def test_arc3_split_with_plane():
    """Test the Arc3D split_with_plane method."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 0, 2)
    arc = Arc3D(Plane(o=pt), 1, 0, math.pi)
    circle = Arc3D(Plane(o=pt), 1)

    plane_1 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 1, 0), Point3D(0, 0, 0))
    int1 = circle.split_with_plane(plane_1)
    assert len(int1) == 2
    assert int1[0].p1 == Point3D(3, 0, 2)
    assert int1[0].p2.x == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-2)
    assert int1[0].p2.y == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-2)
    assert int1[1].p2 == Point3D(3, 0, 2)
    assert int1[1].p1.x == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-2)
    assert int1[1].p1.y == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-2)

    plane_2 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 1, 0), Point3D(0, 0.5, 0))
    int2 = arc.split_with_plane(plane_2)
    assert len(int2) == 3
def test_check_self_intersecting():
    """Test the check_self_intersecting method."""
    plane_1 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1))
    plane_2 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, -1))
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2), Point3D(0, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(0, 2), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2))
    aperture_1 = Aperture('Window1', Face3D(pts_1, plane_1))
    aperture_2 = Aperture('Window2', Face3D(pts_2, plane_1))
    aperture_3 = Aperture('Window3', Face3D(pts_1, plane_2))
    aperture_4 = Aperture('Window4', Face3D(pts_2, plane_2))

    assert aperture_1.check_self_intersecting(False) is True
    assert aperture_2.check_self_intersecting(False) is False
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert aperture_2.check_self_intersecting(True)
    assert aperture_3.check_self_intersecting(False) is True
    assert aperture_4.check_self_intersecting(False) is False
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert aperture_4.check_self_intersecting(True)
def test_closest_point():
    """Test the Plane closest_point method."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    plane = Plane(vec, pt)

    test_pt = Point3D(0, 4, 0)
    assert plane.closest_point(test_pt) == Point3D(0, 2, 0)
    test_pt = Point3D(4, 4, 4)
    assert plane.closest_point(test_pt) == Point3D(4, 2, 4)
def test_scale_world_origin():
    """Test the Ray3D scale method with None origin."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    ray = Ray3D(pt, vec)

    new_ray = ray.scale(2)
    assert new_ray.p == Point3D(4, 4, 4)
    assert new_ray.v == Point3D(0, 4)
    assert new_ray.v.magnitude == 4
def test_cone_scale():
    """Test the Cone scale method."""
    c = Cone(Point3D(4, 0.5, 2), Vector3D(1, 0, 2.5), 0.7)
    test = c.scale(2, Point3D(0, 0, 0))
    assert test.vertex.x == pytest.approx(8, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.vertex.y == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.vertex.z == pytest.approx(4, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.axis.x == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.axis.y == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.axis.z == pytest.approx(5, rel=1e-3)
def test_scale_world_origin():
    """Test the LineSegment3D scale method with None origin."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    seg = LineSegment3D(pt, vec)

    new_seg = seg.scale(2)
    assert new_seg.p == Point3D(4, 4, 4)
    assert new_seg.v == Point3D(0, 4)
    assert new_seg.length == 4
def test_check_self_intersecting():
    """Test the check_self_intersecting method."""
    plane_1 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1))
    plane_2 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, -1))
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2), Point3D(0, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(0, 2), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2))
    shade_1 = Shade('shade1', Face3D(pts_1, plane_1))
    shade_2 = Shade('shade2', Face3D(pts_2, plane_1))
    shade_3 = Shade('shade3', Face3D(pts_1, plane_2))
    shade_4 = Shade('shade4', Face3D(pts_2, plane_2))

