class InputModule(MergeLayer):
    # Input Module, which uses SemMemModule and GRULayer(lasgne)
    def __init__(self, incomings, voc_size, hid_state_size,
                 SemMem=None, GRU=None, **kwargs):
        super(InputModule, self).__init__(incomings, **kwargs)
        if SemMem is not None:
            self.SemMem = SemMem
            self.SemMem = SemMemModule(incomings[0], voc_size, hid_state_size, **kwargs)
        if GRU is not None:
            self.GRU = GRU
            self.GRU = GRULayer(SemMem, hid_state_size)
        self.voc_size = voc_size
        self.hid_state_size = hid_state_size

    def get_params(self, **tags):
        # Because InputModules uses external GRULayer's parameters,
        # We have to notify this information to train the GRU's parameters. 
        return self.GRU.get_params(**tags)

    def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
        return (None, None, self.hid_state_size)

    def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        # input with size (batch, sentences, words)
        input = inputs[0]
        # original size of input_word is (batch, sentences)
        # input_word with size (batch x sentences, ) after flatten
        input_word = T.flatten(inputs[1])
        word_dropout = inputs[2]
        # Apply word embedding
        # With size (batch x sentence, word, emb_dim)
        sentence_rep = self.SemMem.get_output_for([input, word_dropout])
        # Apply GRU Layer
        # 'gru_outs' with size (batch x sentence, word, hid_state_size)
        gru_outs = self.GRU.get_output_for([sentence_rep])
        # Extract candidate fact from GRU's output by input_word variable
        # resolving input with additional word
        # e.g. John went to the hallway nil nil nil -> [GRU1, ... ,GRU8] -> GRU5
        # hid_extract with size (batch x sentence, hid_state_size)
        hid_extract = gru_outs[T.arange(gru_outs.shape[0], dtype='int16'), input_word - 1]

        # candidate_facts with size (batch, sentences, hid_state_size)
        candidate_facts = T.reshape(x=hid_extract, newshape=(-1, input.shape[1], self.hid_state_size))
        return candidate_facts
class InputModule(MergeLayer):
    # Input Module, which uses SemMemModule and GRULayer(lasgne)
    def __init__(self,
        super(InputModule, self).__init__(incomings, **kwargs)

        if SemMem is not None:
            self.SemMem = SemMem
            self.SemMem = SemMemModule(incomings[0], voc_size, hid_state_size,
        if GRU is not None:
            self.GRU = GRU
            self.GRU = GRULayer(SemMem, hid_state_size)
        self.voc_size = voc_size
        self.hid_state_size = hid_state_size

    def get_params(self, **tags):
        # Because InputModules uses external GRULayer's parameters,
        # We have to inform this information to train them.
        return self.GRU.get_params(**tags)

    def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
        return (None, None, self.hid_state_size)

    def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        input = inputs[0]
        input_word = T.flatten(inputs[1])
        word_dropout = inputs[2]

        # Apply word embedding
        sentence_rep = self.SemMem.get_output_for([input, word_dropout])

        # Apply GRU Layer
        gru_outs = self.GRU.get_output_for([sentence_rep])

        # Extract candidate fact from GRU's output by input_word variable
        # resolving input with adtional word
        # e.g. John when to the hallway nil nil nil -> [GRU1, ... ,GRU8] -> GRU5
        candidate_facts = T.reshape(
            gru_outs[T.arange(gru_outs.shape[0], dtype='int32'),
                     input_word - 1],
            (-1, input.shape[1], self.hid_state_size))
        return candidate_facts
class InputModule(MergeLayer):
    # Input Module, which uses SemMemModule and GRULayer(lasgne)
    def __init__(self, incomings, voc_size, hid_state_size,
                 SemMem=None, GRU=None, **kwargs):
        super(InputModule, self).__init__(incomings, **kwargs)
        if SemMem is not None:
            self.SemMem = SemMem
            self.SemMem = SemMemModule(incomings[0],voc_size,hid_state_size,**kwargs)
        if GRU is not None:
            self.GRU = GRU
            self.GRU = GRULayer(SemMem, hid_state_size)
        self.voc_size = voc_size
        self.hid_state_size = hid_state_size

