    cont = temp[0]['containers'][0]

    # replace the id in the container to make it use another plateID
    cont['id'] = psr

    # replace the list of containers by a list that contains only the first element (could be more)    
    temp[0]['containers'] = [cont]

    # make a deep copy of the three step template and add it to the momentum script. Deepcopy is necessary, otherwise the changes in the template
    # would be present in all templates. This might be a desired feature in another case but here it is not 

# create an if cascade that assignes different strings to the varible 'PlateType' in iterations 1 to 8 like Muniz explained
# NOTE : Momentum does not allow more than 8 iterations!!!

# psr['process/steps'].insert(0, flow_iteration_assign('PlateType', [1,8], ['"A"', '"B"', '"C"', '"D"', '"E"', '"F"', '"G"', '"H"']))

# finally write the modified script to a file for Momentum to import

# Read a momentum process .mpr file and convert it into xmlutil
psr = Momentum.readMomentum("components/momentum/templates/process/plAnalysis.mpr")
xml = psr.asXML()
xml = etree.tostring(objectify.fromstring(xml), pretty_print=True)
print xml

psr = Momentum.fromXML(xml)

print psr.asMomentum()