def generate_agent_sample_tl_history(
    state_index: int,
    frames: np.ndarray,
    agents: np.ndarray,
    tl_faces: np.ndarray,
    selected_track_id: Optional[int],
    render_context: RenderContext,
    history_num_frames: int,
    history_step_size: int,
    future_num_frames: int,
    future_step_size: int,
    filter_agents_threshold: float,
    rasterizer: Optional[Rasterizer] = None,
    perturbation: Optional[Perturbation] = None,
) -> dict:
    """Sampling function with rich traffic light history information.

    Generates the inputs and targets to train a deep prediction model. A deep prediction model takes as input
    the state of the world (here: an image we will call the "raster"), and outputs where that agent will be some
    seconds into the future.

    This function has a lot of arguments and is intended for internal use, you should try to use higher level classes
    and partials that use this function.

        state_index (int): The anchor frame index, i.e. the "current" timestep in the scene
        frames (np.ndarray): The scene frames array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        agents (np.ndarray): The full agents array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        tl_faces (np.ndarray): The full traffic light faces array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        selected_track_id (Optional[int]): Either None for AV, or the ID of an agent that you want to
        predict the future of. This agent is centered in the raster and the returned targets are derived from
        their future states.
        raster_size (Tuple[int, int]): Desired output raster dimensions
        pixel_size (np.ndarray): Size of one pixel in the real world
        ego_center (np.ndarray): Where in the raster to draw the ego, [0.5,0.5] would be the center
        history_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        history_step_size (int): Steps to take between frames, can be used to subsample history frames
        future_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        future_step_size (int): Steps to take between targets into the future
        filter_agents_threshold (float): Value between 0 and 1 to use as cutoff value for agent filtering
        based on their probability of being a relevant agent
        rasterizer (Optional[Rasterizer]): Rasterizer of some sort that draws a map image
        perturbation (Optional[Perturbation]): Object that perturbs the input and targets, used
to train models that can recover from slight divergence from training set data

        ValueError: A ValueError is returned if the specified ``selected_track_id`` is not present in the scene
        or was filtered by applying the ``filter_agent_threshold`` probability filtering.

        dict: a dict object with the raster array, the future offset coordinates (meters),
        the future yaw angular offset, the future_availability as a binary mask
    #  the history slice is ordered starting from the latest frame and goes backward in time., ex. slice(100, 91, -2)
    history_slice = get_history_slice(state_index,
    future_slice = get_future_slice(state_index, future_num_frames,

    all_history_frames = frames[state_index::-1].copy()  # current to past
    history_frames = frames[history_slice].copy(
    )  # copy() required if the object is a np.ndarray
    future_frames = frames[future_slice].copy()

    sorted_frames = np.concatenate(
        (history_frames[::-1], future_frames))  # from past to future

    # get agents (past and future)
    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(sorted_frames[0],
    agents = agents[agent_slice].copy(
    )  # this is the minimum slice of agents we need
        "agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
        "agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
    history_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(history_frames, agents)
    future_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(future_frames, agents)

    # tl_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(history_frames[-1], history_frames[0])  # -1 is the farthest
    # # sync interval with the traffic light faces array
    # history_frames["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= tl_slice.start
    # history_tl_faces = filter_tl_faces_by_frames(history_frames, tl_faces[tl_slice].copy())

    all_tl_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
        all_history_frames[-1], all_history_frames[0])  # -1 is the farthest
    # sync interval with the traffic light faces array
        "traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= all_tl_slice.start
    all_history_tl_faces = filter_tl_faces_by_frames(
        all_history_frames, tl_faces[all_tl_slice].copy())

    if perturbation is not None:
        history_frames, future_frames = perturbation.perturb(
            history_frames=history_frames, future_frames=future_frames)

    # State you want to predict the future of.
    cur_frame = history_frames[0]
    cur_agents = history_agents[0]

    if selected_track_id is None:
        agent_centroid_m = cur_frame["ego_translation"][:2]
        agent_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(cur_frame["ego_rotation"])
        agent_extent_m = np.asarray(
        selected_agent = None
        label_probabilities = torch.tensor([-1])  # Set -1 for Host car.
        # this will raise IndexError if the agent is not in the frame or under agent-threshold
        # this is a strict error, we cannot recover from this situation
            agent = filter_agents_by_track_id(
                filter_agents_by_labels(cur_agents, filter_agents_threshold),
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError(
                f" track_id {selected_track_id} not in frame or below threshold"
        agent_centroid_m = agent["centroid"]
        agent_yaw_rad = float(agent["yaw"])
        agent_extent_m = agent["extent"]
        selected_agent = agent
        label_probabilities = agent["label_probabilities"]

    input_im = (None if not rasterizer else rasterizer.rasterize(
        history_frames, history_agents, all_history_tl_faces, selected_agent))

    world_from_agent = compute_agent_pose(agent_centroid_m, agent_yaw_rad)
    agent_from_world = np.linalg.inv(world_from_agent)
    raster_from_world = render_context.raster_from_world(
        agent_centroid_m, agent_yaw_rad)

    future_coords_offset, future_yaws_offset, future_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
        future_num_frames, future_frames, selected_track_id, future_agents,
        agent_from_world, agent_yaw_rad)

