def plot_raydensity(map_object, station_events, min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, rot_axis, rot_angle): """ Create a ray-density plot for all events and all stations. This function is potentially expensive and will use all CPUs available. Does require geographiclib to be installed. """ import ctypes as C from import GreatCircleBinner from lasif.utils import Point import multiprocessing import progressbar from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile bounds = rotations.get_max_extention_of_domain( min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, rotation_axis=rot_axis, rotation_angle_in_degree=rot_angle) # Merge everything so that a list with coordinate pairs is created. This # list is then distributed among all processors. station_event_list = [] for event, stations in station_events: e_point = Point(event["latitude"], event["longitude"]) for station in stations.itervalues(): station_event_list.append((e_point, Point(station["latitude"], station["longitude"]))) circle_count = len(station_event_list) # The granularity of the latitude/longitude discretization for the # raypaths. Attempt to get a somewhat meaningful result in any case. lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 1000: lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 10000: lat_lng_count = 2000 else: lat_lng_count = 3000 cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def to_numpy(raw_array, dtype, shape): data = np.frombuffer(raw_array.get_obj()) data.dtype = dtype return data.reshape(shape) print "\nLaunching %i greatcircle calculations on %i CPUs..." % \ (circle_count, cpu_count) widgets = ["Progress: ", progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar(), "", progressbar.ETA()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=circle_count).start() def great_circle_binning(sta_evs, bin_data_buffer, bin_data_shape, lock, counter): new_bins = GreatCircleBinner( bounds["minimum_latitude"], bounds["maximum_latitude"], lat_lng_count, bounds["minimum_longitude"], bounds["maximum_longitude"], lat_lng_count) for event, station in sta_evs: with lock: counter.value += 1 if not counter.value % 25: pbar.update(counter.value) new_bins.add_greatcircle(event, station) bin_data = to_numpy(bin_data_buffer, np.uint32, bin_data_shape) with bin_data_buffer.get_lock(): bin_data += new_bins.bins # Split the data in cpu_count parts. def chunk(seq, num): avg = len(seq) / float(num) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): out.append(seq[int(last):int(last + avg)]) last += avg return out chunks = chunk(station_event_list, cpu_count) # One instance that collects everything. collected_bins = GreatCircleBinner( bounds["minimum_latitude"], bounds["maximum_latitude"], lat_lng_count, bounds["minimum_longitude"], bounds["maximum_longitude"], lat_lng_count) # Use a multiprocessing shared memory array and map it to a numpy view. collected_bins_data = multiprocessing.Array(C.c_uint32, collected_bins.bins.size) collected_bins.bins = to_numpy(collected_bins_data, np.uint32, collected_bins.bins.shape) # Create, launch and join one process per CPU. Use a shared value as a # counter and a lock to avoid race conditions. processes = [] lock = multiprocessing.Lock() counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) for _i in xrange(cpu_count): processes.append(multiprocessing.Process( target=great_circle_binning, args=(chunks[_i], collected_bins_data, collected_bins.bins.shape, lock, counter))) for process in processes: process.start() for process in processes: process.join() pbar.finish() title = "%i Events with %i recorded 3 component waveforms" % ( len(station_events), circle_count) # plt.gca().set_title(title, size="large") plt.title(title, size="xx-large") data = collected_bins.bins.transpose() if data.max() >= 10: data = np.log10(data) data += 0.1 data[np.isinf(data)] = 0.0 max_val = scoreatpercentile(data.ravel(), 99) else: max_val = data.max() cmap = cm.get_cmap("gist_heat") cmap._init() cmap._lut[:120, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 120) ** 2 # Slightly change the appearance of the map so it suits the rays. map_object.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#bbbbbb') map_object.fillcontinents(color='#dddddd', lake_color='#dddddd', zorder=0) lngs, lats = collected_bins.coordinates ln, la = map_object(lngs, lats) map_object.pcolormesh(ln, la, data, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=max_val) # Draw the coastlines so they appear over the rays. Otherwise things are # sometimes hard to see. map_object.drawcoastlines() map_object.drawcountries(linewidth=0.2) map_object.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30), **LINESTYLE) map_object.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30), **LINESTYLE)
