def clearCorpus(): #****************** START Model generator ******************************** os.system('clear') print ('\n\n{}'.format('='*100)) print ('AUTHOMATIC LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER USING CUMMULATIVE FREQUENCY ADDITION - CORPUS CLEANER'.center(100,' ')) print ('-'*100) print ("\nLoading corpus files to memory ... ") path = 'corpus/rawSource/' started = for infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt')): #opens files from directory try: #Extract the file name filename = infile.split('/')[-1] lang = filename[:2] #open and read file from corpus f=open(infile,'r', encoding = 'utf8' ) rawtext = [lang,] f.close() print ('-'*100) print ('\nOpening relevant files ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(started))) cleantext=l.regex(rawtext)[1] #source file content set, i.e. vocabulary path1 = 'corpus/cleanSource/' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path1, filename)): os.remove(os.path.join(path1, filename)) c=open(os.path.join(path1, filename),'a+') c.write(str(cleantext)) c.close() print ('\nSuccessfuly cleande {} file '.format(filename)) except IOError: print ('Error: Can not open the file: ',lang) ; return else: print ('\nStarted:', started) ended = elapsed = ended - started print ('End :', ended) print ('Elapsed:', elapsed)
def classification(ct,readsampled,vocabulary,frequencyDict,uniquengrams,totalngrams,phraselength=25,wordbased=0,location=0,infinity=0,maxg=5,lines=0): #*************************** START Reading Files ************************************ started = testing = readsampled[0] averagebyte = int(readsampled[1]) averagecharacters = int(readsampled[2]) phrases = int(readsampled[3]) print ('-'*100) # print ('\nFiles {} loaded to memory ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(path+filename,l.timer(started))) mytime = print ('Reading language models ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = #*************************** END Reading Files *************************************** print ('Reading test strings ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = grams=[] for i in range(2,maxg+1): grams.append(i) totals = {} lang = dict(am={},ge={},gu={},ti={}) mylang = dict(am=0,ge=0,gu=0,ti=0) maxofg = len(lang) base=dict(CFA={},NBC={}) overallrecall = copy.deepcopy(base) for i in overallrecall: overallrecall[i] = copy.deepcopy(mylang) overalltotal = {'CFA':0,'NBC':0} overallprecision = copy.deepcopy(overalltotal) overallaccuracy = copy.deepcopy(overalltotal) overallfscore = copy.deepcopy(overalltotal) mytotal = copy.deepcopy(lang) for i in mytotal: for j in grams: totals[j]=0 mytotal[i]=copy.deepcopy(totals) overallconfusion=copy.deepcopy(base) for i in overallconfusion: overallconfusion[i] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) overallconfusion['CFA'] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) overallconfusion['NBC'] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) for i in lang: for j in lang: totals[j]=0 overallconfusion['CFA'][i]=copy.deepcopy(mylang) overallconfusion['NBC'][i]=copy.deepcopy(mylang) overallwrongs = copy.deepcopy(overallconfusion) print ('Creating language dictionaries ... \t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = l.overallmyclassifier(testing,frequencyDict,overallwrongs,overalltotal,overallrecall,uniquengrams,totalngrams,phrases,vocabulary) print ('Performing classifications ... \t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = # print (overallwrongs);return for i in overallconfusion['CFA']: for j in overallconfusion['CFA'][i]: if i==j: overallconfusion['CFA'][i][j]=overallrecall['CFA'][j] overallconfusion['NBC'][i][j]=overallrecall['NBC'][j] else: overallconfusion['CFA'][i][j]=overallwrongs['CFA'][i][j] overallconfusion['NBC'][i][j]=overallwrongs['NBC'][i][j] print ('overallconfusion {}'.format(overallconfusion)) for i in lang: numerator=0 ; denominator=0 n = 0 ; d = 0 for j in overallconfusion['CFA']: if i==j: numerator += overallconfusion['CFA'][j][i] ; n += overallconfusion['NBC'][j][i] denominator+= overallconfusion['CFA'][j][i] d += overallconfusion['NBC'][j][i] overallprecision['CFA']+=(numerator/denominator) if denominator!=0 else 0 overallprecision['NBC']+=(n/d) if d!=0 else 0 overallprecision['CFA']/=maxofg overallprecision['NBC']/=maxofg for x in overallconfusion['CFA']: numerator=0 ; denominator=0 n = 0 ; d = 0 for y in lang: if x==y: numerator += overallconfusion['CFA'][x][y]; n += overallconfusion['NBC'][x][y] denominator+= overallconfusion['CFA'][x][y] d += overallconfusion['NBC'][x][y] overallrecall['CFA'][x]=(numerator/denominator) if denominator!=0 else 0 overallrecall['NBC'][x]=(n/d) if d!