    # history_num_frames + 1 because it also includes the current frame
    history_coords_offset, history_yaws_offset, history_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
        history_num_frames + 1, history_frames, selected_track_id,
        history_agents, agent_from_world, agent_yaw_rad)

    return {
        "image": input_im,
        "target_positions": future_coords_offset,
        "target_yaws": future_yaws_offset,
        "target_availabilities": future_availability,
        "history_positions": history_coords_offset,
        "history_yaws": history_yaws_offset,
        "history_availabilities": history_availability,
        "world_to_image": raster_from_world,  # TODO deprecate
        "raster_from_agent": raster_from_world @ world_from_agent,
        "raster_from_world": raster_from_world,
        "agent_from_world": agent_from_world,
        "world_from_agent": world_from_agent,
        "centroid": agent_centroid_m,
        "yaw": agent_yaw_rad,
        "extent": agent_extent_m,
        "label_probabilities": label_probabilities,
def test_unroll(zarr_cat_dataset: ChunkedDataset, dmg: LocalDataManager,
                cfg: dict) -> None:
    rasterizer = build_rasterizer(cfg, dmg)

    # change the first yaw of scene 1
    # this will break if some broadcasting happens
    zarr_cat_dataset.frames = np.asarray(zarr_cat_dataset.frames)
    slice_frames = get_frames_slice_from_scenes(zarr_cat_dataset.scenes[1])
    rot = zarr_cat_dataset.frames[slice_frames.start]["ego_rotation"].copy()
        slice_frames.start]["ego_rotation"] = yaw_as_rotation33(
            rotation33_as_yaw(rot + 0.75))

    scene_indices = list(range(len(zarr_cat_dataset.scenes)))
    ego_dataset = EgoDataset(cfg, zarr_cat_dataset, rasterizer)

    # control only agents at T0, control them forever
    sim_cfg = SimulationConfig(use_ego_gt=False,

    # ego will move by 1 each time
    ego_model = MockModel(advance_x=1.0)

    # agents will move by 0.5 each time
    agents_model = MockModel(advance_x=0.5)

    sim = ClosedLoopSimulator(sim_cfg, ego_dataset, torch.device("cpu"),
                              ego_model, agents_model)
    sim_outputs = sim.unroll(scene_indices)

    # check ego movement
    for sim_output in sim_outputs:
        ego_tr = sim_output.simulated_ego[
            "ego_translation"][:sim_cfg.num_simulation_steps, :2]
        ego_dist = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(ego_tr, axis=0), axis=-1)
        assert np.allclose(ego_dist, 1.0)

        ego_tr = sim_output.simulated_ego_states[:sim_cfg.num_simulation_steps,
                                                 X:TrajectoryStateIndices.Y +
        ego_dist = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(ego_tr.numpy(), axis=0), axis=-1)
        assert np.allclose(ego_dist, 1.0, atol=1e-3)

        # all rotations should be the same as the first one as the MockModel outputs 0 for that
        rots_sim = sim_output.simulated_ego[
        r_rep = sim_output.recorded_ego["ego_rotation"][0]
        for r_sim in rots_sim:
            assert np.allclose(rotation33_as_yaw(r_sim),

        # all rotations should be the same as the first one as the MockModel outputs 0 for that
        rots_sim = sim_output.simulated_ego_states[:sim_cfg.
        r_rep = sim_output.recorded_ego_states[0, TrajectoryStateIndices.THETA]
        for r_sim in rots_sim:
            assert np.allclose(r_sim, r_rep, atol=1e-2)

    # check agents movements
    for sim_output in sim_outputs:
        # we need to know which agents were controlled during simulation
        # TODO: this is not ideal, we should keep track of them through the simulation
        sim_dataset = SimulationDataset.from_dataset_indices(
            ego_dataset, [sim_output.scene_id], sim_cfg)
            0)  # this will fill agents_tracked

        agents_tracks = [el[1] for el in sim_dataset._agents_tracked]
        for track_id in agents_tracks:
            states = sim_output.simulated_agents
            agents = filter_agents_by_track_id(
                states, track_id)[:sim_cfg.num_simulation_steps]
            agent_dist = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(agents["centroid"], axis=0),
            assert np.allclose(agent_dist, 0.5)
def _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
    num_frames: int,
    frames: np.ndarray,
    selected_track_id: Optional[int],
    agents: List[np.ndarray],
    agent_current_centroid: np.ndarray,
    agent_current_velocity: np.ndarray,
    agent_current_yaw: float,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray,
    Internal function that creates the targets and availability masks for deep prediction-type models.
    The futures/history offset (in meters) are computed. When no info is available (e.g. agent not in frame)
    a 0 is set in the availability array (1 otherwise).

