 def __init__(self, x, y, magnitude, max_magnitude):
     self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot("X", "Y")
     self.fig.set_size_inches(6, 6)
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.magnitude = magnitude
     self.n_foreground = 0
     self.n_background = 0
     self.n_injections = 0
     max_magnitude = math.log10(max_magnitude)
     self.foreground_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
         rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
                      rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude,
     self.background_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
         rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
                      rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude,
     self.coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
         rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
                      rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude,
     self.incomplete_coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
         rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
                      rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude,
 def __init__(self, x_instrument, y_instrument, magnitude, desc,
              min_magnitude, max_magnitude):
     self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot(
         "%s %s" % (x_instrument, desc), "%s %s" % (y_instrument, desc))
     self.fig.set_size_inches(6, 6)
     self.x_instrument = x_instrument
     self.y_instrument = y_instrument
     self.magnitude = magnitude
     self.foreground_x = []
     self.foreground_y = []
     self.n_foreground = 0
     self.n_background = 0
     self.n_injections = 0
     self.foreground_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
             (rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
              rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024))))
     self.background_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
             (rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
              rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024))))
     self.coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
             (rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
              rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024))))
     self.incomplete_coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
             (rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
              rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024))))
def create_efficiency_plot(axes, all_injections, found_injections, detection_threshold, cal_uncertainty):
	filter_width = 16.7
	# formats
	axes.set_position([0.10, 0.150, 0.86, 0.77])

	# set desired yticks
	axes.set_yticks((0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0))
	axes.set_yticklabels((r"\(0\)", r"\(0.1\)", r"\(0.2\)", r"\(0.3\)", r"\(0.4\)", r"\(0.5\)", r"\(0.6\)", r"\(0.7\)", r"\(0.8\)", r"\(0.9\)", r"\(1.0\)"))
	axes.xaxis.grid(True, which = "major,minor")
	axes.yaxis.grid(True, which = "major,minor")

	# put made and found injections in the denominators and
	# numerators of the efficiency bins
	bins = rate.NDBins((rate.LogarithmicBins(min(sim.amplitude for sim in all_injections), max(sim.amplitude for sim in all_injections), 400),))
	efficiency_num = rate.BinnedArray(bins)
	efficiency_den = rate.BinnedArray(bins)
	for sim in found_injections:
		efficiency_num[sim.amplitude,] += 1
	for sim in all_injections:
		efficiency_den[sim.amplitude,] += 1

	# generate and plot trend curves.  adjust window function
	# normalization so that denominator array correctly
	# represents the number of injections contributing to each
	# bin:  make w(0) = 1.0.  note that this factor has no
	# effect on the efficiency because it is common to the
	# numerator and denominator arrays.  we do this for the
	# purpose of computing the Poisson error bars, which
	# requires us to know the counts for the bins
	windowfunc = rate.gaussian_window(filter_width)
	windowfunc /= windowfunc[len(windowfunc) / 2 + 1]
	rate.filter_array(efficiency_num.array, windowfunc)
	rate.filter_array(efficiency_den.array, windowfunc)

	# regularize:  adjust unused bins so that the efficiency is
	# 0, not NaN
	assert (efficiency_num.array <= efficiency_den.array).all()
	efficiency_den.array[(efficiency_num.array == 0) & (efficiency_den.array == 0)] = 1

	line1, A50, A50_err = render_data_from_bins(file("string_efficiency.dat", "w"), axes, efficiency_num, efficiency_den, cal_uncertainty, filter_width, colour = "k", linestyle = "-", erroralpha = 0.2)

	# add a legend to the axes
	axes.legend((line1,), (r"\noindent Injections recovered with $\log \Lambda > %.2f$" % detection_threshold,), loc = "lower right")

