    def drive(Diagram, varList, angleDict):
        # Declare nodes
        # n1 = Segment(sp.Symbol('x_1'),sp.Symbol('y_1'),sp.Symbol('xd_1'),sp.Symbol('yd_1'),sp.Symbol('th_1'),sp.Symbol('thd_1'),"1", 1.0,1.0,0.5,1.0,True)
        # n2 = Segment(sp.Symbol('x_2'),sp.Symbol('y_2'),sp.Symbol('xd_2'),sp.Symbol('yd_2'),sp.Symbol('th_2'),sp.Symbol('thd_2'),"2", 1.0,1.0,0.5,1.0,False)

        # Organize nodes into a diagram
        # Diagram = {n1:[n2], n2:[n1]}

        # Rewrite the coordinates of the nodes in terms of the
        # generalized coordinates

        #        print Diagram
        #        print angleDict

        head = find_head(Diagram)
        dfs(Diagram, head)

        #        print Diagram
        #        for node in Diagram.keys():
        #            print node.__dict__

        #        print "*****************"
        #        print n2.y
        #        print n2.yd
        #        print "*****************"
        #        print ""

        # Compute the lagrangian
        dgm = [n for n in Diagram.keys()]
        #        print n1.x, "\n", n1.xd
        L = sum([lagrange_01(n) for n in dgm])
        L = sp.simplify(sp.expand(L))
        usedSymbols = L.atoms(sp.Symbol)
        coords = filter(lambda x: x[0] in usedSymbols or x[0] in usedSymbols, varList)
        # print coords
        # print angleDict
        #        print calcEL(L, coords)
        lagrange = calcEL(L, coords)
        initialConditions = [(angleDict[q], 0) for (q, qdot) in coords]
        trajectory = numTimeEvolve(L, coords, initialConditions, np.linspace(0, 1000, 4000))
        return trajectory, lagrange
#print "stuff"

# Organize nodes into a diagram
Diagram = {n1:[n2], n2:[n1, n3], n3:[n2, n4], n4:[n3,n5], n5:[n4,n6], n6:[n5]}

# Rewrite the coordinates of the nodes in terms of the 
# generalized coordinates
head = find_head(Diagram)
dfs(Diagram, head)

#print "*****************"
#print n2.xd
#print n2.yd
#print "*****************"
#print ""

#Compute the lagrangian
dgm = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6]
#print n1.x, "\n", n1.xd
L = sum([lagrange_01(n) for n in dgm])
L = sp.simplify(sp.expand(L))
print "\n\n\nL is \n", L, "\n\n\n"

# Compute and simulate differential equatoins
EL = calcEL(L, [(x,xdot),(y,ydot)])
print "EL \n", EL, "\n\n\n"
F, out=numTimeEvolve(L,[(x,xdot),(y,ydot)],[(0,0),(3,0)],tAxis)
print F