def __init__(self,h): GLPluginInterface.__init__(self) self.hand = h h.load_frames() = WorldModel() #load robot robot = moving_base.make_moving_base_robot(h.robot_file,,floating=True) #load object id = if id < 0: raise IOError("Unable to load "+object_file) assert > 0 object = object.setTransform(so3.rotation([1,0,0],math.pi/2),[0,0,0.2]) #set up unit frames coordinates.setWorldModel( coordinates.listItems() hand_coordinates = coordinates.manager().subgroups[robot.getName()] hand_coordinates.listItems() self.unit_frames = [] for i,(key,unit) in enumerate(h.all_units): self.unit_frames.append(hand_coordinates.addFrame("unit"+str(i),parent=hand_coordinates.frame(key),relativeCoordinates=unit.localTransform)) #set up visualization vis.add("robot",robot) vis.edit("robot") vis.add("rigidObject",object) vis.edit("rigidObject") print "COM",object.getMass().getCom() vis.add("COM",se3.apply(object.getTransform(),object.getMass().getCom())) vis.add("origin",se3.identity()) #vis.add("coordinates",coordinates.manager()) self.config_name = None #set up friction solver folder="FrictionCones/" self.friction_factories = {} for key,unit in h.all_units: if unit.type not in self.friction_factories: self.friction_factories[unit.type] = stability.GeneralizedFrictionConeFactory() self.friction_factories[unit.type].load(folder + unit.type) self.contact_units = [] self.wrenches = None self.torques = None self.feasible = None self.angle = 0 self.wrenchSpace = None self.wrenchSpace6D = None self.frame_gl_objects = [] self.wrench_space_gl_object = None
def visualize(self): world = robotsim.WorldModel() vis.add("world", world) vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) vis.setWindowTitle("PointCloud World") vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w, vp.h = 800, 800 vis.setViewport(vp) # vis.autoFitCamera() vis.lock() vis.unlock() while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.01) vis.kill()
def coordinates_template(world): """Tests integration with the coordinates module.""" #add the world to the visualizer vis.add("world", world) coordinates.setWorldModel(world) #add the coordinate Manager to the visualizer vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) vis.setWindowTitle("Coordinates visualiation test") if MANUAL_EDITING: #manually adds a poser, and adds a callback whenever the widget changes widgets = GLWidgetPlugin() widgets.addWidget(RobotPoser(world.robot(0))) #update the coordinates every time the widget changes widgets.widgetchangefunc = (lambda self: coordinates.updateFromWorld()) vis.pushPlugin(widgets) if not MULTITHREADED: vis.loop(callback=None, else: while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.01) else: vis.edit(("world", world.robot(0).getName())) if not MULTITHREADED: def callback(coordinates=coordinates): coordinates.updateFromWorld() vis.loop(callback=callback, else: while vis.shown(): vis.lock() #reads the coordinates from the world coordinates.updateFromWorld() vis.unlock() time.sleep(0.01) #quit the visualization thread nicely vis.kill()
def visualize_pc_in_klampt_vis(self, pcloud_fname): title = pcloud_fname + " klampt world" vis_window_id = vis.createWindow(title) vis.setWindowTitle(title) world = WorldModel() vis.add("world", world) pcd = print(pcd) pc_xyzs = np.asarray(pcd.points) pc_xyzs_as_list = pc_xyzs.flatten().astype("float") # pc_xyzs_as_list = np.array([1,0,0, 1.1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) pcloud = PointCloud() pcloud.setPoints(int(len(pc_xyzs_as_list) / 3), pc_xyzs_as_list) print(pcloud.numPoints()) vis.add("pcloud", pcloud) # vis.setColor("pcloud", 0, 0, 1, a=1) # vis.setAttribute("p1", "size", 5.0) box = klampt.GeometricPrimitive() box.setAABB([-1, -1, 0], [-0.9, -0.9, 0.2]) g = klampt.Geometry3D(box) vis.add("box", g) vis.setColor("box", 0, 0, 1, 0.5) coordinates.setWorldModel(world) vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) while vis.shown(): vis.lock() vis.unlock() time.sleep(0.01) vis.kill()
