class XASNormPanel(TaskPanel): """XAS normalization Panel""" def __init__(self, parent, controller=None, **kws): TaskPanel.__init__(self, parent, controller, configname='xasnorm_config', config=defaults, **kws) def build_display(self): panel = self.panel self.wids = {} self.plotone_op = Choice(panel, choices=list(PlotOne_Choices.keys()), action=self.onPlotOne, size=(200, -1)) self.plotsel_op = Choice(panel, choices=list(PlotSel_Choices.keys()), action=self.onPlotSel, size=(200, -1)) self.plotone_op.SetSelection(1) self.plotsel_op.SetSelection(1) plot_one = Button(panel, 'Plot Current Group', size=(170, -1), action=self.onPlotOne) plot_sel = Button(panel, 'Plot Selected Groups', size=(170, -1), action=self.onPlotSel) e0panel = wx.Panel(panel) self.wids['auto_e0'] = Check(e0panel, default=True, label='auto?', action=self.onSet_XASE0) self.wids['showe0'] = Check(e0panel, default=True, label='show?', action=self.onSet_XASE0) sx = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sx.Add(self.wids['auto_e0'], 0, LEFT, 4) sx.Add(self.wids['showe0'], 0, LEFT, 4) pack(e0panel, sx) self.wids['auto_step'] = Check(panel, default=True, label='auto?', action=self.onNormMethod) self.wids['nvict'] = Choice(panel, choices=('0', '1', '2', '3'), size=(100, -1), action=self.onNormMethod, default=0) self.wids['nnorm'] = Choice(panel, choices=list(Nnorm_choices.values()), size=(100, -1), action=self.onNormMethod, default=0) opts = { 'size': (100, -1), 'digits': 2, 'increment': 5.0, 'action': self.onSet_Ranges } xas_pre1 = self.add_floatspin('pre1', value=defaults['pre1'], **opts) xas_pre2 = self.add_floatspin('pre2', value=defaults['pre2'], **opts) xas_norm1 = self.add_floatspin('norm1', value=defaults['norm1'], **opts) xas_norm2 = self.add_floatspin('norm2', value=defaults['norm2'], **opts) opts = {'digits': 3, 'increment': 0.1, 'value': 0} plot_voff = self.add_floatspin('plot_voff', with_pin=False, size=(80, -1), action=self.onVoffset, **opts) xas_e0 = self.add_floatspin('e0', action=self.onSet_XASE0Val, **opts) xas_step = self.add_floatspin('step', action=self.onSet_XASStep, with_pin=False, min_val=0.0, **opts) opts['value'] = 1.0 scale = self.add_floatspin('scale', action=self.onSet_Scale, **opts) self.wids['norm_method'] = Choice( panel, choices=('polynomial', 'mback'), # , 'area'), size=(120, -1), action=self.onNormMethod) self.wids['norm_method'].SetSelection(0) atsyms = ['?'] + self.larch.symtable._xray._xraydb.atomic_symbols edges = ('K', 'L3', 'L2', 'L1', 'M5') self.wids['atsym'] = Choice(panel, choices=atsyms, size=(75, -1)) self.wids['edge'] = Choice(panel, choices=edges, size=(60, -1)) self.wids['is_frozen'] = Check(panel, default=False, label='Freeze Group', action=self.onFreezeGroup) saveconf = Button(panel, 'Save as Default Settings', size=(200, -1), action=self.onSaveConfigBtn) use_auto = Button(panel, 'Use Default Settings', size=(200, -1), action=self.onAutoNorm) copy_auto = Button(panel, 'Copy', size=(60, -1), action=self.onCopyAuto) def CopyBtn(name): return Button(panel, 'Copy', size=(60, -1), action=partial(self.onCopyParam, name)) add_text = self.add_text HLINEWID = 575 panel.Add(SimpleText(panel, 'XAS Pre-edge subtraction and Normalization', **self.titleopts), dcol=4) panel.Add(SimpleText(panel, 'Copy to Selected Groups:'), style=RIGHT, dcol=2) panel.Add(plot_sel, newrow=True) panel.Add(self.plotsel_op, dcol=3) panel.Add(SimpleText(panel, 'Y Offset:'), style=RIGHT) panel.Add(plot_voff, style=RIGHT) panel.Add(plot_one, newrow=True) panel.Add(self.plotone_op, dcol=4) panel.Add(CopyBtn('plotone_op'), dcol=1, style=RIGHT) panel.Add(HLine(panel, size=(HLINEWID, 3)), dcol=6, newrow=True) add_text('Non-XAS Data Scale:') panel.Add(scale, dcol=2) panel.Add(HLine(panel, size=(HLINEWID, 3)), dcol=6, newrow=True) add_text('XAS Data:') panel.Add(use_auto, dcol=4) panel.Add(copy_auto, dcol=1, style=RIGHT) add_text('Element and Edge: ', newrow=True) panel.Add(self.wids['atsym']) panel.Add(self.wids['edge'], dcol=3) panel.Add(CopyBtn('atsym'), dcol=1, style=RIGHT) add_text('E0 : ') panel.Add(xas_e0) panel.Add(e0panel, dcol=3) panel.Add(CopyBtn('xas_e0'), dcol=1, style=RIGHT) add_text('Edge Step: ') panel.Add(xas_step) panel.Add(self.wids['auto_step'], dcol=3) panel.Add(CopyBtn('xas_step'), dcol=1, style=RIGHT) panel.Add((5, 5), newrow=True) panel.Add(HLine(panel, size=(HLINEWID, 3)), dcol=6, newrow=True) add_text('Pre-edge range: ') panel.Add(xas_pre1) add_text(' : ', newrow=False) panel.Add(xas_pre2, dcol=2) panel.Add(CopyBtn('xas_pre'), dcol=1, style=RIGHT) panel.Add(SimpleText(panel, 'Victoreen order:'), newrow=True) panel.Add(self.wids['nvict'], dcol=4) panel.Add((5, 5), newrow=True) panel.Add(HLine(panel, size=(HLINEWID, 3)), dcol=6, newrow=True) add_text('Normalization method: ') panel.Add(self.wids['norm_method'], dcol=4) panel.Add(CopyBtn('xas_norm'), dcol=1, style=RIGHT) add_text('Normalization range: ') panel.Add(xas_norm1) add_text(' : ', newrow=False) panel.Add(xas_norm2, dcol=2) panel.Add(SimpleText(panel, 'Polynomial Type:'), newrow=True) panel.Add(self.wids['nnorm'], dcol=4) panel.Add(HLine(panel, size=(HLINEWID, 3)), dcol=6, newrow=True) panel.Add((5, 5), newrow=True) panel.Add(self.wids['is_frozen'], newrow=True) panel.Add(saveconf, dcol=5) panel.Add((5, 5), newrow=True) panel.Add(HLine(panel, size=(HLINEWID, 3)), dcol=6, newrow=True) panel.pack() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add((5, 5), 0, LEFT, 3) sizer.Add(panel, 0, LEFT, 3) sizer.Add((5, 5), 0, LEFT, 3) pack(self, sizer) def get_config(self, dgroup=None): """custom get_config to possibly inherit from Athena settings""" if dgroup is None: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() if dgroup is None: return self.get_defaultconfig() if hasattr(dgroup, self.configname): conf = getattr(dgroup, self.configname) else: conf = self.get_defaultconfig() if hasattr(dgroup, 'bkg_params'): # from Athena for attr in ('e0', 'pre1', 'pre2', 'nnorm'): conf[attr] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, attr, conf[attr]) for attr, aattr in (('norm1', 'nor1'), ('norm2', 'nor2')): conf[attr] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, aattr, conf[attr]) conf['auto_step'] = (float( getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'fixstep', 0.0)) < 0.5) conf['edge_step'] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'step', conf['edge_step']) if conf['edge_step'] is None: conf['edge_step'] = getattr(dgroup, 'edge_step', conf['edge_step']) conf['atsym'] = getattr(dgroup, 'atsym', conf['atsym']) conf['edge'] = getattr(dgroup, 'edge', conf['edge']) if hasattr(dgroup, 'e0') and conf['atsym'] == '?': atsym, edge = guess_edge(dgroup.e0) conf['atsym'] = atsym conf['edge'] = edge if hasattr(dgroup, 'mback_params'): conf['atsym'] = getattr(dgroup.mback_params, 'atsym', conf['atsym']) conf['edge'] = getattr(dgroup.mback_params, 'edge', conf['edge']) setattr(dgroup, self.configname, conf) return conf def fill_form(self, dgroup): """fill in form from a data group""" opts = self.get_config(dgroup) self.skip_process = True if dgroup.datatype == 'xas': self.plotone_op.SetChoices(list(PlotOne_Choices.keys())) self.plotsel_op.SetChoices(list(PlotSel_Choices.keys())) self.plotone_op.SetStringSelection(opts['plotone_op']) self.plotsel_op.SetStringSelection(opts['plotsel_op']) self.wids['e0'].SetValue(opts['e0']) edge_step = opts.get('edge_step', None) if edge_step is None: edge_step = 1.0 if hasattr(dgroup, 'e0') and opts['atsym'] == '?': atsym, edge = guess_edge(dgroup.e0) opts['atsym'] = atsym opts['edge'] = edge self.wids['step'].SetValue(edge_step) autoset_fs_increment(self.wids['step'], edge_step) for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'norm1', 'norm2'): val = opts.get(attr, None) if val is not None: self.wids[attr].SetValue(val) self.set_nnorm_widget(opts.get('nnorm')) self.wids['nvict'].SetSelection(opts['nvict']) self.wids['showe0'].SetValue(opts['show_e0']) self.wids['auto_e0'].SetValue(opts['auto_e0']) self.wids['auto_step'].SetValue(opts['auto_step']) self.wids['edge'].SetStringSelection(opts['edge'].title()) self.wids['atsym'].SetStringSelection(opts['atsym'].title()) self.wids['norm_method'].SetStringSelection( opts['norm_method'].lower()) for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'norm1', 'norm2', 'nnorm', 'edge', 'atsym', 'step', 'norm_method'): self.wids[attr].Enable() self.wids['scale'].Disable() else: self.plotone_op.SetChoices(list(PlotOne_Choices_nonxas.keys())) self.plotsel_op.SetChoices(list(PlotSel_Choices_nonxas.keys())) self.wids['scale'].SetValue(opts['scale']) for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'norm1', 'norm2', 'nnorm', 'edge', 'atsym', 'step', 'norm_method'): self.wids[attr].Disable() self.wids['scale'].Enable() frozen = opts.get('is_frozen', False) if hasattr(dgroup, 'is_frozen'): frozen = dgroup.is_frozen self.wids['is_frozen'].SetValue(frozen) self._set_frozen(frozen) wx.CallAfter(self.unset_skip_process) def set_nnorm_widget(self, nnorm=None): if nnorm is None: nnorm_str = 'auto' else: try: nnorm = int(nnorm) except ValueError: nnorm = None nnorm_str = Nnorm_choices.get(nnorm, 'auto') self.wids['nnorm'].SetStringSelection(nnorm_str) def unset_skip_process(self): self.skip_process = False def read_form(self): "read form, return dict of values" form_opts = {} form_opts['e0'] = self.wids['e0'].GetValue() form_opts['edge_step'] = self.wids['step'].GetValue() for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'norm1', 'norm2'): val = self.wids[attr].GetValue() if val == 0: val = None form_opts[attr] = val form_opts['nnorm'] = Nnorm_names.get( self.wids['nnorm'].GetStringSelection(), None) form_opts['nvict'] = int(self.wids['nvict'].GetSelection()) form_opts['plotone_op'] = self.plotone_op.GetStringSelection() form_opts['plotsel_op'] = self.plotsel_op.GetStringSelection() form_opts['plot_voff'] = self.wids['plot_voff'].GetValue() form_opts['show_e0'] = self.wids['showe0'].IsChecked() form_opts['auto_e0'] = self.wids['auto_e0'].IsChecked() form_opts['auto_step'] = self.wids['auto_step'].IsChecked() form_opts['norm_method'] = self.wids['norm_method'].GetStringSelection( ).lower() form_opts['edge'] = self.wids['edge'].GetStringSelection().title() form_opts['atsym'] = self.wids['atsym'].GetStringSelection().title() form_opts['scale'] = self.wids['scale'].GetValue() return form_opts def onNormMethod(self, evt=None): method = self.wids['norm_method'].GetStringSelection().lower() self.update_config({'norm_method': method}) if method.startswith('mback'): dgroup = self.controller.get_group() cur_elem = self.wids['atsym'].GetStringSelection() if hasattr(dgroup, 'e0') and cur_elem == 'H': atsym, edge = guess_edge(dgroup.e0) self.wids['edge'].SetStringSelection(edge) self.wids['atsym'].SetStringSelection(atsym) self.update_config({'edge': edge, 'atsym': atsym}) time.sleep(0.01) wx.CallAfter(self.onReprocess) def _set_frozen(self, frozen): try: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() dgroup.is_frozen = frozen except: pass for wattr in ('e0', 'step', 'pre1', 'pre2', 'norm1', 'norm2', 'nvict', 'nnorm', 'showe0', 'auto_e0', 'auto_step', 'norm_method', 'edge', 'atsym'): self.wids[wattr].Enable(not frozen) def onFreezeGroup(self, evt=None): self._set_frozen(evt.IsChecked()) def onPlotOne(self, evt=None): self.plot(self.controller.get_group()) def onVoffset(self, evt=None): time.sleep(0.01) wx.CallAfter(self.onPlotSel) def onPlotSel(self, evt=None): newplot = True group_ids = self.controller.filelist.GetCheckedStrings() if