    assert shade_1.check_self_intersecting(False) == ''
    assert shade_2.check_self_intersecting(False) != ''
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert shade_2.check_self_intersecting(True)
    assert shade_3.check_self_intersecting(False) == ''
    assert shade_4.check_self_intersecting(False) != ''
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert shade_4.check_self_intersecting(True)
def test_check_self_intersecting():
    """Test the check_self_intersecting method."""
    plane_1 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1))
    plane_2 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, -1))
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2), Point3D(0, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(0, 2), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2))
    door_1 = Door('Door1', Face3D(pts_1, plane_1))
    door_2 = Door('Door2', Face3D(pts_2, plane_1))
    door_3 = Door('Door3', Face3D(pts_1, plane_2))
    door_4 = Door('Door4', Face3D(pts_2, plane_2))

    assert door_1.check_self_intersecting(False) == ''
    assert door_2.check_self_intersecting(False) != ''
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert door_2.check_self_intersecting(True)
    assert door_3.check_self_intersecting(False) == ''
    assert door_4.check_self_intersecting(False) != ''
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert door_4.check_self_intersecting(True)
def test_linerayment2_mutability():
    """Test the immutability of Ray3D objects."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 0, 0)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    ray = Ray3D(pt, vec)

    assert isinstance(ray, Ray3D)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ray.p.x = 3
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ray.v.x = 3
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ray.p = Point3D(0, 0, 0)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ray.v = Vector3D(2, 2, 0)

    ray_copy = ray.duplicate()
    assert ray.p == ray_copy.p
    assert ray.v == ray_copy.v
def test_linesegment3d_immutability():
    """Test the immutability of LineSegment3D objects."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 0, 0)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    seg = LineSegment3D(pt, vec)

    assert isinstance(seg, LineSegment3D)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        seg.p.x = 3
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        seg.v.x = 3
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        seg.p = Point3D(0, 0, 0)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        seg.v = Vector3D(2, 2, 0)

    seg_copy = seg.duplicate()
    assert seg.p == seg_copy.p
    assert seg.v == seg_copy.v
    def from_box(cls,
                 origin=Point3D(0, 0, 0)):
        """Initialize a Room from parameters describing a box.

        The resulting faces of the room will always be ordered as follows:
        (Bottom, Front, Right, Back, Left, Top) where the front is facing the
        cardinal direction of the orientation_angle.

            name: Room name. Must be < 100 characters.
            width: Number for the width of the box (in the X direction). Default: 3.0.
            depth: Number for the depth of the box (in the Y direction). Default: 6.0.
            height: Number for the height of the box (in the Z direction). Default: 3.2.
            orientation_angle: A number between 0 and 360 for the clockwise
                orientation of the box in degrees.
                (0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West)
            origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D for the origin of the room.
        # create a box Polyface3D
        x_axis = Vector3D(1, 0, 0)
        if orientation_angle != 0:
            angle = -1 * math.radians(
                float_in_range(orientation_angle, 0, 360, 'orientation_angle'))
            x_axis = x_axis.rotate_xy(angle)
        base_plane = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), origin, x_axis)
        polyface = Polyface3D.from_box(width, depth, height, base_plane)

        # create the honeybee Faces
        directions = ('Bottom', 'Front', 'Right', 'Back', 'Left', 'Top')
        faces = []
        for face, dir in zip(polyface.faces, directions):
                Face('{}_{}'.format(name, dir), face,
        room = cls(name, faces)
        room._geometry = polyface
        return room
def test_linesegment3d_init():
    """Test the initalization of LineSegment3D objects and basic properties."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 0, 2)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    seg = LineSegment3D(pt, vec)
    str(seg)  # test the string representation of the line segment

    assert seg.p == Point3D(2, 0, 2)
    assert seg.v == Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    assert seg.p1 == Point3D(2, 0, 2)
    assert seg.p2 == Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    assert seg.midpoint == Point3D(2, 1, 2)
    assert seg.point_at(0.25) == Point3D(2, 0.5, 2)
    assert seg.point_at_length(1) == Point3D(2, 1, 2)
    assert seg.length == 2