	# adjust limits
	axes.set_xlim([3e-22, 3e-19])
	axes.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
    def finish(self):
        livetime = rate.BinnedArray(self.counts.bins)
        for offsets in self.tisi_rows:
                     offsets[self.y_instrument]] += float(
        zvals = self.counts.at_centres() / livetime.at_centres()
        rate.filter_array(zvals, rate.gaussian_window(3, 3))
        xcoords, ycoords = self.counts.centres()
        self.axes.contour(xcoords, ycoords, numpy.transpose(numpy.log(zvals)))
        for offsets in self.tisi_rows:
            if any(offsets):
                # time slide vector is non-zero-lag
                self.axes.plot((offsets[self.x_instrument], ),
                               (offsets[self.y_instrument], ), "k+")
                # time slide vector is zero-lag
                self.axes.plot((offsets[self.x_instrument], ),
                               (offsets[self.y_instrument], ), "r+")

            r"Coincident Event Rate vs. Instrument Time Offset (Logarithmic Rate Contours)"
 def _derivitave_fit(self, farts, FARt, vAs, twodbin):
    Relies on scipy spline fits for each mass bin
    to find the derivitave of the volume at a given
    FAR.  See how this works for a simple case where
    I am clearly giving it a parabola.  To high precision it calculates
    the proper derivitave. 
    A = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
    B = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
    C = interpolate.splrep(B,A,s=0, k=4)
     dA = rate.BinnedArray(twodbin)
     for m1 in range(dA.array.shape[0]):
         for m2 in range(dA.array.shape[1]):
             da = []
             for f in farts.centres():
             fit = interpolate.splrep(farts.centres(), da, k=4)
             val = interpolate.splev(FARt, fit, der=1)
             #print val
             # FIXME this prevents negative derivitives arising from bad fits
             if val < 0: val = 0
             dA.array[m1][m2] = val  # minus the derivitave
     return dA
def get_volume_derivative(injfnames, twoDMassBins, dBin, FAR,
                          zero_lag_segments, gw):
    if (FAR == 0):
        print("\n\nFAR = 0\n \n")
        # FIXME lambda = ~inf if loudest event is above loudest timeslide?
        output = rate.BinnedArray(twoDMassBins)
        output.array = 10**6 * numpy.ones(output.array.shape)
        return output
    livetime = float(abs(zero_lag_segments))
    FARh = FAR * 100000
    FARl = FAR * 0.001
    nbins = 5
    FARS = rate.LogarithmicBins(FARl, FARh, nbins)
    vA = []
    vA2 = []
    for far in FARS.centres():
        m, f = get_injections(injfnames, far, zero_lag_segments)
        print("computing volume at FAR " + str(far), file=sys.stderr)
        vAt, vA2t = twoD_SearchVolume(f, m, twoDMassBins, dBin, gw, livetime,
        # we need to compute derivitive of log according to ul paper
        vAt.array = scipy.log10(vAt.array + 0.001)
    # the derivitive is calcuated with respect to FAR * t
    FARS = rate.LogarithmicBins(FARl * livetime, FARh * livetime, nbins)
    return derivitave_fit(FARS, FAR * livetime, vA, twoDMassBins)
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(LnSignalDensity, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     # initialize SNRPDF
     self.SNRPDF = {}
     for n in range(self.min_instruments, len(self.instruments) + 1):
         for ifo_combos in itertools.combinations(sorted(self.instruments),
             self.SNRPDF[ifo_combos] = rate.BinnedArray(
                 rate.NDBins([self.snr_binning] * len(ifo_combos)))
 def live_time_array(self, instruments):
 return an array of live times, note every bin will be the same :) it is just a 
     live_time = rate.BinnedArray(self.twoDMassBins)
     live_time.array += 1.0
     live_time.array *= self.livetime[instruments]
     return live_time
    def add_contents(self, contents):
        if self.tisi_rows is None:
            # get a list of time slide dictionaries
            self.tisi_rows = contents.time_slide_table.as_dict().values()

            # find the largest and smallest offsets
            min_offset = min(offset for vector in self.tisi_rows
                             for offset in vector.values())
            max_offset = max(offset for vector in self.tisi_rows
                             for offset in vector.values())

            # a guess at the time slide spacing:  works if the
            # time slides are distributed as a square grid over
            # the plot area.  (max - min)^2 gives the area of
            # the time slide square in square seconds; dividing
            # by the length of the time slide list gives the
            # average area per time slide;  taking the square
            # root of that gives the average distance between
            # adjacent time slides in seconds
            time_slide_spacing = ((max_offset - min_offset)**2 /

            # use an average of 3 bins per time slide in each
            # direction, but round to an odd integer
            nbins = int(
                math.ceil((max_offset - min_offset) / time_slide_spacing * 3))