len(group_ids) < 1: return last_id = group_ids[-1] groupname = self.controller.file_groups[str(last_id)] dgroup = self.controller.get_group(groupname) plot_choices = PlotSel_Choices if dgroup.datatype != 'xas': plot_choices = PlotSel_Choices_nonxas ytitle = self.plotsel_op.GetStringSelection() yarray_name = plot_choices[ytitle] ylabel = getattr(plotlabels, yarray_name, ytitle) if yarray_name == 'norm': norm_method = self.wids['norm_method'].GetStringSelection().lower() if norm_method.startswith('mback'): yarray_name = 'norm_mback' ylabel = "%s (MBACK)" % ylabel elif norm_method.startswith('area'): yarray_name = 'norm_area' ylabel = "%s (Area)" % ylabel voff = self.wids['plot_voff'].GetValue() for ix, checked in enumerate(group_ids): yoff = ix * voff groupname = self.controller.file_groups[str(checked)] dgroup = self.controller.get_group(groupname) plot_yarrays = [(yarray_name, PLOTOPTS_1, dgroup.filename)] if dgroup is not None: dgroup.plot_extras = [] self.plot(dgroup, title='', new=newplot, multi=True, yoff=yoff, plot_yarrays=plot_yarrays, with_extras=False, delay_draw=True) newplot = False ppanel = self.controller.get_display(stacked=False).panel ppanel.conf.show_legend = True ppanel.conf.draw_legend() ppanel.unzoom_all() def onAutoNorm(self, evt=None): dgroup = self.controller.get_group() try: norm2 = max( - dgroup.e0 norm1 = 5.0 * int(norm2 / 15.0) nnorm = 2 if (norm2 - norm1 < 350): nnorm = 1 if (norm2 - norm1 < 50): nnorm = 0 except: nnorm = None self.wids['auto_step'].SetValue(1) self.wids['auto_e0'].SetValue(1) self.wids['nvict'].SetSelection(0) self.wids['pre1'].SetValue(0) self.wids['pre2'].SetValue(0) self.wids['norm1'].SetValue(0) self.wids['norm2'].SetValue(0) if nnorm is not None: self.set_nnorm_widget(nnorm) self.wids['norm_method'].SetSelection(0) self.onReprocess() def onCopyAuto(self, evt=None): opts = dict(pre1=0, pre2=0, nvict=0, norm1=0, norm2=0, norm_method='polynomial', nnorm=2, auto_e0=1, auto_step=1) for checked in self.controller.filelist.GetCheckedStrings(): groupname = self.controller.file_groups[str(checked)] grp = self.controller.get_group(groupname) if grp != and not grp.is_frozen: # try: # norm2 = max( - grp.e0 # norm1 = 5.0*int(norm2/15.0) # nnorm = 2 # if (norm2-norm1 < 350): nnorm = 1 # if (norm2-norm1 < 50): nnorm = 0 # except: # nnorm = 1 # opts['nnorm'] = nnorm self.update_config(opts, dgroup=grp) self.fill_form(grp) self.process(grp, noskip=True) def onSaveConfigBtn(self, evt=None): conf = self.get_config() conf.update(self.read_form()) self.set_defaultconfig(conf) def onCopyParam(self, name=None, evt=None): conf = self.get_config() form = self.read_form() conf.update(form) dgroup = self.controller.get_group() self.update_config(conf) self.fill_form(dgroup) opts = {} name = str(name) def copy_attrs(*args): for a in args: opts[a] = conf[a] if name == 'plotone_op': copy_attrs('plotone_op') elif name == 'xas_e0': copy_attrs('e0', 'show_e0', 'auto_e0') elif name == 'xas_step': copy_attrs('edge_step', 'auto_step') elif name == 'xas_pre': copy_attrs('pre1', 'pre2', 'nvict') elif name == 'atsym': copy_attrs('atsym', 'edge') elif name == 'xas_norm': copy_attrs('norm_method', 'nnorm', 'norm1', 'norm2') for checked in self.controller.filelist.GetCheckedStrings(): groupname = self.controller.file_groups[str(checked)] grp = self.controller.get_group(groupname) if grp != and not grp.is_frozen: self.update_config(opts, dgroup=grp) self.fill_form(grp) self.process(grp, noskip=True) def onSet_XASE0(self, evt=None, value=None): "handle setting auto e0 / show e0" auto_e0 = self.wids['auto_e0'].GetValue() self.update_config({ 'e0': self.wids['e0'].GetValue(), 'auto_e0': self.wids['auto_e0'].GetValue() }) time.sleep(0.01) wx.CallAfter(self.onReprocess) def onSet_XASE0Val(self, evt=None, value=None): "handle setting e0" self.wids['auto_e0'].SetValue(0) self.update_config({ 'e0': self.wids['e0'].GetValue(), 'auto_e0': self.wids['auto_e0'].GetValue() }) time.sleep(0.01) wx.CallAfter(self.onReprocess) def onSet_XASStep(self, evt=None, value=None): "handle setting edge step" edge_step = self.wids['step'].GetValue() if edge_step < 0: self.wids['step'].SetValue(abs(edge_step)) self.wids['auto_step'].SetValue(0) self.update_config({'edge_step': abs(edge_step), 'auto_step': False}) autoset_fs_increment(self.wids['step'], abs(edge_step)) time.sleep(0.01) wx.CallAfter(self.onReprocess) def onSet_Scale(self, evt=None, value=None): "handle setting non-XAFS scale value" self.update_config({'scale': self.wids['scale'].GetValue()}) time.sleep(0.01) wx.CallAfter(self.onReprocess) def onSet_Ranges(self, evt=None, **kws): conf = {} for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'norm1', 'norm2'): conf[attr] = self.wids[attr].GetValue() self.update_config(conf) time.sleep(0.01) wx.CallAfter(self.onReprocess) def onSelPoint(self, evt=None, opt='__', relative_e0=True, win=None): """ get last selected point from a specified plot window and fill in the value for the widget defined by `opt`. by default it finds the latest cursor position from the cursor history of the first 20 plot windows. """ if opt not in self.wids: return None _x, _y = last_cursor_pos(win=win, _larch=self.larch) if _x is None: return e0 = self.wids['e0'].GetValue() if opt == 'e0': self.wids['e0'].SetValue(_x) self.wids['auto_e0'].SetValue(0) elif opt in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'norm1', 'norm2'): self.wids[opt].SetValue(_x - e0) time.sleep(0.01) wx.CallAfter(self.onReprocess) def onReprocess(self, evt=None, value=None, **kws): "handle request reprocess" if self.skip_process: return try: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() except TypeError: return if not hasattr(dgroup, self.configname): return form = self.read_form() self.process(dgroup=dgroup) self.plot(dgroup) def make_dnormde(self, dgroup): form = dict(group=dgroup.groupname) self.larch_eval( "{group:s}.dnormde={group:s}.dmude/{group:s}.edge_step".format( **form)) def process(self, dgroup=None, force_mback=False, noskip=False, **kws): """ handle process (pre-edge/normalize) of XAS data from XAS form """ if self.skip_process and not noskip: return if dgroup is None: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() if dgroup is None: return self.skip_process = True conf = self.get_config(dgroup) dgroup.custom_plotopts = {} form = self.read_form() form['group'] = dgroup.groupname if dgroup.datatype != 'xas': self.skip_process = False = dgroup.ydat * 1.0 opts = {'group': dgroup.groupname, 'scale': conf.get('scale', 1.0)} self.larch_eval("{group:s}.scale = {scale:.8f}".format(**opts)) self.larch_eval( "{group:s}.norm = {scale:.8f}*{group:s}.ydat".format(**opts)) return en_units = getattr(dgroup, 'energy_units', None) if en_units is None: en_units = guess_energy_units( if en_units != 'eV': mono_dspace = getattr(dgroup, 'mono_dspace', 1) dlg = EnergyUnitsDialog(self.parent,, unitname=en_units, dspace=mono_dspace) res = dlg.GetResponse() dlg.Destroy() if res.ok: en_units = res.units dgroup.mono_dspace = res.dspace dgroup.xdat = = dgroup.energy_units = en_units e0 = form['e0'] edge_step = form['edge_step'] copts = [dgroup.groupname] if not form['auto_e0']: if e0 < max( and e0 > min( copts.append("e0=%.4f" % float(e0)) if not form['auto_step']: copts.append("step=%s" % gformat(float(edge_step))) for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'nvict', 'nnorm', 'norm1', 'norm2'): if form[attr] is None: copts.append("%s=None" % attr) else: copts.append("%s=%.2f" % (attr, form[attr])) self.larch_eval("pre_edge(%s)" % (', '.join(copts))) self.larch_eval( "{group:s}.norm_poly = 1.0*{group:s}.norm".format(**form)) norm_method = form['norm_method'].lower() form['normmeth'] = 'poly' if force_mback or norm_method.startswith('mback'): form['normmeth'] = 'mback' copts = [dgroup.groupname] copts.append("z=%d" % atomic_number(form['atsym'])) copts.append("edge='%s'" % form['edge']) for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'nvict', 'nnorm', 'norm1', 'norm2'): if form[attr] is None: copts.append("%s=None" % attr) else: copts.append("%s=%.2f" % (attr, form[attr])) self.larch_eval("mback_norm(%s)" % (', '.join(copts))) if form['auto_step']: norm_expr = """{group:s}.norm = 1.0*{group:s}.norm_{normmeth:s} {group:s}.edge_step = 1.0*{group:s}.edge_step_{normmeth:s}""" self.larch_eval(norm_expr.format(**form)) else: norm_expr = """{group:s}.norm = 1.0*{group:s}.norm_{normmeth:s} {group:s}.norm *= {group:s}.edge_step_{normmeth:s}/{edge_step:.8f}""" self.larch_eval(norm_expr.format(**form)) if norm_method.startswith('area'): form['normmeth'] = 'area' expr = """{group:s}.norm = 1.0*{group:s}.norm_{normmeth:s} {group:s}.edge_step = 1.0*{group:s}.edge_step_{normmeth:s}""" self.larch_eval(expr.format(**form)) self.make_dnormde(dgroup) if form['auto_e0']: self.wids['e0'].SetValue(dgroup.e0) if form['auto_step']: self.wids['step'].SetValue(dgroup.edge_step) autoset_fs_increment(self.wids['step'], dgroup.edge_step) self.wids['atsym'].SetStringSelection(dgroup.atsym) self.wids['edge'].SetStringSelection(dgroup.edge) self.set_nnorm_widget(dgroup.pre_edge_details.nnorm) for attr in ('e0', 'edge_step'): conf[attr] = getattr(dgroup, attr) for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'norm1', 'norm2'): conf[attr] = val = getattr(dgroup.pre_edge_details, attr, None) if val is not None: self.wids[attr].SetValue(val) if hasattr(dgroup, 'mback_params'): # from mback conf['atsym'] = getattr(dgroup.mback_params, 'atsym') conf['edge'] = getattr(dgroup.mback_params, 'edge') self.update_config(conf, dgroup=dgroup) wx.CallAfter(self.unset_skip_process) def get_plot_arrays(self, dgroup): lab = plotlabels.norm if dgroup is None: return dgroup.plot_y2label = None dgroup.plot_xlabel = dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('norm', PLOTOPTS_1, lab)] if dgroup.datatype != 'xas': pchoice = PlotOne_Choices_nonxas[ self.plotone_op.GetStringSelection()] dgroup.plot_xlabel = 'x' dgroup.plot_ylabel = 'y' dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('ydat', PLOTOPTS_1, 'ydat')] dgroup.dmude = np.gradient(dgroup.ydat) / np.gradient(dgroup.xdat) if not hasattr(dgroup, 'scale'): dgroup.scale = 1.0 dgroup.norm = dgroup.ydat * dgroup.scale if pchoice == 'dmude': dgroup.plot_ylabel = 'dy/dx' dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('dmude', PLOTOPTS_1, 'dy/dx')] elif pchoice == 'norm': dgroup.plot_ylabel = 'scaled y' dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('norm', PLOTOPTS_1, 'y/scale')] elif pchoice == 'norm+dnormde': lab = plotlabels.norm dgroup.plot_y2label = 'dy/dx' dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('ydat', PLOTOPTS_1, 'y'), ('dnormde', PLOTOPTS_D, 'dy/dx')] return req_attrs = ['e0', 'norm', 'dmude', 'pre_edge'] pchoice = PlotOne_Choices[self.plotone_op.GetStringSelection()] if pchoice in ('mu', 'norm', 'flat', 'dmude'): lab = getattr(plotlabels, pchoice) dgroup.plot_yarrays = [(pchoice, PLOTOPTS_1, lab)] elif pchoice == 'prelines': dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('mu', PLOTOPTS_1,, ('pre_edge', PLOTOPTS_2, 'pre edge'), ('post_edge', PLOTOPTS_2, 'post edge')] elif pchoice == 'preedge': lab = r'pre-edge subtracted $\mu$' dgroup.pre_edge_sub = dgroup.norm * dgroup.edge_step dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('pre_edge_sub', PLOTOPTS_1, lab)] elif pchoice == 'mu+dmude': lab = lab2 = plotlabels.dmude dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('mu', PLOTOPTS_1, lab), ('dmude', PLOTOPTS_D, lab2)] dgroup.plot_y2label = lab2 elif pchoice == 'norm+dnormde': lab = plotlabels.norm lab2 = plotlabels.dmude + ' (normalized)' dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('norm', PLOTOPTS_1, lab), ('dnormde', PLOTOPTS_D, lab2)] dgroup.plot_y2label = lab2 elif pchoice == 'mback_norm': req_attrs.append('mback_norm') lab = r'$\mu$' if not hasattr(dgroup, 'mback_mu'): self.process(dgroup=dgroup, force_mback=True) dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('mu', PLOTOPTS_1, lab), ('mback_mu', PLOTOPTS_2, r'tabulated $\mu(E)$')] elif pchoice == 'mback_poly': req_attrs.append('mback_norm') lab = plotlabels.norm if not hasattr(dgroup, 'mback_mu'): self.process(dgroup=dgroup, force_mback=True) dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('norm_mback', PLOTOPTS_1, 'mback'), ('norm_poly', PLOTOPTS_2, 'polynomial')] elif pchoice == 'area_norm': dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('norm_area', PLOTOPTS_1, 'area'), ('norm_poly', PLOTOPTS_2, 'polynomial')] dgroup.plot_ylabel = lab needs_proc = False for attr in req_attrs: needs_proc = needs_proc or (not hasattr(dgroup, attr)) if needs_proc: self.process(dgroup=dgroup, noskip=True) y4e0 = dgroup.ydat = getattr(dgroup, dgroup.plot_yarrays[0][0], dgroup.plot_extras = [] if self.wids['showe0'].IsChecked(): ie0 = index_of(, dgroup.e0) dgroup.plot_extras.append(('marker', dgroup.e0, y4e0[ie0], {})) def plot(self, dgroup, title=None, plot_yarrays=None, yoff=0, delay_draw=False, multi=False, new=True, zoom_out=True, with_extras=True, **kws): if self.skip_plotting: return ppanel = self.controller.get_display(stacked=False).panel viewlims = ppanel.get_viewlimits() plotcmd = ppanel.oplot if new: plotcmd = ppanel.plot groupname = getattr(dgroup, 'groupname', None) if groupname is None: return if not hasattr(dgroup, 'xdat'): print("Cannot plot group ", groupname) if ((getattr(dgroup, 'plot_yarrays', None) is None or getattr(dgroup, 'energy', None) is None or getattr(dgroup, 'mu', None) is None or getattr(dgroup, 'e0', None) is None or getattr(dgroup, 'dmude', None) is None or getattr(dgroup, 'norm', None) is None)): self.process(dgroup=dgroup) self.get_plot_arrays(dgroup) if plot_yarrays is None and hasattr(dgroup, 'plot_yarrays'): plot_yarrays = dgroup.plot_yarrays popts = kws path, fname = os.path.split(dgroup.filename) if 'label' not in popts: popts['label'] = dgroup.plot_ylabel zoom_out = (zoom_out or min(dgroup.xdat) >= viewlims[1] or max(dgroup.xdat) <= viewlims[0] or min(dgroup.ydat) >= viewlims[3] or max(dgroup.ydat) <= viewlims[2]) if not zoom_out: popts['xmin'] = viewlims[0] popts['xmax'] = viewlims[1] popts['ymin'] = viewlims[2] popts['ymax'] = viewlims[3] popts['xlabel'] = dgroup.plot_xlabel popts['ylabel'] = dgroup.plot_ylabel if getattr(dgroup, 'plot_y2label', None) is not None: popts['y2label'] = dgroup.plot_y2label plot_choices = PlotSel_Choices if dgroup.datatype != 'xas': plot_choices = PlotSel_Choices_nonxas if multi: ylabel = self.plotsel_op.GetStringSelection() yarray_name = plot_choices[ylabel] if dgroup.datatype == 'xas': ylabel = getattr(plotlabels, yarray_name, ylabel) popts['ylabel'] = ylabel plot_extras = None if new: if title is None: title = fname plot_extras = getattr(dgroup, 'plot_extras', None) popts['title'] = title popts['delay_draw'] = delay_draw if hasattr(dgroup, 'custom_plotopts'): popts.update(dgroup.custom_plotopts) popts['show_legend'] = len(plot_yarrays) > 1 narr = len(plot_yarrays) - 1 for i, pydat in enumerate(plot_yarrays): yaname, yopts, yalabel = pydat popts.update(yopts) if yalabel is not None: popts['label'] = yalabel popts['delay_draw'] = delay_draw or (i != narr) if yaname == 'dnormde' and not hasattr(dgroup, yaname): self.make_dnormde(dgroup) if yaname == 'norm_mback' and not hasattr(dgroup, yaname): self.process(dgroup=dgroup, noskip=True, force_mback=True) plotcmd(dgroup.xdat, getattr(dgroup, yaname) + yoff, **popts) plotcmd = ppanel.oplot if with_extras and plot_extras is not None: axes = ppanel.axes for etype, x, y, opts in plot_extras: if etype == 'marker': xpopts = { 'marker': 'o', 'markersize': 4, 'label': '_nolegend_', 'markerfacecolor': 'red', 'markeredgecolor': '#884444' } xpopts.update(opts) axes.plot([x], [y], **xpopts) elif etype == 'vline': xpopts = { 'ymin': 0, 'ymax': 1.0, 'label': '_nolegend_', 'color': '#888888' } xpopts.update(opts) axes.axvline(x, **xpopts) if not popts['delay_draw']: ppanel.canvas.draw()
class XASNormPanel(TaskPanel): """XAS normalization Panel""" def __init__(self, parent, controller=None, **kws): TaskPanel.__init__(self, parent, controller, configname='xasnorm_config', config=defaults, **kws) def build_display(self): titleopts = dict(font=Font(12), colour='#AA0000') xas = self.panel self.wids = {} self.plotone_op = Choice(xas, choices=list(PlotOne_Choices.keys()), action=self.onPlotOne, size=(175, -1)) self.plotsel_op = Choice(xas, choices=list(PlotSel_Choices.keys()), action=self.onPlotSel, size=(175, -1)) self.plotone_op.SetSelection(1) self.plotsel_op.SetSelection(1) plot_one = Button(xas, 'Plot This Group', size=(150, -1), action=self.onPlotOne) plot_sel = Button(xas, 'Plot Selected Groups', size=(150, -1), action=self.onPlotSel) opts = dict(action=self.onReprocess) e0opts_panel = wx.Panel(xas) self.wids['autoe0'] = Check(e0opts_panel, default=True, label='auto?', **opts) self.wids['showe0'] = Check(e0opts_panel, default=True, label='show?', **opts) sx = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sx.Add(self.wids['autoe0'], 0, LCEN, 4) sx.Add(self.wids['showe0'], 0, LCEN, 4) pack(e0opts_panel, sx) self.wids['autostep'] = Check(xas, default=True, label='auto?', **opts) opts['size'] = (50, -1) self.wids['vict'] = Choice(xas, choices=('0', '1', '2', '3'), **opts) self.wids['nnor'] = Choice(xas, choices=('0', '1', '2', '3'), **opts) self.wids['vict'].SetSelection(1) self.wids['nnor'].SetSelection(1) opts.update({'size': (100, -1), 'digits': 2, 'increment': 5.0}) xas_pre1 = self.add_floatspin('pre1', value=-1000, **opts) xas_pre2 = self.add_floatspin('pre2', value=-30, **opts) xas_nor1 = self.add_floatspin('nor1', value=50, **opts) xas_nor2 = self.add_floatspin('nor2', value=5000, **opts) opts = {'digits': 2, 'increment': 0.1, 'value': 0} xas_e0 = self.add_floatspin('e0', action=self.onSet_XASE0, **opts) xas_step = self.add_floatspin('step', action=self.onSet_XASStep, with_pin=False, **opts) saveconf = Button(xas, 'Save as Default Settings', size=(200, -1), action=self.onSaveConfigBtn) def CopyBtn(name): return Button(xas, 'Copy', size=(50, -1), action=partial(self.onCopyParam, name)) add_text = self.add_text xas.Add(SimpleText(xas, ' XAS Pre-edge subtraction and Normalization', **titleopts), dcol=4) xas.Add(SimpleText(xas, 'Copy to Selected Groups?'), style=RCEN, dcol=3) xas.Add(plot_sel, newrow=True) xas.Add(self.plotsel_op, dcol=6) xas.Add(plot_one, newrow=True) xas.Add(self.plotone_op, dcol=4) xas.Add((10, 10)) xas.Add(CopyBtn('plotone_op'), style=RCEN) add_text('E0 : ') xas.Add(xas_e0) xas.Add(e0opts_panel, dcol=3) xas.Add((10, 1)) xas.Add(CopyBtn('xas_e0'), style=RCEN) add_text('Edge Step: ') xas.Add(xas_step) xas.Add(self.wids['autostep'], dcol=3) xas.Add((10, 1)) xas.Add(CopyBtn('xas_step'), style=RCEN) add_text('Pre-edge range: ') xas.Add(xas_pre1) add_text(' : ', newrow=False) xas.Add(xas_pre2) xas.Add(SimpleText(xas, 'Victoreen:')) xas.Add(self.wids['vict']) xas.Add(CopyBtn('xas_pre'), style=RCEN) add_text('Normalization range: ') xas.Add(xas_nor1) add_text(' : ', newrow=False) xas.Add(xas_nor2) xas.Add(SimpleText(xas, 'Poly Order:')) xas.Add(self.wids['nnor']) xas.Add(CopyBtn('xas_norm'), style=RCEN) xas.Add(saveconf, dcol=6, newrow=True) xas.pack() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add((5, 5), 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add(HLine(self, size=(550, 2)), 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add(xas, 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add((5, 5), 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add(HLine(self, size=(550, 2)), 0, LCEN, 3) pack(self, sizer) def get_config(self, dgroup=None): """custom get_config to possibly inherit from Athena settings""" if dgroup is None: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() if hasattr(dgroup, self.configname): conf = getattr(dgroup, self.configname) else: conf = self.get_defaultconfig() if hasattr(dgroup, 'bkg_params'): # from Athena conf['e0'] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'e0', conf['e0']) conf['pre1'] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'pre1', conf['pre1']) conf['pre2'] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'pre2', conf['pre2']) conf['norm1'] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'nor1', conf['norm1']) conf['norm2'] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'nor2', conf['norm2']) conf['nnorm'] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'nnor', conf['nnorm']) conf['nvict'] = getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'nvic', conf['nvict']) conf['autostep'] = (float( getattr(dgroup.bkg_params, 'fixstep', 0.0)) < 0.5) setattr(dgroup, self.configname, conf) return conf def fill_form(self, dgroup): """fill in form from a data group""" opts = self.get_config(dgroup) self.skip_process = True if dgroup.datatype == 'xas': for k in self.wids.values(): k.Enable() self.plotone_op.SetChoices(list(PlotOne_Choices.keys())) self.plotsel_op.SetChoices(list(PlotSel_Choices.keys())) self.plotone_op.SetStringSelection(opts['plotone_op']) self.plotsel_op.SetStringSelection(opts['plotsel_op']) self.wids['e0'].SetValue(opts['e0']) edge_step = opts.get('edge_step', None) if edge_step is None: edge_step = 1.0 ndigits = int(2 - round(np.log10(abs(edge_step)))) self.wids['step'].SetDigits(ndigits + 1) self.wids['step'].SetIncrement(0.2 * 10**(-ndigits)) self.wids['step'].SetValue(edge_step) self.wids['pre1'].SetValue(opts['pre1']) self.wids['pre2'].SetValue(opts['pre2']) self.wids['nor1'].SetValue(opts['norm1']) self.wids['nor2'].SetValue(opts['norm2']) self.wids['vict'].SetSelection(opts['nvict']) self.wids['nnor'].SetSelection(opts['nnorm']) self.wids['showe0'].SetValue(opts['show_e0']) self.wids['autoe0'].SetValue(opts['auto_e0']) self.wids['autostep'].SetValue(opts['auto_step']) else: self.plotone_op.SetChoices(list(PlotOne_Choices_nonxas.keys())) self.plotsel_op.SetChoices(list(PlotSel_Choices_nonxas.keys())) self.plotone_op.SetStringSelection('Raw Data') self.plotsel_op.SetStringSelection('Raw Data') for k in self.wids.values(): k.Disable() self.skip_process = False def read_form(self): "read form, return dict of values" form_opts = {} form_opts['e0'] = self.wids['e0'].GetValue() form_opts['edge_step'] = self.wids['step'].GetValue() form_opts['pre1'] = self.wids['pre1'].GetValue() form_opts['pre2'] = self.wids['pre2'].GetValue() form_opts['norm1'] = self.wids['nor1'].GetValue() form_opts['norm2'] = self.wids['nor2'].GetValue() form_opts['nnorm'] = int(self.wids['nnor'].GetSelection()) form_opts['nvict'] = int(self.wids['vict'].GetSelection()) form_opts['plotone_op'] = self.plotone_op.GetStringSelection() form_opts['plotsel_op'] = self.plotsel_op.GetStringSelection() form_opts['show_e0'] = self.wids['showe0'].IsChecked() form_opts['auto_e0'] = self.wids['autoe0'].IsChecked() form_opts['auto_step'] = self.wids['autostep'].IsChecked() return form_opts def onPlotOne(self, evt=None): self.plot(self.controller.get_group()) def onPlotSel(self, evt=None): newplot = True group_ids = self.controller.filelist.GetCheckedStrings() if