dir).texture

        self.WIDTH = self.TEXTURE.width
        self.HEIGHT = self.TEXTURE.height

        self.X_UNIT = self.WIDTH / 3
        self.Y_UNIT = self.HEIGHT / 1

        self.X = x
        self.Y = y

    def reset(self):
        state = 1

    def is_pressed(self, x, y):
        if x > self.x and y > self.y:
            if x < self.x + self.xUnit and y < self.y + self.yUnit:
                return True
        return False

    def change_state(self):
        self.state += 1
        self.state %= 3

    def update(self, xScale, yScale):
        self.xUnit = self.X_UNIT * xScale
        self.yUnit = self.Y_UNIT * yScale

        self.x = self.X * xScale
        self.y = self.Y * yScale

        self.curr_texture = self.TEXTURE.get_region(self.state * self.X_UNIT,
                                                    0, self.X_UNIT,
文件: view.py 项目: nashr/The-Rooms
class Lamp(Widget):
    # Base variables
    TEXTURE = ObjectProperty(None)

    WIDTH = NumericProperty(1.0)
    HEIGHT = NumericProperty(1.0)

    X_UNIT = NumericProperty(1.0)
    Y_UNIT = NumericProperty(1.0)

    X = NumericProperty(1.0)
    Y = NumericProperty(1.0)

    # Run variables
    state = NumericProperty(1)

    xUnit = NumericProperty(1.0)
    yUnit = NumericProperty(1.0)

    curr_texture = ObjectProperty(None)

    x = NumericProperty(1.0)
    y = NumericProperty(1.0)

    def set_base(self, texture_dir, x, y):
        self.TEXTURE = Image(texture_dir).texture

        self.WIDTH = self.TEXTURE.width
        self.HEIGHT = self.TEXTURE.height

        self.X_UNIT = self.WIDTH / 3
        self.Y_UNIT = self.HEIGHT / 1

        self.X = x
        self.Y = y

    def reset(self):
        state = 1

    def is_pressed(self, x, y):
        if x > self.x and y > self.y:
            if x < self.x + self.xUnit and y < self.y + self.yUnit:
                return True
        return False

    def change_state(self):
        self.state += 1
        self.state %= 3

    def update(self, xScale, yScale):
        self.xUnit = self.X_UNIT * xScale
        self.yUnit = self.Y_UNIT * yScale

        self.x = self.X * xScale
        self.y = self.Y * yScale

        self.curr_texture = self.TEXTURE.get_region(self.state * self.X_UNIT, 0, self.X_UNIT, self.Y_UNIT)
    def loadTileImages(self, ts):
        Loads the images in filename into Kivy Images.
        This is a port of the code here: https://github.com/bitcraft/PyTMX/blob/master/pytmx/tmxloader.py

        :type ts: pytmx.TiledTileset
        tile_image_path = self.map_dir + '/' + ts.source
            'KivyTiledMap: loading tile image at {}'.format(tile_image_path))
        texture = CoreImage(tile_image_path).texture

        ts.width, ts.height = texture.size
        tilewidth = ts.tilewidth + ts.spacing
        tileheight = ts.tileheight + ts.spacing
            'KivyTiledMap: TiledTileSet: {}x{} with {}x{} tiles'.format(
                ts.width, ts.height, tilewidth, tileheight))

        # some tileset images may be slightly larger than the tile area
        # ie: may include a banner, copyright, ect.  this compensates for that
        width = int(((
            (ts.width - ts.margin * 2 + ts.spacing) / tilewidth) * tilewidth) -
        height = int((((ts.height - ts.margin * 2 + ts.spacing) / tileheight) *
                      tileheight) - ts.spacing)
        Logger.debug('KivyTiledMap: TiledTileSet: true size: {}x{}'.format(
            width, height))

        # initialize the image array
        Logger.debug('KivyTiledMap: initializing image array')
        self.images = [0] * self.maxgid

        p = itertools.product(
            xrange(ts.margin, height + ts.margin, tileheight),
            xrange(ts.margin, width + ts.margin, tilewidth))

        # trim off any pixels on the right side that isn't a tile
        # this happens if extra graphics are included on the left, but they are not actually part of the tileset
        width -= (ts.width - ts.margin) % tilewidth

        for real_gid, (y, x) in enumerate(p, ts.firstgid):
            if x + ts.tilewidth - ts.spacing > width:

            gids = self.map_gid(real_gid)

            if gids:
                # invert y for OpenGL coordinates
                y = ts.height - y - ts.tileheight

                tile = texture.get_region(x, y, ts.tilewidth, ts.tileheight)

                for gid, flags in gids:
                    self.images[gid] = tile
    def loadTileImages(self, ts):
        Loads the images in filename into Kivy Images.
        This is a port of the code here: https://github.com/bitcraft/PyTMX/blob/master/pytmx/tmxloader.py

        :type ts: pytmx.TiledTileset
        tile_image_path = self.map_dir + '/' + ts.source
        Logger.debug('KivyTiledMap: loading tile image at {}'.format(tile_image_path))
        texture = CoreImage(tile_image_path).texture

        ts.width, ts.height = texture.size
        tilewidth = ts.tilewidth + ts.spacing
        tileheight = ts.tileheight + ts.spacing
        Logger.debug('KivyTiledMap: TiledTileSet: {}x{} with {}x{} tiles'.format(ts.width, ts.height, tilewidth, tileheight))