        num_frames (int): number of offset we want in the future/history
        frames (np.ndarray): available frames. This may be less than num_frames
        selected_track_id (Optional[int]): agent track_id or AV (None)
        agents (List[np.ndarray]): list of agents arrays (same len of frames)
        agent_current_centroid (np.ndarray): centroid of the agent at timestep 0
        agent_current_yaw (float): angle of the agent at timestep 0

        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: position offsets, angle offsets, availabilities


    # Inclusively count the number of available and unavailable frames of this target
    num_avail = 0
    num_unavail = 0

    last_avail_index = -1
    last_unavail_index = -1

    # How much the coordinates differ from the current state in meters.
    coords_offset = np.zeros((num_frames, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    vel_offset = np.zeros((num_frames, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    accel_offset = np.zeros((num_frames, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    jerk_offset = np.zeros((num_frames, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    yaws_offset = np.zeros((num_frames, 1), dtype=np.float32)
    availability = np.zeros((num_frames, ), dtype=np.float32)

    for i, (frame, agents) in enumerate(zip(frames, agents)):
        if selected_track_id is None:
            agent_centroid = frame["ego_translation"][:2]
            agent_yaw = rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"])
            agent_velocity = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.float32)

            num_avail = num_avail + 1
            # it's not guaranteed the target will be in every frame
                agent = filter_agents_by_track_id(agents, selected_track_id)[0]
                num_avail = num_avail + 1
            except IndexError:
                availability[i] = 0.0  # keep track of invalid futures/history
                last_unavail_index = i
                num_unavail = num_unavail + 1

            agent_centroid = agent["centroid"]
            agent_velocity = agent["velocity"]
            agent_yaw = agent["yaw"]

        #TODO: change my kinetics to the format of
        # offset for time[i] - time[0]
        # So tidy up the velocity calculation process, and the acceleration stuff
        # time 0 state, and time > 0 state. and make the calculations with respect to time passed and the time 0 val
        # Also provide a means of getting change in time

        # Note: B is an initial case
        # State A: the boy scout case. All clean, no trouble
        #   Two or more positions, previous frame is available
        # State B: One or none positions
        # State C: Two or more positions, previous frame is unavail

        coords_offset[i] = agent_centroid - agent_current_centroid

        # STATE B
        if num_avail == 1:
            # There is only the current position, no velocity is possible
            vel_offset[i] = agent_current_velocity
            accel_offset[i] = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.float32)
            jerk_offset[i] = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.float32)

        # there are two or more positions
        # There has been no unavailabilities yet
        elif last_unavail_index == -1:
            # STATE A
            # Only 1 frame difference in time
            dx = coords_offset[i] - coords_offset[i - 1]
            dt = 0.1

                i] = dx / dt  # change in position / frame width (0.1 seconds) : [m/s]
            # accel_offset[i] = (agent_velocity ** 2 - vel_offset[i - 1] ** 2) / (2 * dx)
            accel_offset[i] = (vel_offset[i] - vel_offset[i - 1]) / dt
            jerk_offset[i] = (accel_offset[i] - accel_offset[i - 1]) / dt

        # Unavailability was previous frame
        elif last_unavail_index == i - 1:
            # Check number of positions
            # STATE C
            # There are positions before the unavailability, calculate the velocity
            # Get previous existing velocity
            prev_vel = vel_offset[last_avail_index]

            # Get previous existing position
            prev_pos = coords_offset[last_avail_index]

            # Current Position
            pos = coords_offset[i]

            # Delta X
            dx = pos - prev_pos

            # Delta Time...0.1 being the frame width
            dt = (i - last_avail_index) * 0.1

            # Calculate velocity
            vel = (dx / dt) * -prev_vel
            vel_offset[i] = vel

            # Now calculate acceleration
            accel_offset[i] = (((dx - prev_vel * dt) * 2)**(1 / 2)) / dt

            # Now Jerk
            jerk_offset[i] = (accel_offset[i] -
                              accel_offset[last_avail_index]) / dt

            # STATE A
            # Only 1 frame difference in time
            dx = coords_offset[i] - coords_offset[i - 1]
            dt = 0.1

                i] = dx / dt  # change in position / frame width (0.1 seconds) : [m/s]
            accel_offset[i] = (agent_velocity**2 - vel_offset[i - 1]**2) / (2 *
            jerk_offset[i] = (accel_offset[i] - accel_offset[i - 1]) / dt
        # else:
        #     # Attempt to get previous velocity
        #     if i == 0:
        #         # No previous velocity
        #         prev_vel = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.float32)
        #     else:
        #         # There must be a previous velocity
        #         prev_vel = vel_offset[i - 1]
        #     # Calculate the acceleration
        #     accel_offset[i] = (vel_offset[i] ** 2 - prev_vel ** 2) / (2 * coords_offset[i])
        # else:
        #     accel_offset[i] = (agent_velocity ** 2 - agent_current_velocity ** 2) / (2 * coords_offset[i])

        yaws_offset[i] = agent_yaw - agent_current_yaw
        availability[i] = 1.0

        # save this index as the last available index
        last_avail_index = i
    return coords_offset, vel_offset, accel_offset, jerk_offset, yaws_offset, availability
    def rasterize(
        history_frames: np.ndarray,
        history_agents: List[np.ndarray],
        history_tl_faces: List[np.ndarray],
        agent: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # all frames are drawn relative to this one"
        frame = history_frames[0]
        if agent is None:
            ego_translation_m = history_frames[0]["ego_translation"]
            ego_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"])
            ego_translation_m = np.append(agent["centroid"], history_frames[0]["ego_translation"][-1])
            ego_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]

        raster_from_world = self.render_context.raster_from_world(ego_translation_m, ego_yaw_rad)