len(group_ids) < 1: return last_id = group_ids[-1] yarray_name = PlotSel_Choices[self.plotsel_op.GetStringSelection()] ylabel = getattr(plotlabels, yarray_name) for checked in group_ids: groupname = self.controller.file_groups[str(checked)] dgroup = self.controller.get_group(groupname) plot_yarrays = [(yarray_name, PLOTOPTS_1, dgroup.filename)] if dgroup is not None: dgroup.plot_extras = [] self.plot(dgroup, title='', new=newplot, multi=True, plot_yarrays=plot_yarrays, show_legend=True, with_extras=False, delay_draw=(last_id != checked)) newplot = False self.controller.get_display(stacked=False).panel.canvas.draw() def onSaveConfigBtn(self, evt=None): conf = self.get_config() conf.update(self.read_form()) self.set_defaultconfig(conf) def onCopyParam(self, name=None, evt=None): conf = self.get_config() conf.update(self.read_form()) opts = {} name = str(name) def copy_attrs(*args): for a in args: opts[a] = conf[a] if name == 'plotone_op': copy_attrs('plotone_op') elif name == 'xas_e0': copy_attrs('e0', 'show_e0', 'auto_e0') elif name == 'xas_step': copy_attrs('edge_step', 'auto_step') elif name == 'xas_pre': copy_attrs('pre1', 'pre2', 'nvict') elif name == 'xas_norm': copy_attrs('nnorm', 'norm1', 'norm2') for checked in self.controller.filelist.GetCheckedStrings(): groupname = self.controller.file_groups[str(checked)] grp = self.controller.get_group(groupname) if grp != self.set_config(grp, opts) self.fill_form(grp) self.process(grp) def onSet_XASE0(self, evt=None, value=None): "handle setting e0" self.wids['autoe0'].SetValue(0) self.onReprocess() def onSet_XASStep(self, evt=None, value=None): "handle setting edge step" self.wids['autostep'].SetValue(0) self.onReprocess() def onSelPoint(self, evt=None, opt='__', win=None): """ get last selected point from a specified plot window and fill in the value for the widget defined by `opt`. by default it finds the latest cursor position from the cursor history of the first 20 plot windows. """ if opt not in self.wids: return None _x, _y = last_cursor_pos(win=win, _larch=self.larch) if _x is None: return e0 = self.wids['e0'].GetValue() if opt == 'e0': self.wids['e0'].SetValue(_x) self.wids['autoe0'].SetValue(0) elif opt in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'nor1', 'nor2'): self.wids[opt].SetValue(_x - e0) self.onReprocess() def onReprocess(self, evt=None, value=None, **kws): "handle request reprocess" if self.skip_process: return try: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() except TypeError: return self.process(dgroup=dgroup) self.plot(dgroup) def make_dnormde(self, dgroup): form = dict(group=dgroup.groupname) self.larch_eval( "{group:s}.dnormde={group:s}.dmude/{group:s}.edge_step".format( **form)) def process(self, dgroup=None, **kws): """ handle process (pre-edge/normalize) of XAS data from XAS form """ if self.skip_process: return if dgroup is None: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() self.skip_process = True # print("process ", dgroup, dgroup.filename) self.get_config(dgroup) dgroup.custom_plotopts = {} # print("XAS norm process ", dgroup.datatype) if dgroup.datatype != 'xas': self.skip_process = False = dgroup.ydat * 1.0 return en_units = getattr(dgroup, 'energy_units', None) if en_units is None: en_units = 'eV' units = guess_energy_units( if units != 'eV': dlg = EnergyUnitsDialog(self.parent, units, res = dlg.GetResponse() dlg.Destroy() if res.ok: en_units = res.units dgroup.xdat = = dgroup.energy_units = en_units form = self.read_form() e0 = form['e0'] edge_step = form['edge_step'] form['group'] = dgroup.groupname copts = [dgroup.groupname] if not form['auto_e0']: if e0 < max( and e0 > min( copts.append("e0=%.4f" % float(e0)) if not form['auto_step']: copts.append("step=%.4f" % float(edge_step)) for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'nvict', 'nnorm', 'norm1', 'norm2'): copts.append("%s=%.2f" % (attr, form[attr])) self.larch_eval("pre_edge(%s)" % (', '.join(copts))) self.make_dnormde(dgroup) if form['auto_e0']: self.wids['e0'].SetValue(dgroup.e0) # , act=False) if form['auto_step']: self.wids['step'].SetValue(dgroup.edge_step) # , act=False) self.wids['pre1'].SetValue(dgroup.pre_edge_details.pre1) self.wids['pre2'].SetValue(dgroup.pre_edge_details.pre2) self.wids['nor1'].SetValue(dgroup.pre_edge_details.norm1) self.wids['nor2'].SetValue(dgroup.pre_edge_details.norm2) conf = {} for attr in ('e0', 'edge_step'): conf[attr] = getattr(dgroup, attr) for attr in ('pre1', 'pre2', 'nnorm', 'norm1', 'norm2'): conf[attr] = getattr(dgroup.pre_edge_details, attr) self.set_config(dgroup, conf) self.skip_process = False def get_plot_arrays(self, dgroup): form = self.read_form() lab = plotlabels.norm if dgroup is None: return dgroup.plot_y2label = None dgroup.plot_xlabel = dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('norm', PLOTOPTS_1, lab)] if dgroup.datatype != 'xas': pchoice = PlotOne_Choices_nonxas[ self.plotone_op.GetStringSelection()] dgroup.plot_xlabel = 'x' dgroup.plot_ylabel = 'y' dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('ydat', PLOTOPTS_1, 'ydat')] dgroup.dmude = np.gradient(dgroup.ydat) / np.gradient(dgroup.xdat) if pchoice == 'dmude': dgroup.plot_ylabel = 'dy/dx' dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('dmude', PLOTOPTS_1, 'dy/dx')] elif pchoice == 'norm+deriv': lab = plotlabels.norm dgroup.plot_y2label = 'dy/dx' dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('ydat', PLOTOPTS_1, 'y'), ('dmude', PLOTOPTS_D, 'dy/dx')] return pchoice = PlotOne_Choices[self.plotone_op.GetStringSelection()] if pchoice in ('mu', 'norm', 'flat', 'dmude'): lab = getattr(plotlabels, pchoice) dgroup.plot_yarrays = [(pchoice, PLOTOPTS_1, lab)] elif pchoice == 'prelines': dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('mu', PLOTOPTS_1,, ('pre_edge', PLOTOPTS_2, 'pre edge'), ('post_edge', PLOTOPTS_2, 'post edge')] elif pchoice == 'preedge': dgroup.pre_edge_sub = dgroup.norm * dgroup.edge_step dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('pre_edge_sub', PLOTOPTS_1, r'pre-edge subtracted $\mu$')] lab = r'pre-edge subtracted $\mu$' elif pchoice == 'norm+deriv': lab = plotlabels.norm lab2 = plotlabels.dmude dgroup.plot_yarrays = [('norm', PLOTOPTS_1, lab), ('dmude', PLOTOPTS_D, lab2)] dgroup.plot_y2label = lab2 dgroup.plot_ylabel = lab y4e0 = dgroup.ydat = getattr(dgroup, dgroup.plot_yarrays[0][0], dgroup.plot_extras = [] if form['show_e0']: ie0 = index_of(, dgroup.e0) dgroup.plot_extras.append(('marker', dgroup.e0, y4e0[ie0], {})) def plot(self, dgroup, title=None, plot_yarrays=None, delay_draw=False, multi=False, new=True, zoom_out=True, with_extras=True, **kws): self.get_plot_arrays(dgroup) ppanel = self.controller.get_display(stacked=False).panel viewlims = ppanel.get_viewlimits() plotcmd = ppanel.oplot if new: plotcmd = ppanel.plot groupname = dgroup.groupname if not hasattr(dgroup, 'xdat'): print("Cannot plot group ", groupname) if ((getattr(dgroup, 'plot_yarrays', None) is None or getattr(dgroup, 'energy', None) is None or getattr(dgroup, 'mu', None) is None)): self.process(dgroup=dgroup) if plot_yarrays is None and hasattr(dgroup, 'plot_yarrays'): plot_yarrays = dgroup.plot_yarrays popts = kws path, fname = os.path.split(dgroup.filename) if 'label' not in popts: popts['label'] = dgroup.plot_ylabel zoom_out = (zoom_out or min(dgroup.xdat) >= viewlims[1] or max(dgroup.xdat) <= viewlims[0] or min(dgroup.ydat) >= viewlims[3] or max(dgroup.ydat) <= viewlims[2]) if not zoom_out: popts['xmin'] = viewlims[0] popts['xmax'] = viewlims[1] popts['ymin'] = viewlims[2] popts['ymax'] = viewlims[3] popts['xlabel'] = dgroup.plot_xlabel popts['ylabel'] = dgroup.plot_ylabel if getattr(dgroup, 'plot_y2label', None) is not None: popts['y2label'] = dgroup.plot_y2label if multi: yarray_name = PlotSel_Choices[self.plotsel_op.GetStringSelection()] popts['ylabel'] = getattr(plotlabels, yarray_name) plot_extras = None if new: if title is None: title = fname plot_extras = getattr(dgroup, 'plot_extras', None) popts['title'] = title popts['delay_draw'] = delay_draw if hasattr(dgroup, 'custom_plotopts'): popts.update(dgroup.custom_plotopts) narr = len(plot_yarrays) - 1 for i, pydat in enumerate(plot_yarrays): yaname, yopts, yalabel = pydat popts.update(yopts) if yalabel is not None: popts['label'] = yalabel popts['delay_draw'] = delay_draw or (i != narr) # print("plot:: ", i, popts['delay_draw'], plotcmd, popts) if yaname == 'dnormde' and not hasattr(dgroup, yaname): self.make_dnormde(dgroup) plotcmd(dgroup.xdat, getattr(dgroup, yaname), **popts) plotcmd = ppanel.oplot if with_extras and plot_extras is not None: axes = ppanel.axes for etype, x, y, opts in plot_extras: if etype == 'marker': xpopts = { 'marker': 'o', 'markersize': 4, 'label': '_nolegend_', 'markerfacecolor': 'red', 'markeredgecolor': '#884444' } xpopts.update(opts) axes.plot([x], [y], **xpopts) elif etype == 'vline': xpopts = { 'ymin': 0, 'ymax': 1.0, 'label': '_nolegend_', 'color': '#888888' } xpopts.update(opts) axes.axvline(x, **xpopts) if not popts['delay_draw']: ppanel.canvas.draw()
class PrePeakPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent=None, controller=None, **kws): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, size=(550, 625), **kws) self.parent = parent self.controller = controller self.larch = controller.larch self.fit_components = OrderedDict() self.fit_model = None self.fit_params = None self.user_added_params = None self.summary = None self.sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(10, 6) self.build_display() self.pick2_timer = wx.Timer(self) self.pick2_group = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onPick2Timer, self.pick2_timer) self.pick2_t0 = 0. self.pick2_timeout = 15. self.pick2erase_timer = wx.Timer(self) self.pick2erase_panel = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onPick2EraseTimer, self.pick2erase_timer) def onPanelExposed(self, **kws): # called when notebook is selected try: fname = self.controller.filelist.GetStringSelection() gname = self.controller.file_groups[fname] dgroup = self.controller.get_group(gname) # print(" Fill prepeak panel from group ", fname, gname, dgroup) self.fill_form(dgroup) except: pass # print(" Cannot Fill prepeak panel from group ") def larch_eval(self, cmd): """eval""" self.controller.larch.eval(cmd) def build_display(self): self.mod_nb = flat_nb.FlatNotebook(self, -1, agwStyle=FNB_STYLE) self.mod_nb.SetTabAreaColour(wx.Colour(250,250,250)) self.mod_nb.SetActiveTabColour(wx.Colour(254,254,195)) self.mod_nb.SetNonActiveTabTextColour(wx.Colour(10,10,128)) self.mod_nb.SetActiveTabTextColour(wx.Colour(128,0,0)) self.mod_nb.Bind(wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.onNBChanged) pan = self.panel = GridPanel(self, ncols=4, nrows=4, pad=2, itemstyle=LCEN) self.wids = {} def FloatSpinWithPin(name, value, **kws): s = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.wids[name] = FloatSpin(pan, value=value, **kws) bb = BitmapButton(pan, get_icon('pin'), size=(25, 25), action=partial(self.onSelPoint, opt=name), tooltip='use last point selected from plot') s.Add(self.wids[name]) s.Add(bb) return s opts = dict(digits=2, increment=0.1) ppeak_e0 = FloatSpinWithPin('ppeak_e0', value=0, **opts) ppeak_elo = FloatSpinWithPin('ppeak_elo', value=-15, **opts) ppeak_ehi = FloatSpinWithPin('ppeak_ehi', value=-5, **opts) ppeak_emin = FloatSpinWithPin('ppeak_emin', value=-30, **opts) ppeak_emax = FloatSpinWithPin('ppeak_emax', value=0, **opts) self.fitbline_btn = Button(pan,'Fit