 def get_2d_mass_bins(self, low, high, bins):
 Given the component mass range low, high of the search it will
 return 2D bins with size bins in each direction
     mass1Bin = rate.LinearBins(low, high, bins)
     mass2Bin = rate.LinearBins(low, high, bins)
     twoDMB = rate.NDBins((mass1Bin, mass2Bin))
     return twoDMB
    def add_contents(self, contents):
        if self.tisi_rows is None:
            # get a list of time slide dictionaries
            self.tisi_rows = contents.time_slide_table.as_dict().values()

            # find the largest and smallest offsets
            min_offset = min(offset for vector in self.tisi_rows
                             for offset in vector.values())
            max_offset = max(offset for vector in self.tisi_rows
                             for offset in vector.values())

            # a guess at the time slide spacing:  works if the
            # time slides are distributed as a square grid over
            # the plot area.  (max - min)^2 gives the area of
            # the time slide square in square seconds; dividing
            # by the length of the time slide list gives the
            # average area per time slide;  taking the square
            # root of that gives the average distance between
            # adjacent time slides in seconds
            time_slide_spacing = ((max_offset - min_offset)**2 /

            # use an average of 3 bins per time slide in each
            # direction, but round to an odd integer
            nbins = int(
                math.ceil((max_offset - min_offset) / time_slide_spacing * 3))

            # construct the binning
            self.counts = rate.BinnedArray(
                rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(min_offset, max_offset, nbins),
                             rate.LinearBins(min_offset, max_offset, nbins))))

        self.seglists |= contents.seglists

        for offsets in contents.connection.cursor().execute(
SELECT tx.offset, ty.offset FROM
	JOIN time_slide AS tx ON (
		tx.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id
	JOIN time_slide AS ty ON (
		ty.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id
	coinc_event.coinc_def_id == ?
	AND tx.instrument == ?
	AND ty.instrument == ?
		""", (contents.bb_definer_id, self.x_instrument, self.y_instrument)):
                self.counts[offsets] += 1
            except IndexError:
                # beyond plot boundaries
def guess_distance_chirp_mass_bins_from_sims(sims, mbins = 11, distbins = 200):
	Given a list of the injections, guess at the chirp mass and distance
	dist_mchirp_vals = map(sim_to_distance_chirp_mass_bins_function, sims)

	distances = [tup[0] for tup in dist_mchirp_vals]
	mchirps = [tup[1] for tup in dist_mchirp_vals]

	return rate.NDBins([rate.LinearBins(min(distances), max(distances), distbins), rate.LinearBins(min(mchirps), max(mchirps), mbins)])
def guess_distance_effective_spin_parameter_bins_from_sims(sims, chibins = 11, distbins = 200):
	Given a list of the injections, guess at the chi = (m1*s1z +
	m2*s2z)/(m1+m2) and distance bins.
	dist_chi_vals = map(sim_to_distance_effective_spin_parameter_bins_function, sims)

	distances = [tup[0] for tup in dist_chi_vals]
	chis = [tup[1] for tup in dist_chi_vals]

	return rate.NDBins([rate.LinearBins(min(distances), max(distances), distbins), rate.LinearBins(min(chis), max(chis), chibins)])
	def __init__(self, instruments):
		self.densities = {}
		for pair in intertools.combinations(sorted(instruments), 2):
			# FIXME:  hard-coded for directional search
			#dt = 0.02 + snglcoinc.light_travel_time(*pair)
			dt = 0.02
			self.densities["%s_%s_dt" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF(rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-dt, +dt, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))))
			self.densities["%s_%s_dband" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF(rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))))
			self.densities["%s_%s_ddur" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF(rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))))
			self.densities["%s_%s_df" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF(rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))))
			self.densities["%s_%s_dh" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF(rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))))
def guess_distance_total_mass_bins_from_sims(sims, nbins = 11, distbins = 200):
       Given a list of the injections, guess at the mass1, mass2 and distance
       bins. Floor and ceil will be used to round down to the nearest integers.