        # some tileset images may be slightly larger than the tile area
        # ie: may include a banner, copyright, ect.  this compensates for that
        width = int((((ts.width - ts.margin * 2 + ts.spacing) / tilewidth) * tilewidth) - ts.spacing)
        height = int((((ts.height - ts.margin * 2 + ts.spacing) / tileheight) * tileheight) - ts.spacing)
        Logger.debug('KivyTiledMap: TiledTileSet: true size: {}x{}'.format(width, height))

        # initialize the image array
        Logger.debug('KivyTiledMap: initializing image array')
        self.images = [0] * self.maxgid

        p = itertools.product(
            xrange(ts.margin, height + ts.margin, tileheight),
            xrange(ts.margin, width + ts.margin, tilewidth)

        # trim off any pixels on the right side that isn't a tile
        # this happens if extra graphics are included on the left, but they are not actually part of the tileset
        width -= (ts.width - ts.margin) % tilewidth

        for real_gid, (y, x) in enumerate(p, ts.firstgid):
            if x + ts.tilewidth - ts.spacing > width:

            gids = self.map_gid(real_gid)

            if gids:
                # invert y for OpenGL coordinates
                y = ts.height - y - ts.tileheight

                tile = texture.get_region(x, y, ts.tilewidth, ts.tileheight)

                for gid, flags in gids:
                    self.images[gid] = tile
	def populate_lists(self):	
		for s in range(self.currentStory + 1):
			for l in range(len(self.renderList[s])):
				for i in range(self.iCount):
					for j in range(self.jCount):		
						tile = self.mapFile.stories[self.currentStory].matrix[i][j]
						type = tile.get_graphics_type(l)
						if type[0] != None:
							graphicsInfo = tile.graphics[l]
							image = Image(graphicsInfo[0]).texture
							x = (i - j) * self.tileWidth / 2 + self.offset[0] + self.jCount * self.tileWidth / 2 
							y = (i + j) * self.tileHeight / 2 + self.offset[1]
							if (type[0] == 'object' or type[0] == 'wall') and type[1] == False:
								# Object means a rectangle, not animated means it goes into renderList
								self.renderList[s][l][i][j] = Rectangle(texture = image.get_region(graphicsInfo[1][0][0][0], graphicsInfo[1][0][0][1], graphicsInfo[2][0], graphicsInfo[2][1]), 
																		size = (self.tileWidth, self.tileWidth * graphicsInfo[2][1] / graphicsInfo[2][0]), 
																		pos = (x - self.tileWidth / 2, y) )
文件: view.py 项目: nashr/The-Rooms
class Navigator(Widget):
    # Base variables
    TEXTURE = ObjectProperty(None)

    WIDTH = NumericProperty(1.0)
    HEIGHT = NumericProperty(1.0)

    X_UNIT = NumericProperty(1.0)
    Y_UNIT = NumericProperty(1.0)

    X = NumericProperty(1.0)
    Y = NumericProperty(1.0)

    # Run variables
    angle = NumericProperty(0.0)

    xUnit = NumericProperty(1.0)
    yUnit = NumericProperty(1.0)

    curr_texture = ObjectProperty(None)

    x = NumericProperty(1.0)
    y = NumericProperty(1.0)

    def set_base(self, texture_dir, x, y):
        self.TEXTURE = Image(texture_dir).texture

        self.WIDTH = self.TEXTURE.width
        self.HEIGHT = self.TEXTURE.height

        self.X_UNIT = self.WIDTH / 1
        self.Y_UNIT = self.HEIGHT / 1

        self.X = x
        self.Y = y

    def update(self, xScale, yScale):
        self.xUnit = self.X_UNIT * xScale
        self.yUnit = self.Y_UNIT * yScale

        self.x = self.X * xScale
        self.y = self.Y * yScale

        self.curr_texture = self.TEXTURE.get_region(0, 0, self.X_UNIT,
	def render_tile(self, i, j, layer, story):
		tile = self.mapFile.stories[self.currentStory].matrix[i][j]
		type = 	self.mapFile.stories[story].matrix[i][j].get_graphics_type(layer)
		if type[0] != None:
			graphicsInfo = tile.graphics[layer]
			image = Image(graphicsInfo[0]).texture
			x = (i - j) * self.tileWidth / 2 +  self.offset[0] + self.jCount * self.tileWidth/2 
			y = (i + j) * self.tileHeight / 2 + self.offset[1] 
			self.renderList[story][layer][i][j].texture =  image.get_region(graphicsInfo[1][0][0][0], graphicsInfo[1][0][0][1], graphicsInfo[2][0], graphicsInfo[2][1])
			print("Type is:", type[0])
			if type[0] == 'object'  and type[1] == False:
				# Object means a rectangle, not animated means it goes into renderList
				self.renderList[story][layer][i][j].size = (self.tileWidth, self.tileWidth * graphicsInfo[2][1] / graphicsInfo[2][0])
				self.renderList[story][layer][i][j].pos =  (x - self.tileWidth/2, y)
				self.canvas.before.add(Color(1, 1, 1, 1))
				for l in range(len(self.renderList[story])):
					if self.renderList[story][l][i][j] != [None]:
文件: view.py 项目: nashr/The-Rooms
class Navigator(Widget):
    # Base variables
    TEXTURE = ObjectProperty(None)