=0 else 0 overallaccuracy['CFA']+=numerator overallaccuracy['NBC']+=n overallaccuracy['CFA']/=overalltotal['CFA'] overallaccuracy['NBC']/=overalltotal['NBC'] for i in base: overallfscore[i] = 2*((overallprecision[i]*(sum(overallrecall[i].values())/maxofg))/(overallprecision[i]+(sum(overallrecall[i].values())/maxofg))) if (overallprecision[i]!=0.00 or sum(overallrecall[i].values()))!=0.00 else 0 print ('Generating performance metrices - precision, recall and f-score ... \t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = print ('\nAverage length of test strings: {:,} word(s) / {:,} character(s) / {:,} bytes\tModel: {:,} lines.'.format(phraselength,averagecharacters,averagebyte,lines)) print ('='*100) print ('{:<16}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}'.format('Ngrams','Observations','Accuracy','Precision','Recall','F-score')) print ('-'*100) for i in base: print ('{:<3} {:<10}\t|{:,}\t\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}'.format(i,'(2,3,4,5)',overalltotal[i],overallaccuracy[i],overallprecision[i],(sum(overallrecall[i].values())/maxofg),overallfscore[i])) print ('-'*100) print ('\nGenerating clasification performance results ... \t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) print ('\nStarted:', started) ended = print ('End :', ended) print ('Elapsed: {}'.format(l.timer(started)))
def main(): os.system('clear') # on linux selection=1; phraselength=0 ; modeltype = {1:'bl', 2:'by', 3:'fl', 4:'in', 5:'il'} while selection!=0: choice=1 print ('\n') print ('='*100) print ('AUTHOMATIC LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER USING CUMMULATIVE FREQUENCY ADDITION'.center(100,' ')) print ('-'*100) started = location=0; wordbased=0 lang = dict(am={},ge={},gu={},ti={}) mylang = dict(am=0,ge=0,gu=0,ti=0) totalngrams = copy.deepcopy(mylang) frequencyDict = copy.deepcopy(lang) uniquengrams = copy.deepcopy(mylang) ct = int(input('\nSelect Test number - 1 to 10 : ')) modelselector = int(input('\nSelect Model type number below: \n\n 1. The Model is based on Fixed Length N-grams without location features - Baseline [BL]. \n 2. The Model is based on source text - Byteorder N-grams [BY]. \n 3. The Model is based on Fixed Length N-grams with location features [FL]. \n 4. The Model is based on Infiniti-grams without location features [IN]. \n 5. The Model is based on Infiniti-grams with location features [IL]. \n 6. Exit.: ')) if modelselector==6: choice=0;break if location<0 or modelselector<=0 or modelselector>6 or ct<=0 or ct>10: print ('\n\nPlease check your entry on percent, ngram value, and/or phrase length') pause=input(''); print('{}'.format(pause)) ; continue else: if modeltype[modelselector]=='bl': wordbased=1 ; location=0 ; infinity=0 ; mod='bl' elif modeltype[modelselector]=='fl': wordbased=1 ; location=1 ; infinity=0 ; mod='fl' elif modeltype[modelselector]=='in': wordbased=1 ; location=0 ; infinity=1 ; mod='in' elif modeltype[modelselector]=='il': wordbased=1 ; location=1 ; infinity=1 ; mod='il' else: wordbased=0 ; location=0 ; mod=modeltype[modelselector] path='models/'+str(ct) filename = mod+'.txt' print ('-'*100) print ('\nFiles {}/{} located and opened ... \t\t\t{}'.format(path,filename,l.timer(started))) params=l.readmodel(path,mod,frequencyDict,totalngrams,uniquengrams) frequencyDict = params[0]; uniquengrams = params[1] ; lines=params[5] totalngrams = params[2]; maxg=params[3];vocabulary=params[4] modelselected = { 1:' The Model is based on Fixed Length N-grams without location features - Baseline [bl] on test {}. ', 2:' The Model is based on source text - Byteorder Ngrams [by] on test {}. ', 3:' The Model is based on Fixed Length N-grams with location features [fl] on test {}. ', 4:' The Model is based on Infiniti-grams without location features [in] on test {}. ', 5:' The Model is based on Infiniti-grams with location features. [il] on test {}. ' } os.system('clear') selection=1 # on linux while choice!=0: phraselength=0 ; infinity=0 print ('\n\n{}'.format('='*100)) print ('AUTHOMATIC LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER USING CUMMULATIVE FREQUENCY ADDITION - CLASSIFIER'.center(100,' ')) print ('-'*100) print (modelselected[modelselector].format(ct).center(100,'*')) try: choice = int(input('\nPress 1 to classify 2 to change model [0 to exit] : ')) if choice==0: selection=0 ; break elif choice==2: choice=0; break else: phraselength = int(input('\nInsert between 1 and 25 to set the test phrase length from testing files : ')) if phraselength>25 or phraselength<1: print ('\n\nPlease check your entry on percent, ngram value, and/or phrase length') else: path2='samples/' s=open(os.path.join(path2,str(ct)+'.txt'),'r') ; sample = s.readlines() ; s.close() readsampled = l.readsample(sample,phraselength,wordbased,location,infinity) classification(ct,readsampled,vocabulary,frequencyDict,uniquengrams,totalngrams,phraselength,wordbased,location,infinity,maxg,lines) except ValueError: print ('\n\nPlease check your entry on percent, ngram value, and/or phrase length') continue