       total_lo = numpy.floor(min([sim.mass1 + sim.mass2 for sim in sims]))
       total_hi = numpy.ceil(max([sim.mass1 + sim.mass2 for sim in sims]))
       mindist = numpy.floor(min([sim.distance for sim in sims]))
       maxdist = numpy.ceil(max([sim.distance for sim in sims]))

       return rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(mindist, maxdist, distbins), rate.LinearBins(total_lo, total_hi, nbins)))
 def __init__(self, x, y, magnitude, max_magnitude):
     self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot("X", "Y")
     self.fig.set_size_inches(6, 6)
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.magnitude = magnitude
     self.n_foreground = 0
     self.n_background = 0
     self.n_injections = 0
     max_magnitude = math.log10(max_magnitude)
     self.foreground_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
         rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
                      rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude,
     self.background_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
         rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
                      rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude,
     self.coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
         rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
                      rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude,
     self.incomplete_coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray(
         rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024),
                      rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude,
class test_MovingHistogramFixedN(unittest.TestCase):
    bins = rate.LinearBins(0, 1, 10)
    max_hist_size = 100

    def setUp(self):
        self.hist = mh.MovingHistogramFixedN(self.bins, self.max_hist_size)

    def test_monotonicity_check(self):
        for i in range(num_tests):
            a, b = np.random.randint(100, size=2)
            self.hist.update(a, 0.5)
            if b < a:
                self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: self.hist.update(b, 0.5))
                self.hist.update(b, 0.5)

    def test_pdf_normalization(self):
        for i in range(num_tests):
            for t, s in enumerate(np.random.random(size=100)):
                self.hist.update(t, s)
            x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
            y = np.array([self.hist.get_pdf(a) for a in x])
            integral = integrate.simps(y, x)
            self.assertTrue(abs(integral - 1.0) < 0.01)

    def test_cdf_normalization(self):
        for i in range(num_tests):
            for t, s in enumerate(np.random.random(size=100)):
                self.hist.update(t, s)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.hist.get_cdf(self.bins.max), 1)

    def test_sf_normalization(self):
        for i in range(num_tests):
            for t, s in enumerate(np.random.random(size=100)):
                self.hist.update(t, s)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.hist.get_sf(self.bins.min), 1)

    def test_hist_size_limit(self):
        for t, s in enumerate(np.random.random(size=self.max_hist_size + num_tests)):
            self.hist.update(t, s)
            self.assertTrue(len(self.hist) <= self.max_hist_size)

    def test_hist_discards_oldest(self):
        for t, s in enumerate(np.random.random(size=self.max_hist_size + num_tests)):
            self.hist.update(t, s)
            self.assertEqual(self.hist.get_oldest_timestamp(), max(0, t - self.max_hist_size + 1))

    def test_matches_naive_hist(self):
        rand_nums = np.random.random(size=self.max_hist_size + num_tests)
        for t, s in enumerate(rand_nums):
            self.hist.update(t, s)
            naive_hist = np.zeros(len(self.bins), dtype=int)
            for n in rand_nums[max(0, t - self.max_hist_size + 1):t + 1]:
                naive_hist[self.bins[n]] += 1
            self.assertTrue((naive_hist == self.hist.counts).all())
	def __init__(self, ifo, width, max):
		self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot("Delay (s)", "Count / Delay")
		self.ifo = ifo
		self.nevents = 0
		# 21 bins per filter width
		interval = segments.segment(0, max + 2)
		self.bins = rate.BinnedDensity(rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1], int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21),)))
	def __init__(self, ifo, interval, width):
		self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot("Peak Frequency (Hz)", "Trigger Rate Spectral Density (triggers / s / Hz)")
		self.ifo = ifo
		self.nevents = 0
		# 21 bins per filter width
		bins = int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21
		binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1], bins),))
		self.rate = rate.BinnedDensity(binning)
 def __init__(self, instrument, interval, width):
     self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot(
         r"$f_{\mathrm{recovered}} / f_{\mathrm{injected}}$",
         "Event Number Density")
     self.instrument = instrument
     self.found = 0
     # 21 bins per filter width
     bins = int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21
     binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1],
                                            bins), ))
     self.offsets = rate.BinnedDensity(binning)
     self.coinc_offsets = rate.BinnedDensity(binning)
 def __init__(self, instrument, interval, width):
     self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot(
         r"$t_{\mathrm{recovered}} - t_{\mathrm{injected}}$ (s)",
         "Triggers per Unit Offset")
     self.instrument = instrument
     self.found = 0
     # 21 bins per filter width
     bins = int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21
     binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1],
                                            bins), ))
     self.offsets = rate.BinnedDensity(binning)
     self.coinc_offsets = rate.BinnedDensity(binning)
    def check_off_distribution(self, pop_min, pop_max, far=False):

        data_list_by_grb = self.lik_by_grb
        if far:
            data_list_by_grb = self.ifar_by_grb