    flip_seg = seg.flip()
    assert flip_seg.p == Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    assert flip_seg.v == Vector3D(0, -2, 0)
def test_check_self_intersecting():
    """Test the check_self_intersecting method."""
    plane_1 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1))
    plane_2 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, -1))
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2), Point3D(0, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(0, 2), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2))
    face_1 = Face('Wall1', Face3D(pts_1, plane_1))
    face_2 = Face('Wall2', Face3D(pts_2, plane_1))
    face_3 = Face('Wall3', Face3D(pts_1, plane_2))
    face_4 = Face('Wall4', Face3D(pts_2, plane_2))

    assert face_1.check_self_intersecting(False) is True
    assert face_2.check_self_intersecting(False) is False
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert face_2.check_self_intersecting(True)
    assert face_3.check_self_intersecting(False) is True
    assert face_4.check_self_intersecting(False) is False
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert face_4.check_self_intersecting(True)
def draw_psych_chart(psy_chart):
    """Draw a given psychrometric chart object into Rhino geometry.

    This will NOT translate any colored meshes or data points.
    # output all of the lines/polylines for the various axes
    title_i = [from_polyline2d(psy_chart.chart_border, z)]
    temp_lines_i = [
        from_linesegment2d(tl, z) for tl in psy_chart.temperature_lines
    rh_lines_i = [from_polyline2d(rhl, z) for rhl in psy_chart.rh_lines]
    hr_lines_i = [from_linesegment2d(hrl, z) for hrl in psy_chart.hr_lines]

    # add the text to the various lines
                     psy_chart.legend_parameters.text_height * 1.5,
                     psy_chart.legend_parameters.font, 0, 0))
            plane_from_point(psy_chart.y_axis_location, Vector3D(0, 1)),
            psy_chart.legend_parameters.text_height * 1.5,
            psy_chart.legend_parameters.font, 2, 0))
    temp_lines_i = temp_lines_i + small_labels(
        psy_chart, psy_chart.temperature_labels,
        psy_chart.temperature_label_points, 1, 0)
    rh_lines_i = rh_lines_i + small_labels(psy_chart, psy_chart.rh_labels[:-1],
                                           psy_chart.rh_label_points[:-1], 2,
                                           3, 0.8)
    hr_lines_i = hr_lines_i + small_labels(psy_chart, psy_chart.hr_labels,
                                           psy_chart.hr_label_points, 0, 3)

    # add enthalpy or wet bulb lines
    if plot_wet_bulb_:
        enth_wb_lines_i = [
            from_linesegment2d(el, z) for el in psy_chart.wb_lines
        enth_wb_lines_i = enth_wb_lines_i + small_labels(
            psy_chart, psy_chart.wb_labels, psy_chart.wb_label_points, 2, 3)
        enth_wb_lines_i = [
            from_linesegment2d(el, z) for el in psy_chart.enthalpy_lines
        enth_wb_lines_i = enth_wb_lines_i + small_labels(
            psy_chart, psy_chart.enthalpy_labels,
            psy_chart.enthalpy_label_points, 2, 3)

    # add all of the objects to the bse list
def human_height_points(position, height, pt_count):
    """Get a list of points and a line representing the human geometry.

        position: Rhino point for the position of the human.
        height: Number for the height of the human.
        pt_count: Integer for the number of points representing the human.