def load_pcloud(self, save_file): """ Converts a geometry to another type, if a conversion is available. The interpretation of param depends on the type of conversion, with 0 being a reasonable default. Available conversions are: PointCloud -> TriangleMesh, if the point cloud is structured. param is the threshold for splitting triangles by depth discontinuity, by default infinity. """ long_np_cloud = np.fromfile(save_file) print(long_np_cloud.shape, ": shape of long numpy cloud") num_points = long_np_cloud.shape[0] / 3 np_cloud = np.zeros(shape=(num_points, 3)) pcloud = klampt.PointCloud() scaling_factor = 0.1 points = [] xs = [] ys = [] zs = [] for x in range(num_points): i = x * 3 x_val = long_np_cloud[i] * scaling_factor y_val = long_np_cloud[i + 1] * scaling_factor z_val = long_np_cloud[i + 2] * scaling_factor np_cloud[x][0] = x_val np_cloud[x][1] = y_val np_cloud[x][2] = z_val xs.append(x_val) ys.append(y_val) zs.append(z_val) points.append(np_cloud[x]) points.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[2]) x_sorted = sorted(xs) # sorted y_sorted = sorted(ys) # sorted z_sorted = sorted(zs) # sorted xfit = stats.norm.pdf(x_sorted, np.mean(x_sorted), np.std(x_sorted)) yfit = stats.norm.pdf(y_sorted, np.mean(y_sorted), np.std(y_sorted)) zfit = stats.norm.pdf(z_sorted, np.mean(z_sorted), np.std(z_sorted)) # plot with various axes scales plt.figure(1) # linear plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(x_sorted, xfit) plt.hist(x_sorted, normed=True) plt.title("X values") plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(222) plt.plot(y_sorted, yfit) plt.hist(y_sorted, normed=True) plt.title("Y values") plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(223) plt.plot(z_sorted, zfit) plt.hist(z_sorted, normed=True) plt.title("Z values") plt.grid(True) # Format the minor tick labels of the y-axis into empty strings with # `NullFormatter`, to avoid cumbering the axis with too many labels. plt.gca().yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) # Adjust the subplot layout, because the logit one may take more space # than usual, due to y-tick labels like "1 - 10^{-3}" plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.92, bottom=0.08, left=0.10, right=0.95, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.35) # median_z = np.median(zs) threshold = 0.25 * scaling_factor for point in points: if np.fabs(point[2] - median_z) < threshold: pcloud.addPoint(point) print(pcloud.numPoints(), ": num points") # Visualize pcloud.setSetting("width", "3") pcloud.setSetting("height", str(len(points) / 3)) g3d_pcloud = Geometry3D(pcloud) mesh = g3d_pcloud.convert("TriangleMesh", 0) world = robotsim.WorldModel() vis.add("world", world) vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) vis.setWindowTitle("PointCloud World") vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w, vp.h = 800, 800 vis.setViewport(vp) vis.autoFitCamera() vis.lock() vis.add("mesh", mesh) vis.unlock() while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.01) vis.kill() print("done")
if __name__ == "__main__": world = WorldModel() res = world.readFile("ex2_file.xml") if not res: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load world file") linkindex = 7 localpos = (0.17, 0, 0) robot = world.robot(0) link = coordinates.setWorldModel(world) goalpoint = [0, 0, 0] ptlocal = coordinates.addPoint("ik-constraint-local", localpos, robot.getName() + ":" + link.getName()) ptworld = coordinates.addPoint("ik-constraint-world", goalpoint, "world") print coordinates.manager().frames.keys() vis.add("robot", robot) vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) iteration = 0 while vis.shown(): vis.lock() #set the desired position goalpoint to move in a circle r = 0.4 t = vis.animationTime() goalpoint[0], goalpoint[1], goalpoint[2] = 0.8, r * math.cos( t), 0.7 + r * math.sin(t) q = solve_ik(link, localpos, goalpoint) robot.setConfig(q) #this updates the coordinates module
if __name__ == "__main__": world = WorldModel() res = world.readFile("ex2_file.xml") if not res: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load world file") linkindex = 7 localpos = (0.17, 0, 0) robot = world.robot(0) link = coordinates.setWorldModel(world) goalpoint = [0, 0, 0] ptlocal = coordinates.addPoint("ik-constraint-local", localpos, robot.getName() + ":" + link.getName()) ptworld = coordinates.addPoint("ik-constraint-world", goalpoint, "world") print(list(coordinates.manager().frames.keys())) vis.add("robot", robot) vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) iteration = 0 while vis.shown(): vis.lock() #set the desired position goalpoint to move in a circle r = 0.4 t = vis.animationTime() goalpoint[0], goalpoint[1], goalpoint[2] = 0.8, r * math.cos( t), 0.7 + r * math.sin(t) q = solve_ik(link, localpos, goalpoint) robot.setConfig(q) #this updates the coordinates module