    def get_events(self, start_time, end_time, ignore_cancelled = True, get_recurring_events_as_instances = True, restrict_to_calendars = []):
        '''A wrapper for events().list. Returns the events from the calendar within the specified times. Some of the interesting fields are:
                description, end, htmlLink, location, organizer, start, summary

                Note: "Cancelled instances of recurring events (but not the underlying recurring event) will still be included if showDeleted and singleEvents are both False."
        es = []
        calendar_ids = restrict_to_calendars or self.calendar_ids
        for calendar_id in calendar_ids:
            now = datetime.now(tz = self.timezone)
            events = []
            page_token = None
            while True:
                events = self.service.events().list(pageToken=page_token, maxResults = 250, calendarId = self.configured_calendar_ids[calendar_id], timeMin = start_time, timeMax = end_time, showDeleted = False).execute()
                for event in events['items']:
                    dt = None
                    nb = DeepNonStrictNestedBunch(event)
                    nb._event = event # keep the original event as returned in case we want to reuse it e.g. insert it into another calendar
                    if (not ignore_cancelled) or (nb.status != 'cancelled'):
                        # Ignore cancelled events
                        if nb.recurrence:
                            if get_recurring_events_as_instances:
                                # Retrieve all occurrences of the recurring event within the timeframe
                                es += self.get_recurring_events(calendar_id, nb.id, start_time, end_time)
                        elif nb.start.dateTime:
                            dt = dateutil.parser.parse(nb.start.dateTime)
                        elif nb.start.date:
                            dt = dateutil.parser.parse(nb.start.date)
                            dt = datetime(year = dt.year, month = dt.month, day = dt.day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, tzinfo=self.timezone)
                        if dt:
                            nb.datetime_o = dt
                            nb.calendar_id = calendar_id
                page_token = events.get('nextPageToken')
                if not page_token:

        es.sort(key=lambda x: x.datetime_o)
        return es
 def get_recurring_events(self, calendar_id, event_id, start_time, end_time, maxResults = None):
     '''A wrapper for events().instances. Returns the list of recurring events for the given calendar alias within the specified timeframe.'''
     es = []
     page_token = None
     while True:
         events = self.service.events().instances(calendarId = self.configured_calendar_ids[calendar_id], eventId = event_id, pageToken=page_token, timeMin = start_time, timeMax = end_time, maxResults = maxResults, showDeleted = False).execute()
         for event in events['items']:
             dt = None
             nb = DeepNonStrictNestedBunch(event)
             nb._event = event # keep the original event as returned in case we want to reuse it e.g. insert it into another calendar
             if nb.start.date:
                 dt = dateutil.parser.parse(nb.start.date + 'T00:00:00-08:00')
             elif nb.start.dateTime:
                 dt = dateutil.parser.parse(nb.start.dateTime)
             nb.datetime_o = dt
             nb.calendar_id = calendar_id
         page_token = events.get('nextPageToken')
         if not page_token:
     return es