         A tuple with human points as first element and human line as second.
         Both geomtries are Rhino geometries.
    lb_feet_pt = to_point3d(position).move(Vector3D(0, 0, height / 100))
    lb_hum_line = LineSegment3D(lb_feet_pt, Vector3D(0, 0, height))
    lb_pts = [lb_hum_line.midpoint] if pt_count == 1 else \
        lb_hum_line.subdivide_evenly(pt_count - 1)
    if len(lb_pts) == pt_count - 1:  # sometimes tolerance kills the last point
        lb_pts.append(lb_feet_pt.move(Vector3D(0, 0, height)))
    h_points = [from_point3d(pt) for pt in lb_pts]
    return h_points, from_linesegment3d(lb_hum_line)
def test_cylinder_duplicate():
    """Test the Cylinder duplicate method."""
    c = Cylinder(Point3D(0, 0.5, 2), Vector3D(1, 0.5, 2.5), 0.75)
    test = c.duplicate()
    assert test.radius == 0.75
    assert c.center.x == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.center.y == pytest.approx(0.5, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.center.z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.x == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.y == pytest.approx(0.5, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.z == pytest.approx(2.5, rel=1e-3)
def test_cylinder_to_from_dict():
    """Test the Cylinder to_dict and from_dict methods."""
    c = Cylinder(Point3D(4, 0.5, 2), Vector3D(1, 0, 2.5), 0.7)
    d = c.to_dict()
    c = Cylinder.from_dict(d)
    assert c.center.x == pytest.approx(4, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.center.y == pytest.approx(0.5, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.center.z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.x == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.y == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.z == pytest.approx(2.5, rel=1e-3)
def test_cylinder_scale():
    """Test the Cylinder scale method."""
    c = Cylinder(Point3D(4, 0.5, 2), Vector3D(1, 0, 2.5), 0.7)
    test = c.scale(2, Point3D(0, 0, 0))
    assert test.center.x == pytest.approx(8, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.center.y == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.center.z == pytest.approx(4, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.axis.x == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.axis.y == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.axis.z == pytest.approx(5, rel=1e-3)
    assert test.radius == pytest.approx(1.4, rel=1e-3)
def test_remove_colinear_vertices():
    """Test the remove_colinear_vertices method of Face3D."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2), Point3D(0, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(0, 0), Point3D(1, 0), Point3D(2, 0), Point3D(2, 2),
             Point3D(0, 2))
    plane_1 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1))
    face_1 = Face3D(pts_1, plane_1)
    face_2 = Face3D(pts_2, plane_1)

    assert len(face_1.remove_colinear_vertices(0.0001).vertices) == 4
    assert len(face_2.remove_colinear_vertices(0.0001).vertices) == 4
def test_init_from_endpoints():
    """Test the initalization of LineSegment3D from end points."""
    pt_1 = Point3D(2, 0, 2)
    pt_2 = Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    seg = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(pt_1, pt_2)

    assert seg.p == Point3D(2, 0, 2)
    assert seg.v == Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    assert seg.p1 == Point3D(2, 0, 2)
    assert seg.p2 == Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    assert seg.length == 2
def test_cone_duplicate():
    """Test the Cone duplicate method."""
    c = Cone(Point3D(0, 0.5, 2), Vector3D(1, 0.5, 2.5), 0.75)
    test = c.duplicate()
    assert test.angle == 0.75
    assert c.vertex.x == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.vertex.y == pytest.approx(0.5, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.vertex.z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.x == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.y == pytest.approx(0.5, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.z == pytest.approx(2.5, rel=1e-3)
def test_cone_to_from_dict():
    """Test the Cone to_dict and from_dict methods."""
    c = Cone(Point3D(4, 0.5, 2), Vector3D(1, 0, 2.5), 0.7)
    d = c.to_dict()
    c = Cone.from_dict(d)
    assert c.vertex.x == pytest.approx(4, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.vertex.y == pytest.approx(0.5, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.vertex.z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.x == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.y == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert c.axis.z == pytest.approx(2.5, rel=1e-3)
def test_color_face():
    """Test ColorFace."""
    pts_1 = [Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 10, 0), Point3D(10, 10, 0), Point3D(10, 0, 0)]
    pts_2 = [Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 0)]
    pts_3 = [Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(10, 0, 0), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(0, 0, 3)]
    pts_4 = [Point3D(10, 10, 0), Point3D(0, 10, 0), Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3)]
    pts_5 = [Point3D(10, 10, 0), Point3D(10, 0, 0), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3)]
    pts_6 = [Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 0, 3)]
    face_1 = Face('Face1', Face3D(pts_1))
    face_2 = Face('Face2', Face3D(pts_2))
    face_3 = Face('Face3', Face3D(pts_3))
    face_4 = Face('Face4', Face3D(pts_4))
    face_5 = Face('Face5', Face3D(pts_5))
    face_6 = Face('Face6', Face3D(pts_6))
    face_2.apertures_by_ratio(0.4, 0.01)
    face_2.apertures[0].overhang(0.5, indoor=False)
    face_2.apertures[0].overhang(0.5, indoor=True)
    face_2.apertures[0].move_shades(Vector3D(0, 0, -0.5))
    door_verts = [Point3D(2, 10, 0.1), Point3D(1, 10, 0.1),
                  Point3D(1, 10, 2.5), Point3D(2, 10, 2.5)]
    aperture_verts = [Point3D(4.5, 5, 1), Point3D(2.5, 5, 1),
                      Point3D(2.5, 5, 2.5), Point3D(4.5, 5, 2.5)]
    door = Door('FrontDoor', Face3D(door_verts))
    aperture = Aperture('Partition', Face3D(aperture_verts))
    table_geo = Face3D.from_rectangle(2, 2, Plane(o=Point3D(1.5, 4, 1)))
    table = Shade('Table', table_geo)
    tree_canopy_geo = Face3D.from_regular_polygon(6, 2, Plane(o=Point3D(5, -3, 4)))
    tree_canopy = Shade('TreeCanopy', tree_canopy_geo)

