def testStereographicProjection():
    testDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'rgb_geotiff.tiff')
    # We will fail if we ask for a stereographic projection and don't
    # specify unitsPerPixel
    with pytest.raises(TileSourceException, match='unitsPerPixel must be specified'):
        large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath, 'EPSG:3411')
    # But will pass if unitsPerPixel is specified
    large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath, 'EPSG:3411', unitsPerPixel=150000)
def testSourceErrors():
    testDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'rgb_geotiff.tiff')
    with pytest.raises(TileSourceException, match='must not be geographic'):
        large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath, 'EPSG:4326')
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'zero_gi.tif')
    with pytest.raises(TileSourceException, match='cannot be opened via'):
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'yb10kx5k.png')
    with pytest.raises(TileSourceException, match='does not have a projected scale'):
def testThumbnailFromGeotiffs():
    testDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'rgb_geotiff.tiff')
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath)
    # We get a thumbnail without a projection
    image, mimeType = source.getThumbnail(encoding='PNG')
    assert image[:len(utilities.PNGHeader)] == utilities.PNGHeader
    # We get a different thumbnail with a projection
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857')
    image2, mimeType = source.getThumbnail(encoding='PNG')
    assert image2[:len(utilities.PNGHeader)] == utilities.PNGHeader
    assert image != image2
def testTileFromGeotiffs():
    testDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'rgb_geotiff.tiff')
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath)
    tileMetadata = source.getMetadata()

    assert tileMetadata['tileWidth'] == 256
    assert tileMetadata['tileHeight'] == 256
    assert tileMetadata['sizeX'] == 256
    assert tileMetadata['sizeY'] == 256
    assert tileMetadata['levels'] == 1
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['xmax'] == 597915.0
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['xmin'] == 367185.0
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['ymax'] == 3788115.0
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['ymin'] == 3552885.0
    assert (tileMetadata['bounds']['srs'].strip() ==
            '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
    assert tileMetadata['geospatial']
    # Check that we read some band data, too
    assert len(tileMetadata['bands']) == 3
    assert tileMetadata['bands'][2]['interpretation'] == 'green'
    assert tileMetadata['bands'][2]['max'] == 212.0
    assert tileMetadata['bands'][2]['min'] == 0.0

    # Getting the metadata with a specified projection will be different
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(
        imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857')
    tileMetadata = source.getMetadata()

    assert tileMetadata['tileWidth'] == 256
    assert tileMetadata['tileHeight'] == 256
    assert tileMetadata['sizeX'] == 65536
    assert tileMetadata['sizeY'] == 65536
    assert tileMetadata['levels'] == 9
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['xmax'] == pytest.approx(-12906033, 1)
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['xmin'] == pytest.approx(-13184900, 1)
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['ymax'] == pytest.approx(4059661, 1)
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['ymin'] == pytest.approx(3777034, 1)
    assert tileMetadata['bounds']['srs'] == '+init=epsg:3857'
    assert tileMetadata['geospatial']

    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(
        imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857', style=json.dumps({'band': -1}))
    image = source.getTile(89, 207, 9, encoding='PNG')
    _assertImageMatches(image, 'geotiff_9_89_207')
def testTileStyleFromGeotiffs():
    testDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'rgb_geotiff.tiff')
    style = json.dumps({'band': 1, 'min': 0, 'max': 100,
                        'palette': 'matplotlib.Plasma_6'})
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(
        imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857', style=style)
    image = source.getTile(22, 51, 7, encoding='PNG')
    _assertImageMatches(image, 'geotiff_style_7_22_51')
def testConvertProjectionUnits():
    testDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'rgb_geotiff.tiff')
    tsNoProj = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath)

    result = tsNoProj._convertProjectionUnits(
        -13024380, 3895303, None, None, None, None, 'EPSG:3857')
    assert result[0] == pytest.approx(147, 1)
    assert result[1] == pytest.approx(149, 1)
    assert result[2:] == (None, None, 'base_pixels')