Baseline', action=self.onFitBaseline, size=(150, 25)) self.fitmodel_btn = Button(pan, 'Fit Model', action=self.onFitModel, size=(150, 25)) self.fitsel_btn = Button(pan, 'Fit Selected Groups', action=self.onFitSelected, size=(150, 25)) self.fitmodel_btn.Disable() self.fitsel_btn.Disable() self.array_choice = Choice(pan, size=(150, -1), choices=list(Array_Choices.keys())) self.array_choice.SetSelection(1) models_peaks = Choice(pan, size=(150, -1), choices=ModelChoices['peaks'], action=self.addModel) models_other = Choice(pan, size=(150, -1), choices=ModelChoices['other'], action=self.addModel) self.plot_choice = Choice(pan, size=(150, -1), choices=PlotChoices, action=self.onPlot) self.message = SimpleText(pan, 'first fit baseline, then add peaks to fit model.') self.msg_centroid = SimpleText(pan, '----') opts = dict(default=True, size=(75, -1), action=self.onPlot) self.show_centroid = Check(pan, label='show?', **opts) self.show_peakrange = Check(pan, label='show?', **opts) self.show_fitrange = Check(pan, label='show?', **opts) self.show_e0 = Check(pan, label='show?', **opts) opts = dict(default=False, size=(200, -1), action=self.onPlot) self.plot_sub_bline = Check(pan, label='Subtract Baseline?', **opts) def add_text(text, dcol=1, newrow=True): pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, text), dcol=dcol, newrow=newrow) titleopts = dict(font=Font(12), colour='#AA0000') pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, ' Pre-edge Peak Fitting', **titleopts), dcol=5) add_text(' Run Fit:', newrow=False) add_text('Array to fit: ') pan.Add(self.array_choice, dcol=3) pan.Add((10, 10)) pan.Add(self.fitbline_btn) add_text('E0: ') pan.Add(ppeak_e0) pan.Add((10, 10), dcol=2) pan.Add(self.show_e0) pan.Add(self.fitmodel_btn) add_text('Fit Energy Range: ') pan.Add(ppeak_emin) add_text(' : ', newrow=False) pan.Add(ppeak_emax) pan.Add(self.show_fitrange) pan.Add(self.fitsel_btn) t = SimpleText(pan, 'Pre-edge Peak Range: ') t.SetToolTip('Range used as mask for background') pan.Add(t, newrow=True) pan.Add(ppeak_elo) add_text(' : ', newrow=False) pan.Add(ppeak_ehi) pan.Add(self.show_peakrange) add_text( 'Peak Centroid: ') pan.Add(self.msg_centroid, dcol=3) pan.Add(self.show_centroid, dcol=1) # plot buttons ts = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) ts.Add(self.plot_choice) ts.Add(self.plot_sub_bline) pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, 'Plot: '), newrow=True) pan.Add(ts, dcol=7) # add model ts = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) ts.Add(models_peaks) ts.Add(models_other) pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, 'Add Component: '), newrow=True) pan.Add(ts, dcol=7) pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, 'Messages: '), newrow=True) pan.Add(self.message, dcol=7) pan.pack() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add((5,5), 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add(HLine(self, size=(550, 2)), 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add(pan, 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add((5,5), 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add(HLine(self, size=(550, 2)), 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add((5,5), 0, LCEN, 3) sizer.Add(self.mod_nb, 1, LCEN|wx.GROW, 10) pack(self, sizer) def get_config(self, dgroup=None): """get processing configuration for a group""" if dgroup is None: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() conf = getattr(dgroup, 'prepeak_config', {}) if 'e0' not in conf: conf = dict(e0 = dgroup.e0, elo=-10, ehi=-5, emin=-40, emax=0, yarray='norm') dgroup.prepeak_config = conf if not hasattr(dgroup, 'prepeaks'): dgroup.prepeaks = Group() return conf def fill_form(self, dat): if isinstance(dat, Group): self.wids['ppeak_e0'].SetValue(dat.e0) if hasattr(dat, 'prepeaks'): self.wids['ppeak_emin'].SetValue(dat.prepeaks.emin) self.wids['ppeak_emax'].SetValue(dat.prepeaks.emax) self.wids['ppeak_elo'].SetValue(dat.prepeaks.elo) self.wids['ppeak_ehi'].SetValue(dat.prepeaks.ehi) elif instance(dat, dict): self.wids['ppeak_e0'].SetValue(dat['e0']) self.wids['ppeak_emin'].SetValue(dat['emin']) self.wids['ppeak_emax'].SetValue(dat['emax']) self.wids['ppeak_elo'].SetValue(dat['elo']) self.wids['ppeak_ehi'].SetValue(dat['ehi']) self.array_choice.SetStringSelection(dat['array_desc']) self.show_e0.Enable(dat['show_e0']) self.show_centroid.Enable(dat['show_centroid']) self.show_fitrange.Enable(dat['show_fitrange']) self.show_peakrange.Enable(dat['show_peakrange']) self.plot_sub_bline.Enable(dat['plot_sub_bline']) def read_form(self): "read for, returning dict of values" dgroup = self.controller.get_group() array_desc = self.array_choice.GetStringSelection() form_opts = {'gname': dgroup.groupname, 'array_desc': array_desc.lower(), 'array_name': Array_Choices[array_desc], 'baseline_form': 'lorentzian'} form_opts['e0'] = self.wids['ppeak_e0'].GetValue() form_opts['emin'] = self.wids['ppeak_emin'].GetValue() form_opts['emax'] = self.wids['ppeak_emax'].GetValue() form_opts['elo'] = self.wids['ppeak_elo'].GetValue() form_opts['ehi'] = self.wids['ppeak_ehi'].GetValue() form_opts['plot_sub_bline'] = self.plot_sub_bline.IsChecked() form_opts['show_centroid'] = self.show_centroid.IsChecked() form_opts['show_peakrange'] = self.show_peakrange.IsChecked() form_opts['show_fitrange'] = self.show_fitrange.IsChecked() form_opts['show_e0'] = self.show_e0.IsChecked() return form_opts def onFitBaseline(self, evt=None): opts = self.read_form() cmd = """{gname:s}.ydat = 1.0*{gname:s}.{array_name:s} pre_edge_baseline(energy={gname:s}.energy, norm={gname:s}.ydat, group={gname:s}, form='{baseline_form:s}', with_line=True, elo={elo:.3f}, ehi={ehi:.3f}, emin={emin:.3f}, emax={emax:.3f}) """ self.larch_eval(cmd.format(**opts)) dgroup = self.controller.get_group() ppeaks = dgroup.prepeaks dgroup.centroid_msg = "%.4f +/- %.4f eV" % (ppeaks.centroid, ppeaks.delta_centroid) self.msg_centroid.SetLabel(dgroup.centroid_msg) if 'loren_' not in self.fit_components: self.addModel(model='Lorentzian', prefix='loren_', isbkg=True) if 'line_' not in self.fit_components: self.addModel(model='Linear', prefix='line_', isbkg=True) for prefix in ('loren_', 'line_'): cmp = self.fit_components[prefix] # cmp.bkgbox.SetValue(1) self.fill_model_params(prefix, dgroup.prepeaks.fit_details.params) self.fill_form(dgroup) self.fitmodel_btn.Enable() # self.fitallmodel_btn.Enable() i1, i2 = self.get_xranges( dgroup.yfit = dgroup.xfit = 0.0*[i1:i2] self.plot_choice.SetStringSelection(PLOT_BASELINE) self.onPlot() def fill_model_params(self, prefix, params): comp = self.fit_components[prefix] parwids = comp.parwids for pname, par in params.items(): pname = prefix + pname if pname in parwids: wids = parwids[pname] if wids.minval is not None: wids.minval.SetValue(par.min) if wids.maxval is not None: wids.maxval.SetValue(par.max) wids.value.SetValue(par.value) varstr = 'vary' if par.vary else 'fix' if par.expr is not None: varstr = 'constrain' if wids.vary is not None: wids.vary.SetStringSelection(varstr) def onPlot(self, evt=None): plot_choice = self.plot_choice.GetStringSelection() opts = self.read_form() dgroup = self.controller.get_group() ppeaks = getattr(dgroup, 'prepeaks', None) if ppeaks is None: return i1, i2 = self.get_xranges(dgroup.xdat) # i2 = len(ppeaks.baseline) + i1 if len(dgroup.yfit) > len(ppeaks.baseline): i2 = i1 + len(ppeaks.baseline) # print(" Indexes: ", i1, i2, i2-i1, len(dgroup.yfit), len(ppeaks.baseline)) xdat = 1.0* ydat = 1.0*dgroup.ydat yfit = 1.0*dgroup.ydat baseline = 1.0*dgroup.ydat yfit[i1:i2] = dgroup.yfit[:i2-i1] baseline[i1:i2] = ppeaks.baseline[:i2-i1] if opts['plot_sub_bline']: ydat = ydat - baseline if plot_choice in (PLOT_FIT, PLOT_RESID): yfit = yfit - baseline if plot_choice == PLOT_RESID: resid = ydat - yfit _xs =[i1:i2] xrange = max(_xs) - min(_xs) pxmin = min(_xs) - 0.05 * xrange pxmax = max(_xs) + 0.05 * xrange jmin = index_of(, pxmin) jmax = index_of(, pxmax) + 1 _ys = ydat[jmin:jmax] yrange = max(_ys) - min(_ys) pymin = min(_ys) - 0.05 * yrange pymax = max(_ys) + 0.05 * yrange title = ' pre-edge fit' if plot_choice == PLOT_BASELINE: title = ' pre-edge baseline' if opts['plot_sub_bline']: title = ' pre-edge peaks' array_desc = self.array_choice.GetStringSelection() plotopts = {'xmin': pxmin, 'xmax': pxmax, 'ymin': pymin, 'ymax': pymax, 'title': '%s: %s' % (opts['gname'], title), 'xlabel': 'Energy (eV)', 'ylabel': '%s $\mu$' % opts['array_desc'], 'label': '%s $\mu$' % opts['array_desc'], 'delay_draw': True, 'show_legend': True} plot_extras = [] if opts['show_fitrange']: popts = {'color': '#DDDDCC'} emin = opts['emin'] emax = opts['emax'] imin = index_of(, emin) imax = index_of(, emax) plot_extras.append(('vline', emin, None, popts)) plot_extras.append(('vline', emax, None, popts)) if opts['show_peakrange']: popts = {'marker': '+', 'markersize': 6} elo = opts['elo'] ehi = opts['ehi'] ilo = index_of(dgroup.xdat, elo) ihi = index_of(dgroup.xdat, ehi) plot_extras.append(('marker', elo, ydat[ilo], popts)) plot_extras.append(('marker', ehi, ydat[ihi], popts)) if opts['show_centroid']: popts = {'color': '#EECCCC'} ecen = getattr(dgroup.prepeaks, 'centroid', -1) if ecen > min( plot_extras.append(('vline', ecen, None, popts)) pframe = self.controller.get_display(win=2, stacked=(plot_choice==PLOT_RESID)) ppanel = pframe.panel axes = ppanel.axes plotopts.update(PLOTOPTS_1) ppanel.plot(xdat, ydat, **plotopts) if plot_choice == PLOT_BASELINE: if not opts['plot_sub_bline']: ppanel.oplot(, dgroup.prepeaks.baseline, label='baseline', **PLOTOPTS_2) elif plot_choice in (PLOT_FIT, PLOT_RESID): ppanel.oplot(, yfit, label='fit', **PLOTOPTS_1) if hasattr(dgroup, 'ycomps'): ncomp = len(dgroup.ycomps) icomp = 0 for label, ycomp in dgroup.ycomps.items(): icomp +=1 fcomp = self.fit_components[label] # print("ycomp: ", plot_choice, label, len(ycomp), len(dgroup.xfit), # fcomp.bkgbox.IsChecked(), opts['plot_sub_bline'], icomp, ncomp) if not (fcomp.bkgbox.IsChecked() and opts['plot_sub_bline']): ppanel.oplot(dgroup.xfit, ycomp, label=label, delay_draw=(icomp!