def test_copy(self): c = Connection('amqp://') assert copy(c).info() ==
def test__green_pidbox_node(self): pool = Mock() pool.is_green = True l = MyKombuConsumer(self.buffer.put, timer=self.timer, pool=pool, l.node = Mock() controller = find_step(l, consumer.Control) class BConsumer(Mock): def __enter__(self): self.consume() return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.cancel() = BConsumer() connections = [] class Connection(object): calls = 0 def __init__(self, obj): connections.append(self) self.obj = obj self.default_channel = self.closed = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.close() def channel(self): return Mock() def as_uri(self): return 'dummy://' def drain_events(self, **kwargs): if not self.calls: self.calls += 1 raise socket.timeout() self.obj.connection = None def close(self): self.closed = True l.connection = Mock() l.connect = lambda: Connection(obj=l) controller = find_step(l, consumer.Control) self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue( self.assertIsNone(l.connection) self.assertTrue(connections[0].closed)
type='fanout',, durable=True ) queues = [ Queue( name='', exchange=exchange, routing_key='',, exclusive=True ) ] return [ Consumer(queues=queues, accept=['json'], callbacks=[self.on_message]) ] def on_message(self, body, message): try: print(body) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) message.ack() if __name__ == '__main__': from kombu.utils.debug import setup_logging setup_logging(loglevel='DEBUG', loggers=['']) with Connection(AMQP_URL) as conn: consumer = FanoutConsumer(conn)
def setUp(self): if pyamqp is None: raise SkipTest('py-amqp not installed') self.connection = Connection('pyamqp://') self.transport = self.connection.transport
def callback(ch, method, properties, body): try: print(" [x] Received %r" % int(body)) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) except Exception as e: raise e channel.basic_consume(callback, queue='hello', no_ack=False) print(' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C') channel.start_consuming() else: from kombu import Connection, Exchange, Queue media_exchange = Exchange('welog', 'topic', durable=True) video_queue = Queue('welog', exchange=media_exchange, routing_key='welog') def process_media(body, message): print body message.ack() # connections with Connection('amqp://*****:*****@localhost//') as conn: # consume with conn.Consumer(video_queue, callbacks=[process_media]) as consumer: # Process messages and handle events on all channels while True: conn.drain_events()
def test_default_port(self): class Transport(pyamqp.Transport): Connection = MockConnection c = Connection(port=None, transport=Transport).connect() assert c['host'] == f'{Transport.default_port}'
def start_worker(broker_url): connection = Connection(broker_url) print(' [x] Awaiting RPC requests') worker = Worker(connection)
def test_as_uri_when_prefix(self): conn = Connection('redis+socket:///var/spool/x/y/z/redis.sock') assert conn.as_uri() == 'redis+socket:///var/spool/x/y/z/redis.sock'
def test_as_uri_when_mongodb(self): x = Connection('mongodb://localhost') assert x.as_uri()
def test_completes_cycle_no_cycle(self): c = Connection('amqp://') assert c.completes_cycle(0) assert c.completes_cycle(1)
def test_completes_cycle(self): c = Connection('amqp://a;amqp://b;amqp://c') assert not c.completes_cycle(0) assert not c.completes_cycle(1) assert c.completes_cycle(2)
def test_heartbeat_check(self): c = Connection(transport=Transport) c.transport.heartbeat_check = Mock() c.heartbeat_check(3) c.transport.heartbeat_check.assert_called_with(c.connection, rate=3)
def test_maybe_switch_next_no_cycle(self): c = Connection('amqp://foo') c.maybe_switch_next() assert not c._closed assert c.hostname == 'foo' assert c.transport_cls, ('librabbitmq', 'pyamqp' in 'amqp')
def test_copy_multiples(self): c = Connection('amqp://;amqp://') assert c.alt d = copy(c) assert d.alt == c.alt
def test_without_pyrabbit(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): Connection('amqp://').get_manager()
def setup(self): self.conn = Connection(port=5672, transport=Transport, transport_options=self.transport_options)
def test_amqps_connection(): conn = Connection('amqps://') assert conn.transport # evaluate transport, don't connect assert conn.ssl
def test_bogus_scheme(self): with pytest.raises(KeyError): Connection('bogus://localhost:7421').transport
def setup(self): self.connection = Connection('pyamqp://') self.transport = self.connection.transport
def test_prepare_not_callable(self): P = self.create_resource(None) conn = Connection('memory://') assert P.prepare(conn) is conn
def test_custom_port(self): class Transport(pyamqp.Transport): Connection = MockConnection c = Connection(port=1337, transport=Transport).connect() self.assertEqual(c['host'], '')
def create_resource(self, limit): return Connection(port=5672, transport=Transport).ChannelPool(limit)