            # construct the binning
            self.counts = rate.BinnedArray(
                rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(min_offset, max_offset, nbins),
                             rate.LinearBins(min_offset, max_offset, nbins))))

        self.seglists |= contents.seglists

        for offsets in contents.connection.cursor().execute(
SELECT tx.offset, ty.offset FROM
	JOIN time_slide AS tx ON (
		tx.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id
	JOIN time_slide AS ty ON (
		ty.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id
	coinc_event.coinc_def_id == ?
	AND tx.instrument == ?
	AND ty.instrument == ?
		""", (contents.bb_definer_id, self.x_instrument, self.y_instrument)):
                self.counts[offsets] += 1
            except IndexError:
                # beyond plot boundaries
def compute_search_efficiency_in_bins(found, total, ndbins, sim_to_bins_function = lambda sim: (sim.distance,)):
	This program creates the search efficiency in the provided ndbins.  The
	first dimension of ndbins must be the distance.  You also must provide a
	function that maps a sim inspiral row to the correct tuple to index the ndbins.

	num = rate.BinnedArray(ndbins)
	den = rate.BinnedArray(ndbins)

	# increment the numerator with the found injections
	for sim in found:
		num[sim_to_bins_function(sim)] += 1

	# increment the denominator with the total injections
	for sim in total:
		den[sim_to_bins_function(sim)] += 1

	# sanity check
	assert (num.array <= den.array).all(), "some bins have more found injections than were made"

	# regularize by setting empty bins to zero efficiency
	den.array[numpy.logical_and(num.array == 0, den.array == 0)] = 1

	# pull out the efficiency array, it is the ratio
	eff = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array = num.array / den.array)

	# compute binomial uncertainties in each bin
	k = num.array
	N = den.array
	eff_lo_arr = ( N*(2*k + 1) - numpy.sqrt(4*N*k*(N - k) + N**2) ) / (2*N*(N + 1))
	eff_hi_arr = ( N*(2*k + 1) + numpy.sqrt(4*N*k*(N - k) + N**2) ) / (2*N*(N + 1))

	eff_lo = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array = eff_lo_arr)
	eff_hi = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array = eff_hi_arr)

	return eff_lo, eff, eff_hi
def compute_search_volume(eff):
	Integrate efficiency to get search volume.
	# get distance bins
	ndbins = eff.bins
	dx = ndbins[0].upper() - ndbins[0].lower()
	r = ndbins[0].centres()

	# we have one less dimension on the output
	vol = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins[1:]))

	# integrate efficiency to obtain volume
	vol.array = numpy.trapz(eff.array.T * 4. * numpy.pi * r**2, r, dx)

	return vol
def median_from_lnpdf(ln_pdf):
    # get bin probabilities from bin counts

    assert (ln_pdf.array >= 0.).all(), "PDF contains negative counts"
    cdf = ln_pdf.array.cumsum()
    cdf /= cdf[-1]

    # wrap (CDF - 0.5) in an InterpBinnedArray and use bisect to solve
    # for 0 crossing.  the interpolator gets confused where the x
    # co-ordinates are infinite and it breaks the bisect function for
    # some reason, so to work around the issue we start the upper and
    # lower boundaries in a little bit from the edges of the domain.
    # FIXME:  this is stupid, find a root finder that gives the correct
    # answer regardless.

    func = rate.InterpBinnedArray(rate.BinnedArray(ln_pdf.bins, cdf - 0.5))
    median = optimize.bisect(func,

    # check result (detects when the root finder has failed for some
    # reason)

    assert abs(func(median)) < 1e-13, "failed to find median (got %g)" % median

    # done

    return median
def SNRPDF(instruments,
           bins=rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(3.6, 1e3, 150)):
	Precomputed SNR PDF for each detector
	Returns a BinnedArray containing
	P(snr_{inst1}, snr_{inst2}, ... | signal seen in exactly
		{inst1, inst2, ...} in a network of instruments
		with a given set of horizon distances)
	i.e., the joint probability density of observing a set of
	SNRs conditional on them being the result of signal that
	has been recovered in a given subset of the instruments in
	a network of instruments with a given set of horizon

	The axes of the PDF correspond to the instruments in
	alphabetical order.  The binning used for all axes is set
	with the bins parameter.

