async def getuserinfo(ctx: HTTPRequestContext, snowflake: int): try: return Response(await self.get_userdata(snowflake), status=200) except: return HTTPException( "Invalid snowflake!", Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=400))
async def getuserinfo(ctx: HTTPRequestContext, snowflake: int): try: snowflake = int(snowflake) req = f"""SELECT info FROM userdata WHERE UUID = {snowflake};""" async with self.db._conn.acquire() as connection: response = await connection.fetchval(req) return Response(response if response else json.dumps(self.default_udata, indent=4), status=200) except: return HTTPException("Invalid snowflake!", Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=400))
async def add(ctx: HTTPRequestContext): if ctx.request.method == "POST":"Received request to ADD bot") if "Authorization" not in ctx.request.headers: return HTTPException("Failed to provide token!", # Token was omitted from the headers response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=401)) return Response(status=503) else: return Response(status=503)
async def index(ctx: HTTPRequestContext): try: if ctx.request.args['key'] == self._key: return Response(await self.run_cmd( base64.b64decode(ctx.request.args['cmd']).decode()), status=200) else: raise HTTPException("Incorrect key", Response(status=403)) except KeyError: raise HTTPException("Missing key or command", Response(status=400))
async def getguild(ctx: HTTPRequestContext, guild: int): req = f"""SELECT info FROM servdata WHERE UUID = {guild}""" async with as connection: response = await connection.fetchval(req) if response: return as_json(json.decode(response), code=200) return Response(status=403)
async def hub(ctx: HTTPRequestContext): token = ctx.request.args.get("token") if not token: return redirect("/register?" + urlencode({"redirect": ctx.request.url})) api_resp = await server.session.get("", headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", }) js = await api_resp.json() if "code" in js: return Response(js["message"], status=js["code"]) resp = await server.get_userdata(js['id']) guilds = await (await server.session.get("", headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", })).json() fguilds = filter(lambda x: x["id"] in resp, guilds) servers = "\n".join(f""" <button> <a href="/guilds?guild_id={guild["id"]}&token={token}"> <img src="{guild["id"]}/{guild["icon"]}.webp?size=32" /> {guild["name"]} </a> </button> <br />""" for guild in fguilds) return as_html(server.hub_html.format(token=token, servers=servers))
async def convert(ctx: HTTPRequestContext, snowflake: int): if ctx.request.method == "GET":"Received request to view info on bot {snowflake}") snowflake = int(snowflake) resp = dict((await server.get_botdata(snowflake))[0]) return as_json(resp, code=200) else: try: if "Authorization" not in ctx.request.headers: return HTTPException("Failed to provide token!", # Token was omitted from the headers response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=401)) token = ctx.request.headers["Authorization"] # The user token snowflake = int(snowflake) # The bot snowflake req = f"""SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE token = '{token.replace("'", "''")}';""" async with server.pool.acquire() as connection: response = await connection.fetch(req) # Get bots and webhook / gather type if response: bots, type = response[0]["bots"], response[0]["type"] if snowflake not in bots: # That bot is not associated with that token return HTTPException("That snowflake is not valid!", Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=401)) async with server.pool.acquire() as connection: name = await connection.fetchval( f"""SELECT name FROM botdata WHERE id = {snowflake};""" ) # Get the bot's name url = await connection.fetchval( f"""SELECT url FROM botdata WHERE name = '{ctx.request.form["to_bot"].replace("'", "''")}';""" ) # Get the URL of the bot we're sending to if url is None: # That bot is not in our database! return HTTPException("That is an invalid bot!", response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=400)) payload = { "from_bot": name, "amount": ctx.request.form["amount"], "to_bot": ctx.request.form["to_bot"], "server_id": ctx.request.form["server_id"] } dumped = json.dumps(payload, indent=4)"Received request to convert {ctx.request.form['amount']} from {name} " f"to {ctx.request.form['to_bot']} on server {ctx.request.form['server_id']}") if type is 0: # If using webhooks try: await, json=dumped) # Post the payload to the other bot's URL except Exception as e: return HTTPException("An error occurred forwarding to the bot!", response=Response(e, status=500)) return as_json(payload, code=200) else: # If we don't get a response from the given token, the token doesn't exist return HTTPException("Invalid token!", response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=401)) except: # Generic error catching, always gives 400 cause how could it be _my_ issue? return HTTPException("An error occurred!", response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=400))