    WIDTH = NumericProperty(1.0)
    HEIGHT = NumericProperty(1.0)

    X_UNIT = NumericProperty(1.0)
    Y_UNIT = NumericProperty(1.0)

    X = NumericProperty(1.0)
    Y = NumericProperty(1.0)

    # Run variables
    angle = NumericProperty(0.0)

    xUnit = NumericProperty(1.0)
    yUnit = NumericProperty(1.0)

    curr_texture = ObjectProperty(None)

    x = NumericProperty(1.0)
    y = NumericProperty(1.0)

    def set_base(self, texture_dir, x, y):
        self.TEXTURE = Image(texture_dir).texture

        self.WIDTH = self.TEXTURE.width
        self.HEIGHT = self.TEXTURE.height

        self.X_UNIT = self.WIDTH / 1
        self.Y_UNIT = self.HEIGHT / 1

        self.X = x
        self.Y = y

    def update(self, xScale, yScale):
        self.xUnit = self.X_UNIT * xScale
        self.yUnit = self.Y_UNIT * yScale

        self.x = self.X * xScale
        self.y = self.Y * yScale

        self.curr_texture = self.TEXTURE.get_region(0, 0, self.X_UNIT, self.Y_UNIT)
class LoAGame(Widget):
    colorList = ListProperty([0, 0.5, 1, 1])
    importantList = [
        "Player", "loadBlock", "startBlock", "endBlock", "spawnBlock", "enemy"
    blockSize = NumericProperty(1)
    cameraSpeed_x = NumericProperty(0)
    cameraSpeed_y = NumericProperty(0)
    gravity = NumericProperty(0.03)

    player = ObjectProperty(None)
    loadBlockMin = ObjectProperty(None)
    loadBlockMax = ObjectProperty(None)
    startBlock = ObjectProperty(None)
    endBlock = ObjectProperty(None)
    spawnBlock = ObjectProperty(None)

    levelNum = 1
    levelNumMax = 1
    levelImage = Image("Level_" + str(levelNum) + ".png").texture
    topRowPixels = levelImage.get_region(0, levelImage.height,
                                         levelImage.width, 1)
    topRowList = [int(ord(pix) / 25.6) for pix in topRowPixels.pixels]
    topRow = [topRowList[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(topRowList), 4)]

    test = [(6, 8), (16, 8), (16, 3), (30, 3), (16, 3), (16, 8), (25, 8),
            (25, 13), (25, 8)]
    enemy = ObjectProperty(None)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(LoAGame, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self)

        self.empty = EmptyBlock()

        self.posBlock = EmptyBlock(text="placeholder", colorList=[0, 0, 0, 1])
        self.posBlock.setup(0, 0)

        self.enemy = Enemy()
        self.enemy.setup(19, 7)

        self.startBlock = EmptyBlock(text="startBlock",
                                     colorList=[0, 0, 0, 0.2])
        self.startBlock.setup(0, 0)

        self.endBlock = EmptyBlock(text="endBlock", colorList=[0, 1, 1, 1])
        self.endBlock.setup(0, 0)

        self.spawnBlock = EmptyBlock(text="spawnBlock",
                                     colorList=[0, 0, 0, 0.2])
        self.spawnBlock.setup(19, 7)

        self.loadBlockMin = EmptyBlock(text="loadBlock",
                                       colorList=[1, 1, 1, 0.2])
        self.loadBlockMin.setup(0, 0)
        self.loadBlockMax = EmptyBlock(text="loadBlock",
                                       colorList=[1, 1, 1, 0.2])
        self.loadBlockMax.setup(0, 0)


    def _keyboard_closed(self):
        self._keyboard = None

    def _on_keyboard_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers):
        if keycode[1] == 'w':
            self.player.keys[0] = 1
        if keycode[1] == 'a':
            self.player.keys[1] = 1
        if keycode[1] == 's':
            self.player.keys[2] = 1
        if keycode[1] == 'd':
            self.player.keys[3] = 1
        if keycode[1] == 'r':
            self.player.keys[4] = 1
        if keycode[1] == 'q':
            self.player.keys[5] = 1

    def _on_keyboard_up(self, keyboard, keycode):
        if keycode[1] == 'w':
            self.player.keys[0] = 0
        if keycode[1] == 'a':
            self.player.keys[1] = 0
        if keycode[1] == 's':
            self.player.keys[2] = 0
        if keycode[1] == 'd':
            self.player.keys[3] = 0
        if keycode[1] == 'r':
            self.player.keys[4] = 0
        if keycode[1] == 'q':
            self.player.keys[5] = 0

    def layout(self, *args):
        if self.width * self.height != 0:
            self.cameraSpeed_x = self.width / 50.
            self.cameraSpeed_y = self.height / 50.