=ncomp), style='short dashed') if plot_choice == PLOT_RESID: _ys = resid yrange = max(_ys) - min(_ys) plotopts['ymin'] = min(_ys) - 0.05 * yrange plotopts['ymax'] = max(_ys) + 0.05 * yrange plotopts['delay_draw'] = False plotopts['ylabel'] = 'data-fit' plotopts['label'] = '_nolegend_' pframe.plot(, resid, panel='bot', **plotopts) pframe.Show() # print(" RESIDUAL PLOT margins: ") # print(" top : ", pframe.panel.conf.margins) # print(" bot : ", pframe.panel_bot.conf.margins) for etype, x, y, opts in plot_extras: if etype == 'marker': popts = {'marker': 'o', 'markersize': 4, 'label': '_nolegend_', 'markerfacecolor': 'red', 'markeredgecolor': '#884444'} popts.update(opts) axes.plot([x], [y], **popts) elif etype == 'vline': popts = {'ymin': 0, 'ymax': 1.0, 'color': '#888888', 'label': '_nolegend_'} popts.update(opts) axes.axvline(x, **popts) ppanel.canvas.draw() def onNBChanged(self, event=None): idx = self.mod_nb.GetSelection() def addModel(self, event=None, model=None, prefix=None, isbkg=False): if model is None and event is not None: model = event.GetString() if model is None or model.startswith('<'): return if prefix is None: p = model[:5].lower() curmodels = ["%s%i_" % (p, i+1) for i in range(1+len(self.fit_components))] for comp in self.fit_components: if comp in curmodels: curmodels.remove(comp) prefix = curmodels[0] label = "%s(prefix='%s')" % (model, prefix) title = "%s: %s " % (prefix[:-1], model) title = prefix[:-1] mclass_kws = {'prefix': prefix} if 'step' in model.lower(): form = model.lower().replace('step', '').strip() if form.startswith('err'): form = 'erf' label = "Step(form='%s', prefix='%s')" % (form, prefix) title = "%s: Step %s" % (prefix[:-1], form[:3]) mclass = lm_models.StepModel mclass_kws['form'] = form minst = mclass(form=form, prefix=prefix) else: if model in ModelFuncs: mclass = getattr(lm_models, ModelFuncs[model]) else: mclass = getattr(lm_models, model+'Model') minst = mclass(prefix=prefix) panel = GridPanel(self.mod_nb, ncols=2, nrows=5, pad=2, itemstyle=CEN) def SLabel(label, size=(80, -1), **kws): return SimpleText(panel, label, size=size, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, **kws) usebox = Check(panel, default=True, label='Use in Fit?', size=(100, -1)) bkgbox = Check(panel, default=False, label='Is Baseline?', size=(125, -1)) if isbkg: bkgbox.SetValue(1) delbtn = Button(panel, 'Delete Component', size=(125, -1), action=partial(self.onDeleteComponent, prefix=prefix)) pick2msg = SimpleText(panel, " ", size=(125, -1)) pick2btn = Button(panel, 'Pick Values from Data', size=(150, -1), action=partial(self.onPick2Points, prefix=prefix)) # SetTip(mname, 'Label for the model component') SetTip(usebox, 'Use this component in fit?') SetTip(bkgbox, 'Label this component as "background" when plotting?') SetTip(delbtn, 'Delete this model component') SetTip(pick2btn, 'Select X range on Plot to Guess Initial Values') panel.Add(SLabel(label, size=(275, -1), colour='#0000AA'), dcol=3, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, newrow=True) panel.Add(usebox, dcol=1) panel.Add(bkgbox, dcol=2, style=LCEN) panel.Add(delbtn, dcol=1, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT) panel.Add(pick2btn, dcol=2, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, newrow=True) panel.Add(pick2msg, dcol=2, style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) # panel.Add((10, 10), newrow=True) # panel.Add(HLine(panel, size=(150, 3)), dcol=4, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) panel.Add(SLabel("Parameter "), style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, newrow=True) panel.AddMany((SLabel(" Value"), SLabel(" Type"), SLabel(' Bounds'), SLabel(" Min", size=(60, -1)), SLabel(" Max", size=(60, -1)), SLabel(" Expression"))) parwids = OrderedDict() parnames = sorted(minst.param_names) for a in minst._func_allargs: pname = "%s%s" % (prefix, a) if (pname not in parnames and a in minst.param_hints and a not in minst.independent_vars): parnames.append(pname) for pname in parnames: sname = pname[len(prefix):] hints = minst.param_hints.get(sname, {}) par = Parameter(name=pname, value=0, vary=True) if 'min' in hints: par.min = hints['min'] if 'max' in hints: par.max = hints['max'] if 'value' in hints: par.value = hints['value'] if 'expr' in hints: par.expr = hints['expr'] pwids = ParameterWidgets(panel, par, name_size=100, expr_size=125, float_size=80, prefix=prefix, widgets=('name', 'value', 'minval', 'maxval', 'vary', 'expr')) parwids[] = pwids panel.Add(, newrow=True) panel.AddMany((pwids.value, pwids.vary, pwids.bounds, pwids.minval, pwids.maxval, pwids.expr)) for sname, hint in minst.param_hints.items(): pname = "%s%s" % (prefix, sname) if 'expr' in hint and pname not in parnames: par = Parameter(name=pname, value=0, expr=hint['expr']) pwids = ParameterWidgets(panel, par, name_size=100, expr_size=225, float_size=80, prefix=prefix, widgets=('name', 'value', 'expr')) parwids[] = pwids panel.Add(, newrow=True) panel.Add(pwids.value) panel.Add(pwids.expr, dcol=4, style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) pwids.value.Disable() fgroup = Group(prefix=prefix, title=title, mclass=mclass, mclass_kws=mclass_kws, usebox=usebox, panel=panel, parwids=parwids, float_size=65, expr_size=150, pick2_msg=pick2msg, bkgbox=bkgbox) self.fit_components[prefix] = fgroup panel.pack() self.mod_nb.AddPage(panel, title, True) sx,sy = self.GetSize() self.SetSize((sx, sy+1)) self.SetSize((sx, sy)) def onDeleteComponent(self, evt=None, prefix=None): fgroup = self.fit_components.get(prefix, None) if fgroup is None: return for i in range(self.mod_nb.GetPageCount()): if fgroup.title == self.mod_nb.GetPageText(i): self.mod_nb.DeletePage(i) for attr in dir(fgroup): setattr(fgroup, attr, None) self.fit_components.pop(prefix) # sx,sy = self.GetSize() # self.SetSize((sx, sy+1)) # self.SetSize((sx, sy)) def onPick2EraseTimer(self, evt=None): """erases line trace showing automated 'Pick 2' guess """ self.pick2erase_timer.Stop() panel = self.pick2erase_panel ntrace = panel.conf.ntrace - 1 trace = panel.conf.get_mpl_line(ntrace) panel.conf.get_mpl_line(ntrace).set_data(np.array([]), np.array([])) panel.conf.ntrace = ntrace panel.draw() def onPick2Timer(self, evt=None): """checks for 'Pick 2' events, and initiates 'Pick 2' guess for a model from the selected data range """ try: plotframe = self.controller.get_display() curhist = plotframe.cursor_hist[:] plotframe.Raise() except: return if (time.time() - self.pick2_t0) > self.pick2_timeout: msg = self.pick2_group.pick2_msg.SetLabel(" ") plotframe.cursor_hist = [] self.pick2_timer.Stop() return if len(curhist) < 2: self.pick2_group.pick2_msg.SetLabel("%i/2" % (len(curhist))) return self.pick2_group.pick2_msg.SetLabel("done.") self.pick2_timer.Stop() # guess param values xcur = (curhist[0][0], curhist[1][0]) xmin, xmax = min(xcur), max(xcur) dgroup = getattr(self.larch.symtable, self.controller.groupname) x, y = dgroup.xdat, dgroup.ydat i0 = index_of(dgroup.xdat, xmin) i1 = index_of(dgroup.xdat, xmax) x, y = dgroup.xdat[i0:i1+1], dgroup.ydat[i0:i1+1] mod = self.pick2_group.mclass(prefix=self.pick2_group.prefix) parwids = self.pick2_group.parwids try: guesses = mod.guess(y, x=x) except: return for name, param in guesses.items(): if name in parwids: parwids[name].value.SetValue(param.value) dgroup._tmp = mod.eval(guesses, x=dgroup.xdat) plotframe = self.controller.get_display() plotframe.cursor_hist = [] plotframe.oplot(dgroup.xdat, dgroup._tmp) self.pick2erase_panel = plotframe.panel self.pick2erase_timer.Start(5000) def onPick2Points(self, evt=None, prefix=None): fgroup = self.fit_components.get(prefix, None) if fgroup is None: return plotframe = self.controller.get_display() plotframe.Raise() plotframe.cursor_hist = [] fgroup.npts = 0 self.pick2_group = fgroup if fgroup.pick2_msg is not None: fgroup.pick2_msg.SetLabel("0/2") self.pick2_t0 = time.time() self.pick2_timer.Start(250) def onSaveFitResult(self, event=None): dgroup = self.controller.get_group() deffile = dgroup.filename.replace('.', '_') + '.modl' outfile = FileSave(self, 'Save Fit Result', default_file=deffile, wildcard=ModelWcards) if outfile is not None: try: self.save_fit_result(dgroup.fit_history[-1], outfile) except IOError: print('could not write %s' % outfile) def onLoadFitResult(self, event=None): mfile = FileOpen(self, 'Load Fit Result', default_file='', wildcard=ModelWcards) if mfile is not None: self.load_modelresult(mfile) def save_fit_result(self, fitresult, outfile): """saves a customized ModelResult""" save_modelresult(fitresult, outfile) def load_modelresult(self, inpfile): """read a customized ModelResult""" result = load_modelresult(inpfile) for prefix in list(self.fit_components.keys()): self.onDeleteComponent(self, prefix=prefix) for comp in result.model.components: isbkg = comp.prefix in result.user_options['bkg_components'] self.addModel(model=comp.func.__name__, prefix=comp.prefix, isbkg=isbkg) for comp in result.model.components: parwids = self.fit_components[comp.prefix].parwids for pname, par in result.params.items(): if pname in parwids: wids = parwids[pname] if wids.minval is not None: wids.minval.SetValue(par.min) if wids.maxval is not None: wids.maxval.SetValue(par.max) val = result.init_values.get(pname, par.value) wids.value.SetValue(val) self.fill_form(result.user_options) return result def onExportFitResult(self, event=None): dgroup = self.controller.get_group() deffile = dgroup.filename.replace('.', '_') + '_result.xdi' wcards = 'All files (*.*)|*.*' outfile = FileSave(self, 'Export Fit Result', default_file=deffile, wildcard=wcards) if outfile is not None: i1, i2 = self.get_xranges(dgroup.xdat) x = dgroup.xdat[i1:i2] y = dgroup.ydat[i1:i2] yerr = None if hasattr(dgroup, 'yerr'): yerr = 1.0*dgroup.yerr if not isinstance(yerr, np.ndarray): yerr = yerr * np.ones(len(y)) else: yerr = yerr[i1:i2] export_modelresult(dgroup.fit_history[-1], filename=outfile, datafile=dgroup.filename, ydata=y, yerr=yerr, x=x) def onSelPoint(self, evt=None, opt='__', relative_e0=False, win=None): """ get last selected point from a specified plot window and fill in the value for the widget defined by `opt`. by default it finds the latest cursor position from the cursor history of the first 20 plot windows. """ if opt not in self.wids: return None _x, _y = last_cursor_pos(win=win, _larch=self.larch) if _x is not None: if relative_e0 and 'e0' in self.wids: _x -= self.wids['e0'].GetValue() self.wids[opt].SetValue(_x) def get_xranges(self, x): opts = self.read_form() dgroup = self.controller.get_group() en_eps = min(np.diff( / 5. i1 = index_of(x, opts['emin'] + en_eps) i2 = index_of(x, opts['emax'] + en_eps) + 1 return i1, i2 def build_fitmodel(self): """ use fit components to build model""" dgroup = self.controller.get_group() fullmodel = None params = Parameters() self.summary = {'components': [], 'options': {}} peaks = [] for comp in self.fit_components.values(): _cen, _amp = None, None if comp.usebox is not None and comp.usebox.IsChecked(): for parwids in comp.parwids.values(): params.add(parwids.param) #print(" add param ", parwids.param) if'_center'): _cen = elif'_amplitude'): _amp = self.summary['components'].append((comp.mclass.__name__, comp.mclass_kws)) thismodel = comp.mclass(**comp.mclass_kws) if fullmodel is None: fullmodel = thismodel else: fullmodel += thismodel if not comp.bkgbox.IsChecked() and _cen is not None and _amp is not None: peaks.append((_amp, _cen)) if len(peaks) > 0: denom = '+'.join([p[0] for p in peaks]) numer = '+'.join(["%s*%s "% p for p in peaks]) params.add('fit_centroid', expr="(%s)/(%s)" %(numer, denom)) self.fit_model = fullmodel self.fit_params = params if dgroup is not None: i1, i2 = self.get_xranges(dgroup.xdat) xsel = dgroup.xdat[i1:i2] dgroup.xfit = xsel dgroup.yfit = self.fit_model.eval(self.fit_params, x=xsel) dgroup.ycomps = self.fit_model.eval_components(params=self.fit_params, x=xsel) return dgroup def onFitSelected(self, event=None): dgroup = self.build_fitmodel() opts = self.read_form() print("fitting selected groups in progress") def onFitModel(self, event=None): dgroup = self.build_fitmodel() opts = self.read_form() i1, i2 = self.get_xranges(dgroup.xdat) dgroup.xfit = dgroup.xdat[i1:i2] ysel = dgroup.ydat[i1:i2] # print('onFit Model : xrange ', i1, i2, len(dgroup.xfit), len(dgroup.yfit)) weights = np.ones(len(ysel)) if hasattr(dgroup, 'yerr'): yerr = 1.0*dgroup.yerr if not isinstance(yerr, np.ndarray): yerr = yerr * np.ones(len(ysel)) else: yerr = yerr[i1:i2] yerr_min = 1.e-9*ysel.mean() yerr[np.where(yerr < yerr_min)] = yerr_min weights = 1.0/yerr result =, params=self.fit_params, x=dgroup.xfit, weights=weights, method='leastsq') self.summary['xmin'] = dgroup.xdat[i1] self.summary['xmax'] = dgroup.xdat[i2] for attr in ('aic', 'bic', 'chisqr', 'redchi', 'ci_out', 'covar', 'flatchain', 'success', 'nan_policy', 'nfev', 'ndata', 'nfree', 'nvarys', 'init_values'): self.summary[attr] = getattr(result, attr) self.summary['params'] = result.params dgroup.yfit = result.best_fit dgroup.ycomps = self.fit_model.eval_components(params=result.params, x=dgroup.xfit) result.model_repr = self.fit_model._reprstring(long=True) ## hacks to save user options result.user_options = opts bkg_comps = [] for label, comp in self.fit_components.items(): if comp.bkgbox.IsChecked(): bkg_comps.append(label) result.user_options['bkg_components'] = bkg_comps self.autosave_modelresult(result) if not hasattr(dgroup, 'fit_history'): dgroup.fit_history = [] dgroup.fit_history.append(result) self.plot_choice.SetStringSelection(PLOT_FIT) self.onPlot() self.parent.show_subframe('prepeak_result_frame', FitResultFrame, datagroup=dgroup, peakframe=self) self.parent.subframes['prepeak_result_frame'].show_fitresult() [m.Enable(True) for m in self.parent.afterfit_menus] def update_start_values(self, params): """fill parameters with best fit values""" allparwids = {} for comp in self.fit_components.values(): if comp.usebox is not None and comp.usebox.IsChecked(): for name, parwids in comp.parwids.items(): allparwids[name] = parwids for pname, par in params.items(): if pname in allparwids: allparwids[pname].value.SetValue(par.value) def autosave_modelresult(self, result, fname=None): """autosave model result to user larch folder""" xasguidir = os.path.join(site_config.usr_larchdir, 'xasgui') if not os.path.exists(xasguidir): try: os.makedirs(xasguidir) except OSError: print("Warning: cannot create XAS GUI user folder") return if not HAS_MODELSAVE: print("Warning: cannot save model results: upgrade lmfit") return if fname is None: fname = 'autosave.fitresult' fname = os.path.join(xasguidir, fname) self.save_fit_result(result, fname)