	The n_samples parameter sets the number of iterations for
	the internal Monte Carlo sampling loop.
    if n_samples < 1:
        raise ValueError("n_samples=%d must be >= 1" % n_samples)

    # get instrument names
    instruments = sorted(instruments)
    if len(instruments) < 1:
        raise ValueError(instruments)
    # get the horizon distances in the same order
    DH_times_8 = 8. * numpy.array(
        [horizon_distances[inst] for inst in instruments])
    # get detector responses in the same order
    resps = [
        for inst in instruments

    # get horizon distances and responses of remaining
    # instruments (order doesn't matter as long as they're in
    # the same order)
    DH_times_8_other = 8. * numpy.array([
        for inst, dist in horizon_distances.items() if inst not in instruments
    resps_other = tuple(
        for inst in horizon_distances if inst not in instruments)

    # initialize the PDF array, and pre-construct the sequence of
    # snr, d(snr) tuples. since the last SNR bin probably has
    # infinite size, we remove it from the sequence
    # (meaning the PDF will be left 0 in that bin)
    pdf = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins([bins] * len(instruments)))
    snr_sequence = rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(3.6, 1e3, 500)
    snr_snrlo_snrhi_sequence = numpy.array(
        zip(snr_sequence.centres(), snr_sequence.lower(),

    # compute the SNR at which to begin iterations over bins
    assert type(snr_cutoff) is float
    snr_min = snr_cutoff - 3.0
    assert snr_min > 0.0

    # we select random uniformly-distributed right assensions
    # so there's no point in also choosing random GMSTs and any
    # vlaue is as good as any other
    gmst = 0.0

    # run the sample the requested # of iterations. save some
    # symbols to avoid doing module attribute look-ups in the
    # loop
    acos = math.acos
    random_uniform = random.uniform
    twopi = 2. * math.pi
    pi_2 = math.pi / 2.
    xlal_am_resp = lal.ComputeDetAMResponse
    # FIXME:  scipy.stats.rice.rvs broken on reference OS.
    # switch to it when we can rely on a new-enough scipy
    #rice_rvs = stats.rice.rvs	# broken on reference OS
    # the .reshape is needed in the event that x is a 1x1
    # array:  numpy returns a scalar from sqrt(), but we must
    # have something that we can iterate over
    rice_rvs = lambda x: numpy.sqrt(stats.ncx2.rvs(2., x**2.)).reshape(x.shape)

    for i in xrange(n_samples):
        # select random sky location and source orbital
        # plane inclination
        # the signal is linearly polaraized, and h_cross = 0
        # is assumed, so we need only F+ (its absolute value).
        ra = random_uniform(0., twopi)
        dec = pi_2 - acos(random_uniform(-1., 1.))
        psi = random_uniform(0., twopi)
        fplus = tuple(
            abs(xlal_am_resp(resp, ra, dec, psi, gmst)[0]) for resp in resps)

        # 1/8 ratio of inverse SNR to distance for each instrument
        # (1/8 because horizon distance is defined for an SNR of 8,
        # and we've omitted that factor for performance)
        snr_times_D = DH_times_8 * fplus

        # snr * D in instrument whose SNR grows fastest
        # with decreasing D
        max_snr_times_D = snr_times_D.max()

        # snr_times_D.min() / snr_min = the furthest a
        # source can be and still be above snr_min in all
        # instruments involved.  max_snr_times_D / that
        # distance = the SNR that distance corresponds to
        # in the instrument whose SNR grows fastest with
        # decreasing distance --- the SNR the source has in
        # the most sensitive instrument when visible to all
        # instruments in the combo
            start_index = snr_sequence[max_snr_times_D /
                                       (snr_times_D.min() / snr_min)]
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            # one of the instruments that must be able
            # to see the event is blind to it

        # min_D_other is minimum distance at which source
        # becomes visible in an instrument that isn't
        # involved.  max_snr_times_D / min_D_other gives
        # the SNR in the most sensitive instrument at which
        # the source becomes visible to one of the
        # instruments not allowed to participate
        if len(DH_times_8_other):
            min_D_other = (DH_times_8_other * fplus).min() / snr_cutoff
                end_index = snr_sequence[max_snr_times_D / min_D_other] + 1
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                # all instruments that must not see
                # it are blind to it
                end_index = None
            # there are no other instruments
            end_index = None

        # if start_index >= end_index then in order for the
        # source to be close enough to be visible in all
        # the instruments that must see it it is already
        # visible to one or more instruments that must not.
        # don't need to check for this, the for loop that
        # comes next will simply not have any iterations.