import time import random from ddtrace import tracer from kombu import Connection @tracer.wrap('process_message') def process_message(message): time.sleep(random.uniform(0.001, 0.01)) with Connection('amqp://*****:*****@') as conn: simple_queue = conn.SimpleQueue('simple_queue') while True: with tracer.trace('consume', service='consumer'): message = simple_queue.get(block=True, timeout=2) message.ack() process_message(message) print('Received: {0}'.format(message.payload)) simple_queue.close()
def test_prepare_not_callable(self): P = self.create_resource(10) conn = Connection('memory://') chan = conn.default_channel assert P.prepare(chan) is chan
#get config info: parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c", dest='configfile', default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), __file__).replace('.py', '.conf'), help="configuration file to use") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() initConfig() #connect and declare the message queue/kombu objects. connString = 'amqp://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}//'.format(options.mquser, options.mqpassword, options.mqserver, options.mqport) mqConn = Connection(connString) eventTaskExchange = Exchange(name=options.taskexchange, type='direct', durable=True) eventTaskExchange(mqConn).declare() eventTaskQueue = Queue(options.taskexchange, exchange=eventTaskExchange) eventTaskQueue(mqConn).declare() mqproducer = mqConn.Producer(serializer='json') if __name__ == "__main__": run(host=options.listen_host, port=8080) else: application = default_app()
import dataset print("import dataset heheheheh") # setar para falar com banco db = dataset.connect('mysql://*****:*****@') tabela = db['EVENTOS'] console = Console() queue = "contador-carro-exchange" exchange = "contador-carro-exchange" routing_key = "contador-carro-exchange" rabbit_url = "amqp://*****:*****@" # Rabbit config conn = Connection(rabbit_url) channel_ = exchange_ = Exchange(exchange, type="direct", delivery_mode=1) class Worker(ConsumerMixin): def __init__(self, connection, queues): self.connection = connection self.queues = queues def on_message(self, body, message): data = pickle.loads(body) print(data['id_camera']) tabela.insert( dict(id_camera=data['id_camera'], data_=data['data_'],
def run(self): with Connection(rpc.conn_str) as conn: self.consumer = RPCConsumer(conn, self.receiver)
denoise_list = glob.glob('./kaggle/*_*.jpg') total_list = glob.glob('./kaggle/*.jpg') raw_list = list(set(total_list) - set(denoise_list)) run_duration = execute_user_script(raw_list) for i in xrange(1, 40): tmp = run_metrics('./kaggle/' + str(i) + '.jpg', './kaggle/denoise_' + str(i) + '.jpg') print i, tmp['score'] val_ret['score'] += tmp['score'] val_ret['duration'] = run_duration return except Exception as exc: logger.error('task raised exception: %r', exc) message.ack() if __name__ == '__main__': from kombu import Connection from kombu.utils.debug import setup_logging # setup root logger setup_logging(loglevel='INFO', loggers=['']) with Connection( 'amqp://*****:*****@') as conn: try: worker = Worker(conn) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('bye bye')
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): _log.debug('invoking %s', self) worker_ctx = self.worker_ctx container = worker_ctx.container msg = {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs} conn = Connection( container.config[AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY], transport_options={'confirm_publish': True}, ) # We use the `mandatory` flag in `producer.publish` below to catch rpc # calls to non-existent services, which would otherwise wait forever # for a reply that will never arrive. # # However, the basic.return ("no one is listening for topic") is sent # asynchronously and conditionally, so we can't wait() on the channel # for it (will wait forever on successful delivery). # # Instead, we use (the rabbitmq extension) confirm_publish # (, which _always_ sends a # reply down the channel. Moreover, in the case where no queues are # bound to the exchange (service unknown), the basic.return is sent # first, so by the time kombu returns (after waiting for the confim) # we can reliably check for returned messages. routing_key = '{}.{}'.format(self.service_name, self.method_name) exchange = get_rpc_exchange(container) with producers[conn].acquire(block=True) as producer: headers = self.get_message_headers(worker_ctx) correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) reply_listener = self.reply_listener reply_to_routing_key = reply_listener.routing_key reply_event = reply_listener.get_reply_event(correlation_id) producer.publish( msg, exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, mandatory=True, reply_to=reply_to_routing_key, headers=headers, correlation_id=correlation_id, retry=True, retry_policy=DEFAULT_RETRY_POLICY ) if not raise UnknownService(self.service_name) _log.debug('Waiting for RPC reply event %s', self) resp_body = reply_event.wait() _log.debug('RPC reply event complete %s %s', self, resp_body) error = resp_body.get('error') if error: raise deserialize(error) return resp_body['result']
def test_manager(self): c = Connection(transport=Mock) assert c.manager is c.transport.manager