        # this ensures we always end up with fixed size arrays, +1 is because current time is also in the history
        out_shape = (self.raster_size[1], self.raster_size[0], self.history_num_frames + 1)
        agents_unknown_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        agents_car_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        agents_cyclist_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        agents_pedestrian_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        ego_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        if self.enable_selected_agent_channels:
            assert agent is not None
            selected_agent_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        for i, (frame, agents) in enumerate(zip(history_frames, history_agents)):
            # TODO: filter_agents_threshold is not used.
            # Ignore filter_agents_threshold now
            threshold = 0.5
            agents_unknown = agents[agents["label_probabilities"][:, UNKNOWN_LABEL_INDEX] > threshold]
            agents_car = agents[agents["label_probabilities"][:, CAR_LABEL_INDEX] > threshold]
            agents_cyclist = agents[agents["label_probabilities"][:, CYCLIST_LABEL_INDEX] > threshold]
            agents_pedestrian = agents[agents["label_probabilities"][:, PEDESTRIAN_LABEL_INDEX] > threshold]
            # agents = filter_agents_by_labels(agents, self.filter_agents_threshold)

            # note the cast is for legacy support of dataset before April 2020
            agents_ego = get_ego_as_agent(frame).astype(agents.dtype)

            agents_unknown_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_unknown, 255)
            agents_car_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_car, 255)
            agents_cyclist_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_cyclist, 255)
            agents_pedestrian_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_pedestrian, 255)
            ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_ego, 255)

            agents_unknown_images[..., i] = agents_unknown_image
            agents_car_images[..., i] = agents_car_image
            agents_cyclist_images[..., i] = agents_cyclist_image
            agents_pedestrian_images[..., i] = agents_pedestrian_image
            ego_images[..., i] = ego_image

            if self.enable_selected_agent_channels:
                assert agent is not None
                selected_agent = filter_agents_by_track_id(agents, agent["track_id"])
                if len(selected_agent) == 0:  # agent not in this history frame
                    selected_agent_image = np.zeros_like(ego_image)
                else:  # add av to agents and remove the agent from agents
                    selected_agent_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, selected_agent, 255)
                selected_agent_images[..., i] = selected_agent_image

        images = [
        if self.enable_selected_agent_channels:

        out_im = np.concatenate(images, axis=-1)

        assert out_im.shape[-1] == self.raster_channels
        return out_im.astype(np.float32) / 255
def generate_kinetic_agent_sample(
    state_index: int,
    frames: np.ndarray,
    agents: np.ndarray,
    tl_faces: np.ndarray,
    selected_track_id: Optional[int],
    raster_size: Tuple[int, int],
    pixel_size: np.ndarray,
    ego_center: np.ndarray,
    history_num_frames: int,
    history_step_size: int,
    future_num_frames: int,
    future_step_size: int,
    filter_agents_threshold: float,
    rasterizer: Optional[Rasterizer] = None,
    perturbation: Optional[Perturbation] = None,
) -> dict:
    """Generates the inputs and targets to train a deep prediction model. A deep prediction model takes as input
    the state of the world (here: an image we will call the "raster"), and outputs where that agent will be some
    seconds into the future.

    This function has a lot of arguments and is intended for internal use, you should try to use higher level classes
    and partials that use this function.

        state_index (int): The anchor frame index, i.e. the "current" timestep in the scene
        frames (np.ndarray): The scene frames array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        agents (np.ndarray): The full agents array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        tl_faces (np.ndarray): The full traffic light faces array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        selected_track_id (Optional[int]): Either None for AV, or the ID of an agent that you want to
        predict the future of. This agent is centered in the raster and the returned targets are derived from
        their future states.
        raster_size (Tuple[int, int]): Desired output raster dimensions
        pixel_size (np.ndarray): Size of one pixel in the real world
        ego_center (np.ndarray): Where in the raster to draw the ego, [0.5,0.5] would be the center
        history_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        history_step_size (int): Steps to take between frames, can be used to subsample history frames
        future_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        future_step_size (int): Steps to take between targets into the future
        filter_agents_threshold (float): Value between 0 and 1 to use as cutoff value for agent filtering
        based on their probability of being a relevant agent
        rasterizer (Optional[Rasterizer]): Rasterizer of some sort that draws a map image
        perturbation (Optional[Perturbation]): Object that perturbs the input and targets, used
to train models that can recover from slight divergence from training set data