        # iterate over the nominal SNRs (= noise-free SNR
        # in the most sensitive instrument) at which we
        # will add weight to the PDF.  from the SNR in
        # most sensitive instrument, the distance to the
        # source is:
        #	D = max_snr_times_D / snr
        # and the (noise-free) SNRs in all instruments are:
        #	snr_times_D / D
        # scipy's Rice-distributed RV code is used to
        # add the effect of background noise, converting
        # the noise-free SNRs into simulated observed SNRs
        # number of sources b/w Dlo and Dhi:
        #	d count \propto D^2 |dD|
        #	  count \propto Dhi^3 - Dlo**3
        D_Dhi_Dlo_sequence = max_snr_times_D / snr_snrlo_snrhi_sequence[
        for snr, weight in zip(
                rice_rvs(snr_times_D /
                         numpy.reshape(D_Dhi_Dlo_sequence[:, 0],
                                       (len(D_Dhi_Dlo_sequence), 1))),
                D_Dhi_Dlo_sequence[:, 1]**3. - D_Dhi_Dlo_sequence[:, 2]**3.):
            pdf[tuple(snr)] += weight

    # check for divide-by-zeros that weren't caught.  also
    # finds nans if they are there
    assert numpy.isfinite(pdf.array).all()

    # convolve samples with gaussian kernel
                      rate.gaussian_window(*(1.875, ) * len(pdf.array.shape)))
    # protect against round-off in FFT convolution leading to
    # negative valuesin the PDF
    numpy.clip(pdf.array, 0., PosInf, pdf.array)
    # zero counts in bins that are below the trigger threshold.
    # have to convert SNRs to indexes ourselves and adjust so
    # that we don't zero the bin in which the SNR threshold
    # falls
    range_all = slice(None, None)
    range_low = slice(None, pdf.bins[0][snr_cutoff])
    for i in xrange(len(instruments)):
        slices = [range_all] * len(instruments)
        slices[i] = range_low
    # convert bin counts to normalized PDF
    # one last sanity check
    assert numpy.isfinite(pdf.array).all()
    # done
    return pdf
def twoD_SearchVolume(found,
  Compute the search volume in the mass/mass plane, bootstrap
  and measure the first and second moment (assumes the underlying 
  distribution can be characterized by those two parameters) 
  This is gonna be brutally slow
  derr = (0.134**2+.103**2+.102**2)**.5 = 0.197 which is the 3 detector 
  calibration uncertainty in quadrature.  This is conservative since some injections
  will be H1L1 and have a lower error of .17
  the dsys is the DC offset which is the max offset of .074. 
    if wnfunc:
        wnfunc /= wnfunc[(wnfunc.shape[0] - 1) / 2, (wnfunc.shape[1] - 1) / 2]
    x = twodbin.shape[0]
    y = twodbin.shape[1]
    z = dbin.n
    rArrays = []
    volArray = rate.BinnedArray(twodbin)
    volArray2 = rate.BinnedArray(twodbin)
    #set up ratio arrays for each distance bin
    for k in range(z):

    # Bootstrap to account for errors
    for n in range(bootnum):
        #initialize by setting these to zero
        for k in range(z):
            rArrays[k].numerator.array = numpy.zeros(
            rArrays[k].denominator.array = numpy.zeros(
        #Scramble the inj population
        if bootnum > 1: sm, sf = scramble_pop(missed, found)
        else: sm, sf = missed, found
        for l in sf:  #found:
            tbin = rArrays[dbin[scramble_dist(l.distance, derr, dsys)]]
            tbin.incnumerator((l.mass1, l.mass2))
        for l in sm:  #missed:
            tbin = rArrays[dbin[scramble_dist(l.distance, derr, dsys)]]
            tbin.incdenominator((l.mass1, l.mass2))

