    def __init__(self, lib_name, astnode_names, astnode_kinds, prefix):
        :param str lib_name: Lower-case name for the generated library.

        :param list[str] astnode_names: List of camel-with-mixed-case names for
            all node types.

        :param dict[int, str] astnode_kinds: Mapping of kinds ('Enum_Rep) to
            camel-with-mixed-case node names.

        :param str prefix: Prefix to use for command names.
        self.lib_name = lib_name
        self.astnode_names = [Name(name) for name in astnode_names]
        self.astnode_kinds = {
            kind: Name(name)
            for kind, name in astnode_kinds.items()
        self.prefix = prefix

        self.node_record = ('{}__implementation__root_node_record'.format(
        Name of the record type used to represent node data.

        self.entity_struct_names = self._entity_struct_names()

        def construct_operand(op):
            from langkit.expressions import Cast, New
            expr = construct(op)


                expr.type == LogicVarType
                or expr.type.matches(T.root_node)
                or expr.type.matches(T.root_node.env_el()),

                "Operands to a logic bind operator should be either "
                "a logic variable or an ASTNode, got {}".format(expr.type)

            if expr.type.matches(T.root_node.env_el()):
                if expr.type is not T.root_node.env_el():
                    expr = Cast.Expr(expr, T.root_node.env_el())
            elif expr.type.matches(T.root_node):
                # Cast the ast node type if necessary
                if expr.type is not T.root_node:
                    expr = Cast.Expr(expr, T.root_node)

                # If the expression is a root node, implicitly construct an
                # env_element from it.
                expr = New.StructExpr(T.root_node.env_el(), {
                    Name('El'): expr,
                    Name('MD'): LiteralExpr('<>', None),
                    Name('Parents_Bindings'): LiteralExpr('null', None)

            return expr
    def check_token_families(self, context):
        Pass that checks that either there are no defined token families, or
        that they form a partition of existing tokens.
        def format_token_list(tokens):
            return ', '.join(sorted(
                t.dsl_name if isinstance(t, TokenAction) else str(t)
                for t in tokens

        # Sort token families by name to ensure legality checks and code
        # generation determinism.
        self.tokens.token_families.sort(key=lambda tf: tf.name)

        all_tokens = set(self.tokens)
        seen_tokens = set()

        for family in self.tokens.token_families:
            with family.diagnostic_context:
                not_tokens = family.tokens - all_tokens
                    not not_tokens,
                    'Invalid tokens: {}'.format(format_token_list(not_tokens))

                already_seen_tokens = seen_tokens & family.tokens
                    not already_seen_tokens,
                    'Tokens must belong to one family exclusively: {}'


        # Create a token family to host all tokens that are not associated with
        # a specific token family.
        default_family = TokenFamily(*list(all_tokens - seen_tokens))
        default_family.name = Name('Default_Family')

        # Make it easy to get the family a token belongs to
        for tf in self.tokens.token_families:
            for t in tf.tokens:
                self.tokens.token_to_family[t] = tf