        ValueError: A ValueError is returned if the specified ``selected_track_id`` is not present in the scene
        or was filtered by applying the ``filter_agent_threshold`` probability filtering.

        dict: a dict object with the raster array, the future offset coordinates (meters),
        the future yaw angular offset, the future_availability as a binary mask

    agent_velocity = None

    #  the history slice is ordered starting from the latest frame and goes backward in time., ex. slice(100, 91, -2)
    history_slice = get_history_slice(state_index,
    future_slice = get_future_slice(state_index, future_num_frames,

    history_frames = frames[history_slice].copy(
    )  # copy() required if the object is a np.ndarray
    future_frames = frames[future_slice].copy()

    sorted_frames = np.concatenate(
        (history_frames[::-1], future_frames))  # from past to future

    # get agents (past and future)
    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(sorted_frames[0],
    agents = agents[agent_slice].copy(
    )  # this is the minimum slice of agents we need
        "agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
        "agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
    history_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(history_frames, agents)
    future_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(future_frames, agents)

        tl_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
            history_frames[-1], history_frames[0])  # -1 is the farthest
        # sync interval with the traffic light faces array
        history_frames["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= tl_slice.start
        history_tl_faces = filter_tl_faces_by_frames(history_frames,
    except ValueError:
        history_tl_faces = [
            np.empty(0, dtype=TL_FACE_DTYPE) for _ in history_frames

    if perturbation is not None:
        history_frames, future_frames = perturbation.perturb(
            history_frames=history_frames, future_frames=future_frames)

    # State you want to predict the future of.
    cur_frame = history_frames[0]
    cur_agents = history_agents[0]

    if selected_track_id is None:
        agent_centroid = cur_frame["ego_translation"][:2]

        # FIXME
        # Assume velocity was 0, but it probably shouldnt be
        agent_velocity = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.float32)

        agent_yaw = rotation33_as_yaw(cur_frame["ego_rotation"])
        agent_extent = np.asarray(
        selected_agent = None
        # this will raise IndexError if the agent is not in the frame or under agent-threshold
        # this is a strict error, we cannot recover from this situation
            agent = filter_agents_by_track_id(
                filter_agents_by_labels(cur_agents, filter_agents_threshold),
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError(
                f" track_id {selected_track_id} not in frame or below threshold"
        agent_centroid = agent["centroid"]
        agent_velocity = agent["velocity"]
        agent_yaw = float(agent["yaw"])
        agent_extent = agent["extent"]
        selected_agent = agent

    input_im = (None if not rasterizer else rasterizer.rasterize(
        history_frames, history_agents, history_tl_faces, selected_agent))

    world_to_image_space = world_to_image_pixels_matrix(

    future_coords_offset, future_vel_offset, future_accel_offset, _, future_yaws_offset, future_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(

    # history_num_frames + 1 because it also includes the current frame
    history_coords_offset, history_vel_offset, history_accel_offset, history_jerk_offset, history_yaws_offset, \
    history_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(history_num_frames + 1, history_frames,
        selected_track_id, history_agents, agent_centroid[:2], agent_velocity[:2], agent_yaw,

    # estimated_future_positions = history_jerk_offset
    estimated_future_positions = _extrapolate_targets(
        future_num_frames, history_num_frames, history_coords_offset,
        history_vel_offset, history_accel_offset, history_jerk_offset)

    error_arr = np.abs(estimated_future_positions - future_coords_offset[10:])
    error = np.average(error_arr)

    return {
        "image": input_im,
        "target_positions": future_coords_offset,
        "target_velocities": future_vel_offset,
        "target_accelerations": future_accel_offset,
        "target_yaws": future_yaws_offset,
        "target_availabilities": future_availability,
        "history_positions": history_coords_offset,
        "history_velocities": history_vel_offset,
        "history_accelerations": history_accel_offset,
        "history_yaws": history_yaws_offset,
        "history_availabilities": history_availability,
        "estimated_future_positions": estimated_future_positions,
        "world_to_image": world_to_image_space,
        "centroid": agent_centroid,
        "yaw": agent_yaw,
        "extent": agent_extent,
def generate_frame_sample_without_hist(
    state_index: int,
    frames: zarr.core.Array,
    tl_faces: zarr.core.Array,
    agents: zarr.core.Array,
    agents_from_standard_mask_only: bool = False,
    mask_agent_indices: zarr.core.Array = None,
) -> dict:
    frame = frames[state_index]
    if not agents_from_standard_mask_only:
        agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame)
        agents = agents[agent_slice].copy()
        masked_indices_slice = slice(*frame["mask_agent_index_interval"])
        masked_agent_indices = [
            el[0] for el in mask_agent_indices[masked_indices_slice]
        if masked_agent_indices:
            agents = agents.get_coordinate_selection(
            agents = []

