def test_kwik_save():
    """WARNING: this test should occur at the end of the module since it
    changes the mock data sets."""
    # Open the mock data.
    dir = TEST_FOLDER
    xmlfile = os.path.join(dir, 'test.xml')
    l = KwikLoader(filename=xmlfile)
    clusters = l.get_clusters()
    cluster_colors = l.get_cluster_colors()
    cluster_groups = l.get_cluster_groups()
    group_colors = l.get_group_colors()
    group_names = l.get_group_names()
    # Set clusters.
    indices = get_indices(clusters)
    l.set_cluster(indices[::2], 2)
    l.set_cluster(indices[1::2], 3)
    # Set cluster info.
    cluster_indices = l.get_clusters_unique()
    l.set_cluster_colors(cluster_indices[::2], 10)
    l.set_cluster_colors(cluster_indices[1::2], 20)
    l.set_cluster_groups(cluster_indices[::2], 1)
    l.set_cluster_groups(cluster_indices[1::2], 0)
    # Save.
    clusters = l.get_clusters()
    cluster_colors = l.get_cluster_colors()
    cluster_groups = l.get_cluster_groups()
    group_colors = l.get_group_colors()
    group_names = l.get_group_names()
    assert np.all(clusters[::2] == 2)
    assert np.all(clusters[1::2] == 3)
    assert np.all(cluster_colors[::2] == 10)
    assert np.all(cluster_colors[1::2] == 20)
    print cluster_groups
    assert np.all(cluster_groups[::2] == 1)
    assert np.all(cluster_groups[1::2] == 0)

def test_kwik_loader_control():
    # Open the mock data.
    dir = TEST_FOLDER
    xmlfile = os.path.join(dir, 'test.xml')
    l = KwikLoader(filename=xmlfile)

    # Take all spikes in cluster 3.
    spikes = get_indices(l.get_clusters(clusters=3))

    # Put them in cluster 4.
    l.set_cluster(spikes, 4)
    spikes_new = get_indices(l.get_clusters(clusters=4))

    # Ensure all spikes in old cluster 3 are now in cluster 4.
    assert np.all(np.in1d(spikes, spikes_new))

    # Change cluster groups.
    clusters = [2, 3, 4]
    group = 0
    l.set_cluster_groups(clusters, group)
    groups = l.get_cluster_groups(clusters)
    assert np.all(groups == group)

    # Change cluster colors.
    clusters = [2, 3, 4]
    color = 12
    l.set_cluster_colors(clusters, color)
    colors = l.get_cluster_colors(clusters)
    assert np.all(colors == color)

    # Change group name.
    group = 0
    name = l.get_group_names(group)
    name_new = 'Noise new'
    assert name == 'Noise'
    l.set_group_names(group, name_new)
    assert l.get_group_names(group) == name_new

    # Change group color.
    groups = [1, 2]
    colors = l.get_group_colors(groups)
    color_new = 10
    l.set_group_colors(groups, color_new)
    assert np.all(l.get_group_colors(groups) == color_new)

    # Add cluster and group.
    spikes = get_indices(l.get_clusters(clusters=3))[:10]
    # Create new group 100.
    l.add_group(100, 'New group', 10)
    # Create new cluster 10000 and put it in group 100.
    l.add_cluster(10000, 100, 10)
    # Put some spikes in the new cluster.
    l.set_cluster(spikes, 10000)
    clusters = l.get_clusters(spikes=spikes)
    assert np.all(clusters == 10000)
    groups = l.get_cluster_groups(10000)
    assert groups == 100
    l.set_cluster(spikes, 2)

    # Remove the new cluster and group.
    assert np.all(~np.in1d(10000, l.get_clusters()))
    assert np.all(~np.in1d(100, l.get_cluster_groups()))

def test_kwik_loader_control():
    # Open the mock data.
    dir = TEST_FOLDER
    xmlfile = os.path.join(dir, 'test.xml')
    l = KwikLoader(filename=xmlfile)
    # Take all spikes in cluster 3.
    spikes = get_indices(l.get_clusters(clusters=3))
    # Put them in cluster 4.
    l.set_cluster(spikes, 4)
    spikes_new = get_indices(l.get_clusters(clusters=4))
    # Ensure all spikes in old cluster 3 are now in cluster 4.
    assert np.all(np.in1d(spikes, spikes_new))
    # Change cluster groups.
    clusters = [2, 3, 4]
    group = 0
    l.set_cluster_groups(clusters, group)
    groups = l.get_cluster_groups(clusters)
    assert np.all(groups == group)
    # Change cluster colors.
    clusters = [2, 3, 4]
    color = 12
    l.set_cluster_colors(clusters, color)
    colors = l.get_cluster_colors(clusters)
    assert np.all(colors == color)
    # Change group name.
    group = 0
    name = l.get_group_names(group)
    name_new = 'Noise new'
    assert name == 'Noise'
    l.set_group_names(group, name_new)
    assert l.get_group_names(group) == name_new
    # Change group color.
    groups = [1, 2]
    colors = l.get_group_colors(groups)
    color_new = 10
    l.set_group_colors(groups, color_new)
    assert np.all(l.get_group_colors(groups) == color_new)
    # Add cluster and group.
    spikes = get_indices(l.get_clusters(clusters=3))[:10]
    # Create new group 100.
    l.add_group(100, 'New group', 10)
    # Create new cluster 10000 and put it in group 100.
    l.add_cluster(10000, 100, 10)
    # Put some spikes in the new cluster.
    l.set_cluster(spikes, 10000)
    clusters = l.get_clusters(spikes=spikes)
    assert np.all(clusters == 10000)
    groups = l.get_cluster_groups(10000)
    assert groups == 100
    l.set_cluster(spikes, 2)
    # Remove the new cluster and group.
    assert np.all(~np.in1d(10000, l.get_clusters()))
    assert np.all(~np.in1d(100, l.get_cluster_groups()))