            if self.width < self.height:
                self.blockSize = self.width / 20.
                self.blockSize = self.height / 20.
        for child in self.children:

    def on_pos(self, *args):
        Clock.schedule_once(self.layout, -1)

    def on_size(self, *args):
        Clock.schedule_once(self.layout, -1)

    def pixelTest(self, dim, texture, axis):
        if axis == 1:
            pixel = texture.get_region(dim, 0, 1, texture.height)
        if axis == 2:
            pixel = texture.get_region(0, dim, texture.width, 1)
        dataList = [int(ord(pix) / 25.6) for pix in pixel.pixels]
        return [dataList[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(dataList), 4)]

    def newLevel(self, level):
        self.levelNum = level
        self.levelImage = Image("Level_" + str(self.levelNum) + ".png").texture
        self.topRowPixels = self.levelImage.get_region(0,
        self.topRowList = [
            int(ord(pix) / 25.6) for pix in self.topRowPixels.pixels
        self.topRow = [
            self.topRowList[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(self.topRowList), 4)
        self.spawnBlock.blockPos = self.startBlock.blockPos
        self.endBlock.blockPos = self.startBlock.blockPos
        self.loadBlockMin.blockPos = self.startBlock.blockPos
        self.loadBlockMax.blockPos = self.startBlock.blockPos
        while self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x - self.startBlock.blockPos_x < int(
                self.levelImage.width / 2) - 2:
            self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x += 1
                int((self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x -
                int((self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x -
                     self.startBlock.blockPos_x)), self.levelImage)
        self.bgCenter(1, 1)

    def loadLevelArea(self, xMin, xMax, texture):
        y = 0
        xMax *= 2
        debugTime = time.time()
        if self.topRow[xMax] == [9, 0, 0, 9
                                 ] or self.topRow[xMax] == [9, 0, 9, 9]:
            pixelsY = self.pixelTest(xMax, texture, 1)
            for y in range(1, len(pixelsY)):
                if pixelsY[y] == [9, 0, 0, 9] or pixelsY[y] == [9, 0, 9, 9]:
                    pixelsX = self.pixelTest(texture.height - y - 2, texture,
                    if pixelsX[xMax + 1] == [
                            9, 0, 0, 9
                    ] or pixelsX[xMax + 1] == [9, 0, 9, 9]:
                        dx = 0
                        w = 1
                        h = 1
                        widType = pixelsY[y + 1]
                        while xMax + dx + 1 < texture.width and pixelsX[
                                xMax + dx + 1] != [
                                    0, 0, 9, 9
                                ] and pixelsX[xMax + dx + 1] != [9, 0, 9, 9]:
                            dx += 2
                            w += 1
                        while y < texture.height and pixelsY[y] != [
                                0, 0, 9, 9
                        ] and pixelsY[y] != [9, 0, 9, 9]:
                            y += 2
                            h += 1
                        xPos = xMax / 2
                        yPos = (texture.height - y) / 2
                        #print(w, h, xPos, yPos, widType)
                        self.createWidget(w, h, xPos, yPos, widType)

        if time.time() - debugTime > 0.01:
            print(time.time() - debugTime, "xMax")
        xMin *= 2
        debugTime = time.time()
        if self.topRow[xMin] == [0, 0, 9, 9
                                 ] or self.topRow[xMin] == [9, 0, 9, 9]:
            pixelsY = self.pixelTest(xMin, texture, 1)
            for y in range(1, len(pixelsY)):
                if pixelsY[y] == [9, 0, 0, 9] or pixelsY[y] == [9, 0, 9, 9]:
                    pixelsX = self.pixelTest(texture.height - y - 2, texture,
                    if pixelsX[xMin + 1] == [
                            0, 0, 9, 9
                    ] or pixelsX[xMin + 1] == [9, 0, 9, 9]:
                        dx = 0
                        w = 1
                        h = 1
                        widType = pixelsY[y + 1]
                        while xMin - dx + 1 >= 0 and pixelsX[
                                xMin - dx + 1] != [
                                    9, 0, 0, 9
                                ] and pixelsX[xMin - dx + 1] != [9, 0, 9, 9]:
                            dx += 2
                            w += 1
                        while y < texture.height and pixelsY[y] != [
                                0, 0, 9, 9
                        ] and pixelsY[y] != [9, 0, 9, 9]:
                            y += 2
                            h += 1
                        xPos = xMin / 2 - w + 1
                        yPos = (texture.height - y) / 2
                        self.createWidget(w, h, xPos, yPos, widType)
        if time.time() - debugTime > 0.01:
            print(time.time() - debugTime, "xMin")

    def unloadLevelArea(self):
        for child in self.children:
            if child.text not in self.importantList:
                if child.blockPos_x > self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x + 1:
                    #print("Removing", child)
                elif child.blockPos_x + child.blockWidth < self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x - 2:
                    #print("Removing", child)

    def createWidget(self, w, h, levX, levY, widType):
        x = levX + self.startBlock.blockPos_x
        y = levY + self.startBlock.blockPos_y
        collided = 0
        for child in self.children:
            if child.collide_point(
                (x + 0.5) * self.blockSize, (y + 0.5) *
                    self.blockSize) and child.text not in self.importantList:
                #print("Collided", levX, levY, child.text, widType)
                collided = 1
        if collided == 0:
            if widType == [9, 9, 0, 9]:
                wall = Wall()
                wall.setup(w, h, x, y)
            elif widType == [9, 9, 9, 9]:
                platform = Platform()
                platform.setup(w, h, x, y)
            elif widType == [5, 0, 0, 9]:
                wall = Wall(text="kill", colorList=[0.5, 0, 0, 1])
                wall.setup(w, h, x, y)
            elif widType == [0, 5, 0, 9]:
                self.spawnBlock.blockPos = (x, y)
            elif widType == [0, 9, 9, 9]:
                self.endBlock.blockPos = (x, y)
                wall = Wall(text="placeholder", colorList=[0, 0, 0, 1])
                wall.setup(w, h, x, y)