def main(): os.system('clear') selection = 1 modeltype = { 1: 'B', 2: 'I', 3: 'L', 4: 'N', 5: 'T' } # B. The Model is based on Byteorder Ngrams. # I. The Model is based on Infinitigrams without location features. # L. The Model is based on Infinitigrams with location features. # N. The Model is based on #2 above, for top n% of most frequent words. # T. The Model is based on #3 above, for top n% of most frequent words.: while selection != 0: choice = 1 print('\n\n{}'.format('=' * 100)) print( 'AUTHOMATIC LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER USING CUMMULATIVE FREQUENCY ADDITION - CLASSIFIER' .center(100, ' ')) print('-' * 100) started = percent = 1 lowfreq = 0 location = 0 wordbased = 0 lang = dict(am={}, ge={}, gu={}, ti={}) mylang = dict(am=0, ge=0, gu=0, ti=0) totalngrams = copy.deepcopy(mylang) frequencyDict = copy.deepcopy(lang) uniquengrams = copy.deepcopy(mylang) modelselector = int( input( '\nSelect Model type number below: \n\n 1. The Model is based on Byteorder Ngrams. \n 2. The Model is based on Infinitigrams without location features. \n 3. The Model is based on Infinitigrams with location features. \n 4. The Model is based on #2 above, for top n% of most frequent words. \n 5. The Model is based on #3 above, for top n% of most frequent words. \n 6. Exit.: ' )) if modelselector == 6: selection = 0 break elif modelselector < 4 and modelselector > 0: percent = float( input( '\nEnter a percentage as 0.xx to select the top x frequent items of the model : ' )) if float(percent) == 1 and modelselector < 4: lowfreq = int( input( 'Enter 1 to 5 not to consider lowest counts in the model [0 to consider all]: ' )) if percent <= 0 or percent > 1 or location < 0 or modelselector <= 0 or modelselector > 6: print( '\n\nPlease check your entry on percent, ngram value, and/or phrase length' ) pause = input('') print('{}'.format(pause)) continue else: if modeltype[modelselector] == 'I': wordbased = 1 location = 0 infinity = 1 mod = 'I' elif modeltype[modelselector] == 'L': wordbased = 1 location = 1 infinity = 1 mod = 'L' elif modeltype[modelselector] == 'N': wordbased = 1 location = 0 infinity = 1 mod = 'N' elif modeltype[modelselector] == 'T': wordbased = 1 location = 1 infinity = 1 mod = 'T' else: wordbased = 0 location = 0 mod = modeltype[modelselector] path = 'models/' + mod f = open(os.path.join(path, 'model.txt'), 'r') print('-' * 100) print('\nFiles {}/{} located and opened ... \t\t\t{}'.format( path, 'model.txt', l.timer(started))) # mytime = # print ('Opening relevant files ... \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) # mytime = model = f.readlines() params = l.readmodel(model, frequencyDict, totalngrams, uniquengrams, percent, lowfreq) frequencyDict = params[0] uniquengrams = params[1] totalngrams = params[2] top = params[3] maxg = params[4] # if os.path.isfile('t.txt'): os.remove('t.txt') ; t=open('t.txt', 'a+') # for i in lang: # for j in frequencyDict[i].keys(): # t.write(str(i)+','+ str(j)+','+ str(frequencyDict[i][j]['gram'])+','+ str(frequencyDict[i][j]['freq'])+','+ str(frequencyDict[i][j]['ovFreq'])+str('\r\n')) # t.close() modelselected = { 1: ' Model is based on Byteorder Ngrams. Considered {}%, frequencies > {}. ', 2: ' Model is based on Infinitigrams without location features. Considered {}%, frequencies > {}. ', 3: ' Model is based on Infinitigrams with location features. Considered {}%, frequencies > {}. ', 4: ' Model is based on Infinitigrams without location features, for top {}% of most frequent words. ', 5: ' Model is based on Infinitigrams with location features, for top {}% of most frequent words. ' } os.system('clear') # on linux while choice != 0: phraselength = 0 infinity = 0 print('\n\n{}'.format('=' * 100)) print( 'AUTHOMATIC LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER USING CUMMULATIVE FREQUENCY ADDITION - CLASSIFIER' .center(100, ' ')) print('-' * 100) if modelselector < 4: print(modelselected[modelselector].format( percent * 100, lowfreq).center(100, '*')) else: print(modelselected[modelselector].format(top * 100).center( 100, '*')) try: choice = int( input( '\nPress 1 to classify 2 to change model [0 to exit] : ' )) if choice == 0: selection = 0 break elif choice == 2: choice = 0 break else: phraselength = int( input( '\nInsert between 1 and 25 to set the test phrase length from testing files : ' )) if phraselength > 25 or phraselength < 1: print( '\n\nPlease check your entry on percent, ngram value, and/or phrase length' ) else: classification(frequencyDict, uniquengrams, totalngrams, phraselength, wordbased, location, infinity, maxg) except ValueError: print( '\n\nPlease check your entry on percent, ngram value, and/or phrase length' ) continue