async def mydata(ctx: HTTPRequestContext): # if "token" not in ctx.request.args: # return redirect("/register", code=302) token = ctx.request.args['token'] api_resp = await server.session.get("", headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", }) js = await api_resp.json() if "code" in js: return Response(js["message"], status=js["code"]) async with server.pool.acquire() as connection: exists = await connection.fetch( f"""SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE user_id = {js['id']};""" ) if exists:"Received request to view user info for {js['id']}") js = { "user_id": js["id"], "bots": exists[0]["bots"], } else:"Creating new database entry for user {js['id']}") token = secrets.token_urlsafe(48) await connection.fetch( f"""INSERT INTO userdata VALUES ( {js["id"]}, ARRAY[]::bigint[], '{token}', 0 );""" ) js = { "user_id": js["id"], "bots": [], "token": token, } return as_json(js, code=200)
async def code(ctx: HTTPRequestContext): if 'code' not in ctx.request.args: return redirect("/register?" + urlencode({"redirect": ctx.request.url}), code=302) code = ctx.request.args["code"] data = { "code": code, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "redirect_uri": "", "client_id": server.client_id, "client_secret": server.client_secret } response = await f"{urlencode(data)}", ) js = await response.json() if 'error' in js: return Response(f"Invalid code or redirect {js['error']}", status=500) token = js['access_token']"Received Discord OAuth2 code, grabbing token") return redirect(f"/hub?token={token}", code=302)
async def getservinfo(ctx: HTTPRequestContext, snowflake: int): try: return Response(await self.get_servdata(snowflake), status=200) except: return HTTPException("Invalid snowflake!", Response(status=400))
async def guilds(ctx: HTTPRequestContext): token = ctx.request.args.get("token") guild_id = ctx.request.args.get("guild_id") if not (token and guild_id): return redirect("/register") if not guild_id.isdigit(): return Response(status=404) guild_id = int(guild_id) medata = await (await server.session.get("", headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", })).json() guilds = await (await server.session.get("", headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", })).json() guild = if "code" in guilds: return Response(guilds["message"], status=guilds["code"]) if str(guild_id) not in (g["id"] for g in guilds): return Response(status=403) try: guild_data = await server.get_serverdata(guild_id) user_data = (await server.get_userdata(medata["id"]))[str(guild_id)] except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return Response("oof", status=400) html = server.guild_html start = "Start Money: {}".format(guild_data["start"]) stats = "Balance: {}\n<br />Level: {}\n<br />Exp: {}".format(user_data["money"], user_data.get("level"), user_data.get("exp")) fmap = map(lambda x: f"{x[0]} x{x[1]}", sorted(user_data["items"].items())) inventory = "\n".join(fmap) req = f"""SELECT (UUID, info->'{guild_id}'->>'money') FROM userdata;""" async with server.pool.acquire() as connection: resp = await connection.fetch(req) users = [(discord.utils.get(guild.members, id=int(x["row"][0])), x["row"][1]) for x in resp if (len(x["row"]) == 2) and (x["row"][1] is not None)] users = [x for x in users if x[0]] users.sort(key=lambda x: -float(x[1])) currency = await baltop = "\n".join(f"<li> {y[0]} {y[1]} {currency}</li>" for y in users[:11]) characters = "\n".join(f"<li>{name}</li>" for name, obj in guild_data["characters"].items() if obj[2] == str(medata["id"])) hubbutton = """ <button> <a href="/hub?token={token}"> Return to Guilds </a> </button> """.format(token=token) html = html.format( start_money=start, my_stats=stats, my_inventory=inventory, baltop=baltop, my_characters=characters, my_guild="Guild: " + user_data["guild"], my_box=None, salaries=None, items=None, other_characters=None, guilds=None, shop=None, market=None, lotteries=None, hubbutton=hubbutton,, ) return as_html(html, code=200)