    def goto(self, wid, point):
        wid.keys = [0 for i in wid.keys]
        if wid.blockPos_x - self.startBlock.blockPos_x + wid.blockWidth < point[
            wid.keys[3] = 1
        if wid.blockPos_x - self.startBlock.blockPos_x > point[0]:
            wid.keys[1] = 1
        if wid.blockPos_y - self.startBlock.blockPos_y + wid.blockHeight < point[
            wid.keys[0] = 1
        if wid.blockPos_y - self.startBlock.blockPos_y > point[1]:
            wid.keys[2] = 1

    def moveWid(self, wid):
        wid.velocity_x *= wid.slipFactor
        wid.velocity_y -= self.gravity

        if wid.keys[
                0] == 1 and wid.onGround > 0 and wid.velocity_y >= -self.gravity and wid.velocity_y <= 0.1 and wid.blockHeight != wid.blockHeightCrouch:
            wid.velocity_y = wid.vSpeed
        if wid.keys[2] == 1 and wid.onGround == 0:
            wid.velocity_y -= wid.vSpeed / 5
        if wid.keys[2] == 1 and wid.onGround == 1:
            wid.crouchTime += 1
            wid.blockHeight = wid.blockHeightCrouch
        elif wid.keys[2] == 0:
            list1 = [(child.text != "platform") * (child.collide_widget(wid))
                     for child in self.children]
            wid.crouchTime = 0
            wid.blockHeight = wid.blockHeightNorm
            list2 = [(child.text != "platform") * (child.collide_widget(wid))
                     for child in self.children]
            if list2 != list1:
                wid.blockHeight = wid.blockHeightCrouch

        if wid.blockPos_y + wid.velocity_y - self.startBlock.blockPos_y < -1:
        if wid.keys[1] == 1 and wid.velocity_x > -wid.hSpeed:
            wid.velocity_x = wid.velocity_x - (wid.hSpeed * wid.frictionFactor)
        if wid.keys[3] == 1 and wid.velocity_x < wid.hSpeed:
            wid.velocity_x = wid.velocity_x + (wid.hSpeed * wid.frictionFactor)
        if wid.blockPos_x + wid.velocity_x - self.startBlock.blockPos_x < 0:
            wid.velocity_x = 0
            wid.blockPos_x = self.startBlock.blockPos_x
        if wid.blockPos_x + wid.velocity_x + wid.blockWidth - self.startBlock.blockPos_x > self.levelImage.width / 2 - 2:
            wid.velocity_x = 0
            wid.blockPos_x = self.startBlock.blockPos_x + self.levelImage.width / 2 - 2 - wid.blockWidth
        wid.onGround = 0

        for child in self.children:
                if child.text == "platform":
                    child.testCollide(wid, self.blockSize, wid.velocity_y)
                elif child.text == "wall" or child.text == "kill":
                    child.testCollide(wid, self.blockSize, wid.velocity_y,
            except Exception as e:
        newPos = Vector(wid.blockPos) + Vector(wid.velocity)
        if wid.onGround > 0:
            if wid.velocity_y <= 0:
                wid.velocity_y = 0
                newPos[1] = wid.groundHeight
        if wid.onGround == 1:
            wid.frictionFactor = 0.5
            wid.slipFactor = 0.5
            wid.frictionFactor = 0.1
            wid.slipFactor = 1
        wid.blockPos = newPos

    def bgMove(self, x, y):
        for child in self.children:
            child.blockPos = Vector(child.blockPos) + [x, y]

    def bgCenter(self, camX, camY):
        x_dist = ((self.width - self.player.width) / 2 -
                  self.player.pos[0]) / self.blockSize
        y_dist = ((self.height - self.player.height) / 3 -
                  self.player.pos[1]) / self.blockSize
        x_mov = x_dist / camX
        y_mov = y_dist / camY
        self.bgMove(x_mov, y_mov)

    def moveLoadBlocks(self):
        while self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x * self.blockSize - self.width < 1 * self.blockSize and self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x - self.startBlock.blockPos_x < int(
                self.levelImage.width / 2) - 2:
            self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x += 1
                int((self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x -
                int((self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x -
                     self.startBlock.blockPos_x)), self.levelImage)
        while self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x * self.blockSize - self.width > 2 * self.blockSize and self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x - self.startBlock.blockPos_x > 1:
            self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x -= 1
        while self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x > -2 and self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x - self.startBlock.blockPos_x > 1:
            self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x -= 1
                int((self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x -
                int((self.loadBlockMax.blockPos_x -
                     self.startBlock.blockPos_x)), self.levelImage)
        while self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x < -1 and self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x - self.startBlock.blockPos_x < int(
                self.levelImage.width / 2) - 2:
            self.loadBlockMin.blockPos_x += 1

    def update(self, dt):