    def get_params(self, **tags):
        # Because InputModules uses external GRULayer's parameters,
        # We have to inform this information to train them. 
        return self.GRU.get_params(**tags)
    def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
        return (None, None, self.hid_state_size)
    def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        input          = inputs[0]
        input_word     = T.flatten(inputs[1])
        word_dropout   = inputs[2]        
        # Apply word embedding
        sentence_rep = self.SemMem.get_output_for([input, word_dropout])
        # Apply GRU Layer
        gru_outs = self.GRU.get_output_for([sentence_rep])
        # Extract candidate fact from GRU's output by input_word variable
        # resolving input with adtional word
        # e.g. John when to the hallway nil nil nil -> [GRU1, ... ,GRU8] -> GRU5
        candidate_facts = T.reshape(
            gru_outs[T.arange(gru_outs.shape[0],dtype='int32'), input_word-1], 
            (-1, input.shape[1], self.hid_state_size))
        return candidate_facts
class Sent2Vec:
	def __init__(self, in_path, concat=False, wsi_path=None, dat_path='data/dat.pkl', supp_path='data/supp.pkl'):
		self.in_path = in_path
		self.concat = concat
		self.wsi_path = wsi_path
		self.lm_mode = 'default'
		with open(self.in_path, 'rb') as f:
			p = pk.load(f)

		self.do_brnn = False
		if 'do_brnn' in p:
			self.do_brnn = p['do_brnn']
		self.is_lstm = 'Wxo' in p['params']
		self.is_gru = 'Whr' in p['params']
		if 'Wt' not in p: self.lm_mode = 'iden'
		elif p['Wt'].get_value().ndim == 1: self.lm_mode = 'diag'
		self.params = p['params']
		self.dwe = self.params['dwe'] # disambiguated word embeddings
		self.td = self.dwe.get_value().shape[1]
		self.hd = self.params['L'].get_value().shape[1]
		self.gc = 2
		self.l_mask = InputLayer((None, None), trainable=False)

		if self.is_lstm:
			self.l_gru_emb = LSTMLayer((None, None, self.td), self.hd, grad_clipping=self.gc, \
				ingate=Gate(W_in=self.params['Wxr'], W_hid=self.params['Whr'], b=self.params['br'], W_cell=None), \
				forgetgate=Gate(W_in=self.params['Wxu'], W_hid=self.params['Whu'], b=self.params['bu'], W_cell=None), \
				outgate=Gate(W_in=self.params['Wxo'], W_hid=self.params['Who'], b=self.params['bo'], W_cell=None), \
				cell=Gate(W_in=self.params['Wxc'], W_hid=self.params['Whc'], b=self.params['bc'], W_cell=None,\
					nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh),mask_input=self.l_mask, peepholes=False)
			if self.do_brnn:
				self.l_bgru_emb = LSTMLayer((None, None, self.td), self.hd, grad_clipping=self.gc, \
					ingate=Gate(W_in=self.params['bWxr'], W_hid=self.params['bWhr'], b=self.params['bbr'], W_cell=None), \
					forgetgate=Gate(W_in=self.params['bWxu'], W_hid=self.params['bWhu'], b=self.params['bbu'], W_cell=None), \
					outgate=Gate(W_in=self.params['bWxo'], W_hid=self.params['bWho'], b=self.params['bbo'], W_cell=None), \
					cell=Gate(W_in=self.params['bWxc'], W_hid=self.params['bWhc'], b=self.params['bbc'], W_cell=None,\
						nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh),mask_input=self.l_mask, peepholes=False, backwards=True)
		elif self.is_gru:
			self.l_gru_emb = GRULayer((None, None, self.td), self.hd, grad_clipping=self.gc, \
				resetgate=Gate(W_in=self.params['Wxr'], W_hid=self.params['Whr'], b=self.params['br'], W_cell=None), \
				updategate=Gate(W_in=self.params['Wxu'], W_hid=self.params['Whu'], b=self.params['bu'], W_cell=None), \
				hidden_update=Gate(W_in=self.params['Wxc'], W_hid=self.params['Whc'], b=self.params['bc'], W_cell=None,\
			if self.do_brnn:
				self.l_bgru_emb = GRULayer((None, None, self.td), self.hd, grad_clipping=self.gc, \
					resetgate=Gate(W_in=self.params['bWxr'], W_hid=self.params['bWhr'], b=self.params['bbr'], W_cell=None), \
					updategate=Gate(W_in=self.params['bWxu'], W_hid=self.params['bWhu'], b=self.params['bbu'], W_cell=None), \
					hidden_update=Gate(W_in=self.params['bWxc'], W_hid=self.params['bWhc'], b=self.params['bbc'], W_cell=None,\
						nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh),mask_input=self.l_mask, backwards=True)
			self.is_nlm = True
		with open(dat_path, 'rb') as f:
			d = pk.load(f)
		self.nw, self.mw, self.ms = d['def'].shape # num words, max num of words, max num of senses
		self.dw = d['dw'] # dw to index
		self.aw = d['aw']
		self.no = len(d['aw'])
		if 'spriors' in d:
			self.sense_priors = d['spriors']
			self.sense_priors = np.ones((self.no, self.ms))

