def test_to_globals(session):
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning) as caught_warnings:
    assert len(caught_warnings) == 1
    assert caught_warnings[0].message.args[0] == "Session.to_globals should usually only be used in interactive " \
                                                 "consoles and not in scripts. Use warn=False to deactivate this " \
    assert caught_warnings[0].filename == __file__

    assert a is session.a
    assert b is session.b
    assert c is session.c
    assert d is session.d
    assert e is session.e
    assert f is session.f
    assert g is session.g

    # test inplace
    backup_dest = e
    backup_value = session.e.copy()
    session.e = zeros_like(e)
    session.to_globals(inplace=True, warn=False)
    # check the variable is correct (the same as before)
    assert e is backup_dest
    assert e is not session.e
    # check the content has changed
    assert_array_nan_equal(e, session.e)
    assert not e.equals(backup_value)
    # reset e to its original value
    e[:] = backup_value
    def test_to_globals(self):
        with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning) as caught_warnings:
        assert len(caught_warnings) == 1
        assert caught_warnings[0].message.args[0] == "Session.to_globals should usually only be used in interactive " \
                                                     "consoles and not in scripts. Use warn=False to deactivate this " \
        assert caught_warnings[0].filename == __file__

        self.assertIs(a, self.a)
        self.assertIs(b, self.b)
        self.assertIs(c, self.c)
        self.assertIs(d, self.d)
        self.assertIs(e, self.e)
        self.assertIs(f, self.f)
        self.assertIs(g, self.g)

        # test inplace
        backup_dest = e
        backup_value = self.session.e.copy()
        self.session.e = zeros_like(e)
        self.session.to_globals(inplace=True, warn=False)
        # check the variable is correct (the same as before)
        self.assertIs(e, backup_dest)
        self.assertIsNot(e, self.session.e)
        # check the content has changed
        assert_array_nan_equal(e, self.session.e)
        self.assertFalse(larray_equal(e, backup_value))
def test_to_globals(session):
    msg = "Session.to_globals should usually only be used in interactive consoles and not in scripts. " \
          "Use warn=False to deactivate this warning."
    with must_warn(RuntimeWarning, msg=msg):

    assert a is session.a
    assert b is session.b
    assert c is session.c
    assert d is session.d
    assert e is session.e
    assert f is session.f
    assert g is session.g

    # test inplace
    backup_dest = e
    backup_value = session.e.copy()
    session.e = zeros_like(e)
    session.to_globals(inplace=True, warn=False)
    # check the variable is correct (the same as before)
    assert e is backup_dest
    assert e is not session.e
    # check the content has changed
    assert_array_nan_equal(e, session.e)
    assert not e.equals(backup_value)
    # reset e to its original value
    e[:] = backup_value
def test_setattr_cs(checkedsession):
    cs = checkedsession

    # only change values of an array -> OK
    cs.h = zeros_like(h)

    # trying to add an undeclared variable -> prints a warning message
    with must_warn(UserWarning, msg=f"'i' is not declared in '{cs.__class__.__name__}'"):
        cs.i = ndtest((3, 3))

    # trying to set a variable with an object of different type -> should fail
    # a) type given explicitly
    # -> Axis
    with must_raise(TypeError, msg="instance of Axis expected"):
        cs.a = 0
    # -> CheckedArray
    with must_raise(TypeError, msg="Expected object of type 'Array' or a scalar for the variable 'h' but got "
                                   "object of type 'ndarray'"):
        cs.h = h.data
    # b) type deduced from the given default value
    with must_raise(TypeError, msg="instance of Axis expected"):
        cs.b = ndtest((3, 3))

    # trying to set a CheckedArray variable using a scalar -> OK
    cs.h = 5

    # trying to set a CheckedArray variable using an array with axes in different order -> OK
    cs.h = h.transpose()
    assert cs.h.axes.names == h.axes.names

    # broadcasting (missing axis) is allowed
    cs.h = ndtest(a3)
    assert_array_nan_equal(cs.h['b0'], cs.h['b1'])

    # trying to set a CheckedArray variable using an array with wrong axes -> should fail
    # a) extra axis
    with must_raise(ValueError, msg="Array 'h' was declared with axes {a, b} but got array with axes {a, b, c} "
                                    "(unexpected {c} axis)"):
        cs.h = ndtest((a3, b2, 'c=c0..c2'))
    # b) incompatible axis
    msg = """\
Incompatible axis for array 'h':
Axis(['a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4'], 'a')
Axis(['a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'], 'a')"""
    with must_raise(ValueError, msg=msg):
        cs.h = h.append('a', 0, 'a4')
def test_sub_cs(checkedsession):
    cs = checkedsession
    session_cls = cs.__class__

    # session - session
    other = session_cls(a=a, a2=a2, a01=a01, e=e - 1, g=zeros_like(g), f=zeros_like(f), h=ones_like(h))
    diff = cs - other
    assert isinstance(diff, session_cls)
    # --- non-array variables ---
    assert diff.b is b
    assert diff.b024 is b024
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a2 is a2
    assert diff.anonymous is anonymous
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.ano01 is ano01
    assert diff.c is c
    assert diff.d is d
    # --- array variables ---
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.e, np.full((2, 3), 1, dtype=np.int32))
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.g, g)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.f, f)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.h, h - ones_like(h))

    # session - scalar
    diff = cs - 2
    assert isinstance(diff, session_cls)
    # --- non-array variables ---
    assert diff.b is b
    assert diff.b024 is b024
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a2 is a2
    assert diff.anonymous is anonymous
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.ano01 is ano01
    assert diff.c is c
    assert diff.d is d
    # --- non constant arrays ---
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.e, e - 2)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.g, g - 2)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.f, f - 2)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.h, h - 2)

    # session - dict(Array and scalar)
    other = {'e': ones_like(e), 'h': 1}
    diff = cs - other
    assert isinstance(diff, session_cls)
    # --- non-array variables ---
    assert diff.b is b
    assert diff.b024 is b024
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a2 is a2
    assert diff.anonymous is anonymous
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.ano01 is ano01
    assert diff.c is c
    assert diff.d is d
    # --- non constant arrays ---
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.e, e - ones_like(e))
    assert isnan(diff.g).all()
    assert isnan(diff.f).all()
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.h, h - 1)

    # session - array
    axes = cs.h.axes
    cs.e = ndtest(axes)
    cs.g = ones_like(cs.h)
    diff = cs - ones(axes)
    assert isinstance(diff, session_cls)
    # --- non-array variables ---
    assert diff.b is b
    assert diff.b024 is b024
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a2 is a2
    assert diff.anonymous is anonymous
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.ano01 is ano01
    assert diff.c is c
    assert diff.d is d
    # --- non constant arrays ---
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.e, cs.e - ones(axes))
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.g, cs.g - ones(axes))
    assert isnan(diff.f).all()
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.h, cs.h - ones(axes))