        # prepare the plot
        if far:
            tag = 'log(IFAR)'
            sname = 'far'
            tag = 'Likelihood'
            sname = 'lik'
        plot = plotutils.SimplePlot(tag, r"cumulative sum",\
                                    r"Cumulative distribution offsource")

        # create the hist data in a consistent binning
        nbins = 20
        bins = rate.LinearBins(pop_min, pop_max, nbins)
        px = bins.lower()

        for data_list in data_list_by_grb:

            grb_name = data_list.grb_name

            tmp_pop = data_list.off_by_trial
            tmp_arr = np.array(tmp_pop, dtype=float)
            off_pop = tmp_arr[~np.isinf(tmp_arr)]
            py = range(len(off_pop), 0, -1)
            if far:
                off_pop = np.log10(off_pop)

            ifos = self.grb_data[grb_name]['ifos']
            if ifos == 'H1L1':
                linestyle = '-'
            elif ifos == 'H1H2':
                linestyle = '-.'
                linestyle = ':'

            # add content to the plot
            plot.add_content(off_pop, py, color = self.colors.next(),\
                             linestyle = linestyle, label=grb_name)
        return plot
def get_exttrig_trials(on_segs, off_segs, veto_files):
    Return a tuple of (off-source time bins, off-source veto mask,
    index of trial that is on source).
    The off-source veto mask is a one-dimensional boolean array where True
    means vetoed.
    @param on_segs: On-source segments
    @param off_segs: Off-source segments 
    @param veto_files: List of filenames containing vetoes

    # Check that offsource length is a multiple of the onsource segment length
    trial_len = int(abs(on_segs))
    if abs(off_segs) % trial_len != 0:
        raise ValueError, "The provided file's analysis segment is not "\
            "divisible by the fold time."
    extent = (off_segs | on_segs).extent()

    # generate bins for trials
    num_trials = int(abs(extent)) // trial_len
    trial_bins = rate.LinearBins(extent[0], extent[1], num_trials)

    # incorporate veto file; in trial_veto_mask, True means vetoed.
    trial_veto_mask = numpy.zeros(num_trials, dtype=numpy.bool8)
    for veto_file in veto_files:
        new_veto_segs = segmentsUtils.fromsegwizard(open(veto_file),
        if new_veto_segs.intersects(on_segs):
            print >>sys.stderr, "warning: %s overlaps on-source segment" \
                % veto_file
        trial_veto_mask |= rate.bins_spanned(trial_bins,

    # identify onsource trial index
    onsource_mask = rate.bins_spanned(trial_bins, on_segs).astype(bool)
    if sum(onsource_mask) != 1:
        raise ValueError, "on-source segment spans more or less than one trial"
    onsource_ind = numpy.arange(len(onsource_mask))[onsource_mask]

    return trial_bins, trial_veto_mask, onsource_ind
def plot_range(found_inj, missed_inj, seg_bins, tlohi, dlohi, horizon_history, colors = {'H1': numpy.array((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'L1':  numpy.array((0.0, 0.8, 0.0)), 'V1':  numpy.array((1.0, 0.0, 1.0))}, fig = None, axes = None):

	tlo, thi = tlohi
	dlo, dhi = dlohi
	if fig is None:
		fig = plt.figure()
	if axes is None:
		axes = fig.add_subplot(111)

	# FIXME Add number of distance bins as option
	ndbins = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(dlo, dhi, int(dhi - dlo + 1)), rate.IrregularBins(seg_bins)))
	vol, err = imr_utils.compute_search_volume_in_bins([f[1] for f in found_inj], missed_inj + [f[1] for f in found_inj], ndbins, lambda sim: (sim.distance, sim.geocent_end_time))

	x = vol.bins[0].lower()
	dx = vol.bins[0].upper() - vol.bins[0].lower()
	y = (vol.array * 3./ (4. * math.pi))**(1./3.)
	yerr = (1./3.) * (3./(4.*math.pi))**(1./3.)*vol.array**(-2./3.) * err.array
	yerr[~numpy.isfinite(yerr)] = 0.
	err_lo = y - 2.0 * yerr
	err_lo[err_lo<=0] = 0.
	err_hi = y + 2.0 * yerr

	axes.bar(x, err_hi-err_lo, bottom=err_lo, color='c', alpha=0.6, label='95\% confidence interval\non range estimated \nfrom injections', width=dx, linewidth=0)
	for ifo in horizon_history.keys():
		horizon_times = numpy.array(horizon_history[ifo].keys()).clip(tlo,thi)
		sensemon_range = numpy.array([horizon_history[ifo][seg]/2.26 for seg in horizon_times])
		axes.scatter(horizon_times.compress(horizon_times <= horizon_history[ifo].maxkey()), sensemon_range, s = 1, color = colors[ifo], label='%s SenseMon Range' % ifo, alpha=1.0)

