def run(function): lmbda = boto3.client('lambda', region_name=get_region(), config=Config(retries={'max_attempts': 1}, read_timeout=310)) if not function: function = metadata.get('function') result = lmbda.invoke(FunctionName=function, LogType='Tail') log = b64decode(result['LogResult']).rstrip().split("\n") for line in log: say(line) print result['Payload'].read()
def schedule(function, rate, cron): if not function: function = metadata.get('function') events = boto3.client('events', region_name=get_region()) if (rate and cron): raise ClickException( 'Please use either "--rate" or "--cron", not both.') if rate: schedule_expression = 'rate(%s)' % rate elif cron: schedule_expression = 'cron(%s)' % cron else: raise ClickException('Please provide "--rate" or "--cron".') try: lmbda.add_permission( FunctionName=function, StatementId='lambkin-allow-cloudwatch-invoke-%s' % function, Action='lambda:InvokeFunction', Principal='', SourceArn=get_event_rule_arn('lambkin-cron-%s' % function), ) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceConflictException': # The rule is already there. Carry on! pass else: raise e events.put_rule( Name='lambkin-cron-%s' % function, ScheduleExpression=schedule_expression, State='ENABLED', Description='Lambkin cron for %s Lambda function' % function, ) response = events.put_targets(Rule='lambkin-cron-%s' % function, Targets=[{ 'Id': function, 'Arn': get_function_arn(function), }]) print json.dumps(response, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
from base64 import b64decode from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from botocore.config import Config from import get_role_arn, get_event_rule_arn from import get_function_arn, get_region from lambkin.runtime import get_sane_runtime, get_file_extension_for_runtime from lambkin.runtime import get_language_name_for_runtime from lambkin.template import render_template from lambkin.ux import say from lambkin.version import VERSION from lambkin.virtualenv import create_virtualenv, run_in_virtualenv from import create_zip import lambkin.metadata as metadata from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT lmbda = boto3.client('lambda', region_name=get_region()) @click.command(help='Make a new Lambda function from a basic template.') @click.argument('function') @click.option('--runtime', help='The language runtime to use. eg. "python2.7".') def create(function, runtime): runtime = get_sane_runtime(runtime) ext = get_file_extension_for_runtime(runtime) func_dir = function func_file = os.path.join(func_dir, '%s.%s' % (function, ext)) for path in (func_dir, func_file): if os.path.exists(path):