def plot_raydensity( map_object, station_events: List[Tuple[dict, dict]], domain: object, projection:, ): """ Create a ray-density plot for all events and all stations. This function is potentially expensive and will use all CPUs available. Does require geographiclib to be installed. :param map_object: The cartopy domain plot object :type map_object: cp.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes :param station_events: A list of tuples with two dictionaries :type station_events: List[Tuple[dict, dict]] :param domain: An object with the domain plot :type domain: object :param projection: cartopy projection object :type projection: """ import ctypes as C from import GreatCircleBinner from lasif.utils import Point import multiprocessing import progressbar from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile # Merge everything so that a list with coordinate pairs is created. This # list is then distributed among all processors. station_event_list = [] for event, stations in station_events: e_point = Point(event["latitude"], event["longitude"]) for station in stations.values(): p = Point(station["latitude"], station["longitude"]) station_event_list.append((e_point, p)) circle_count = len(station_event_list) # The granularity of the latitude/longitude discretization for the # raypaths. Attempt to get a somewhat meaningful result in any case. if circle_count < 1000: lat_lng_count = 1000 elif circle_count < 10000: lat_lng_count = 2000 else: lat_lng_count = 3000 cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def to_numpy(raw_array, dtype, shape): data = np.frombuffer(raw_array.get_obj()) data.dtype = dtype return data.reshape(shape) print("\nLaunching %i great circle calculations on %i CPUs..." % (circle_count, cpu_count)) widgets = [ "Progress: ", progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar(), "", progressbar.ETA(), ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=circle_count).start() def great_circle_binning(sta_evs, bin_data_buffer, bin_data_shape, lock, counter): new_bins = GreatCircleBinner( domain.min_lat, domain.max_lat, lat_lng_count, domain.min_lon, domain.max_lon, lat_lng_count, ) for event, station in sta_evs: with lock: counter.value += 1 if not counter.value % 25: pbar.update(counter.value) new_bins.add_greatcircle(event, station) bin_data = to_numpy(bin_data_buffer, np.uint32, bin_data_shape) with bin_data_buffer.get_lock(): bin_data += new_bins.bins # Split the data in cpu_count parts. def chunk(seq, num): avg = len(seq) / float(num) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): out.append(seq[int(last):int(last + avg)]) last += avg return out chunks = chunk(station_event_list, cpu_count) # One instance that collects everything. collected_bins = GreatCircleBinner( domain.min_lat, domain.max_lat, lat_lng_count, domain.min_lon, domain.max_lon, lat_lng_count, ) # Use a multiprocessing shared memory array and map it to a numpy view. collected_bins_data = multiprocessing.Array(C.c_uint32, collected_bins.bins.size) collected_bins.bins = to_numpy(collected_bins_data, np.uint32, collected_bins.bins.shape) # Create, launch and join one process per CPU. Use a shared value as a # counter and a lock to avoid race conditions. processes = [] lock = multiprocessing.Lock() counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) for _i in range(cpu_count): processes.append( multiprocessing.Process( target=great_circle_binning, args=( chunks[_i], collected_bins_data, collected_bins.bins.shape, lock, counter, ), )) for process in processes: process.start() for process in processes: process.join() pbar.finish() stations = chain.from_iterable( (_i[1].values() for _i in station_events if _i[1])) # Remove duplicates stations = [(_i["latitude"], _i["longitude"]) for _i in stations] stations = set(stations) title = "%i Events, %i unique raypaths, " "%i unique stations" % ( len(station_events), circle_count, len(stations), ) plt.title(title, size="xx-large") data = collected_bins.bins.transpose() if data.max() >= 10: data = np.log10(np.clip(data, a_min=0.5, a_max=data.max())) data[data >= 0.0] += 0.1 data[data < 0.0] = 0.0 max_val = scoreatpercentile(data.ravel(), 99) else: max_val = data.max() cmap = cm.get_cmap("gist_heat") cmap._init() cmap._lut[:120, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 120)**2 lngs, lats = collected_bins.coordinates ln, la = project_points(projection, lngs, lats) map_object.pcolormesh(ln, la, data, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=max_val, zorder=10) # Draw the coastlines so they appear over the rays. Otherwise things are # sometimes hard to see. map_object.add_feature(cp.feature.COASTLINE, zorder=13) map_object.add_feature(cp.feature.BORDERS, linestyle=":", zorder=13)