def classification(frequencyDict, uniquengrams, totalngrams, phraselength=25, wordbased=0, location=0, infinity=0, maxg=5): #*************************** START Reading Files ************************************ started = s = open('sample.txt', 'r') #, encoding = 'utf8' ) print('-' * 100) print('\nFiles {} loaded to memory ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( 'sample.txt', l.timer(started))) mytime = print('Opening relevant files ... \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( l.timer(mytime))) mytime = # model = f.readlines() #matrix = print('Reading language models ... \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( l.timer(mytime))) mytime = sample = s.readlines() # f.close() s.close() #m.close() #*************************** END Reading Files *************************************** print('Reading test strings ... \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = readsampled = l.readsample(sample, phraselength) sampled = readsampled[0] averagebyte = int(readsampled[1]) averagecharacters = int(readsampled[2]) testing = [ ] #[['am', [['እው', 2], ['ውነ', 2], ['ነት', 2], ['እውነ', 3], ['ውነት', 3], ['እውነት', 4]]] temp = [] phrases = 0 for i in sampled: if wordbased == 0: testing.append(l.ngram(l.regex(i), 1)) phrases += 1 else: temp = l.regex(i)[1].split() wordlist = [] for n in temp: if location == 0: wordlist.extend( l.ngram([i[0], n], 1, location, infinity)[1]) else: wordlist.extend( l.ngram([i[0], n], 1, location, infinity)[1]) testing.append([i[0], wordlist]) phrases += 1 grams = [] for i in range(2, maxg + 1): grams.append(i) lang = dict(am={}, ge={}, gu={}, ti={}) base = {'CFA': {}, 'NBC': {}} wrongs = copy.deepcopy(base) mytotals = copy.deepcopy(base) fscore = copy.deepcopy(base) mytotal = copy.deepcopy(lang) classifiers = {'CFA': 0, 'NBC': 0} averageprecision = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) averageaccuracy = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) averagefscore = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) averagerecall = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) averagetotal = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) for i in grams: fscore['CFA'][i] = 0 fscore['NBC'][i] = 0 precision = copy.deepcopy(fscore) total = copy.deepcopy(fscore) totaltests = copy.deepcopy(fscore) recall = copy.deepcopy(fscore) accuracy = copy.deepcopy(fscore) totals = {} for i in mytotal: for j in grams: totals[j] = 0 mytotal[i] = copy.deepcopy(totals) mytotals['CFA'] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) mytotals['NBC'] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) myrecall = copy.deepcopy(mytotals) #wrong classifications like amharic classified as guragigna for i in mytotal: wrongs['CFA'][i] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) wrongs['NBC'][i] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) confusion = copy.deepcopy(wrongs) # print (testing);return print('Creating language dictionaries ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( l.timer(mytime))) mytime = l.myclassifier(testing, frequencyDict, grams, wrongs, totaltests, myrecall, total, uniquengrams, totalngrams, phrases) print('\tPerforming classifications ... \t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( l.timer(mytime))) mytime = for i in confusion['CFA']: for j in confusion['CFA'][i]: if i == j: confusion['CFA'][i][j] = myrecall['CFA'][j] confusion['NBC'][i][j] = myrecall['NBC'][j] else: confusion['CFA'][i][j] = wrongs['CFA'][i][j] confusion['NBC'][i][j] = wrongs['NBC'][i][j] for g in grams: for i in lang: numerator = 0 denominator = 0 n = 0 d = 0 for j in confusion['CFA']: if i == j: numerator += confusion['CFA'][j][i][g] n += confusion['NBC'][j][i][g] denominator += confusion['CFA'][j][i][g] d += confusion['NBC'][j][i][g] precision['CFA'][g] += (numerator / denominator / 4) if denominator != 0 else 0 precision['NBC'][g] += (n / d / 4) if d != 0 else 0 for x in confusion['CFA']: numerator = 0 denominator = 0 n = 0 d = 0 for y in lang: if x == y: numerator += confusion['CFA'][x][y][g] n += confusion['NBC'][x][y][g] denominator += confusion['CFA'][x][y][g] d += confusion['NBC'][x][y][g] recall['CFA'][g] += (numerator / denominator / 4) if denominator != 0 else 0 recall['NBC'][g] += (n / d / 4) if d != 0 else 0 accuracy['CFA'][g] += numerator accuracy['NBC'][g] += n accuracy['CFA'][g] /= total['CFA'][g] if total['CFA'][g] != 0 else 1 accuracy['NBC'][g] /= total['NBC'][g] if total['NBC'][g] != 0 else 1 averageaccuracy['CFA'] += accuracy['CFA'][g] / 4 averageaccuracy['NBC'] += accuracy['NBC'][g] / 4 averagetotal['CFA'] += totaltests['CFA'][g] averagetotal['NBC'] += totaltests['NBC'][g] averageprecision['CFA'] += precision['CFA'][g] / 