class PrePeakPanel(TaskPanel): def __init__(self, parent=None, controller=None, **kws): TaskPanel.__init__(self, parent, controller, configname='prepeaks_config', config=defaults, **kws) self.fit_components = OrderedDict() self.user_added_params = None self.pick2_timer = wx.Timer(self) self.pick2_group = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onPick2Timer, self.pick2_timer) self.pick2_t0 = 0. self.pick2_timeout = 15. self.pick2erase_timer = wx.Timer(self) self.pick2erase_panel = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onPick2EraseTimer, self.pick2erase_timer) def onPanelExposed(self, **kws): # called when notebook is selected try: fname = self.controller.filelist.GetStringSelection() gname = self.controller.file_groups[fname] dgroup = self.controller.get_group(gname) self.fill_form(dgroup) except: pass # print(" Cannot Fill prepeak panel from group ") def build_display(self): self.mod_nb = flatnotebook(self, {}) pan = self.panel = GridPanel(self, ncols=4, nrows=4, pad=2, itemstyle=LEFT) self.wids = {} fsopts = dict(digits=2, increment=0.1, with_pin=True) ppeak_e0 = self.add_floatspin('ppeak_e0', value=0, **fsopts) ppeak_elo = self.add_floatspin('ppeak_elo', value=-15, **fsopts) ppeak_ehi = self.add_floatspin('ppeak_ehi', value=-5, **fsopts) ppeak_emin = self.add_floatspin('ppeak_emin', value=-30, **fsopts) ppeak_emax = self.add_floatspin('ppeak_emax', value=0, **fsopts) self.fitbline_btn = Button(pan,'Fit Baseline', action=self.onFitBaseline, size=(125, -1)) self.plotmodel_btn = Button(pan, 'Plot Model', action=self.onPlotModel, size=(125, -1)) self.fitmodel_btn = Button(pan, 'Fit Model', action=self.onFitModel, size=(125, -1)) self.loadmodel_btn = Button(pan, 'Load Model', action=self.onLoadFitResult, size=(125, -1)) self.fitmodel_btn.Disable() self.array_choice = Choice(pan, size=(175, -1), choices=list(Array_Choices.keys())) self.array_choice.SetSelection(1) models_peaks = Choice(pan, size=(150, -1), choices=ModelChoices['peaks'], action=self.addModel) models_other = Choice(pan, size=(150, -1), choices=ModelChoices['other'], action=self.addModel) self.models_peaks = models_peaks self.models_other = models_other self.message = SimpleText(pan, 'first fit baseline, then add peaks to fit model.') self.msg_centroid = SimpleText(pan, '----') opts = dict(default=True, size=(75, -1), action=self.onPlot) self.show_centroid = Check(pan, label='show?', **opts) self.show_peakrange = Check(pan, label='show?', **opts) self.show_fitrange = Check(pan, label='show?', **opts) self.show_e0 = Check(pan, label='show?', **opts) opts = dict(default=False, size=(200, -1), action=self.onPlot) def add_text(text, dcol=1, newrow=True): pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, text), dcol=dcol, newrow=newrow) pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, ' Pre-edge Peak Fitting', **self.titleopts), dcol=5) add_text(' Run Fit:', newrow=False) add_text('Array to fit: ') pan.Add(self.array_choice, dcol=3) pan.Add((10, 10)) pan.Add(self.fitbline_btn) add_text('E0: ') pan.Add(ppeak_e0) pan.Add((10, 10), dcol=2) pan.Add(self.show_e0) pan.Add(self.plotmodel_btn) add_text('Fit Energy Range: ') pan.Add(ppeak_emin) add_text(' : ', newrow=False) pan.Add(ppeak_emax) pan.Add(self.show_fitrange) pan.Add(self.fitmodel_btn) t = SimpleText(pan, 'Pre-edge Peak Range: ') SetTip(t, 'Range used as mask for background') pan.Add(t, newrow=True) pan.Add(ppeak_elo) add_text(' : ', newrow=False) pan.Add(ppeak_ehi) pan.Add(self.show_peakrange) # pan.Add(self.fitsel_btn) add_text( 'Peak Centroid: ') pan.Add(self.msg_centroid, dcol=3) pan.Add(self.show_centroid, dcol=1) pan.Add(self.loadmodel_btn) # add model ts = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) ts.Add(models_peaks) ts.Add(models_other) pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, 'Add Component: '), newrow=True) pan.Add(ts, dcol=7) pan.Add(SimpleText(pan, 'Messages: '), newrow=True) pan.Add(self.message, dcol=7) pan.pack() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add((10, 10), 0, LEFT, 3) sizer.Add(pan, 0, LEFT, 3) sizer.Add((10, 10), 0, LEFT, 3) sizer.Add(HLine(self, size=(550, 2)), 0, LEFT, 3) sizer.Add((10, 10), 0, LEFT, 3) sizer.Add(self.mod_nb, 1, LEFT|wx.GROW, 10) pack(self, sizer) def get_config(self, dgroup=None): """get processing configuration for a group""" if dgroup is None: dgroup = self.controller.get_group() conf = getattr(dgroup, 'prepeak_config', {}) if 'e0' not in conf: conf = defaults conf['e0'] = getattr(dgroup, 'e0', -1) dgroup.prepeak_config = conf if not hasattr(dgroup, 'prepeaks'): dgroup.prepeaks = Group() return conf def fill_form(self, dat): if isinstance(dat, Group): self.wids['ppeak_e0'].SetValue(dat.e0) if hasattr(dat, 'prepeaks'): self.wids['ppeak_emin'].SetValue(dat.prepeaks.emin) self.wids['ppeak_emax'].SetValue(dat.prepeaks.emax) self.wids['ppeak_elo'].SetValue(dat.prepeaks.elo) self.wids['ppeak_ehi'].SetValue(dat.prepeaks.ehi) elif isinstance(dat, dict): self.wids['ppeak_e0'].SetValue(dat['e0']) self.wids['ppeak_emin'].SetValue(dat['emin']) self.wids['ppeak_emax'].SetValue(dat['emax']) self.wids['ppeak_elo'].SetValue(dat['elo']) self.wids['ppeak_ehi'].SetValue(dat['ehi']) self.array_choice.SetStringSelection(dat['array_desc']) self.show_e0.Enable(dat['show_e0']) self.show_centroid.Enable(dat['show_centroid']) self.show_fitrange.Enable(dat['show_fitrange']) self.show_peakrange.Enable(dat['show_peakrange']) def read_form(self): "read for, returning dict of values" dgroup = self.controller.get_group() array_desc = self.array_choice.GetStringSelection() form_opts = {'gname': dgroup.groupname, 'filename': dgroup.filename, 'array_desc': array_desc.lower(), 'array_name': Array_Choices[array_desc], 'baseline_form': 'lorentzian', 'bkg_components': []} form_opts['e0'] = self.wids['ppeak_e0'].GetValue() form_opts['emin'] = self.wids['ppeak_emin'].GetValue() form_opts['emax'] = self.wids['ppeak_emax'].GetValue() form_opts['elo'] = self.wids['ppeak_elo'].GetValue() form_opts['ehi'] = self.wids['ppeak_ehi'].GetValue() form_opts['plot_sub_bline'] = False # self.plot_sub_bline.IsChecked() form_opts['show_centroid'] = self.show_centroid.IsChecked() form_opts['show_peakrange'] = self.show_peakrange.IsChecked() form_opts['show_fitrange'] = self.show_fitrange.IsChecked() form_opts['show_e0'] = self.show_e0.IsChecked() return form_opts def onFitBaseline(self, evt=None): opts = self.read_form() cmd = """{gname:s}.ydat = 1.0*{gname:s}.{array_name:s} pre_edge_baseline(energy={gname:s}.energy, norm={gname:s}.ydat, group={gname:s}, form='{baseline_form:s}', with_line=True, elo={elo:.3f}, ehi={ehi:.3f}, emin={emin:.3f}, emax={emax:.3f})""" self.larch_eval(cmd.format(**opts)) dgroup = self.controller.get_group() ppeaks = dgroup.prepeaks dgroup.centroid_msg = "%.4f +/- %.4f eV" % (ppeaks.centroid, ppeaks.delta_centroid) self.msg_centroid.SetLabel(dgroup.centroid_msg) if 'bpeak_' not in self.fit_components: self.addModel(model='Lorentzian', prefix='bpeak_', isbkg=True) if 'bline_' not in self.fit_components: self.addModel(model='Linear', prefix='bline_', isbkg=True) for prefix in ('bpeak_', 'bline_'): cmp = self.fit_components[prefix] # cmp.bkgbox.SetValue(1) self.fill_model_params(prefix, dgroup.prepeaks.fit_details.params) self.fill_form(dgroup) self.fitmodel_btn.Enable() # self.fitallmodel_btn.Enable() i1, i2 = self.get_xranges( dgroup.yfit = dgroup.xfit = 0.0*[i1:i2] # self.plot_choice.SetStringSelection(PLOT_BASELINE) self.onPlot(baseline_only=True) def fill_model_params(self, prefix, params): comp = self.fit_components[prefix] parwids = comp.parwids for pname, par in params.items(): pname = prefix + pname if pname in parwids: wids = parwids[pname] if wids.minval is not None: wids.minval.SetValue(par.min) if wids.maxval is not None: wids.maxval.SetValue(par.max) wids.value.SetValue(par.value) varstr = 'vary' if par.vary else 'fix' if par.expr is not None: varstr = 'constrain' if wids.vary is not None: wids.vary.SetStringSelection(varstr) def onPlotModel(self, evt=None): dgroup = self.controller.get_group() g = self.build_fitmodel(dgroup) self.onPlot(show_init=True) def onPlot(self, evt=None, baseline_only=False, show_init=False): opts = self.read_form() dgroup = self.controller.get_group() opts['group'] = opts['gname'] self.larch_eval(COMMANDS['prepeaks_setup'].format(**opts)) cmd = "plot_prepeaks_fit" args = ['{gname}'] if baseline_only: cmd = "plot_prepeaks_baseline" else: args.append("show_init=%s" % (show_init)) cmd = "%s(%s)" % (cmd, ', '.join(args)) self.larch_eval(cmd.format(**opts)) def addModel(self, event=None, model=None, prefix=None, isbkg=False): if model is None and event is not None: model = event.GetString() if model is None or model.startswith('<'): return self.models_peaks.SetSelection(0) self.models_other.SetSelection(0) if prefix is None: p = model[:5].lower() curmodels = ["%s%i_" % (p, i+1) for i in range(1+len(self.fit_components))] for comp in self.fit_components: if comp in curmodels: curmodels.remove(comp) prefix = curmodels[0] label = "%s(prefix='%s')" % (model, prefix) title = "%s: %s " % (prefix[:-1], model) title = prefix[:-1] mclass_kws = {'prefix': prefix} if 'step' in model.lower(): form = model.lower().replace('step', '').strip() if form.startswith('err'): form = 'erf' label = "Step(form='%s', prefix='%s')" % (form, prefix) title = "%s: Step %s" % (prefix[:-1], form[:3]) mclass = lm_models.StepModel mclass_kws['form'] = form minst = mclass(form=form, prefix=prefix) else: if model in ModelFuncs: mclass = getattr(lm_models, ModelFuncs[model]) else: mclass = getattr(lm_models, model+'Model') minst = mclass(prefix=prefix) panel = GridPanel(self.mod_nb, ncols=2, nrows=5, pad=1, itemstyle=CEN) def SLabel(label, size=(80, -1), **kws): return