def longpollserver(): def get_lp_server(): lp_info = '', data={ 'access_token': CONFIG['token'], 'v': '5.80', 'group_id': CONFIG['group_id'] }) if CONFIG['debug']: print(lp_info.text) lp_info = json.loads(lp_info.text)['response'] lanode.log_print( 'Новая информация о longpoll сервере успешно получена', 'info') return lp_info lp_info = get_lp_server() lanode.log_print('Longpoll поток запущен.', 'info') while True: time.sleep(10 / 1000000.0) lp_url = lp_info['server'] + '?act=a_check&key=' + lp_info['key'] + '&ts=' + \ str(lp_info['ts']) + '&wait=60' result = json.loads(requests.get(lp_url).text) try: lp_info['ts'] = result['ts'] for update in result['updates']: updates_queue.put(update) except KeyError: lp_info = get_lp_server()
def get_lp_server(): lp_info = '', data={ 'access_token': CONFIG['token'], 'v': '5.80', 'group_id': CONFIG['group_id'] }) if CONFIG['debug']: print(lp_info.text) lp_info = json.loads(lp_info.text)['response'] lanode.log_print( 'Новая информация о longpoll сервере успешно получена', 'info') return lp_info
def start(): lanode.log_print('Инициализация скриптов...', 'info') # for script in filter(lambda x: x.split('.')[-1] == 'py', os.listdir('./scripts')): # exec(open('./scripts/' + script).read()) for script in [ x for x in os.listdir('./scripts/') if (not os.path.isdir('./scripts/' + x)) and (x[-3:] == '.py') ]: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( script.split('.')[0], './scripts/' + script) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) scripts.scripts_list[script[:-3]] = module contexts.context_list = { x.__name__: { 'class': x, 'copies': { 0: x(0) } } for x in contexts.BaseContext.__subclasses__() } for f in events.get_events('on_load'): f() if CONFIG['debug'] is True: print(os.path.dirname(__file__)) print(scripts.scripts_list) print(contexts.context_list) lanode.log_print('Инициализация скриптов завершена.', 'info') lanode.log_print('Запуск longpoll потока ...', 'info') thread_longpoll = threading.Thread(target=longpollserver) thread_longpoll.start() hour_timer = while True: time.sleep(10 / 1000000.0) if > hour_timer: counters['msg_recv']['hour'] = 0 counters['msg_send']['hour'] = 0 counters['msg_recv']['hour_peer'] = {} counters['msg_send']['hour_peer'] = {} for f in events.get_events('on_evloopiter'): f() for t in events.get_events('on_timer').copy(): if t[3] >= time.time(): if t[1]: t[0](t) events.get_events('on_timer').remove(t) else: t[0](t) t[2] = time.time() # timers = events.get_events('on_timer').copy() # i = 0 # while i <= len(timers): # t = timers[i] # if t[0]: # t[3]() # events.get_events('on_timer').remove(t) # else: # t[3]() # t[1] = # i += 1 if not updates_queue.empty(): update = updates_queue.get() if CONFIG['debug'] is True: print(update) if update['type'] == 'message_new': msg = update['object'] counters['msg_recv']['all'] += 1 counters['msg_recv']['hour'] += 1 if msg['peer_id'] in counters['msg_recv']['hour_peer']: counters['msg_recv']['hour_peer'][msg['peer_id']] += 1 else: counters['msg_recv']['hour_peer'][msg['peer_id']] = 0 if (msg['peer_id'] > 0) and (msg['peer_id'] < 2000000000): chat_type = 'private' elif msg['peer_id'] > 2000000000: chat_type = 'dialog' elif msg['peer_id'] < 0: chat_type = 'group_private' msg['chat_type'] = chat_type if 'text' in msg: msg['text'] = html.unescape(msg['text']) else: msg['text'] = '' if msg['text'].split(' ')[0] in CONFIG['prefixes']: msg['pure_text'] = ' '.join( msg['text'].split(' ')[1:]).lower() elif'(\[club(\d+)\|\s*\S+\s*\]).*', msg['text']) is not None: match = re.findall(r'(\[club(\d+)\|\s*\S+\s*\]).*', msg['text'])[0] if int(match[1]) == CONFIG['group_id']: msg['pure_text'] = msg['text'].replace( match[0] + ' ', '') else: if msg['chat_type'] == 'private': msg['pure_text'] = msg['text'] else: continue else: if msg['chat_type'] == 'private': msg['pure_text'] = msg['text'] else: continue if (msg['pure_text'].split(' ')[0].lower() in ('debug', 'dbg', 'дбг', 'дебаг'))\ and (debug_func is not None)\ and (msg['from_id'] in CONFIG['admins']): debug_func(msg) continue lanode.log_print( '(MsgID: ' + str(msg['id']) + ') Получено. ' '{SndTime: ' + datetime.fromtimestamp( msg['date']).strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S') + ',' ' Chat: ' + str(msg['peer_id']) + ',' ' From: ' + str(msg['from_id']) + ',' ' Text: "' + msg['text'].replace('\n', '\\n') + '"}', 'info') # with db.transaction(): # if msg['from_id'] not in db: # db[msg['from_id']] = {'settings': {}, # 'save': {'context':'MainContext','inventory':{}}} # for f in events.get_events('on_newuser'): # f(msg['from_id']) context = contexts.get_context_by_vkid(msg['from_id']) if context is None: lanode.log_print( 'ERROR: Контекста не существует. Chat: ' + str(msg['peer_id']) + ' From: ' + str(msg['from_id']), 'info') for f in events.get_events('on_contextnotfound'): f(msg, contexts.get_contextid_by_vkid(msg['from_id'])) continue context.on_rawmessage(update) # if not any(re.match(x['tmplt'], msg['pure_text']) for x in #'Такой команды не существует!', msg['peer_id'], msg['id']) # continue for f in events.get_events('on_preparemessage'): msg = f(msg) if msg is False: break if msg is False: continue if CONFIG['debug'] is True: print(msg) if msg['from_id'] in chat.scanning_users: for q in chat.scanning_users[msg['from_id']].values(): q.put(msg) else: print(id(msg)) thread = threading.Thread(target=context.on_message, args=(msg, )) thread.setName(str(msg['id'])) thread.start()
except KeyError: lp_info = get_lp_server() def stat(): print() try: vk_api except NameError: pass else: vk_session = vk_api.VkApi(token=CONFIG['token']) vk = vk_session.get_api() lanode.log_print('Бибилиотека vk_api успешно загружена.') class Scripts: scripts_list = {} # def register_plugin(self, name, obj): # self.plugins_list[name] = obj # def unregister_plugin(self, name): # del self.plugins_list[name] class Events: # def execute_event(self, event): # results = []
import os abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__) dname = os.path.dirname(abspath) os.chdir(dname) import lanode lanode.log_print('VKRPG v1.0 by Lanode (from Augmeneco)') import queue import json import requests import threading import time import importlib import importlib.util import re from datetime import datetime import vkrpg import html from io import StringIO import contextlib import sys # class VKRPG: # updates_queue = queue.Queue() # # def __init__(self): # = self.Chat() # self.contexts = self.Contexts(self) # self.plugins = self.Plugins() # = self.Events()