4 averageprecision['NBC'] += precision['NBC'][g] / 4 averagerecall['CFA'] += recall['CFA'][g] / 4 averagerecall['NBC'] += recall['NBC'][g] / 4 for g in grams: fscore['CFA'][g] = 2 * ( (precision['CFA'][g] * recall['CFA'][g]) / (precision['CFA'][g] + recall['CFA'][g])) if ( precision['CFA'][g] != 0.00 or recall['CFA'][g]) != 0.00 else 0 fscore['NBC'][g] = 2 * ( (precision['NBC'][g] * recall['NBC'][g]) / (precision['NBC'][g] + recall['NBC'][g])) if ( precision['NBC'][g] != 0.00 or recall['NBC'][g]) != 0.00 else 0 averagefscore['CFA'] += fscore['CFA'][g] / 4 averagefscore['NBC'] += fscore['NBC'][g] / 4 print( 'Generating performance metrices - precision, recall and f-score ... \t\t{}' .format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = if os.path.isfile('result.txt'): os.remove('result.txt') # r=open('result.txt','a+') for i in classifiers: print( '\nAverage length of test strings: {:,} word(s) / {:,} character(s) / {:,} bytes' .format(phraselength, averagecharacters, averagebyte)) print('=' * 100) print('{:<16}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}'.format( 'Ngrams', 'Observations', 'Accuracy', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F-score')) print('-' * 100) for g in grams: print( '{:<3} {:<10}\t|{:,}\t\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}' .format(i, g, totaltests[i][g], accuracy[i][g], precision[i][g], recall[i][g], fscore[i][g])) print('-' * 100) print( '{:<3} {:<10}\t|{:,}\t\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}' .format(i, '(2,3,4,5)', averagetotal[i], averageaccuracy[i], averageprecision[i], averagerecall[i], averagefscore[i])) print('-' * 100) print('\nGenerating clasification performance results ... \t\t\t\t{}'. format(l.timer(mytime))) print('\nStarted:', started) ended = print('End :', ended) print('Elapsed: {}'.format(l.timer(started)))
def classification(ct,readsampled,vocabulary,mod,frequencyDict,uniquengrams,totalngrams,phraselength=25,lines=0,maxg=5): testing = readsampled[0] averagebyte = int(readsampled[1]) averagecharacters = int(readsampled[2]) phrases = int(readsampled[3]) grams=[] for i in range(2,maxg+1): grams.append(i) totals = {} lang = dict(am={},ge={},gu={},ti={}) mylang = dict(am=0,ge=0,gu=0,ti=0) maxofg = len(lang) base=dict(CFA={},NBC={}) overallrecall = copy.deepcopy(base) for i in overallrecall: overallrecall[i] = copy.deepcopy(mylang) overalltotal = {'CFA':0,'NBC':0} overallprecision = copy.deepcopy(overalltotal) overallaccuracy = copy.deepcopy(overalltotal) overallfscore = copy.deepcopy(overalltotal) mytotal = copy.deepcopy(lang) for i in mytotal: for j in grams: totals[j]=0 mytotal[i]=copy.deepcopy(totals) overallconfusion=copy.deepcopy(base) for i in overallconfusion: overallconfusion[i] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) overallconfusion['CFA'] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) overallconfusion['NBC'] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) for i in lang: for j in lang: totals[j]=0 overallconfusion['CFA'][i]=copy.deepcopy(mylang) overallconfusion['NBC'][i]=copy.deepcopy(mylang) overallwrongs = copy.deepcopy(overallconfusion) mytime = l.overallmyclassifier(testing,frequencyDict,overallwrongs,overalltotal,overallrecall,uniquengrams,totalngrams,phrases,vocabulary) print ('\tPerforming classifications ... \t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) for i in overallconfusion['CFA']: for j in overallconfusion['CFA'][i]: if i==j: overallconfusion['CFA'][i][j]=overallrecall['CFA'][j] overallconfusion['NBC'][i][j]=overallrecall['NBC'][j] else: overallconfusion['CFA'][i][j]=overallwrongs['CFA'][i][j] overallconfusion['NBC'][i][j]=overallwrongs['NBC'][i][j] # print ('overallconfusion {}'.format(overallconfusion)) for i in lang: numerator=0 ; denominator=0 n = 0 ; d = 0 for j in overallconfusion['CFA']: if i==j: numerator += overallconfusion['CFA'][j][i] ; n += overallconfusion['NBC'][j][i] denominator+= overallconfusion['CFA'][j][i] d += overallconfusion['NBC'][j][i] overallprecision['CFA']+=(numerator/denominator) if denominator!=0 else 0 overallprecision['NBC']+=(n/d) if d!=0 else 0 overallprecision['CFA']/=maxofg overallprecision['NBC']/=maxofg for x in overallconfusion['CFA']: numerator=0 ; denominator=0 n = 0 ; d = 0 for y in lang: if x==y: numerator += overallconfusion['CFA'][x][y]; n += overallconfusion['NBC'][x][y] denominator+= overallconfusion['CFA'][x][y] d += overallconfusion['NBC'][x][y] overallrecall['CFA'][x]=(numerator/denominator) if denominator!=0 else 0 overallrecall['NBC'][x]=(n/d) if d!