        #Load Blocks
        debugTime = time.time()
        if time.time() - debugTime > 0.01:
            print(time.time() - debugTime, "Load Block")
        #AI Control

        if self.player.keys[4] == 1:
        #Player Control
        debugTime = time.time()
        self.posBlock.blockPos_x = self.test[0][0] + self.startBlock.blockPos_x
        self.posBlock.blockPos_y = self.test[0][1] + self.startBlock.blockPos_y
        if self.enemy.collide_point(
            (self.test[0][0] + self.startBlock.blockPos_x) * self.blockSize,
            (self.test[0][1] + self.startBlock.blockPos_y) * self.blockSize):
            self.test = [self.test[i - 1] for i in range(0, len(self.test))]
        self.goto(self.enemy, self.test[0])
        if time.time() - debugTime > 0.01:
            print(time.time() - debugTime, "Move Enemy")

        debugTime = time.time()
        #print(self.player.lives, self.player.health, self.player.invincibility)
        if time.time() - debugTime > 0.01:
            print(time.time() - debugTime, "Move Player")

        if self.player.collide_widget(
                self.endBlock) and self.levelNum < self.levelNumMax:
            self.newLevel(self.levelNum + 1)
        if self.player.collide_widget(
                self.enemy) and self.player.invincibility <= 0:
            self.player.health -= 1
            self.player.invincibility = 60
        if self.player.invincibility > 0:
            self.player.invincibility -= 1
        if self.player.health <= 0:
        #print(self.player.lives, self.player.health, self.player.invincibility)

        if self.player.keys[5] == 1:
            self.bgCenter(1, 1)
            Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1.0 / 2.0)
        if self.player.keys[5] == 0:
            Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1.0 / 60.0)
        debugTime = time.time()
        self.bgCenter(self.cameraSpeed_x, self.cameraSpeed_y)
        if time.time() - debugTime > 0.01:
            print(time.time() - debugTime, "bgCenter")
from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage

forest_tiles = CoreImage('game-assets/tiles_forest.png').texture

TEX_GRASS = forest_tiles.get_region(16, 48, 16, 16)
TEX_TALLGRASS = forest_tiles.get_region(32, 48, 16, 16)
TEX_BUSH = forest_tiles.get_region(240, 48, 16, 16)
TEX_TREE = forest_tiles.get_region(240, 16, 16, 16)
TEX_BLANK = forest_tiles.get_region(240, 0, 16, 16)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import cv2

    test = CoreImage(TEX_GRASS)
    test2 = CoreImage(TEX_GRASS)
    print test
# carregar os dados da imagem diretamente de um bloco da memória
import io
from kivy.core.image import Image

data = io.BytesIO(open("image.png", "rb").read())
im = Image(data, ext="png")

# para imagem ficar salva em cache informe o filename
im = Image(data, ext="png", filename="image.png")

# Savar imagem
from kivy.core.image import Image

img = Image('hello.png')

# salvar textura
texture = Texture.create(...)
img = Image(texture)

# for example, load a 128x128 image that contain 4 64x64 images
from kivy.core.image import Image

texture = Image('mycombinedimage.png').texture
bottomleft = texture.get_region(0, 0, 64, 64)
bottomright = texture.get_region(0, 64, 64, 64)
topleft = texture.get_region(0, 64, 64, 64)
topright = texture.get_region(64, 64, 64, 64)
class Manager(RelativeLayout):