SimpleText(panel, label, size=size, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, **kws) usebox = Check(panel, default=True, label='Use in Fit?', size=(100, -1)) bkgbox = Check(panel, default=False, label='Is Baseline?', size=(125, -1)) if isbkg: bkgbox.SetValue(1) delbtn = Button(panel, 'Delete This Component', size=(200, -1), action=partial(self.onDeleteComponent, prefix=prefix)) pick2msg = SimpleText(panel, " ", size=(125, -1)) pick2btn = Button(panel, 'Pick Values from Plotted Data', size=(200, -1), action=partial(self.onPick2Points, prefix=prefix)) # SetTip(mname, 'Label for the model component') SetTip(usebox, 'Use this component in fit?') SetTip(bkgbox, 'Label this component as "background" when plotting?') SetTip(delbtn, 'Delete this model component') SetTip(pick2btn, 'Select X range on Plot to Guess Initial Values') panel.Add(SLabel(label, size=(275, -1), colour='#0000AA'), dcol=4, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, newrow=True) panel.Add(usebox, dcol=2) panel.Add(bkgbox, dcol=1, style=RIGHT) panel.Add(pick2btn, dcol=2, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, newrow=True) panel.Add(pick2msg, dcol=3, style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) panel.Add(delbtn, dcol=2, style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) # panel.Add(HLine(panel, size=(150, 3)), dcol=4, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) panel.Add(SLabel("Parameter "), style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, newrow=True) panel.AddMany((SLabel(" Value"), SLabel(" Type"), SLabel(' Bounds'), SLabel(" Min", size=(60, -1)), SLabel(" Max", size=(60, -1)), SLabel(" Expression"))) parwids = OrderedDict() parnames = sorted(minst.param_names) for a in minst._func_allargs: pname = "%s%s" % (prefix, a) if (pname not in parnames and a in minst.param_hints and a not in minst.independent_vars): parnames.append(pname) for pname in parnames: sname = pname[len(prefix):] hints = minst.param_hints.get(sname, {}) par = Parameter(name=pname, value=0, vary=True) if 'min' in hints: par.min = hints['min'] if 'max' in hints: par.max = hints['max'] if 'value' in hints: par.value = hints['value'] if 'expr' in hints: par.expr = hints['expr'] pwids = ParameterWidgets(panel, par, name_size=100, expr_size=150, float_size=80, prefix=prefix, widgets=('name', 'value', 'minval', 'maxval', 'vary', 'expr')) parwids[] = pwids panel.Add(, newrow=True) panel.AddMany((pwids.value, pwids.vary, pwids.bounds, pwids.minval, pwids.maxval, pwids.expr)) for sname, hint in minst.param_hints.items(): pname = "%s%s" % (prefix, sname) if 'expr' in hint and pname not in parnames: par = Parameter(name=pname, value=0, expr=hint['expr']) pwids = ParameterWidgets(panel, par, name_size=100, expr_size=400, float_size=80, prefix=prefix, widgets=('name', 'value', 'expr')) parwids[] = pwids panel.Add(, newrow=True) panel.Add(pwids.value) panel.Add(pwids.expr, dcol=5, style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) pwids.value.Disable() fgroup = Group(prefix=prefix, title=title, mclass=mclass, mclass_kws=mclass_kws, usebox=usebox, panel=panel, parwids=parwids, float_size=65, expr_size=150, pick2_msg=pick2msg, bkgbox=bkgbox) self.fit_components[prefix] = fgroup panel.pack() self.mod_nb.AddPage(panel, title, True) sx,sy = self.GetSize() self.SetSize((sx, sy+1)) self.SetSize((sx, sy)) self.fitmodel_btn.Enable() def onDeleteComponent(self, evt=None, prefix=None): fgroup = self.fit_components.get(prefix, None) if fgroup is None: return for i in range(self.mod_nb.GetPageCount()): if fgroup.title == self.mod_nb.GetPageText(i): self.mod_nb.DeletePage(i) for attr in dir(fgroup): setattr(fgroup, attr, None) self.fit_components.pop(prefix) if len(self.fit_components) < 1: self.fitmodel_btn.Disable() # sx,sy = self.GetSize() # self.SetSize((sx, sy+1)) # self.SetSize((sx, sy)) def onPick2EraseTimer(self, evt=None): """erases line trace showing automated 'Pick 2' guess """ self.pick2erase_timer.Stop() panel = self.pick2erase_panel ntrace = panel.conf.ntrace - 1 trace = panel.conf.get_mpl_line(ntrace) panel.conf.get_mpl_line(ntrace).set_data(np.array([]), np.array([])) panel.conf.ntrace = ntrace panel.draw() def onPick2Timer(self, evt=None): """checks for 'Pick 2' events, and initiates 'Pick 2' guess for a model from the selected data range """ try: plotframe = self.controller.get_display(win=1) curhist = plotframe.cursor_hist[:] plotframe.Raise() except: return if (time.time() - self.pick2_t0) > self.pick2_timeout: msg = self.pick2_group.pick2_msg.SetLabel(" ") plotframe.cursor_hist = [] self.pick2_timer.Stop() return if len(curhist) < 2: self.pick2_group.pick2_msg.SetLabel("%i/2" % (len(curhist))) return self.pick2_group.pick2_msg.SetLabel("done.") self.pick2_timer.Stop() # guess param values xcur = (curhist[0][0], curhist[1][0]) xmin, xmax = min(xcur), max(xcur) dgroup = getattr(self.larch.symtable, self.controller.groupname) x, y = dgroup.xdat, dgroup.ydat i0 = index_of(dgroup.xdat, xmin) i1 = index_of(dgroup.xdat, xmax) x, y = dgroup.xdat[i0:i1+1], dgroup.ydat[i0:i1+1] mod = self.pick2_group.mclass(prefix=self.pick2_group.prefix) parwids = self.pick2_group.parwids try: guesses = mod.guess(y, x=x) except: return for name, param in guesses.items(): if name in parwids: parwids[name].value.SetValue(param.value) dgroup._tmp = mod.eval(guesses, x=dgroup.xdat) plotframe = self.controller.get_display(win=1) plotframe.cursor_hist = [] plotframe.oplot(dgroup.xdat, dgroup._tmp) self.pick2erase_panel = plotframe.panel self.pick2erase_timer.Start(5000) def onPick2Points(self, evt=None, prefix=None): fgroup = self.fit_components.get(prefix, None) if fgroup is None: return plotframe = self.controller.get_display(win=1) plotframe.Raise() plotframe.cursor_hist = [] fgroup.npts = 0 self.pick2_group = fgroup if fgroup.pick2_msg is not None: fgroup.pick2_msg.SetLabel("0/2") self.pick2_t0 = time.time() self.pick2_timer.Start(250) def onLoadFitResult(self, event=None): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Load Saved File Model", wildcard=ModelWcards, style=wx.FD_OPEN) rfile = None if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: rfile = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() if rfile is None: return self.larch_eval("# peakmodel = lm_load_modelresult('%s')" %rfile) result = load_modelresult(str(rfile)) for prefix in list(self.fit_components.keys()): self.onDeleteComponent(self, prefix=prefix) for comp in result.model.components: isbkg = comp.prefix in result.user_options['bkg_components'] self.addModel(model=comp.func.__name__, prefix=comp.prefix, isbkg=isbkg) for comp in result.model.components: parwids = self.fit_components[comp.prefix].parwids for pname, par in result.params.items(): if pname in parwids: wids = parwids[pname] if wids.minval is not None: wids.minval.SetValue(par.min) if wids.maxval is not None: wids.maxval.SetValue(par.max) val = result.init_values.get(pname, par.value) wids.value.SetValue(val) self.fill_form(result.user_options) def onSelPoint(self, evt=None, opt='__', relative_e0=False, win=None): """ get last selected point from a specified plot window and fill in the value for the widget defined by `opt`. by default it finds the latest cursor position from the cursor history of the first 20 plot windows. """ if opt not in self.wids: return None _x, _y = last_cursor_pos(win=win, _larch=self.larch) if _x is not None: if relative_e0 and 'e0' in self.wids: _x -= self.wids['e0'].GetValue() self.wids[opt].SetValue(_x) def get_xranges(self, x): opts = self.read_form() dgroup = self.controller.get_group() en_eps = min(np.diff( / 5. i1 = index_of(x, opts['emin'] + en_eps) i2 = index_of(x, opts['emax'] + en_eps) + 1 return i1, i2 def build_fitmodel(self, dgroup): """ use fit components to build model""" # self.summary = {'components': [], 'options': {}} peaks = [] cmds = ["## set up pre-edge peak parameters", "peakpars = Parameters()"] modcmds = ["## define pre-edge peak model"] modop = " =" opts = self.read_form() opts['group'] = opts['gname'] self.larch_eval(COMMANDS['prepeaks_setup'].format(**opts)) for comp in self.fit_components.values(): _cen, _amp = None, None if comp.usebox is not None and comp.usebox.IsChecked(): for parwids in comp.parwids.values(): this = parwids.param pargs = ["'%s'" %, 'value=%f' % (this.value), 'min=%f' % (this.min), 'max=%f' % (this.max)] if this.expr is not None: pargs.append("expr='%s'" % (this.expr)) elif not this.vary: pargs.pop() pargs.pop() pargs.append("vary=False") cmds.append("peakpars.add(%s)" % (', '.join(pargs))) if'_center'): _cen = elif'_amplitude'): _amp = compargs = ["%s='%s'" % (k,v) for k,v in comp.mclass_kws.items()] modcmds.append("peakmodel %s %s(%s)" % (modop, comp.mclass.__name__, ', '.join(compargs))) modop = "+=" if not comp.bkgbox.IsChecked() and _cen is not None and _amp is not None: peaks.append((_amp, _cen)) if len(peaks) > 0: denom = '+'.join([p[0] for p in peaks]) numer = '+'.join(["%s*%s "% p for p in peaks]) cmds.append("peakpars.add('fit_centroid', expr='(%s)/(%s)')" % (numer, denom)) cmds.extend(modcmds) cmds.append(COMMANDS['prepfit'].format(group=dgroup.groupname, user_opts=repr(opts))) self.larch_eval("\n".join(cmds)) def onFitSelected(self, event=None): dgroup = self.controller.get_group() self.build_fitmodel(dgroup) def onFitModel(self, event=None): dgroup = self.controller.get_group() if dgroup is None: return self.build_fitmodel(dgroup) opts = self.read_form() dgroup = self.controller.get_group() opts['group'] = opts['gname'] self.larch_eval(COMMANDS['prepeaks_setup'].format(**opts)) ppeaks = dgroup.prepeaks # add bkg_component to saved user options bkg_comps = [] for label, comp in self.fit_components.items(): if comp.bkgbox.IsChecked(): bkg_comps.append(label) opts['bkg_components'] = bkg_comps imin, imax = self.get_xranges(dgroup.xdat) cmds = ["## do peak fit: "] yerr_type = 'set_yerr_const' yerr = getattr(dgroup, 'yerr', None) if yerr is None: if hasattr(dgroup, 'norm_std'): cmds.append("{group}.yerr = {group}.norm_std") yerr_type = 'set_yerr_array' elif hasattr(dgroup, 'mu_std'): cmds.append("{group}.yerr = {group}.mu_std/(1.e-15+{group}.edge_step)") yerr_type = 'set_yerr_array' else: cmds.append("{group}.yerr = 1") elif isinstance(dgroup.yerr, np.ndarray): yerr_type = 'set_yerr_array' cmds.extend([COMMANDS[yerr_type], COMMANDS['dofit']]) cmd = '\n'.join(cmds) self.larch_eval(cmd.format(group=dgroup.groupname, imin=imin, imax=imax, user_opts=repr(opts))) self.autosave_modelresult(self.larch_get("peakresult")) self.onPlot() self.show_subframe('prepeak_result_frame', FitResultFrame, datagroup=dgroup, peakframe=self) self.subframes['prepeak_result_frame'].show_results() def update_start_values(self, params): """fill parameters with best fit values""" allparwids = {} for comp in self.fit_components.values(): if comp.usebox is not None and comp.usebox.IsChecked(): for name, parwids in comp.parwids.items(): allparwids[name] = parwids for pname, par in params.items(): if pname in allparwids: allparwids[pname].value.SetValue(par.value) def autosave_modelresult(self, result, fname=None): """autosave model result to user larch folder""" confdir = os.path.join(site_config.usr_larchdir, 'xas_viewer') if not os.path.exists(confdir): try: os.makedirs(confdir) except OSError: print("Warning: cannot create XAS_Viewer user folder") return if not HAS_MODELSAVE: print("Warning: cannot save model results: upgrade lmfit") return if fname is None: fname = 'autosave.fitmodel' save_modelresult(result, os.path.join(confdir, fname))