=0 else 0 overallaccuracy['CFA']+=numerator overallaccuracy['NBC']+=n overallaccuracy['CFA']/=overalltotal['CFA'] overallaccuracy['NBC']/=overalltotal['NBC'] for i in base: overallfscore[i] = 2*((overallprecision[i]*(sum(overallrecall[i].values())/maxofg))/(overallprecision[i]+(sum(overallrecall[i].values())/maxofg))) if (overallprecision[i]!=0.00 or sum(overallrecall[i].values()))!=0.00 else 0 path1='result/ov/'+str(ct)+'/' filename = mod+'.txt' r=open(os.path.join(path1, filename),'a+') print ('\nAverage length of test strings: {:,} word(s) / {:,} character(s) / {:,} bytes\tModel: {:,} lines.'.format(phraselength,averagecharacters,averagebyte,lines)) print ('='*100) print ('{:<16}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}'.format('Ngrams','Observations','Accuracy','Precision','Recall','F-score')) print ('-'*100) for i in base: r.write(str(i)+","+str(ct)+","+str(mod)+","+str(phraselength)+","+str(overalltotal[i])+","+str(overallaccuracy[i])+","+str(overallprecision[i])+","+str(sum(overallrecall[i].values())/maxofg)+","+str(overallfscore[i])+str('\r\n')) print ('{:<3} {:<10}\t|{:,}\t\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}\t|{:10.4f}'.format(i,'(2,3,4,5)',overalltotal[i],overallaccuracy[i],overallprecision[i],(sum(overallrecall[i].values())/maxofg),overallfscore[i])) print ('-'*100) r.close()
def main(): os.system('clear') # on linux choice=1; phraselength=0 ; modeltype = {1:'bl', 2:'by', 3:'fl', 4:'in', 5:'il'} while choice!=0: print ('\n\n{}'.format('='*100)) print ('AUTHOMATIC LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER USING CUMMULATIVE FREQUENCY ADDITION - OVERALL TESTER'.center(100,' ')) print ('-'*100) started = for modelselector in range(1,7): wordbased=0 ; phraselength=0 ; infinity=0 ; location=0 if modelselector==6: choice=0;break else: if modeltype[modelselector]=='bl': wordbased=1 ; location=0 ; infinity=0 ; mod='bl' elif modeltype[modelselector]=='fl': wordbased=1 ; location=1 ; infinity=0 ; mod='fl' elif modeltype[modelselector]=='in': wordbased=1 ; location=0 ; infinity=1 ; mod='in' elif modeltype[modelselector]=='il': wordbased=1 ; location=1 ; infinity=1 ; mod='il' else: wordbased=0 ; location=0 ; mod=modeltype[modelselector] os.system('clear') # on linux started = phrases=[1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,25] for ct in range(1,11): lang = dict(am={},ge={},gu={},ti={}) mylang = dict(am=0,ge=0,gu=0,ti=0) totalngrams = copy.deepcopy(mylang) frequencyDict = copy.deepcopy(lang) uniquengrams = copy.deepcopy(mylang) path1='result/ov/'+str(ct)+'/' filename = mod+'.txt' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path1,filename)): os.remove(os.path.join(path1,filename)) path='models/'+str(ct)+'/' print ('-'*100) print ('\nFiles {}{} located and opened ... \t\t\t{}'.format(path,filename,l.timer(started))) params = [] ; params=l.readmodel(path,mod,frequencyDict,totalngrams,uniquengrams) frequencyDict = params[0] ; uniquengrams = params[1] ; lines=params[5] totalngrams = params[2] ; maxg=params[3] ; vocabulary=params[4] path2='samples/' for phraselength in phrases: s=open(os.path.join(path2,str(ct)+'.txt'),'r') ; sample = s.readlines() ; s.close() ; readsampled=[] readsampled = l.readsample(sample,phraselength,wordbased,location,infinity) classification(ct,readsampled,vocabulary,mod,frequencyDict,uniquengrams,totalngrams,phraselength,lines,maxg) else: print ('\nStarted:', started) ended = print ('End :', ended) print ('Elapsed: {}'.format(l.timer(started)))
def classification(ct, readsampled, vocabulary, frequencyDict, uniquengrams, totalngrams, phraselength=25, wordbased=0, location=0, infinity=0, maxg=5, lines=0): #*************************** START Reading Files ************************************ started = testing = readsampled[0] averagebyte = int(readsampled[1]) averagecharacters = int(readsampled[2]) phrases = int(readsampled[3]) print('-' * 100) # print ('\nFiles {} loaded to memory ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(path+filename,l.timer(started))) mytime = print('Opening relevant files ... \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( l.timer(mytime))) mytime = print('Reading language models ... \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( l.timer(mytime))) mytime = #*************************** END Reading Files *************************************** print('Reading test strings ... \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = # testing=[] #[['am', [['እው', 2], ['ውነ', 2], ['ነት', 2], ['እውነ', 3], ['ውነት', 3], ['እውነት', 4]]] grams = [] for i in range(2, maxg + 1): grams.append(i) lang = dict(am={}, ge={}, gu={}, ti={}) base = {'CFA': {}, 'NBC': {}} wrongs = copy.deepcopy(base) mytotals = copy.deepcopy(base) fscore = copy.deepcopy(base) mytotal = copy.deepcopy(lang) maxofg = len(lang) averaging = len(grams) classifiers = {'CFA': 0, 'NBC': 0} averageprecision = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) averageaccuracy = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) averagefscore = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) averagerecall = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) averagetotal = copy.deepcopy(classifiers) for i in grams: fscore['CFA'][i] = 0 fscore['NBC'][i] = 0 precision = copy.deepcopy(fscore) total = copy.deepcopy(fscore) totaltests = copy.deepcopy(fscore) recall = copy.deepcopy(fscore) accuracy = copy.deepcopy(fscore) totals = {} for i in mytotal: for j in grams: totals[j] = 0 mytotal[i] = copy.deepcopy(totals) mytotals['CFA'] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) mytotals['NBC'] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) myrecall = copy.deepcopy(mytotals) #wrong classifications like amharic classified as guragigna for i in mytotal: wrongs['CFA'][i] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) wrongs['NBC'][i] = copy.deepcopy(mytotal) confusion = copy.deepcopy(wrongs) print('Creating language dictionaries ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( l.timer(mytime))) mytime = l.myclassifier(testing, frequencyDict, grams, wrongs, totaltests, myrecall, total, uniquengrams, totalngrams, phrases, vocabulary) print('\tPerforming classifications ... \t\t\t\t\t{}'.format( l.timer(mytime))) mytime = for i in confusion['CFA']: for j in confusion['CFA'][i]: if i == j: confusion['CFA'][i][j] = myrecall['CFA'][j] confusion['NBC'][i][j] = myrecall['NBC'][j] else: confusion['CFA'][i][j] = wrongs['CFA'][i][j] confusion['NBC'][i][j] = wrongs['NBC'][i][j] for g in grams: for i in lang: numerator = 0 denominator = 0 n = 0 d = 0 for j in confusion['CFA']: if i == j: numerator += confusion['CFA'][j][i][g] n += confusion['NBC'][j][i][g] denominator += confusion['CFA'][j][i][g] d += confusion['NBC'][j][i][g] precision['CFA'][g] += (numerator / denominator / maxofg) if denominator != 0 else 0 precision['NBC'][g] += (n / d / maxofg) if d != 0 else 0 for x in confusion['CFA']: numerator = 0 denominator = 0 n = 0 d = 0 for y in lang: if x == y: numerator += confusion['CFA'][x][y][g] n += confusion['NBC'][x][y][g] denominator += confusion['CFA'][x][y][g] d += confusion['NBC'][x][y][g] recall['CFA'][g] += (numerator / denominator / maxofg) if denominator != 0 else 0 recall['NBC'][g] += (n / d / maxofg) if d != 0 else 0 accuracy['CFA'][g] += numerator accuracy['NBC'][g] += n accuracy['CFA'][g] /= total['CFA'][g] if total['CFA'][g] != 0 else 1 accuracy['NBC'][g] /= total['NBC'][g] if total['NBC'][g] != 0 else 1 averageaccuracy['CFA'] += accuracy['CFA'][g] / averaging averageaccuracy['NBC'] += accuracy['NBC'][g] / averaging averagetotal['CFA'] += totaltests['CFA'][g] averagetotal['NBC'] += totaltests['NBC'][g] averageprecision['CFA'] += precision['CFA'][g] / averaging averageprecision['NBC'] += precision['NBC'][g] / averaging averagerecall['CFA'] += recall['CFA'][g] / averaging averagerecall['NBC'] += recall['NBC'][g] / averaging for g in grams: fscore['CFA'][g] = 2 * ( (precision['CFA'][g] * recall['CFA'][g]) / (precision['CFA'][g] + recall['CFA'][g])) if ( precision['CFA'][g] != 0.00 or recall['CFA'][g]) != 0.00 else 0 fscore['NBC'][g] = 2 * ( (precision['NBC'][g] * recall['NBC'][g]) / (precision['NBC'][g] + recall['NBC'][g])) if ( precision['NBC'][g] != 0.00 or recall['NBC'][g]) != 0.00 else 0 averagefscore['CFA'] += fscore['CFA'][g] / averaging averagefscore['NBC'] += fscore['NBC'][g] / averaging print( 'Generating performance metrices - precision, recall and f-score ... \t\t{}' .format(l.timer(mytime))) mytime = for i in classifiers: print( '\nAverage length of test strings: {:,} word(s) / {:,} character(s) / {:,} bytes\tModel: {:,} lines.' .format(phraselength, averagecharacters, averagebyte, lines)) print('=' * 100) print('{:<16}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}|{:<15}'.format( 'Ngrams', 'Observations', 'Accuracy', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F-score')) print('-' * 100) for g in grams: print( '{:<3} {:<10}\t|{:,}\t\t|{:10.2f}%\t|{:10.2f}%\t|{:10.2f}%\t|{:10.2f}%' .format(i, g, totaltests[i][g], accuracy[i][g] * 100, precision[i][g] * 100, recall[i][g] * 100, fscore[i][g] * 100)) print('-' * 100) print( '{:<3} {:<10}\t|{:,}\t\t|{:10.2f}%\t|{:10.2f}%\t|{:10.2f}%\t|{:10.2f}%' .format(i, '(2,3,4,5)', averagetotal[i], averageaccuracy[i] * 100, averageprecision[i] * 100, averagerecall[i] * 100, averagefscore[i] * 100)) print('-' * 100) print('\nGenerating clasification performance results ... \t\t\t\t{}'. format(l.timer(mytime))) print('\nStarted:', started) ended = print('End :', ended) print('Elapsed: {}'.format(l.timer(started)))