	xticks = numpy.linspace(tlo,thi,9)
	x_format = tkr.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: datetime.datetime(*GPSToUTC(int(x))[:7]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S UTC"))
	axes.set_ylabel('Range (Mpc)')
	axes.grid(color=(0.1,0.4,0.5), linewidth=2)
	return fig, axes
    def create_hist_plot(self, n_bin, range=None):
        def create_area(x, dx, y, dy):
            px = [x - dx / 2, x + dx / 2, x + dx / 2, x - dx / 2, x - dx / 2]
            py = [y - dy / 2, y - dy / 2, y + dy / 2, y + dy / 2, y - dy / 2]
            return px, py

        def draw_error_boxes(plot, x, dx, y, dy, col):

            bx, by = create_area(x, dx, y, dy)
            plot.ax.fill(bx, by, ec='w', fc=col, alpha=0.2)

            bx, by = create_area(x, dx, y, 2 * dy)
            plot.ax.fill(bx, by, ec='w', fc=col, alpha=0.2)

            bx, by = create_area(x, dx, y, 3 * dy)
            plot.ax.fill(bx, by, ec='k', fc=col, alpha=0.2)

            return plot

        # set the surroundings of the parameter space
        if range is None:
            data_on = np.asarray(self.on_list)
            inf_ind = np.isinf(data_on)
            val_min = data_on[~inf_ind].min()
            val_max = data_on.max()
            val_min = range[0]
            val_max = range[1]

        # create the hists
        hist_on = np.zeros(n_bin)
        hist_off = np.zeros(n_bin)

        # create the rate bins
        lik_bins = rate.LinearBins(val_min, val_max, n_bin)

        # and fill the histograms
        for x in self.off_list:
            if x >= val_min and x <= val_max:
                hist_off[lik_bins[x]] += 1

        for x in self.on_list:
            if x >= val_min and x <= val_max:
                hist_on[lik_bins[x]] += 1

        # get the centres
        px = lik_bins.centres()
        dx = px[1] - px[0]

        # norm the histograms
        norm = self.n_grb / self.n_off
        hist_on_norm = hist_on
        hist_off_norm = norm * hist_off

        # create the plot
        plot = plotutils.SimplePlot(r"Likelihood", r"counts",\
                                    r"Histogramm of on/offsource with %d bins"%\

        # the norm of the normed histograms: 1.0
        plot.add_content(px, hist_on, color = 'r', marker = 'o',\
                 markersize = 10.0, label = 'on-source')
        plot.add_content(px, hist_off_norm, color = 'b',marker = 's', \
                 markersize = 10, label = 'off-source')

        # add the error shading
        for x, n in zip(px, hist_on):

            # calculate the error (just the statistic error)
            dn = np.sqrt(n)
            plot = draw_error_boxes(plot, x, dx, n, dn, 'r')

        plot.ax.axis([val_min, val_max, 0.0, 20.0])
        #return plot

        # insert the lines of the data itself
        for x in self.on_list:
            if x >= val_min and x <= val_max:
                plot.ax.plot([x, x], [0.0, 1.0], 'k')
        plot.ax.axis([val_min, val_max, 0.0, 20.0])

        return plot
	def finish(self, threshold):
		# bin the injections


		# use the same binning for the found injection density as
		# was constructed for the efficiency

		self.found_density = rate.BinnedArray(self.efficiency.denominator.bins)

		# construct the amplitude weighting function

		amplitude_weight = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(threshold - 100, threshold + 100, 10001),)))

		# gaussian window's width is the number of bins
		# corresponding to 10 units of amplitude, which is computed
		# by dividing 10 by the "volume" of the bin corresponding
		# to threshold.  index is the index of the element in
		# amplitude_weight corresponding to the threshold.

		index, = amplitude_weight.bins[threshold,]
		window = rate.gaussian_window(10.0 / amplitude_weight.bins.volumes()[index])
		window /= 10 * window[(len(window) - 1) / 2]

		# set the window data into the BinnedArray object.  the
		# Gaussian peaks on the middle element of the window, which
		# we want to place at index in the amplitude_weight array.

