文件: parfile.py 项目: cwinpy/cwinpy
    def __init__(self, pp=None):
        A class to wrap the SWIG-wrapped ``lalpulsar.PulsarParameters`` structure.

        This class lets you access the structure in a more Pythonic way, as
        well as providing a nice format for holding pulsar (``.par``) parameter

        The class can be used to set numerical values (double precision,
        unsigned integers), strings, or vectors of floating point values, e.g.:

        >>> pp = PulsarParameters()   # an empty structure
        >>> pp['DECJ'] = 0.23         # set a numerical value
        >>> pp['BINARY'] = 'BT'       # set a string value
        >>> pp['F'] = [10.2, 1.4e-11] # set a vector of float values


        An example of initialising the class using a parameter file is:

        >>> pppy = PulsarParameters('apulsar.par')

        or, equivalently with:

        >>> pppy = PulsarParameters()
        >>> pppy.read('apulsar.par')

        pp: PulsarParameters, str
            A ``lalpulsar.PulsarParameters`` structure, or a string giving the
            path to a Tempo-style (``.par``) pulsar parameter file. If nothing
            is given then an empty :class:`~cwinpy.parfile.PulsarParameters`
            structure is created. The
            :meth:`~cwinpy.parfile.PulsarParameters.read` method can
            subsequently be used to read in a ``.par`` file, or parameters can
            be added.

        # if pp is None create empty PulsarParameters structure
        if pp is None:
            self._pulsarparameters = lalpulsar.PulsarParameters()
            # check if pp is a pulsar parameters type or a (par file)
            if not isinstance(pp, lalpulsar.PulsarParameters) and (
                isinstance(pp, str) or isinstance(pp, pathlib.Path)
                if os.path.isfile(pp):
                    # try reading in file
                    raise ValueError("Input string does not point to a file")
            elif isinstance(pp, lalpulsar.PulsarParameters):
                self._pulsarparameters = pp
                raise ValueError(
                    "Expected 'lalpulsar.PulsarParameters' type, string, or None"
 def __init__(self, pp=None):
     # if pp is None create empty PulsarParameters structure
     if pp is None:
         self._pulsarparameters = lalpulsar.PulsarParameters()
         # check if pp is a pulsar parameters type or a (par file)
         if not isinstance(pp, lalpulsar.PulsarParameters) and isinstance(pp, string_types):
             if os.path.isfile(pp):
                 # try reading in file
                 raise ValueError("Input string does not point to a file")
         elif isinstance(pp, lalpulsar.PulsarParameters):
             self._pulsarparameters = pp
             raise ValueError("Expected 'lalpulsar.PulsarParameters' type, string, or None")