def clearCommons(): #****************** START Model generator ******************************** os.system('clear') print ('\n\n{}'.format('='*100)) print ('AUTHOMATIC LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER USING CUMMULATIVE FREQUENCY ADDITION - COMMONS REMOVER'.center(100,' ')) print ('-'*100) print ("\nLoading corpus files to memory ... ") path = 'corpus/cr/300' alllist =[] ; vocabulary = set() started = content = {} language = dict(am='Amharic',ge='Geez',gu='Guragigna',ti='Tigrigna') commons =set() for infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt')): #opens files from directory try: #Extract the file name filename = infile.split('/')[-1] lang = filename[:2] #open and read file from corpus f=open(infile,'r', encoding = 'utf8' ) rawtext = [lang,] f.close() print ('-'*100) print ('\nOpening relevant files ... \t\t\t\t\t\t{}'.format(l.timer(started))) content[lang]=set(l.regex(rawtext)[1].split()) #source file content set, i.e. vocabulary listed = l.regex(rawtext)[1].split() ##source file content total words list alllist.append(listed) for i in content: #update the set vocabulary with the union of itself and a new list. vocabulary.update(content[i]) print('{} - Completed building relevant dictionaries for {} language'.format(,language[lang])) except IOError: print ('Error: Can not open the file: ',lang) return r = len(vocabulary) ; w = 0 for i in content: w+= len(content[i]) print ('-'*100) print('{} - Matching {:,} vocabulary items to {:,} ngrams in all language'.format(,r,w)) for i in content: #checking and adding only the common occuraces in each set for j in content: if i==j:continue commons.update(content[i].intersection(content[j])) path1 = 'corpus/cc/300' for infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt')): filename = infile.split('/')[-1] ; lang = filename[:2] if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path1, filename)): os.remove(os.path.join(path1, filename)) f=open(infile,'r') rawtext = l.regex([lang,])[1] f.close() cleared = ' '.join(filter(lambda x: x not in commons, rawtext.split())) c=open(os.path.join(path1, filename),'a+') c.write(str(cleared)) c.close() print ('\nA total of {} common terms in listed in commons.txt are removed from the corpus '.format(len(commons))) if os.path.isfile('commons.txt'): os.remove('commons.txt') s=open('commons.txt','a+') s.write(str(commons)) s.close() print ('\nStarted:', started) ended = elapsed = ended - started print ('End :', ended) print ('Elapsed:', elapsed)
def main(): os.system('clear') choice = 1 phraselength = 0 modeltype = { 1: 'bl', 2: 'by', 3: 'fl', 4: 'in', 5: 'il' } while choice != 0: print('\n\n{}'.format('=' * 100)) print( 'AUTHOMATIC LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER USING CUMMULATIVE FREQUENCY ADDITION - N-GRAMS TESTER' .center(100, ' ')) print('-' * 100) started = for modelselector in range(4, 7): wordbased = 0 phraselength = 0 infinity = 0 location = 0 if modelselector == 6: choice = 0 break if modelselector <= 0 or modelselector > 6: print( '\n\nPlease check your entry on percent, ngram value, and/or phrase length' ) pause = input('') print('{}'.format(pause)) continue else: if modeltype[modelselector] == 'bl': wordbased = 1 location = 0 infinity = 0 mod = 'bl' elif modeltype[modelselector] == 'fl': wordbased = 1 location = 1 infinity = 0 mod = 'fl' elif modeltype[modelselector] == 'in': wordbased = 1 location = 0 infinity = 1 mod = 'in' elif modeltype[modelselector] == 'il': wordbased = 1 location = 1 infinity = 1 mod = 'il' else: wordbased = 0 location = 0 mod = modeltype[modelselector] os.system('clear') # on linux started = phrases = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25] for ct in range(1, 11): lang = dict(am={}, ge={}, gu={}, ti={}) mylang = dict(am=0, ge=0, gu=0, ti=0) totalngrams = copy.deepcopy(mylang) frequencyDict = copy.deepcopy(lang) uniquengrams = copy.deepcopy(mylang) path1 = 'result/av/' + str(ct) filename = mod + '.txt' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path1, filename)): os.remove(os.path.join(path1, filename)) path = 'models/' + str(ct) + '/' print('-' * 100) print('\nFiles {}{} located and opened ... \t\t\t{}'.format( path, filename, l.timer(started))) params = l.readmodel( path, mod, frequencyDict, totalngrams, uniquengrams, ) frequencyDict = params[0] uniquengrams = params[1] lines = params[5] totalngrams = params[2] maxg = params[3] vocabulary = params[4] path2 = 'samples/' for phraselength in phrases: s = open(os.path.join(path2, str(ct) + '.txt'), 'r') sample = s.readlines() s.close() readsampled = l.readsample(sample, phraselength, wordbased, location, infinity) classification(ct, readsampled, vocabulary, mod, frequencyDict, uniquengrams, totalngrams, phraselength, wordbased, location, infinity, maxg, lines) else: print('\nStarted:', started) ended = print('End :', ended) print('Elapsed: {}'.format(l.timer(started)))