    touchLocationScreen = ListProperty()
    touchLocationUI = ListProperty()
    infoText = StringProperty('adventure awaits!')
    screen = ObjectProperty()
    selected = BooleanProperty(False)
    selectedObj = ObjectProperty(None)
    items = ListProperty([]) # holds all on-screen items
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Manager, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.screen = self.screenManager.current_screen
        self.orientation = 'vertical'
    def loadItemSheet(self):
        self.itemSheet = CImage('assets/art/item_sheet.png').texture
    def on_screen(self, instance, value):
            on room change, inst. room items
            garbage collects all items not in inventory, and resets their spawn tag
        # cleanup
        db.execute('UPDATE Item SET Spawned = ? WHERE Inventory = ?', (False,False))
        for i in self.items:
        self.items = []
        room = value.name
        print 'room changed to ',room
    def retrieveItems(self,room):
            retrieve items from database relevant to new room
            ItemID=0, Holding=1, Room=2, X=3, Y=4, Inventory=5, Name=6, Spawned=7, Path=8
        i = db.execute('SELECT * FROM Item WHERE Room = ? OR Inventory = ?', (room,True))
        for e in i: 
            print e
            if e[7] and not e[5]:
                print '{} has spawned and is not an inventory item'.format(e[6])
                position = (e[3],e[4])
                print 'spawning {} at {}'.format(e[6],position)
    def buildItem(self,position,item,path):
            populates screen with items for the room and inventory
            inventory slot positions: 1:(336.5,85.5), 2:(406.5,85.5), 3:(476.5,85.5), 
            4:(546.5,85.5), 5:(616.5,85.5), 6:(336.5,13.5), 7:(406.5,13.5), 8:(476.5,13.5), 
            9:(546.5,13.5), 0:(616.5,13.5),
        x,y,h,w = path.split(',')
        x,y,h,w = int(x),int(y),int(h),int(w)
        tex = self.itemSheet.get_region(x,y,h,w)
        i = Item(texture = tex, pos = position, name = item)
        db.execute('UPDATE Item SET Spawned = 1 WHERE Name = ? ',(item,))
    def moveItem(self,item,inv=False):
            moves item to inventory or ground, and labels such in DB
        self.selected = False
        r = self.screen.name
        x = item.x
        y = item.y
        n = item.name
        print 'moving {} to {}'.format(n,(x,y))
        if inv:
            curs.execute('UPDATE Item SET Inventory=?, Room=?, X=?, Y=? WHERE Name = ? ',(True,None,x,y,n))
            curs.execute('UPDATE Item SET Inventory=?, Room=?, X=?, Y=? WHERE Name = ? ',(False,r,x,y,n))
    def on_touch_down(self, value):
            looks for an item being selected, or moves player
        #print('value.pos: {} value.spos: {}'.format(value.pos, value.spos))
        x = int(value.pos[0])
        y = int(value.pos[1])
        # look for an item
        for i in self.items:
            if i.collide_point(x,y):
                self.selectedObj = i
                self.infoText = '{} picked up'.format(i.name)
                self.selected = True
                self.selected = False
        # if no item selected, move player
        if not self.selected:
            localScreen = self.screenManager.to_local(x, y, True)
            if localScreen[0] < 0 or localScreen[1] < 0:
                pass # only update touchLocation for the screen when on screen
                self.touchLocationScreen = localScreen
                self.touchLocationUI = (x,y)
            self.infoText = str(localScreen)
            print '{}'.format(localScreen)
    def on_touch_up(self, value):
            moves items, and checks if item is in inventory nodes
        x = int(value.pos[0])
        y = int(value.pos[1])
        if self.selected is True:
            if self.inventory.collide_point(x, y):
                for node in self.nodes:
                    if node.collide_point(x,y):
                        self.selectedObj.center = node.center
                        self.moveItem(self.selectedObj, inv=True)
                        block = False
                    else: block = True
                if block: # blocked item placement 
                    self.selectedObj.center = (520,280)
            elif self.screenManager.collide_point(x, y):
            else: # blocked item placement
                self.selectedObj.center = (520,280)
            self.infoText = '{} placed.'.format(self.selectedObj.name)
    def on_touch_move(self, value):
            used for dragging items on screen
        x = value.pos[0]
        y = value.pos[1]
        if self.selected:
            self.selectedObj.center = (x,y)
            #print 'x,y ',x,y
            #print 'object center: ',self.selectedObj.center    
    def on_touchLocationScreen(self, instance, value):
            take touch input on the manager and send to screen manager for handling
        self.screenManager.touchLocation = self.touchLocationScreen
    def eventCompleted(self): #REDUNDANT
    def update(self, dt): #REDUNDANT
        #self.infoScreen.text = self.infoScreenText
    def on_infoText(self, instance, value): 
        #print value
        self.info.text = self.infoText
    def buildInventory(self):
        n1 = Inventory(text='I1', slot=1)
        n2 = Inventory(text='I2', slot=2)
        n3 = Inventory(text='I3', slot=3)
        n4 = Inventory(text='I4', slot=4)
        n5 = Inventory(text='I5', slot=5)
        n6 = Inventory(text='I6', slot=6)
        n7 = Inventory(text='I7', slot=7)
        n8 = Inventory(text='I8', slot=8)
        n9 = Inventory(text='I9', slot=9)
        n0 = Inventory(text='I0', slot=0)
        self.nodes = [n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n0]
    def buildUI(self):
        bottomBox = RelativeLayout() # 1024,188
        self.screenManager = KYRScreenManager(size=(1068,450), size_hint=(None,None), pos=(25,224))
        self.info = Info(text=self.infoText, multiline=True,
                        readonly=True, size=(1064,30), size_hint=(None,None), pos=(25,167))
        btnMenu = Button(text='menu', size=(196,120), size_hint=(None,None), pos=(28,16), opacity = .5)
        self.inventory = GridLayout(orientation='vertical',cols=5,pos=(333,-562),spacing=15)

#creating a list of all the textures in the game. The index of the texture corresponds to its GID.
tile_atlas = []
tile_atlas.append('0')  #a placeholder for the 0th gid, a blank space
for tileset in tilesetList:
    ts = Image(tileset.imagePath, allow_stretch=True).texture
    cols = tileset.imageWidth // tileset.tilesetTileWidth
    rows = tileset.imageHeight // tileset.tilesetTileHeight
    for i in range(
            tileset.tilesetLastGid):  #adding in all the tiles in a tileset
        x = (i % cols) * tileset.tilesetTileWidth
        y = (rows - (i // cols) - 1) * tileset.tilesetTileHeight
        tile = ts.get_region(x, y, tileset.tilesetTileWidth,