        tmpArray2 = rate.BinnedArray(
            twodbin)  #start with a zero array to compute the mean square
        for k in range(z):
            tbins = rArrays[k]
            tbins.denominator.array += tbins.numerator.array
            if wnfunc: rate.filter_array(tbins.denominator.array, wnfunc)
            if wnfunc: rate.filter_array(tbins.numerator.array, wnfunc)
            # logarithmic(d)
            integrand = 4.0 * pi * tbins.ratio() * dbin.centres(
            )[k]**3 * dbin.delta
            volArray.array += integrand
            tmpArray2.array += integrand  #4.0 * pi * tbins.ratio() * dbin.centres()[k]**3 * dbin.delta
                "bootstrapping:\t%.1f%% and Calculating smoothed volume:\t%.1f%%\r"
                % ((100.0 * n / bootnum), (100.0 * k / z)),
                end=' ',
        tmpArray2.array *= tmpArray2.array
        volArray2.array += tmpArray2.array

    print("", file=sys.stderr)
    #Mean and variance
    volArray.array /= bootnum
    volArray2.array /= bootnum
    volArray2.array -= volArray.array**2  # Variance
    volArray.array *= livetime
    volArray2.array *= livetime * livetime  # this gets two powers of live time
    return volArray, volArray2
	def __init__(self, efficiency_data, confidence):
		self.rate_array = rate.BinnedArray(efficiency_data.efficiency.denominator.bins)
		self.amplitude_lbl = efficiency_data.amplitude_lbl
		self.confidence = confidence
    def twoD_SearchVolume(self,
    Compute the search volume in the mass/mass plane, bootstrap
    and measure the first and second moment (assumes the underlying 
    distribution can be characterized by those two parameters) 
    This is gonna be brutally slow
    derr = (0.134**2+.103**2+.102**2)**.5 = 0.197 which is the 3 detector 
    calibration uncertainty in quadrature.  This is conservative since some injections
     will be H1L1 and have a lower error of .17
    the dsys is the DC offset which is the max offset of .074. 

        if not FAR: FAR = self.far[instruments]
        found, missed = self.get_injections(instruments, FAR)
        twodbin = self.twoDMassBins
        wnfunc = self.gw
        livetime = self.livetime[instruments]
        if not bootnum: bootnum = self.bootnum

        if wnfunc:
            wnfunc /= wnfunc[(wnfunc.shape[0] - 1) / 2,
                             (wnfunc.shape[1] - 1) / 2]

        x = twodbin.shape[0]
        y = twodbin.shape[1]
        z = int(self.opts.dist_bins)

        rArrays = []
        volArray = rate.BinnedArray(twodbin)
        volArray2 = rate.BinnedArray(twodbin)
        #set up ratio arrays for each distance bin
        for k in range(z):

        # Bootstrap to account for errors
        for n in range(bootnum):
            #initialize by setting these to zero
            for k in range(z):
                rArrays[k].numerator.array = numpy.zeros(
                rArrays[k].denominator.array = numpy.zeros(
            #Scramble the inj population and distances
            if bootnum > 1:
                sm, sf = self._scramble_pop(missed, found)
                # I make a separate array of distances to speed up this calculation
                f_dist = self._scramble_dist(sf, derr, dsys)
                sm, sf = missed, found
                f_dist = numpy.array([l.distance for l in found])

            # compute the distance bins
            if not dbin:
                dbin = rate.LogarithmicBins(min(f_dist), max(f_dist), z)
            #else: print dbin.centres()

            # get rid of all missed injections outside the distance bins
            # to prevent binning errors
            sm, m_dist = self.cut_distance(sm, dbin)
            sf, f_dist = self.cut_distance(sf, dbin)

            for i, l in enumerate(sf):  #found:
                tbin = rArrays[dbin[f_dist[i]]]
                tbin.incnumerator((l.mass1, l.mass2))
            for i, l in enumerate(sm):  #missed:
                tbin = rArrays[dbin[m_dist[i]]]
                tbin.incdenominator((l.mass1, l.mass2))