		with open(supp_path, 'rb') as f:
			s = pk.load(f)
		self.id2aw = s['id2aw']
		self.id2dw = s['id2dw']
		self.aw2dw = s['aw2dw']


    # assume xml-style input
	# output: 'lemma.pos instance-id sense-name/rating'
	def perform_wsi(self):
		expr = '[' + string.punctuation + ']'
		jaccard = False
		for d in os.listdir(self.wsi_path):
			f = os.path.join(self.wsi_path, d)
			if not os.path.isfile(f): continue
			with open(f) as fin:
				wsi = xd.parse(fin.read())
			for inst in wsi['instances']['instance']:
				tok = inst['@token']
				txt = re.sub(expr, ' ', inst['#text'])
				lemma = inst['@lemma']
				pos = inst['@partOfSpeech']
				inst_id = inst['@id']
				ind = txt.split().index(tok)
				s, m, ptmp = self.to_indexes(txt, token=tok, pos=pos, lem=lemma)
				'''s = s.reshape(1, *s.shape)
				m = m.reshape(1, *m.shape)
				fu = np.asarray([ptmp]).astype(np.int32)
				weights = self.get_weights(s, m, fu, np.ones_like(s).astype(np.float32)) # mw x ms'''
				weights = self.get_vector([txt], mode='w', token=tok, pos=pos, lem=lemma)
				senses = s[ind, :]
				sweight = weights[0][ind, :]
				ratings = [(self.id2dw[senses[i]], sweight[i]) \
					for i in range(len(sweight)) \
						if self.id2dw[senses[i]].split('.')[0] == lemma and sweight[i] > 0.02]
				ratings.sort(key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
				if len(ratings) == 0: pdb.set_trace()
				l = min(3, len(ratings))
				if jaccard:
					r = [k[0] for k in ratings[0:2]]
					r = [k[0] + '/' + str(k[1]) for k in ratings[0:l]]
				print '{}.{} {} {}'.format(lemma, pos, inst_id, ' '.join(r))

	def build_encoder(self):
		def to_vect(d, m, p):
			L0 = self.params['L0']
			hid_inp = self.dwe[d, :] # mw x ms x hd
			logit = T.exp(T.dot(hid_inp, L0)[:,:,p])# (mw x ms) x mw
			mk = T.switch(T.lt(p, 0), 0, 1) # mw: word-level mask (different mask from m)
			mask = mk.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x')
			l2 = logit * mask # mw x ms x mw
			l2 = T.sum(l2 * mk.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0), axis=2) * m # mw x ms 
			w0 = l2 / T.sum(l2, axis=1).dimshuffle(0, 'x')
			w1 = T.switch(T.isnan(w0), 0, w0)
			w = w1.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') # mw x ms x 1
			res = T.sum(w * hid_inp, axis=1) # mw x hd
			return res #, logit, weights