		lo = index - (len(window) - 1) / 2
		hi = lo + len(window)
		if lo < 0 or hi > len(amplitude_weight.array):
			raise ValueError("amplitude weighting window too large")
		amplitude_weight.array[lo:hi] = window

		# store the recovered injections in the found density bins
		# weighted by amplitude

		for x, y, z in self.recovered_xyz:
				weight = amplitude_weight[z,]
			except IndexError:
				# beyond the edge of the window
				weight = 0.0
			self.found_density[x, y] += weight

		# the efficiency is only valid up to the highest energy
		# that has been injected.  this creates problems later on
		# so, instead, for each frequency, identify the highest
		# energy that has been measured and copy the values for
		# that bin's numerator and denominator into the bins for
		# all higher energies.  do the same for the counts in the
		# found injection density bins.
		# numpy.indices() returns two arrays array, the first of
		# which has each element set equal to its x index, the
		# second has each element set equal to its y index, we keep
		# the latter.  meanwhile numpy.roll() cyclically permutes
		# the efficiency bins down one along the y (energy) axis.
		# from this, the conditional finds bins where the
		# efficiency is greater than 0.9 but <= 0.9 in the bin
		# immediately above it in energy.  we select the elements
		# from the y index array where the conditional is true, and
		# then use numpy.max() along the y direction to return the
		# highest such y index for each x index, which is a 1-D
		# array.  finally, enumerate() is used to iterate over x
		# index and corresponding y index, and if the y index is
		# not negative (was found) the value from that x-y bin is
		# copied to all higher bins.

		n = self.efficiency.numerator.array
		d = self.efficiency.denominator.array
		f = self.found_density.array
		bady = -1
		for x, y in enumerate(numpy.max(numpy.where((d > 0) & (numpy.roll(d, -1, axis = 1) <= 0), numpy.indices(d.shape)[1], bady), axis = 1)):
			if y != bady:
				n[x, y + 1:] = n[x, y]
				d[x, y + 1:] = d[x, y]
				f[x, y + 1:] = f[x, y]

		# now do the same for the bins at energies below those that
		# have been measured.

		bady = d.shape[1]
		for x, y in enumerate(numpy.min(numpy.where((d > 0) & (numpy.roll(d, 1, axis = 1) <= 0), numpy.indices(d.shape)[1], bady), axis = 1)):
			if y != bady:
				n[x, 0:y] = n[x, y]
				d[x, 0:y] = d[x, y]
				f[x, 0:y] = f[x, y]

		diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.numerator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Numerator (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_numerator_before.png")
		diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.denominator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Denominator (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_denominator_before.png")
		diagnostic_plot(self.found_density.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Injections Lost / Unit of Threshold (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_found_density_before.png")

		# smooth the efficiency bins and the found injection
		# density bins using the same 2D window.

		window = rate.gaussian_window(self.window_size_x, self.window_size_y)
		window /= window[tuple((numpy.array(window.shape, dtype = "double") - 1) / 2)]
		rate.filter_binned_ratios(self.efficiency, window)
		rate.filter_array(self.found_density.array, window)

		diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.numerator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Numerator (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_numerator_after.png")
		diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.denominator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Denominator (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_denominator_after.png")
		diagnostic_plot(self.found_density.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Injections Lost / Unit of Threshold (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_found_density_after.png")

		# compute the uncertainties in the efficiency and its
		# derivative by assuming these to be the binomial counting
		# fluctuations in the numerators.

		p = self.efficiency.ratio()
		self.defficiency = numpy.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / self.efficiency.denominator.array)
		p = self.found_density.array / self.efficiency.denominator.array
		self.dfound_density = numpy.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / self.efficiency.denominator.array)
 def __init__(self, interval, width):
     # 21 bins per filter width
     bins = int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21
     self.binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1],
                                                 bins), ))
     self.data = {}

options, filenames = parse_command_line()

# =============================================================================
#   Custom SnglBurstTable append() method to put triggers directly into bins
# =============================================================================

nbins = int(
    float(abs(options.read_segment)) / options.window) * bins_per_filterwidth
binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(options.read_segment[0],
                                       options.read_segment[1], nbins), ))
trigger_rate = rate.BinnedDensity(binning)

num_triggers = 0

def snglburst_append(self, row, verbose=options.verbose):
    global num_triggers, rate
    t = row.peak
    if t in options.read_segment:
        trigger_rate.count[t, ] += 1.0
    num_triggers += 1
    if verbose and not (num_triggers % 125):
        print >> sys.stderr, "sngl_burst rows read:  %d\r" % num_triggers,