            tmpArray2 = rate.BinnedArray(
                twodbin)  #start with a zero array to compute the mean square
            for k in range(z):
                tbins = rArrays[k]
                tbins.denominator.array += tbins.numerator.array
                if wnfunc: rate.filter_array(tbins.denominator.array, wnfunc)
                if wnfunc: rate.filter_array(tbins.numerator.array, wnfunc)
                # logarithmic(d)
                integrand = 4.0 * pi * tbins.ratio() * dbin.centres(
                )[k]**3 * dbin.delta
                volArray.array += integrand
                tmpArray2.array += integrand  #4.0 * pi * tbins.ratio() * dbin.centres()[k]**3 * dbin.delta
                    "bootstrapping:\t%.1f%% and Calculating smoothed volume:\t%.1f%%\r"
                    % ((100.0 * n / bootnum), (100.0 * k / z)),
                    end=' ',
            tmpArray2.array *= tmpArray2.array
            volArray2.array += tmpArray2.array

        print("", file=sys.stderr)
        #Mean and variance
        volArray.array /= bootnum
        volArray2.array /= bootnum
        volArray2.array -= volArray.array**2  # Variance
        volArray.array *= livetime
        volArray2.array *= livetime * livetime  # this gets two powers of live time
        return volArray, volArray2
	def finish(self, threshold):
		# bin the injections


		# use the same binning for the found injection density as
		# was constructed for the efficiency

		self.found_density = rate.BinnedArray(self.efficiency.denominator.bins)

		# construct the amplitude weighting function

		amplitude_weight = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(threshold - 100, threshold + 100, 10001),)))

		# gaussian window's width is the number of bins
		# corresponding to 10 units of amplitude, which is computed
		# by dividing 10 by the "volume" of the bin corresponding
		# to threshold.  index is the index of the element in
		# amplitude_weight corresponding to the threshold.

		index, = amplitude_weight.bins[threshold,]
		window = rate.gaussian_window(10.0 / amplitude_weight.bins.volumes()[index])
		window /= 10 * window[(len(window) - 1) / 2]

		# set the window data into the BinnedArray object.  the
		# Gaussian peaks on the middle element of the window, which
		# we want to place at index in the amplitude_weight array.

		lo = index - (len(window) - 1) / 2
		hi = lo + len(window)
		if lo < 0 or hi > len(amplitude_weight.array):
			raise ValueError("amplitude weighting window too large")
		amplitude_weight.array[lo:hi] = window

		# store the recovered injections in the found density bins
		# weighted by amplitude

		for x, y, z in self.recovered_xyz:
				weight = amplitude_weight[z,]
			except IndexError:
				# beyond the edge of the window
				weight = 0.0
			self.found_density[x, y] += weight

		# the efficiency is only valid up to the highest energy
		# that has been injected.  this creates problems later on
		# so, instead, for each frequency, identify the highest
		# energy that has been measured and copy the values for
		# that bin's numerator and denominator into the bins for
		# all higher energies.  do the same for the counts in the
		# found injection density bins.
		# numpy.indices() returns two arrays array, the first of
		# which has each element set equal to its x index, the
		# second has each element set equal to its y index, we keep
		# the latter.  meanwhile numpy.roll() cyclically permutes
		# the efficiency bins down one along the y (energy) axis.
		# from this, the conditional finds bins where the
		# efficiency is greater than 0.9 but <= 0.9 in the bin
		# immediately above it in energy.  we select the elements
		# from the y index array where the conditional is true, and
		# then use numpy.max() along the y direction to return the
		# highest such y index for each x index, which is a 1-D
		# array.  finally, enumerate() is used to iterate over x
		# index and corresponding y index, and if the y index is
		# not negative (was found) the value from that x-y bin is
		# copied to all higher bins.

		n = self.efficiency.numerator.array
		d = self.efficiency.denominator.array
		f = self.found_density.array
		bady = -1
		for x, y in enumerate(numpy.max(numpy.where((d > 0) & (numpy.roll(d, -1, axis = 1) <= 0), numpy.indices(d.shape)[1], bady), axis = 1)):
			if y != bady:
				n[x, y + 1:] = n[x, y]
				d[x, y + 1:] = d[x, y]
				f[x, y + 1:] = f[x, y]

		# now do the same for the bins at energies below those that
		# have been measured.

		bady = d.shape[1]
		for x, y in enumerate(numpy.min(numpy.where((d > 0) & (numpy.roll(d, 1, axis = 1) <= 0), numpy.indices(d.shape)[1], bady), axis = 1)):
			if y != bady:
				n[x, 0:y] = n[x, y]
				d[x, 0:y] = d[x, y]
				f[x, 0:y] = f[x, y]

		diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.numerator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Numerator (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_numerator_before.png")
		diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.denominator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Denominator (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_denominator_before.png")
		diagnostic_plot(self.found_density.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Injections Lost / Unit of Threshold (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_found_density_before.png")