    ego_centroid = frame["ego_translation"][:2]
    # try to estimate ego velocity
    if state_index > 0:
        prev_frame_candidate = frames[state_index - 1]
        prev_ego_centroid = prev_frame_candidate["ego_translation"][:2]
        translation_m = np.hypot(
            prev_ego_centroid[0] - ego_centroid[0],
            prev_ego_centroid[1] - ego_centroid[1],
        if translation_m < 10:
            timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                frame["timestamp"] / 10**9).astimezone(timezone("US/Pacific"))
            timestamp_prev = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                prev_frame_candidate["timestamp"] / 10**9).astimezone(
            timediff_sec = (timestamp - timestamp_prev).total_seconds()
            if timestamp > timestamp_prev and timediff_sec < 0.2:
                ego_speed = (ego_centroid - prev_ego_centroid) / timediff_sec
                ego_speed = None
            ego_speed = None
        ego_speed = None

        tl_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(frame)  # -1 is the farthest
        frame["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= tl_slice.start
        tl_faces_this = filter_tl_faces_by_frames([frame],
        tl_faces_this = filter_tl_faces_by_status(tl_faces_this, "ACTIVE")
    except ValueError:
        tl_faces_this = []
    return {
        "ego_centroid": ego_centroid,
        "ego_speed": ego_speed,
        "ego_yaw": rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"]),
        "tl_faces": tl_faces_this,
        "agents": agents,
    def rasterize(
        history_frames: np.ndarray,
        history_agents: List[np.ndarray],
        history_tl_faces: List[np.ndarray],
        agent: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # all frames are drawn relative to this one"
        frame = history_frames[0]
        if agent is None:
            ego_translation_m = history_frames[0]["ego_translation"]
            ego_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"])
            ego_translation_m = np.append(
                agent["centroid"], history_frames[0]["ego_translation"][-1])
            ego_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]

        raster_from_world = self.render_context.raster_from_world(
            ego_translation_m, ego_yaw_rad)

        # this ensures we always end up with fixed size arrays, +1 is because current time is also in the history
        out_shape = (self.raster_size[1], self.raster_size[0],
                     self.history_num_frames + 1)
        agents_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        ego_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        # --- 1. prepare agent keep indices for random agent drop augmentation ---
        track_ids = np.concatenate([a["track_id"] for a in history_agents])
        unique_track_ids = np.unique(track_ids).astype(np.int64)
        n_max_agents = int(np.max(unique_track_ids) + 1)  # +1 for host car.

        unique_track_ids = np.concatenate([[0], unique_track_ids
                                           ])  # Add Host car, with id=0.
        n_unique_agents = len(unique_track_ids)
        # if not np.all(unique_track_ids == np.arange(np.max(unique_track_ids) + 1)):
        #     # It occured!! --> unique_track_ids is not continuous. Some numbers are filtered out.
        #     print("unique_track_ids", unique_track_ids, "is not continuous!!!")
        if not self.eval and np.random.uniform() < self.agent_drop_ratio:
            if self.agent_drop_prob < 0:
                # Randomly decide number of agents to drop.
                # 0 represents host car.
                n_keep_agents = np.random.randint(0, n_unique_agents)
                agent_keep_indices = np.random.choice(unique_track_ids,
                # Decide agents to drop or not by agent_drop_prob.
                agent_keep_indices = unique_track_ids[np.random.uniform(
                    0.0, 1.0, (n_unique_agents, )) > self.agent_drop_prob]
                n_keep_agents = len(agent_keep_indices)
            # Must keep ego agent!
            if agent["track_id"] not in agent_keep_indices:
                agent_keep_indices = np.append(agent_keep_indices,
            n_keep_agents = n_unique_agents
            # keep all agents
            agent_keep_indices = None

        # --- 2. prepare extent scale augmentation ratio ----
        # TODO: create enough number of extent_ratio array. Actually n_keep_agents suffice but create n_max_agents
        # for simplicity..
        if self.eval:
            # No augmentation.
            agents_extent_ratio = np.ones((n_max_agents, 3))
        elif self.min_extent_ratio == self.max_extent_ratio:
            agents_extent_ratio = np.ones(
                (n_max_agents, 3)) * self.min_extent_ratio
            agents_extent_ratio = np.random.uniform(self.min_extent_ratio,
                                                    (n_max_agents, 3))
        ego_extent_ratio = agents_extent_ratio[0]

        for i, (frame,
                agents_) in enumerate(zip(history_frames, history_agents)):
            agents = filter_agents_by_labels(agents_,
            if agent_keep_indices is not None:
                # --- 1. apply agent drop augmentation ---
                agents = agents[np.isin(agents["track_id"],
            # note the cast is for legacy support of dataset before April 2020
            av_agent = get_ego_as_agent(frame).astype(agents.dtype)
            # 2. --- apply extent scale augmentation ---
            # TODO: Need to convert agents["track_id"] --> index based on `agent_keep_indices`,
            # if we only create `agents_extent_ratio` of size `n_keep_agents`.
            agents["extent"] *= agents_extent_ratio[agents["track_id"]]
            av_agent[0]["extent"] *= ego_extent_ratio

