    logger.info('computing gpsstop from current time')
    gpsstop = t ### We do not require boundaries to be integer multiples of stride

gpsstart = opts.gpsstart
if not gpsstart:
    logger.info('computing gpsstart from gpsstop')
    gpsstart = gpsstop - stride

lookback = 0

### directory into which we write data
output_dir = "%s/%d_%d/"%(traindir, gpsstart, gpsstart + stride)
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

pat = idq.pat(output_dir, ifo, usertag, gpsstart-lookback, lookback+gpsstop-gpsstart)

##### Get Science Segments

logger.info('test - Begin: querying science segments')
"""if not opts.ignore_science_segments:
        ### this returns a string
        seg_xml_file = idq.segment_query(config, gpsstart - lookback , gpsstop, url=segdb_url)

        ### load xml document
        xmldoc = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj(seg_xml_file, contenthandler=ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)[0]

        ### science segments xml filename
        seg_file = idq.segxml(output_dir, "_%s"%dq_name, gpsstart - lookback , lookback+stride)
                    if opts.force:
                        raise e
                        gpsstart += stride


    # preparing auxmvc training samples
    if mla:
        logger.info('preparing training auxmvc samples')

        ### output file for training samples
        pat = idq.pat(output_dir, ifo, usertag, gpsstart-lookback, lookback+stride)

        if not build_auxmvc_vectors: ### we cat together pat files instead of building vectors from scratch
            ### run job that prepares training samples
            (ptas_exit_status, _) = idq.execute_prepare_training_auxmvc_samples(output_dir, realtimedir, config, gpsstart - lookback, gpsstart + stride, pat, dq_segments=seg_file, dq_segments_name=dq_name )
            os.chdir(cwd) ### go back to starting directory

        if build_auxmvc_vectors or ptas_exit_status!=0: ### we need to build vectors
            if build_auxmvc_vectors: ### no realtime directory...
                logger.warning('WARNING: building auxmvc vectors, this should be necessary only at the very first training cycle')
                logger.warning('WARNING: patfile generation failed for some reason. Attempt to build auxmvc vectors from scratch')
                if ovl and (not opts.ignore_science_segments): ### need to reset sciseg pointer!
                    ### write segments to ascii list
                    sciseg_path = idq.segascii(output_dir, "_%s"%dq_name, gpsstart-lookback, lookback+stride)
                    logger.info('writing science segments to file : '+sciseg_path)
                    if opts.force:
                        raise e
                        gpsstart += stride


    # preparing auxmvc training samples
    if mla:
        logger.info('preparing training auxmvc samples')

        ### output file for training samples
        pat = idq.pat(output_dir, ifo, usertag, gpsstart - lookback,
                      lookback + stride)

        if not build_auxmvc_vectors:  ### we cat together pat files instead of building vectors from scratch
            ### run job that prepares training samples
             _) = idq.execute_prepare_training_auxmvc_samples(
                 gpsstart - lookback,
                 gpsstart + stride,
            os.chdir(cwd)  ### go back to starting directory
    ### get rid of unwanted AUX triggers
        [[min(mintime - padding, t),
          max(maxtime + padding, t + stride)]])

    ### get rid of unwanted GW triggers from previous or next strides; these will be evaluated in their own strides
    trgdict.include([[t, t + stride]], channels=[gwchannel])

    # generate patfiles for mla classifiers
    if mla:  # only build patfiles if machine-learning algorithms are present
        print 'building auxmvc feature vectors ...'

        pat = idq.pat(
            opts.outdir, ifo, usertag, gps_start, twopadding
        )  #"%s/%s_%d-%d.pat"%(opts.outdir, ifo, gps_start, twopadding)

        # generating auxmvc vector samples. result is saved into pat file
        # FIXME: depending how padding is done we should adjust behavior of build_auxmvc_vectors
        # Currently it keeps gw trigger from [t, t + stride] and uses time_window to pad this segment for auxiliary triggers
        # we do not filter out unclean beacuse it is already done when clean_gps times are formed
        auxmvc_vectors = idq.build_auxmvc_vectors(
    trgdict.resort() ### make sure the trgdict's trigger lists are stored in the correct order

    ### get rid of unwanted AUX triggers
    trgdict.include([[min(mintime - padding, t), max(maxtime + padding, t + stride)]])

    ### get rid of unwanted GW triggers from previous or next strides; these will be evaluated in their own strides
    trgdict.include([[t, t + stride]], channels=[gwchannel])

    # generate patfiles for mla classifiers
    if mla:  # only build patfiles if machine-learning algorithms are present
        print 'building auxmvc feature vectors ...'

        pat = idq.pat(opts.outdir, ifo, usertag, gps_start, twopadding) #"%s/%s_%d-%d.pat"%(opts.outdir, ifo, gps_start, twopadding)