		# smooth the efficiency bins and the found injection
		# density bins using the same 2D window.

		window = rate.gaussian_window(self.window_size_x, self.window_size_y)
		window /= window[tuple((numpy.array(window.shape, dtype = "double") - 1) / 2)]
		rate.filter_binned_ratios(self.efficiency, window)
		rate.filter_array(self.found_density.array, window)

		diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.numerator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Numerator (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_numerator_after.png")
		diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.denominator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Denominator (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_denominator_after.png")
		diagnostic_plot(self.found_density.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Injections Lost / Unit of Threshold (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_found_density_after.png")

		# compute the uncertainties in the efficiency and its
		# derivative by assuming these to be the binomial counting
		# fluctuations in the numerators.

		p = self.efficiency.ratio()
		self.defficiency = numpy.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / self.efficiency.denominator.array)
		p = self.found_density.array / self.efficiency.denominator.array
		self.dfound_density = numpy.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / self.efficiency.denominator.array)
def compute_volume_vs_mass(found,
    Compute the average luminosity an experiment was sensitive to given the sets
    of found and missed injections and assuming luminosity is uniformly distributed
    in space.

    If distance_param and distance_distribution are not None, use an unbinned
    Monte Carlo integral (which optionally takes max_distance and min_distance
    parameters) for the volume and error
    Otherwise use a simple efficiency * distance**2 binned integral
    In either case use distance bins to return the efficiency in each bin
    # initialize MC volume integral method: binned or unbinned
    if distribution_param is not None and distribution is not None and limits_param is not None:
        mc_unbinned = True
        mc_unbinned = False

    # mean and std estimate for sensitive volume averaged over search time
    volArray = rate.BinnedArray(mass_bins)
    vol2Array = rate.BinnedArray(mass_bins)

    # found/missed stats
    foundArray = rate.BinnedArray(mass_bins)
    missedArray = rate.BinnedArray(mass_bins)

    # efficiency over distance and its standard (binomial) error
    effvmass = []
    errvmass = []

    if bin_type == "Mass1_Mass2":  # two-d case first
        for j, mc1 in enumerate(mass_bins.centres()[0]):
            for k, mc2 in enumerate(mass_bins.centres()[1]):

                # filter out injections not in this mass bin
                newfound = filter_injections_by_mass(found, mass_bins, j,
                                                     bin_type, k)
                newmissed = filter_injections_by_mass(missed, mass_bins, j,
                                                      bin_type, k)

                foundArray[(mc1, mc2)] = len(newfound)
                missedArray[(mc1, mc2)] = len(newmissed)

                # compute the volume using this injection set
                meaneff, efferr, meanvol, volerr = mean_efficiency_volume(
                    newfound, newmissed, dbins)
                if mc_unbinned:
                    meanvol, volerr = volume_montecarlo(
                        newfound, newmissed, distribution_param, distribution,
                        limits_param, max_param, min_param)
                volArray[(mc1, mc2)] = meanvol
                vol2Array[(mc1, mc2)] = volerr

        return volArray, vol2Array, foundArray, missedArray, effvmass, errvmass

    for j, mc in enumerate(mass_bins.centres()[0]):

        # filter out injections not in this mass bin
        newfound = filter_injections_by_mass(found, mass_bins, j, bin_type)
        newmissed = filter_injections_by_mass(missed, mass_bins, j, bin_type)

        foundArray[(mc, )] = len(newfound)
        missedArray[(mc, )] = len(newmissed)

        # compute the volume using this injection set
        meaneff, efferr, meanvol, volerr = mean_efficiency_volume(
            newfound, newmissed, dbins)
        # if the unbinned MC calculation is available, do it
        if mc_unbinned:
            meanvol, volerr = volume_montecarlo(newfound, newmissed,
                                                distribution, limits_param,
                                                max_param, min_param)
        volArray[(mc, )] = meanvol
        vol2Array[(mc, )] = volerr

    return volArray, vol2Array, foundArray, missedArray, effvmass, errvmass