def test_intersect_polygon_segments_zero_tolerance():
    """Tests that the default tolerance of 0 does not update nearby polygons."""
    pts0 = (Point2D(1, 0), Point2D(4, 0), Point2D(4, 1.99), Point2D(1, 1.99))
    polygon0 = Polygon2D(pts0)
    pts1 = (Point2D(0, 2), Point2D(3, 2), Point2D(3, 4), Point2D(0, 4))
    polygon1 = Polygon2D(pts1)

    polygon2, polygon3 = Polygon2D._intersect_polygon_segments(
        polygon0, polygon1)

    assert len(polygon2.segments) == 4  # No new points
    assert all([
        polygon0.vertices[i] == polygon2.vertices[i]
        for i in range(len(polygon0.vertices))
    assert len(polygon3.segments) == 4  # No new points
    assert all([
        polygon1.vertices[i] == polygon3.vertices[i]
        for i in range(len(polygon1.vertices))
def test_intersect_polygon_segments_with_colinear_edges():
    """Tests that the default tolerance of 0 updates polygons which share part of an edge segment."""
    pts0 = (Point2D(1, 0), Point2D(4, 0), Point2D(4, 2), Point2D(1, 2))
    polygon0 = Polygon2D(pts0)
    pts1 = (Point2D(0, 2), Point2D(3, 2), Point2D(3, 4), Point2D(0, 4))
    polygon1 = Polygon2D(pts1)

    polygon0, polygon1 = Polygon2D._intersect_polygon_segments(
        polygon0, polygon1)

    # Extra vertex added to polygon0, as expected
    assert len(polygon0.segments) == 5
    assert polygon0.vertices[3] == Point2D(3, 2)
    assert polygon0.segments[2].p2 == Point2D(3, 2)
    assert polygon0.segments[3].p1 == Point2D(3, 2)

    # Extra vertex added to polygon1, as expected
    assert len(polygon1.segments) == 5
    assert polygon1.vertices[1] == Point2D(1, 2)
    assert polygon1.segments[0].p2 == Point2D(1, 2)
    assert polygon1.segments[1].p1 == Point2D(1, 2)
def test_intersect_polygon_segments():
    """Tests that polygons within tolerance distance have vertices updated."""
    tolerance = 0.01
    pts0 = (Point2D(1, 0), Point2D(4, 0), Point2D(4, 1.99), Point2D(1, 1.99))
    polygon0 = Polygon2D(pts0)
    pts1 = (Point2D(0, 2), Point2D(3, 2), Point2D(3, 4), Point2D(0, 4))
    polygon1 = Polygon2D(pts1)

    polygon0, polygon1 = Polygon2D._intersect_polygon_segments(
        polygon0, polygon1, tolerance)

    # Extra vertex added to polygon0, as expected
    assert len(polygon0.segments) == 5
    assert polygon0.vertices[3] == Point2D(3, 1.99)
    assert polygon0.segments[2].p2 == Point2D(3, 1.99)
    assert polygon0.segments[3].p1 == Point2D(3, 1.99)

    # Extra vertex added to polygon1, as expected
    assert len(polygon1.segments) == 5
    assert polygon1.vertices[1] == Point2D(1, 2)
    assert polygon1.segments[0].p2 == Point2D(1, 2)
    assert polygon1.segments[1].p1 == Point2D(1, 2)