def contents(context, request):
    Contents view. Renders either the contents view or handle the action
    button actions of the view.

    :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the
             template for rendering.
    :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict
    buttons = contents_buttons(context, request)
    for button in buttons:
        if button.name in request.POST:
            children = request.POST.getall('children')
            if not children and button.name != u'paste':
                    _(u'You have to select items to perform an action.'),
                location = resource_url(context, request) + '@@contents'
                return HTTPFound(location=location)
            request.session['kotti.selected-children'] = children
            location = button.url(context, request)
            return HTTPFound(location, request=request)

    return {'children': context.children_with_permission(request),
            'buttons': buttons,
def contents(context, request):
    Contents view. Renders either the contents view or handle the action
    button actions of the view.

    :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the
             template for rendering.
    :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict
    buttons = contents_buttons(context, request)
    for button in buttons:
        if button.name in request.POST:
            children = request.POST.getall('children')
            if not children and button.name != 'paste':
                    _('You have to select items to perform an action.'),
                location = resource_url(context, request) + '@@contents'
                return HTTPFound(location=location)
            request.session['kotti.selected-children'] = children
            location = button.url(context, request)
            return HTTPFound(location, request=request)

    return {'children': context.children_with_permission(request),
            'buttons': buttons,