    result = tsNoProj._convertProjectionUnits(
        None, None, -13080040, 3961860, None, None, 'EPSG:3857')
    assert result[2] == pytest.approx(96, 1)
    assert result[3] == pytest.approx(88, 1)
    assert result[:2] == (None, None)
    result = tsNoProj._convertProjectionUnits(
        -117.5, 33, None, None, 0.5, 0.5, 'EPSG:4326')
    assert result[0] == pytest.approx(96, 1)
    assert result[1] == pytest.approx(149, 1)
    assert result[2] == pytest.approx(147, 1)
    assert result[3] == pytest.approx(89, 1)
    result = tsNoProj._convertProjectionUnits(
        None, None, -117, 33.5, 0.5, 0.5, 'EPSG:4326')
    assert result[0] == pytest.approx(96, 1)
    assert result[1] == pytest.approx(149, 1)
    assert result[2] == pytest.approx(147, 1)
    assert result[3] == pytest.approx(89, 1)
    result = tsNoProj._convertProjectionUnits(
        -117.5, 33, None, None, 0.5, 0.5, 'EPSG:4326', unitsWH='base_pixels')
    assert result[0] == pytest.approx(96, 1)
    assert result[1] == pytest.approx(149, 1)
    assert result[2:] == (None, None, 'base_pixels')

    with pytest.raises(TileSourceException, match='Cannot convert'):
            -117.5, None, -117, None, None, None, 'EPSG:4326')

    tsProj = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857')
    result = tsProj._convertProjectionUnits(
        -13024380, 3895303, None, None, None, None, 'EPSG:3857')
    assert result[0] == pytest.approx(-13024380, 1)
    assert result[1] == pytest.approx(3895303, 1)
    assert result[2:] == (None, None, 'projection')
def testGuardAgainstBadLatLong():
    testDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'global_dem.tif')
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath)
    bounds = source.getBounds(srs='EPSG:4326')

    assert bounds['xmin'] == -180.00416667
    assert bounds['xmax'] == 179.99583333
    assert bounds['ymin'] == -89.99583333
    assert bounds['ymax'] == 90
def testPixel():
    testDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    imagePath = os.path.join(testDir, 'test_files', 'rgb_geotiff.tiff')

    # Test in pixel coordinates
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath)
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': 212, 'top': 198})
    assert pixel == {
        'r': 62, 'g': 65, 'b': 66, 'a': 255, 'bands': {1: 62.0, 2: 65.0, 3: 66.0}}
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': 2120, 'top': 198})
    assert pixel == {}

    # Test with a projection
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857')
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': -13132910, 'top': 4010586, 'units': 'projection'})
    assert pixel == {
        'r': 77, 'g': 82, 'b': 84, 'a': 255, 'bands': {1: 77.0, 2: 82.0, 3: 84.0}}

    # Check if the point is outside of the image
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': 10000000, 'top': 4000000, 'units': 'projection'})
    assert pixel['a'] == 0

    # Test with styles
    style = json.dumps({'band': 1, 'min': 0, 'max': 100,
                        'scheme': 'discrete',
                        'palette': 'matplotlib.Plasma_6'})
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(
        imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857', style=style)
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': -13132910, 'top': 4010586, 'units': 'projection'})
    assert pixel == {
        'r': 225, 'g': 100, 'b': 98, 'a': 255, 'bands': {1: 77.0, 2: 82.0, 3: 84.0}}

    # Test with palette as an array of colors
    style = json.dumps({'band': 1, 'min': 0, 'max': 100,
                        'scheme': 'discrete',
                        'palette': ['#0000ff', '#00ff00', '#ff0000']})
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(
        imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857', style=style)
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': -13132910, 'top': 4010586, 'units': 'projection'})
    assert pixel == {
        'r': 0, 'g': 255, 'b': 0, 'a': 255, 'bands': {1: 77.0, 2: 82.0, 3: 84.0}}

    # Test with projection units
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857')
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': -13132910, 'top': 4010586, 'units': 'EPSG:3857'})
    assert pixel == {
        'r': 77, 'g': 82, 'b': 84, 'a': 255, 'bands': {1: 77.0, 2: 82.0, 3: 84.0}}
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': -117.975, 'top': 33.865, 'units': 'WGS84'})
    assert pixel == {
        'r': 77, 'g': 82, 'b': 84, 'a': 255, 'bands': {1: 77.0, 2: 82.0, 3: 84.0}}
    # When the tile has a different projection, the pixel is the same as
    # the band values.
    source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(imagePath)
    pixel = source.getPixel(region={'left': -13132910, 'top': 4010586, 'units': 'EPSG:3857'})
    assert pixel == {
        'r': 77, 'g': 82, 'b': 84, 'a': 255, 'bands': {1: 77.0, 2: 82.0, 3: 84.0}}
 def _assertStyleResponse(imagePath, style, message):
     with pytest.raises(TileSourceException, match=message):
         source = large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(
             imagePath, projection='EPSG:3857', style=json.dumps(style))
         source.getTile(22, 51, 7, encoding='PNG')