        # generating auxmvc vector samples. result is saved into pat file
        # FIXME: depending how padding is done we should adjust behavior of build_auxmvc_vectors
        # Currently it keeps gw trigger from [t, t + stride] and uses time_window to pad this segment for auxiliary triggers
                # we do not filter out unclean beacuse it is already done when clean_gps times are formed
        auxmvc_vectors = idq.build_auxmvc_vectors(trgdict, gwchannel, auxmvc_coinc_window, auxmc_gw_signif_thr, pat, gps_start_time=gps_start,
                                gps_end_time=gps_padd,  channels=auxmvc_selected_channels, unsafe_channels=auxmvc_unsafe_channels, clean_times=clean_gps,
                                clean_window=clean_window, filter_out_unclean=False )

    # predictions
    dats = {}
    for classifier in classifiers:
        flavor = classifiersD[classifier]['flavor']
        print("Number of cleans: " + str(len(clean_gps)))

        ## keep only the most relevant cleans
        if len(clean_gps) > max_cln_samples:
            clean_gps = clean_gps[-max_cln_samples:]
        print("Number of cleans after max cap: " + str(len(clean_gps)))

        ### keep only times that are within science time
        if not opts.ignore_science_segments:
            logger.info('  filtering trigger_dict through scisegs')
            trigger_dict.include(scisegs) ### already loaded into memory above here
        print("Number of trigs in scisegs: " + str(len(trigger_dict[gwchannel])))

        print("Number of triggers def into build_auxmvc_vectors(): " + str(len(trigger_dict[gwchannel])))
        ### build vectors, also writes them into pat
        pat = idq.pat(output_dir, ifo, usertag, gpsstart, gpsstop-gpsstart)
        logger.info('  writing %s'%pat)
        idq.build_auxmvc_vectors(trigger_dict, gwchannel, auxmvc_coinc_window, auxmc_gw_signif_thr, pat, gps_start_time=gpsstart,
            gps_end_time=gpsstop,  channels=auxmvc_selected_channels, unsafe_channels=auxmvc_unsafe_channels, clean_times=clean_gps,
            clean_window=clean_window, filter_out_unclean=False, locked_segments = "segment_times.txt", include_time_locked = opts.include_time_locked, 
            include_time_until_end = opts.include_time_until_end)
        print("Done with pat file building")
        ptas_exit_status = 0 ### used to check for success

        if ptas_exit_status != 0: ### check that process executed correctly
            logger.warning('WARNING: Preparing training auxmvc samples failed')
            if opts.force:
                raise StandardError, "auxmvc samples required for successful training"
                logger.warning('WARNING: skipping re-training the MLA classifiers')
#evaluate_all_combinations(patfile, trainedforestbase, trainedforestend, config)
#pR.plot_ROC_combinations("ER7_ROC_Curves-A.png", 1117329857, 1118336935)
gpsstart = 1117329857 
gpsstop = 1118336935 
### get start and end seg times formatted as list of lists
tl.get_segments(gpsstart, gpsstop)
scisegs = tl.parse_segments("segment_times.txt")

newsegs = []
for seg in scisegs:
    if (seg[1]-seg[0] >= 3600):

for seg in scisegs:
    patf = idq.pat("/home/jessica.hyde/test/dev-branch/now/train/%s_%s/" % (gpsstart, gpsstop), "L1", "LowThresh", seg[0], seg[1]-seg[0])
    patfile = patf
    trainedforestbase = "/home/jessica.hyde/test/dev-branch/now/train/%s_%s/mvsc/" % (gpsstart, gpsstop)
    trainedforestend = "L1_mla-%s-%s-A.spr" % (int(seg[0]), int(seg[1]-seg[0]))
    evaluate_all_combinations(patfile, trainedforestbase, trainedforestend, config)
    pR.plot_ROC_combinations("LowThreshROCSegment%s-%s-A.png" % (seg[0], seg[1]), gpsstart, gpsstop, seg[0], seg[1])
#    trainedforestend = "L1_mla-%s-%s-B.spr" % (int(seg[0]), int(seg[1]-seg[0]))
#    evaluate_all_combinations(patfile, trainedforestbase, trainedforestend, config)
#    pR.plot_ROC_combinations("LowThreshROCSegment%s-%s-B.png" % (seg[0], seg[1]), gpsstart, gpsstop, seg[0], seg[1])

"""for seg in scisegs:
    patf = idq.pat("/home/jessica.hyde/test/dev-branch/now/train/%s_%s/" % (gpsstart, gpsstop), "L1", "", seg[0], seg[1]-seg[0])
    patfile = patf[:-4] + "-B.pat"
    trainedforestbase = "/home/jessica.hyde/test/dev-branch/now/train/%s_%s/mvsc/" % (gpsstart, gpsstop)
    trainedforestend = "L1_mla-%s-%s-A.spr" % (int(seg[0]), int(seg[1]-seg[0]))