def rsync_project(): conf = Configs.get() exclude_path = Path('.') / '.remote' / 'exclude.txt' exclude_path = exclude_path.absolute() rsync_cmd = ['rsync', '-zravuKLt', '--perms', '--executability'] if conf.private_key_file is not None: rsync_cmd += ['-e'] rsync_cmd += [ f'"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i {conf.private_key_file}"' ] if exclude_path.exists(): rsync_cmd += [f"--exclude-from='{str(exclude_path)}'"] rsync_cmd += ['./'] # source rsync_cmd += [f'{conf.username}@{conf.hostname}:~/{}/' ] # destination try: process =' '.join(rsync_cmd), shell=True) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.log('rsync not found', Text.danger) print(e) return 1 return process.returncode
def rsync(self, *, ui_mode: UIMode = UIMode.dots): with monit.section(f"RSync {}"): logger.log() exclude_path = Configs.get().exclude_file exclude_path = exclude_path.absolute() # z = compress # r = recursive # a = equivalent to (-rlptgoD) archive (recursive/preserve everything) # v = verbose # u = update (skip whats newer on receiver) # K = keep symlinks # L = transform links to dir # t = preserve modification times # l = copy links # p = preserve permissions # g = preserve group # o = preserve owner # D = preserve device files rsync_cmd = ['rsync', '-zravuKLt', '--executability'] if self.conf.private_key_file is not None: rsync_cmd += ['-e', f'"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i {self.conf.private_key_file}"'] else: rsync_cmd += ['-e', f'"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"'] if exclude_path.exists(): rsync_cmd += [f"--exclude-from='{str(exclude_path)}'"] rsync_cmd += ['./'] # source rsync_cmd += [f'{self.conf.username}@{self.conf.hostname}:~/{self.project_name}/'] # destination log_dir = self._get_log_folder(f'rsync_{}') exit_code =' '.join(rsync_cmd), log_dir=log_dir, ui_mode=ui_mode) if exit_code != 0: raise RemoteError("Failed to run rsync")
def rsync_jobs(self, *, ui_mode: UIMode = UIMode.dots, is_silent=False): with monit.section(f"RSync {} jobs", is_silent=is_silent): if not is_silent: logger.log() rsync_cmd = ['rsync', '-zravuKLt', '--executability'] if self.conf.private_key_file is not None: rsync_cmd += [ '-e', f'"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i {self.conf.private_key_file}"' ] else: rsync_cmd += ['-e', '"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"'] rsync_cmd += [ f'{self.conf.username}@{self.conf.hostname}:' f'~/{self.project_name}/{Configs.get().remote_jobs_folder_name}/' ] rsync_cmd += [str(Configs.get().project_jobs_folder)] log_dir = self._get_log_folder(f'rsync_jobs_{}') exit_code =' '.join(rsync_cmd), log_dir=log_dir, ui_mode=ui_mode) if exit_code != 0: raise RemoteError("Failed to run rsync")
def __init__( self, *, job_id: str, job_key: str, server: Server, command: str, env_vars: Dict[str, str], tags: List[str], pid: Optional[int] = None, exit_code: Optional[int] = None, started: bool = False, stopped: bool = False, ): self.tags = set(tags) self.job_key = job_key self.env_vars = env_vars self.command = command self.server = server self.job_id = job_id self.path = Configs.get().project_jobs_folder / self.job_id = pid self.exit_code = exit_code self.started = started self.stopped = stopped self.out_tail_offset = -1 self.err_tail_offset = -1 if not self.path.exists(): self.path.mkdir(parents=True) self.update_stopped()
def __init__(self, server_id: str): conf = Configs.get() self.project_name = self.scripts_folder = conf.template_scripts_folder self.conf = conf.servers[server_id] self.__client = None self.__home_path = None self.__remote_executor = None self.__local_executor = None
def __init__(self, server_id: str): conf = Configs.get() self.project_name = self.scripts_folder = conf.template_scripts_folder self.conf = conf.servers[server_id] self.__client: SSHClient self.__home_path: str self.__remote_executor: Optional[RemoteExecutor] = None self.__local_executor: Optional[LocalExecutor] = None
def _get_log_folder(name: str): counter = 1 while True: folder_name = f'{name}_{counter :04d}' log_dir = Configs.get().project_logs_folder / folder_name if not log_dir.exists(): log_dir.mkdir(parents=True) return log_dir counter += 1
def connect() -> paramiko.SSHClient: conf = Configs.get() c = paramiko.SSHClient() c.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) with monit.section(f'Connecting to {conf.hostname}'): c.connect(hostname=conf.hostname, username=conf.username, pkey=conf.private_key, password=conf.password) return c
def run_command(client: SSHClient, home_path: str, command: List[str]): conf = Configs.get() pipfile = Path('.') / 'Pipfile' requirements = Path('.') / 'requirements.txt' script = template( conf.scripts_folder / '', { 'name':, 'home': home_path, 'use_pipenv': str(pipfile.exists()), 'run_command': ' '.join(command) }) return run_script(client, script, 'run', home_path)
def update_packages(client: SSHClient, home_path: str): conf = Configs.get() pipfile = Path('.') / 'Pipfile' requirements = Path('.') / 'requirements.txt' script = template( conf.scripts_folder / '', { 'name':, 'home': home_path, 'has_pipfile': str(pipfile.exists()), 'has_requirements': str(requirements.exists()) }) return run_script(client, script, 'update', home_path)
def copy_script(self, script: str, script_name: str): scripts_path = Configs.get().project_scripts_folder if not scripts_path.exists(): scripts_path.mkdir() script_file = scripts_path / script_name with open(str(script_file), 'w') as f: f.write(script) os.chmod(str(script_file), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG) scp = SCPClient(self.client.get_transport()) remote_path = f'{self.remote_scripts_path}/{script_name}' scp.put(str(script_file), remote_path) return remote_path
def run_script(client: SSHClient, script: str, script_name: str, home_path: str): conf = Configs.get() scripts_path = Path('./.remote/scripts') if not scripts_path.exists(): scripts_path.mkdir() script_file = scripts_path / f'{script_name}.sh' with open(str(script_file), 'w') as f: f.write(script) os.chmod(str(script_file), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG) scp = SCPClient(client.get_transport()) scp.put(str(script_file), f'{home_path}/{}/.remote-scripts/{script_name}.sh') return execute_stream( client, f'{home_path}/{}/.remote-scripts/{script_name}.sh')
def setup_server(client: SSHClient, home_path: str): conf = Configs.get() has_folder, _ = execute(client, f'test -d {}') if has_folder != 0: print(has_folder) execute(client, f'mkdir {}') has_folder, _ = execute(client, f'test -d {}/.remote-scripts') if has_folder != 0: execute(client, f'mkdir {}/.remote-scripts') python_version = f'{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}' script = template(conf.scripts_folder / '', { 'name':, 'python_version': python_version, 'home': home_path }) return run_script(client, script, 'setup', home_path)
def load_all(self): if not Configs.get().project_jobs_folder.exists(): return for p in Configs.get().project_jobs_folder.iterdir(): if not in self._jobs: self.load(
def load(self, job_id: str): path = Configs.get().project_jobs_folder / job_id / 'job.yaml' with open(str(path), 'r') as f: self._jobs[job_id] = Job.from_dict( yaml.load(, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)) self._keys[self._jobs[job_id].job_key] = self._jobs[job_id]
def load_all(self): for server in Configs.get().servers: if server not in self._servers: self._servers[server] = Server(server)
def load_all(self): for s in Configs.get().servers: if s not in self._servers: self._servers[s] = Server(s)