            if agent is None:
                agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world,
                                          agents, 255)
                ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world,
                                       av_agent, 255)
                agent_ego = filter_agents_by_track_id(agents,
                if agent_keep_indices is None or 0 in agent_keep_indices:
                    agents = np.append(agents, av_agent)
                if len(agent_ego) == 0:  # agent not in this history frame
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size,
                                              raster_from_world, agents, 255)
                    ego_image = np.zeros_like(agents_image)
                else:  # add av to agents and remove the agent from agents
                    agents = agents[agents != agent_ego[0]]
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size,
                                              raster_from_world, agents, 255)
                    ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world,
                                           agent_ego, 255)

            agents_images[..., i] = agents_image
            ego_images[..., i] = ego_image

        # combine such that the image consists of [agent_t, agent_t-1, agent_t-2, ego_t, ego_t-1, ego_t-2]
        out_im = np.concatenate((agents_images, ego_images), -1)

        return out_im.astype(np.float32) / 255
def generate_multi_agent_sample(
    state_index: int,
    frames: np.ndarray,
    agents: np.ndarray,
    tl_faces: np.ndarray,
    selected_track_id: Optional[int],
    render_context: RenderContext,
    history_num_frames: int,
    history_step_size: int,
    future_num_frames: int,
    future_step_size: int,
    filter_agents_threshold: float,
    rasterizer: Optional[Rasterizer] = None,
    perturbation: Optional[Perturbation] = None,
    min_frame_history: int = MIN_FRAME_HISTORY,
    min_frame_future: int = MIN_FRAME_FUTURE,
) -> dict:
    """Generates the inputs and targets to train a deep prediction model. A deep prediction model takes as input
    the state of the world (here: an image we will call the "raster"), and outputs where that agent will be some
    seconds into the future.

    This function has a lot of arguments and is intended for internal use, you should try to use higher level classes
    and partials that use this function.

        state_index (int): The anchor frame index, i.e. the "current" timestep in the scene
        frames (np.ndarray): The scene frames array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        agents (np.ndarray): The full agents array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        tl_faces (np.ndarray): The full traffic light faces array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        selected_track_id (Optional[int]): Either None for AV, or the ID of an agent that you want to
        predict the future of. This agent is centered in the raster and the returned targets are derived from
        their future states.
        render_context (RenderContext):
            raster_size (Tuple[int, int]): Desired output raster dimensions
            pixel_size (np.ndarray): Size of one pixel in the real world
            ego_center (np.ndarray): Where in the raster to draw the ego, [0.5,0.5] would be the center
        history_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        history_step_size (int): Steps to take between frames, can be used to subsample history frames
        future_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        future_step_size (int): Steps to take between targets into the future
        filter_agents_threshold (float): Value between 0 and 1 to use as cutoff value for agent filtering
        based on their probability of being a relevant agent
        rasterizer (Optional[Rasterizer]): Rasterizer of some sort that draws a map image
        perturbation (Optional[Perturbation]): Object that perturbs the input and targets, used
to train models that can recover from slight divergence from training set data

        ValueError: A ValueError is returned if the specified ``selected_track_id`` is not present in the scene
        or was filtered by applying the ``filter_agent_threshold`` probability filtering.

        dict: a dict object with the raster array, the future offset coordinates (meters),
        the future yaw angular offset, the future_availability as a binary mask
    #  the history slice is ordered starting from the latest frame and goes backward in time., ex. slice(100, 91, -2)
    history_slice = get_history_slice(state_index,
    future_slice = get_future_slice(state_index, future_num_frames,

    history_frames = frames[history_slice].copy(
    )  # copy() required if the object is a np.ndarray
    future_frames = frames[future_slice].copy()

    sorted_frames = np.concatenate(
        (history_frames[::-1], future_frames))  # from past to future

    # get agents (past and future)
    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(sorted_frames[0],
    agents = agents[agent_slice].copy(
    )  # this is the minimum slice of agents we need
        "agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
        "agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
    history_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(history_frames, agents)
    future_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(future_frames, agents)

        tl_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
            history_frames[-1], history_frames[0])  # -1 is the farthest
        # sync interval with the traffic light faces array
        history_frames["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= tl_slice.start
        history_tl_faces = filter_tl_faces_by_frames(history_frames,
    except ValueError:
        history_tl_faces = [
            np.empty(0, dtype=TL_FACE_DTYPE) for _ in history_frames

    if perturbation is not None:
        history_frames, future_frames = perturbation.perturb(
            history_frames=history_frames, future_frames=future_frames)

    # State you want to predict the future of.
    cur_frame = history_frames[0]
    cur_agents = history_agents[0]

    cur_agents = filter_agents_by_labels(cur_agents, filter_agents_threshold)
    agent_track_ids_u64 = cur_agents["track_id"]
    # uint64 --> int64
    agent_track_ids = agent_track_ids_u64.astype(np.int64)
    assert np.alltrue(agent_track_ids == agent_track_ids_u64)
    agent_track_ids = np.concatenate(
        [np.array([-1], dtype=np.int64), agent_track_ids])