#reading in the character sprite: h = 64, w = 36, spacing = 32. They are 57px apart horizontally,
spr = Image('sprite.png', allow_stretch=True).texture
spr_down = []
spr_up = []
spr_right = []
spr_left = []
for i in range(5):
    frame = spr.get_region((26 + i * 57 + i * 33), 10, 36, 64)
for i in range(5):
    frame = spr.get_region((26 + i * 57 + i * 33), 102, 36, 64)
for i in range(4, -1, -1):  #the frames are placed in opposite order.
    def startImage(self):
        myimage = Image("./images/pippaSheet.png").texture

        self.image_R.append(myimage.get_region(0, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_R.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 3, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_R.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 6, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_R.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 5, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_R.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 4, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_R.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 5, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_Jumping_R.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 1, 0, 150, 170))
        self.image_Jumping_R.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 2, 0, 150, 170))

        myimage = Image("./images/pippaSheetL.png").texture

        self.image_L.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 7, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_L.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 2, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_L.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 5, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_L.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 4, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_L.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 3, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_L.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 4, 0, 150, 170))

        self.image_Jumping_L.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 0, 0, 150, 170))
        self.image_Jumping_L.append(myimage.get_region(150 * 1, 0, 150, 170))
from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage

forest_tiles = CoreImage('game-assets/tiles_forest.png').texture

TEX_GRASS = forest_tiles.get_region(16, 48, 16, 16)
TEX_TALLGRASS = forest_tiles.get_region(32, 48, 16, 16)
TEX_BUSH = forest_tiles.get_region(240, 48, 16, 16)
TEX_TREE = forest_tiles.get_region(240, 16, 16, 16)
TEX_BLANK = forest_tiles.get_region(240, 0, 16, 16)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import cv2
    test = CoreImage(TEX_GRASS)
    test2 = CoreImage(TEX_GRASS)
    print test
class Palette(FloatLayout):
	def __init__(self, tileset = None, res = [64, 32], offset = 4, keyboard = None, mapCanvas = None, **kwargs):
		super(Palette, self).__init__(**kwargs)
		# Tileset is an path
		self.tileset = tileset
		# TilesetImage is the image file of the path
		self.tilesetImage = []
		self.imageRes = []
		# Palette dimensions
		self.offset = offset
		self.width = res[0] * 4 + self.offset * 2
		self.height = res[1] * 2 + self.offset * 2
		# Resolution for tiles in the palette. 
		self.res = res
		# Register which canvas is being painted on:
		self.mapCanvas = mapCanvas
		# Listen to keyboard changes:
		self.keyboard = keyboard
		# Bindings
		self.bind(on_touch_down = self.on_down)
		self.bind(on_touch_move = self.on_move)
		self.bind(on_touch_up = self.on_up)
		# Populate the palette
	def on_down(self, parent, touch):
		# Check if the touch-down position is within the palette:
		if touch.pos[0] > self.offset and touch.pos[0] < self.width - self.offset and touch.pos[1] > self.offset and touch.pos[1] < self.height - self.offset:
			yDiv = self.res[1] / self.res[0]
			#Convert the touch.pos arguments into the tile-number
			x = touch.pos[0] // (self.width / 4)
			y = touch.pos[1] // (self.width /  (4 / yDiv))
			# Highlight the tile.
			self.highlight(x, y)
			self.mapCanvas.selectedPaint = [self.tileset, [ [ [x * self.imageRes[0], y * self.imageRes[1] ] ] ], [self.imageRes[0], self.imageRes[1]] ]
			print("not touching the palette!")
	def on_move(self, parent, touch):
	def on_up(self, parent, touch):
	def highlight(self, x, y):
		yDiv = (self.res[1] / self.res[0])
		with self.canvas.after:
			Color(0, 0.5, 1, 0.4)
			Rectangle(size = self.res, pos = (x * self.res[0] + self.offset, y * self.res[1] + self.offset))
		self.mapCanvas.selectedPaint = self.tilesetImage.get_region(x *  self.imageRes[0], y * self.imageRes[1], self.imageRes[0], self.imageRes[1] )	
	def populate_palette(self):
		if self.tileset != None:
			# Set image
			self.tilesetImage = Image(self.tileset).texture
			# Set background image:
			backgroundImagePath = join(globals.subDirectory['graphics'], "emptytile.png")
			backgroundImage = Image(backgroundImagePath).texture
			# Find the resolution of this image:
			yDiv = (self.res[1] / self.res[0]) / 4
			self.imageRes = [self.tilesetImage.width / 4 , self.tilesetImage.width * yDiv]
			# Set new dimensions
			self.width = self.res[0] * 4 + self.offset * 2
			self.height = self.res[1] * (self.tilesetImage.height / (self.tilesetImage.width * yDiv)) + self.offset * 2
			# Draw the background:
			with self.canvas.before:
				Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)
				Rectangle(size = self.size, pos = (self.offset, self.offset))
			for x in range(4):
				for y in range(int(self.tilesetImage.height / (self.tilesetImage.width * yDiv))):
					with self.canvas.before:
						Color(1, 1, 1, 0.1)
						Rectangle(texture = backgroundImage, 
									size = self.res, 
									pos = (x * self.res[0] + self.offset, y * self.res[1] + self.offset ))
			# Draw the tileset in the palette
			for x in range(4):
				for y in range(int(self.tilesetImage.height / (self.tilesetImage.width * yDiv))):
					with self.canvas:
						Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
						Rectangle(texture = self.tilesetImage.get_region(x * self.imageRes[0], y * self.imageRes[1], self.imageRes[0], self.imageRes[1]), 
									size = self.res, 
									pos = (x * self.res[0] + self.offset, y * self.res[1] + self.offset ))