def plot_raydensity(map_object, station_events, domain): """ Create a ray-density plot for all events and all stations. This function is potentially expensive and will use all CPUs available. Does require geographiclib to be installed. """ import ctypes as C from lasif import rotations from lasif.domain import RectangularSphericalSection from import GreatCircleBinner from lasif.utils import Point import multiprocessing import progressbar from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile if not isinstance(domain, RectangularSphericalSection): raise NotImplementedError( "Raydensity currently only implemented for rectangular domains. " "Should be easy to implement for other domains. Let me know.") # Merge everything so that a list with coordinate pairs is created. This # list is then distributed among all processors. station_event_list = [] for event, stations in station_events: if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: # Rotate point to the non-rotated domain. e_point = Point(*rotations.rotate_lat_lon( event["latitude"], event["longitude"], domain.rotation_axis, -1.0 * domain.rotation_angle_in_degree)) else: e_point = Point(event["latitude"], event["longitude"]) for station in stations.itervalues(): # Rotate point to the non-rotated domain if necessary. if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: p = Point(*rotations.rotate_lat_lon( station["latitude"], station["longitude"], domain.rotation_axis, -1.0 * domain.rotation_angle_in_degree)) else: p = Point(station["latitude"], station["longitude"]) station_event_list.append((e_point, p)) circle_count = len(station_event_list) # The granularity of the latitude/longitude discretization for the # raypaths. Attempt to get a somewhat meaningful result in any case. lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 1000: lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 10000: lat_lng_count = 2000 else: lat_lng_count = 3000 cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def to_numpy(raw_array, dtype, shape): data = np.frombuffer(raw_array.get_obj()) data.dtype = dtype return data.reshape(shape) print "\nLaunching %i greatcircle calculations on %i CPUs..." % \ (circle_count, cpu_count) widgets = ["Progress: ", progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar(), "", progressbar.ETA()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=circle_count).start() def great_circle_binning(sta_evs, bin_data_buffer, bin_data_shape, lock, counter): new_bins = GreatCircleBinner( domain.min_latitude, domain.max_latitude, lat_lng_count, domain.min_longitude, domain.max_longitude, lat_lng_count) for event, station in sta_evs: with lock: counter.value += 1 if not counter.value % 25: pbar.update(counter.value) new_bins.add_greatcircle(event, station) bin_data = to_numpy(bin_data_buffer, np.uint32, bin_data_shape) with bin_data_buffer.get_lock(): bin_data += new_bins.bins # Split the data in cpu_count parts. def chunk(seq, num): avg = len(seq) / float(num) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): out.append(seq[int(last):int(last + avg)]) last += avg return out chunks = chunk(station_event_list, cpu_count) # One instance that collects everything. collected_bins = GreatCircleBinner( domain.min_latitude, domain.max_latitude, lat_lng_count, domain.min_longitude, domain.max_longitude, lat_lng_count) # Use a multiprocessing shared memory array and map it to a numpy view. collected_bins_data = multiprocessing.Array(C.c_uint32, collected_bins.bins.size) collected_bins.bins = to_numpy(collected_bins_data, np.uint32, collected_bins.bins.shape) # Create, launch and join one process per CPU. Use a shared value as a # counter and a lock to avoid race conditions. processes = [] lock = multiprocessing.Lock() counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) for _i in xrange(cpu_count): processes.append(multiprocessing.Process( target=great_circle_binning, args=(chunks[_i], collected_bins_data, collected_bins.bins.shape, lock, counter))) for process in processes: process.start() for process in processes: process.join() pbar.finish() stations = chain.from_iterable(( _i[1].values() for _i in station_events if _i[1])) # Remove duplicates stations = [(_i["latitude"], _i["longitude"]) for _i in stations] stations = set(stations) title = "%i Events, %i unique raypaths, "\ "%i unique stations" % (len(station_events), circle_count, len(stations)) plt.title(title, size="xx-large") data = collected_bins.bins.transpose() if data.max() >= 10: data = np.log10(np.clip(data, a_min=0.5, a_max=data.max())) data[data >= 0.0] += 0.1 data[data < 0.0] = 0.0 max_val = scoreatpercentile(data.ravel(), 99) else: max_val = data.max() cmap = cm.get_cmap("gist_heat") cmap._init() cmap._lut[:120, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 120) ** 2 # Slightly change the appearance of the map so it suits the rays. map_object.fillcontinents(color='#dddddd', lake_color='#dddddd', zorder=2) lngs, lats = collected_bins.coordinates # Rotate back if necessary! if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: for lat, lng in zip(lats, lngs): lat[:], lng[:] = rotations.rotate_lat_lon( lat, lng, domain.rotation_axis, domain.rotation_angle_in_degree) ln, la = map_object(lngs, lats) map_object.pcolormesh(ln, la, data, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=max_val, zorder=10) # Draw the coastlines so they appear over the rays. Otherwise things are # sometimes hard to see. map_object.drawcoastlines(zorder=3) map_object.drawcountries(linewidth=0.2, zorder=3)
