def pod_exec(self, pod_name, exec_command, timeout=60): """work as the command (with timeout): kubectl exec 'pod_name' 'exec_command'""" try:"Exec on pod {}: {}".format(pod_name, exec_command)) client = stream( self.v1.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, name=pod_name, namespace=self.namespace, command=exec_command, stderr=True, stdin=False, stdout=True, tty=False, _preload_content=False, ) client.run_forever(timeout=timeout) err = yaml.full_load(client.read_channel(ERROR_CHANNEL)) if err is None: return [-1, "Timeout"] if err["status"] == "Success": status_code = 0 else: logging.debug("Exec on pod {} failed. cmd: {}, err: {}.".format(pod_name, exec_command, err)) status_code = int(err["details"]["causes"][0]["message"]) output = client.read_all()"Exec on pod {}, status: {}, cmd: {}, output: {}".format(pod_name, status_code, exec_command, output)) return [status_code, output] except ApiException as err: logging.error("Exec on pod {} error. cmd: {}, err: {}.".format(pod_name, exec_command, err), exc_info=True) return [-1, err.message]
def ps_pod(pod, userid=1000): """Get ps output from a single pod""" kube = get_kube() try: client = stream( kube.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, pod["metadata"]["name"], namespace=pod["metadata"]["namespace"], command=["ps", "aux"], stderr=True, stdin=False, stdout=True, _preload_content=False, ) client.run_forever(timeout=60) stderr = client.read_stderr() if stderr.strip(): print(f"err! {stderr}", file=sys.stderr) stdout = client.read_stdout() returncode = client.returncode if returncode: raise RuntimeError(f"stdout={stdout}\nstderr={stderr}") return stdout except Exception as e: return f"Error reporting on ps in {pod['metadata']['name']}: {e}"
def pod_exec(pod_name, exec_command, timeout=60): """work as the command (with timeout): kubectl exec 'pod_name' 'exec_command'""" try: logger.debug("Exec on pod %s: %s", pod_name, exec_command) client = stream( k8s_core_api.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, name=pod_name, namespace="default", command=exec_command, stderr=True, stdin=False, stdout=True, tty=False, _preload_content=False, ) client.run_forever(timeout=timeout) err = yaml.full_load(client.read_channel(ERROR_CHANNEL)) if err is None: return [-1, "Timeout"] if err["status"] == "Success": status_code = 0 else: logger.debug("Exec on pod %s failed. cmd: %s, err: %s.", pod_name, exec_command, err) status_code = int(err["details"]["causes"][0]["message"]) output = client.read_all()"Exec on pod %s, status: %s, cmd: %s, output: %s", pod_name, status_code, exec_command, output) return [status_code, output] except ApiException as err: logger.exception("Exec on pod %s error. cmd: %s, err: %s.", pod_name, exec_command, err) return [-1, err.message]
def _run_pod_exec( ns: str, cluster_name: str, orchest_service: str, command: t.List[str], check_gate=True, ) -> None: """Runs `command` inside the pod defined by `orchest_service`. Raises: RuntimeError: If something went wrong when trying to run the command in the pod, or when the command did not return with a zero exit code. """ def passes_gate(ns: str, cluster_name: str) -> t.Tuple[bool, str]: """Returns whether the Orchest Cluster is in a valid state. Returns: True, "": if Cluster is in a valid state. False, reason: if Cluster is in an invalid state. """ try: status = _get_orchest_cluster_status(ns, cluster_name) except CRObjectNotFound as e: return False, str(e) if status != ClusterStatus.RUNNING: reason = ( "The Orchest Cluster state is " " '{'unknown' if status is None else status.value}', whereas it needs" " to be '{ClusterStatus.RUNNING.value}'. Check:" "\n\torchest status") return False, reason return True, "" if check_gate: passed_gate, reason = passes_gate(ns, cluster_name) if not passed_gate: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to pass gate: {reason}") pods = CORE_API.list_namespaced_pod( ns, label_selector=(f"{orchest_service}={orchest_service}," "," f"{cluster_name}"), ) if not pods: raise RuntimeError( f"Orchest Cluster is in an invalid state: no '{orchest_service}' found." ) elif len(pods.items) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Orchest Cluster is in an invalid state: multiple " f" '{orchest_service}' found.") else: pod = pods.items[0] client = CORE_API.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec,, namespace=ns, command=command, stderr=True, stdin=False, stdout=True, tty=False, # Gives us a WS client so we can get the return code. _preload_content=False, ) # NOTE: Timeout shouldn't be needed, but we don't want to keep the # WS connection open indefinitely if something goes wrong when # running the command. client.run_forever(timeout=20) if client.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(client.read_all())