    all_geo = [face_1, face_2, face_3, face_4, face_5, face_6, table, tree_canopy,
               aperture, door]
    color_face1 = ColorFace(all_geo, 'display_name')
    color_face2 = ColorFace(all_geo, 'boundary_condition')

    assert len(color_face1.faces) == len(color_face2.faces) == len(all_geo)
    assert len(color_face1.flat_faces) == len(color_face2.flat_faces) == len(all_geo) + 3
    assert color_face1.flat_geometry[1].has_holes  # ensure punched geometry is used
    assert color_face1.attr_name == color_face1.attr_name_end == 'display_name'
    assert color_face2.attr_name == color_face2.attr_name_end == 'boundary_condition'
    assert color_face1.attributes == \
        ('Face1', 'Face2', 'Face2_Glz0', 'Face2_Glz0_OutOverhang0',
         'Face2_Glz0_InOverhang0', 'Face3', 'Face4', 'Face5', 'Face6',
         'Table', 'TreeCanopy', 'Partition', 'FrontDoor')
    assert color_face2.attributes == \
        ('Ground', 'Outdoors', 'Outdoors', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Outdoors', 'Outdoors',
         'Outdoors', 'Outdoors', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Outdoors', 'Outdoors')
    assert isinstance(color_face1.graphic_container, GraphicContainer)
    assert len(color_face1.attributes_unique) == \
        len(color_face1.graphic_container.legend.segment_colors) == \
    assert len(color_face2.attributes_unique) == \
        len(color_face2.graphic_container.legend.segment_colors) == 3
    assert isinstance(color_face1.min_point, Point3D)
    assert isinstance(color_face1.max_point, Point3D)
def test_xy_to_xyz():
    """Test the xy_to_xyz method."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 0, 2)
    plane = Plane(vec, pt)

    test_pt = Point2D(2, 2)
    assert plane.xy_to_xyz(test_pt) == Point3D(4, 4, 2)
    test_pt = Point2D(-1, -1)
    assert plane.xy_to_xyz(test_pt) == Point3D(1, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(plane.xy_to_xyz(test_pt), Point3D)
def test_vector3_mutability():
    """Test the immutability of Vector3D objects."""
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    assert isinstance(vec, Vector3D)
    vec_copy = vec.duplicate()
    assert vec == vec_copy