		def to_weights(d, m, p, prior):
			hid_inp = self.dwe[d, :] # mw x ms x hd
			if self.is_lstm or self.is_gru:
				logit = T.exp(T.dot(hid_inp, L0)[:,:,p])# (mw x ms) x mw
				mk = T.switch(T.lt(p, 0), 0, 1) # mw: word-level mask (different mask from m)
				mask = mk.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x')
				l2 = logit * mask # mw x ms x mw
				l2 = T.sum(l2 * mk.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0), axis=2) * m # mw x ms 
				w0 = l2 / T.sum(l2, axis=1).dimshuffle(0, 'x')
				w1 = T.switch(T.isnan(w0), 0, w0)
				if self.lm_mode == 'diag':
					B = hid_inp * Wt.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0)
					tmp = T.tensordot(B, B.T, axes = 1)
				elif self.lm_mode == 'iden':
					logit = T.tensordot(self.dwe[d, :], self.dwe.T, axes=1)[:,:,d] # mw x ms x mw x ms
					cnt = T.sum(m, axis=1).dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0) # 1 x 1 x mw
					logit = T.sum(logit * m.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1), axis=3) / cnt # mw x ms x mw
					logit = T.exp(10*T.switch(T.isnan(logit), 0, logit)) # mw x ms x mw
					logit = T.prod(logit, axis=2) * prior # mw x ms
					sm = T.sum(logit * m, axis=1, keepdims=True) # mw x 1
					logit = (logit * m) / sm # mw x ms
					return T.switch(T.or_(T.isnan(logit), T.isinf(logit)), 0, logit)
					tmp = T.tensordot(T.dot(hid_inp, self.params['Wt']), hid_inp.T, axes=1) # mw x ms x ms x mw
				tmp = T.exp(tmp.dimshuffle(0, 1, 3, 2)) # mw x ms x mw x ms
				tmp = tmp * m.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1)
				nrm = T.sum(tmp, axis=3)
				tmp = tmp / nrm.dimshuffle(0, 1, 2, 'x')
				tmp = T.switch(T.isnan(tmp), 0, tmp)
				mk = T.switch(T.lt(p, 0), 0, 1) # mw: word-level mask (different mask from m)
				tmp = T.max(tmp, axis=3) * mk.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0) # mw x ms x mw
				tmp = T.exp(T.sum(T.log(T.switch(T.eq(tmp, 0), 1, tmp)), axis=2)) * m # mw x ms
				tmp = tmp * prior
				tmp = tmp / T.sum(tmp, axis=1).dimshuffle(0, 'x')
				w1 = T.switch(T.isnan(tmp), 0, tmp)
			return w1

		st = T.itensor3('st') # bs x len x ms
		pd = T.imatrix('wi') # bs x len
		mk = T.itensor3('mk') # bs x len x ms
		wv = T.dmatrix('wv') # bs x hd
		pe = T.imatrix('pe') # bs x mew
		pr = T.tensor3('pr') # bs x len x ms
		weights, _ = theano.scan(fn = to_weights, sequences = [st, mk, pd, pr]) # bs x mw x ms
		mask = T.ones_like(pd).astype(theano.config.floatX) # bs x len