    # Draw image with Ego car in center
    selected_agent = None
    input_im = (None if not rasterizer else rasterizer.rasterize(
        history_frames, history_agents, history_tl_faces, selected_agent))

    future_coords_offset_list = []
    future_yaws_offset_list = []
    future_availability_list = []
    history_coords_offset_list = []
    history_yaws_offset_list = []
    history_availability_list = []
    agent_centroid_list = []
    agent_yaw_list = []
    agent_extent_list = []
    filtered_track_ids_list = []
    for selected_track_id in agent_track_ids:
        if selected_track_id == -1:
            agent_centroid = cur_frame["ego_translation"][:2]
            agent_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(cur_frame["ego_rotation"])
            agent_extent = np.asarray(

            world_from_agent = compute_agent_pose(agent_centroid,
            agent_from_world = np.linalg.inv(world_from_agent)
            raster_from_world = render_context.raster_from_world(
                agent_centroid, agent_yaw_rad)

            agent_origin = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=np.float32)
            # this will raise IndexError if the agent is not in the frame or under agent-threshold
            # this is a strict error, we cannot recover from this situation
                agent = filter_agents_by_track_id(cur_agents,
            except IndexError:
                raise ValueError(
                    f" track_id {selected_track_id} not in frame or below threshold"
            agent_centroid = agent["centroid"]
            agent_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]
            agent_extent = agent["extent"]

            agent_origin = transform_point(agent_centroid, agent_from_world)
        future_coords_offset, future_yaws_offset, future_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
            future_num_frames, future_frames, selected_track_id, future_agents,
            agent_from_world, agent_yaw_rad, agent_origin)
        if selected_track_id != -1 and np.sum(
                future_availability) < min_frame_future:
            # Not enough future to predict, skip this agent.
        # history_num_frames + 1 because it also includes the current frame
        history_coords_offset, history_yaws_offset, history_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
            history_num_frames + 1, history_frames, selected_track_id,
            history_agents, agent_from_world, agent_yaw_rad, agent_origin)
        if selected_track_id != -1 and np.sum(
                history_availability) < min_frame_history:
            # Not enough history to predict, skip this agent.

    # Get pixel coordinate
    agent_centroid_array = np.array(agent_centroid_list)
    agent_centroid_in_pixel = transform_points(agent_centroid_array,

    return {
        "image": input_im,  # (h, w, ch)
        # --- All below is in world coordinate ---
        np.array(future_coords_offset_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames, 2)
        np.array(future_yaws_offset_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames, 1)
        np.array(future_availability_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames)
        np.array(history_coords_offset_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames, 2)
        np.array(history_yaws_offset_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames, 1)
        np.array(history_availability_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames)
        # "world_to_image": raster_from_world,  # (3, 3)
        "raster_from_world": raster_from_world,  # (3, 3)
        "centroid": agent_centroid_array,  # (n_agents, 2)
        "yaw": np.array(agent_yaw_list),  # (n_agents, 1)
        "extent": np.array(agent_extent_list),  # (n_agents, 3)
        "track_ids": np.array(filtered_track_ids_list),  # (n_agents)
        "centroid_pixel": agent_centroid_in_pixel,  # (n_agents, 2)
    def rasterize(
        history_frames: np.ndarray,
        history_agents: List[np.ndarray],
        history_tl_faces: List[np.ndarray],
        agent: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
        # all frames are drawn relative to this one"
        frame = history_frames[0]
        if agent is None:
            ego_translation_m = history_frames[0]["ego_translation"]
            ego_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"])
            ego_translation_m = np.append(agent["centroid"], history_frames[0]["ego_translation"][-1])
            ego_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]

        raster_from_world = self.render_context.raster_from_world(ego_translation_m, ego_yaw_rad)

        # this ensures we always end up with fixed size arrays, +1 is because current time is also in the history
        out_shape = (
        agents_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        ego_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        # for i, (frame, agents) in enumerate(zip(history_frames, history_agents)):
        for dst_idx, i in enumerate(self.box_history_frames):
            if i >= history_frames.shape[0]:
            frame = history_frames[i]
            agents = history_agents[i]

            agents = filter_agents_by_labels(agents, self.filter_agents_threshold)
            # note the cast is for legacy support of dataset before April 2020
            av_agent = get_ego_as_agent(frame).astype(agents.dtype)

            if agent is None:
                agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents, 255)
                ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, av_agent, 255)
                agent_ego = filter_agents_by_track_id(agents, agent["track_id"])
                if len(agent_ego) == 0:  # agent not in this history frame
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(
                        np.append(agents, av_agent),
                    ego_image = np.zeros_like(agents_image)
                else:  # add av to agents and remove the agent from agents
                    agents = agents[agents != agent_ego[0]]
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(
                        np.append(agents, av_agent),
                    ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agent_ego, 255)

            agents_images[..., dst_idx] = agents_image
            ego_images[..., dst_idx] = ego_image

        # combine such that the image consists of [agent_t, agent_t-1, agent_t-2, ego_t, ego_t-1, ego_t-2]
        out_im = np.concatenate((agents_images, ego_images), -1)

        return {'image_box': out_im}