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        vec.x = 2
    norm_vec = vec.normalize()  # ensure operations tha yield new vectors are ok
    assert norm_vec.magnitude == pytest.approx(1., rel=1e-3)
def test_xyz_to_xy():
    """Test the xyz_to_xy method."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 0, 2)
    plane = Plane(vec, pt)

    test_pt = Point3D(4, 4, 2)
    assert plane.xyz_to_xy(test_pt) == Point2D(2, 2)
    test_pt = Point3D(0, 0, 2)
    assert plane.xyz_to_xy(test_pt) == Point2D(-2, -2)
    assert isinstance(plane.xyz_to_xy(test_pt), Point2D)
def test_reflect():
    """Test the Aperture reflect method."""
    pts = (Point3D(1, 1, 2), Point3D(2, 1, 2), Point3D(2, 2,
                                                       2), Point3D(1, 2, 2))
    plane = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), Point3D(0, 0, 2))
    aperture = Aperture('RectangleWindow', Face3D(pts, plane))

    origin_1 = Point3D(1, 0, 2)
    origin_2 = Point3D(0, 0, 2)
    normal_1 = Vector3D(1, 0, 0)
    normal_2 = Vector3D(-1, -1, 0).normalize()
    plane_1 = Plane(normal_1, origin_1)
    plane_2 = Plane(normal_2, origin_2)
    plane_3 = Plane(normal_2, origin_1)

    test_1 = aperture.duplicate()
    assert test_1.geometry[-1].x == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[-1].y == pytest.approx(1, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[-1].z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[1].x == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[1].y == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[1].z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)

    test_1 = aperture.duplicate()
    assert test_1.geometry[-1].x == pytest.approx(-1, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[-1].y == pytest.approx(-1, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[-1].z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[1].x == pytest.approx(-2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[1].y == pytest.approx(-2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.geometry[1].z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)

    test_2 = aperture.duplicate()
    assert test_2.geometry[-1].x == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_2.geometry[-1].y == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_2.geometry[-1].z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_2.geometry[1].x == pytest.approx(-1, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_2.geometry[1].y == pytest.approx(-1, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_2.geometry[1].z == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
def daylight_mesh_grid(info):

    for i in range(len(info.approved_rooms)):

        ext_wall = info.approved_rooms[i].geo_ene_ext_wall

        ext_wall_normal = -ext_wall.normal.normalize()

        #angle = np.arccos(ext_wall_normal.dot(Vector3D(0,1,0)))
        angle = -ext_wall_normal.angle(Vector3D(0, 1, 0))

        if ext_wall_normal.x < 0:
            angle = -angle

        origin_floor = Face3D([Point3D(0,0,0),
                               Point3D(0,0,0) + \
                               Point3D(0,0,0) + \
                                   Point3D(1,0,0)*info.room_dim_width + \
                               Point3D(0,0,0) + \

        origin_mesh = origin_floor.mesh_grid(x_dim=info.day_grid_x_dim,

        offset_vec = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) * info.day_sensorpoint_height
        origin = ext_wall.upper_left_counter_clockwise_vertices[1]

        moving_vec = offset_vec + origin

        moved_mesh = origin_mesh.move(moving_vec)

        mesh = moved_mesh.rotate_xy(angle, origin)

        info.approved_rooms[i].mesh_grid = mesh

        save_day_mesh_to_files(info, i, mesh)
def test_distance_to_point():
    """Test the Plane distance_to_point method."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    plane = Plane(vec, pt)

    test_pt = Point3D(0, 4, 0)
    assert plane.distance_to_point(test_pt) == 2
    test_pt = Point3D(4, 4, 4)
    assert plane.distance_to_point(test_pt) == 2
    test_pt = Point3D(4, 2, 4)
    assert plane.distance_to_point(test_pt) == 0
def test_scale_world_origin():
    """Test the Plane scale method with None origin."""
    pt = Point3D(2, 2, 2)
    vec = Vector3D(0, 2, 0)
    plane = Plane(vec, pt)

    new_plane = plane.scale(2)
    assert new_plane.o == Point3D(4, 4, 4)
    assert new_plane.n == Point3D(0, 1, 0)
    assert new_plane.x == plane.x
    assert new_plane.y == plane.y
    assert new_plane.k == 4