		if self.is_lstm or self.is_gru:
			enc, _ = theano.scan(fn = to_vect, sequences = [st, mk, pd]) # bs x mw x hd
			enc = enc.astype(theano.config.floatX)
			fdef_emb = self.l_gru_emb.get_output_for([enc, mask]) # bs x hd
			if self.do_brnn:
				bdef_emb = self.l_bgru_emb.get_output_for([enc, mask])
				if self.concat:
					def_emb = T.concatenate([fdef_emb[:,-1,:], bdef_emb[:,0,:]], axis=1)
					def_emb = T.dot(fdef_emb[:, -1, :], self.params['Wf']) + \
						T.dot(bdef_emb[:, 0, :], self.params['Wb']) + \
						self.params['by'].dimshuffle('x', 0) # bs x hd
				def_emb = fdef_emb[:, -1, :]
			hid_inp = self.dwe[st, :]
			dat = T.sum(weights.dimshuffle(0, 1, 2, 'x') * hid_inp, axis=2)
			def_emb = T.sum(T.dot(dat, self.params['L']), axis = 1)

		self.encode = theano.function([st, mk, pd, pr], def_emb)
		self.get_weights = theano.function([st, mk, pd, pr], weights)

	def preproc_word(self, w, pos=None):
		if pos == 'j': pos = 'a'
		w = re.sub(r'[\$,\{\}\[\]\(\)`\'\":;!\?\.]', '', w).lower()
		w = re.sub(r'\-', '_', w) # hyphen -> underscore
		if w == 'an': w = 'a' # dirty hack....
		if w == 'oclock': w = 'o\'clock'
		if w.isdigit(): w = '<NUM>'
		wp = wn.morphy(w, pos=pos)
		if wp is None: wp = w
		return wp

	# 'sents' is a list of sentences
	def get_vector(self, sents, mode='v', token=None, pos='any', lem=None):
		mw = max([len(s.split()) for s in sents])
		s = np.ones((len(sents), mw, self.ms), dtype=np.int32) * -1
		m = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype=np.int32)
		p = np.ones((len(sents), mw), dtype=np.int32) * -1
		pr = np.ones((len(sents), mw, self.ms), dtype=np.float32)
		sp = self.sense_priors # no x ms
		for (si, sn) in enumerate(sents):
			s[si], m[si], p_tmp = self.to_indexes(sn, mw, token=token, pos=pos, lem=lem)
			p[si][0:len(p_tmp)] = p_tmp
			for i in range(mw):
				if i >= len(sn): break
				pwid = p[si][i]
				pr[si][i] = sp[pwid, :]
		if mode == 'v':
			return self.encode(s, m, p, pr)
			return self.get_weights(s, m, p, pr)

	# 'sent' is a single string
	# mw is the maximum number of words (if called from get_vector())
	# Setting token = w and pos = p will restrict the processing of 'w' to ones having POS tag 'p'
	def to_indexes(self, sent, mw = None, token = None, pos = None, lem = None):
		def same_pos(a, b):
			if a is None or b is None or a == b: return True
			if (a == 'a' or a == 's') and b == 'j': return True
			return False

		p_tmp = []
		sn = sent.split()
		if mw is None:
			mw = len(sn)
		s = np.ones((mw, self.ms), dtype=np.int32) * -1
		m = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype=np.int32)
		for (ind, w) in enumerate(sn):
			filt = (token is not None) and (w == token) #filter the token using pos
			if filt: _pos = pos
			else: _pos = None
			w = self.preproc_word(w, pos=_pos)
			if w not in self.aw2dw or len(self.aw2dw[w]) == 0:
				s[ind, 0] = self.dw['<UNK>']
				m[ind, 0] = 1.0
				l = min(10, len(self.aw2dw[w]))
				if filt:
					cands = []
					if lem is not None: w = lem
					for wp in self.aw2dw[w]:
							if same_pos(wn.synset(wp).pos(), pos) and wp.split('.')[0] == w:
					#cands = [wp for wp in self.aw2dw[w] if same_pos(wn.synset(wp).pos(), pos)]
					l = min(25, len(cands))
					s[ind][0:l] = [self.dw[wp] for wp in cands][0:25]
					s[ind][0:l] = [self.dw[wp] for wp in self.aw2dw[w][0:l]]
				m[ind][0:l] = np.ones((l,))
				if l == 0: pdb.set_trace()
			if w in self.aw:
		return s, m, p_tmp