def plot_raydensity(map_object, station_events, domain): """ Create a ray-density plot for all events and all stations. This function is potentially expensive and will use all CPUs available. Does require geographiclib to be installed. """ import ctypes as C from lasif import rotations from lasif.domain import RectangularSphericalSection from import GreatCircleBinner from lasif.utils import Point import multiprocessing import progressbar from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile if not isinstance(domain, RectangularSphericalSection): raise NotImplementedError( "Raydensity currently only implemented for rectangular domains. " "Should be easy to implement for other domains. Let me know.") # Merge everything so that a list with coordinate pairs is created. This # list is then distributed among all processors. station_event_list = [] for event, stations in station_events: if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: # Rotate point to the non-rotated domain. e_point = Point(*rotations.rotate_lat_lon( event["latitude"], event["longitude"], domain.rotation_axis, -1.0 * domain.rotation_angle_in_degree)) else: e_point = Point(event["latitude"], event["longitude"]) for station in stations.itervalues(): # Rotate point to the non-rotated domain if necessary. if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: p = Point(*rotations.rotate_lat_lon( station["latitude"], station["longitude"], domain.rotation_axis, -1.0 * domain.rotation_angle_in_degree)) else: p = Point(station["latitude"], station["longitude"]) station_event_list.append((e_point, p)) circle_count = len(station_event_list) # The granularity of the latitude/longitude discretization for the # raypaths. Attempt to get a somewhat meaningful result in any case. lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 1000: lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 10000: lat_lng_count = 2000 else: lat_lng_count = 3000 cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def to_numpy(raw_array, dtype, shape): data = np.frombuffer(raw_array.get_obj()) data.dtype = dtype return data.reshape(shape) print "\nLaunching %i greatcircle calculations on %i CPUs..." % \ (circle_count, cpu_count) widgets = [ "Progress: ", progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar(), "", progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=circle_count).start() def great_circle_binning(sta_evs, bin_data_buffer, bin_data_shape, lock, counter): new_bins = GreatCircleBinner(domain.min_latitude, domain.max_latitude, lat_lng_count, domain.min_longitude, domain.max_longitude, lat_lng_count) for event, station in sta_evs: with lock: counter.value += 1 if not counter.value % 25: pbar.update(counter.value) new_bins.add_greatcircle(event, station) bin_data = to_numpy(bin_data_buffer, np.uint32, bin_data_shape) with bin_data_buffer.get_lock(): bin_data += new_bins.bins # Split the data in cpu_count parts. def chunk(seq, num): avg = len(seq) / float(num) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): out.append(seq[int(last):int(last + avg)]) last += avg return out chunks = chunk(station_event_list, cpu_count) # One instance that collects everything. collected_bins = GreatCircleBinner(domain.min_latitude, domain.max_latitude, lat_lng_count, domain.min_longitude, domain.max_longitude, lat_lng_count) # Use a multiprocessing shared memory array and map it to a numpy view. collected_bins_data = multiprocessing.Array(C.c_uint32, collected_bins.bins.size) collected_bins.bins = to_numpy(collected_bins_data, np.uint32, collected_bins.bins.shape) # Create, launch and join one process per CPU. Use a shared value as a # counter and a lock to avoid race conditions. processes = [] lock = multiprocessing.Lock() counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) for _i in xrange(cpu_count): processes.append( multiprocessing.Process(target=great_circle_binning, args=(chunks[_i], collected_bins_data, collected_bins.bins.shape, lock, counter))) for process in processes: process.start() for process in processes: process.join() pbar.finish() stations = chain.from_iterable( (_i[1].values() for _i in station_events if _i[1])) # Remove duplicates stations = [(_i["latitude"], _i["longitude"]) for _i in stations] stations = set(stations) title = "%i Events, %i unique raypaths, "\ "%i unique stations" % (len(station_events), circle_count, len(stations)) plt.title(title, size="xx-large") data = collected_bins.bins.transpose() if data.max() >= 10: data = np.log10(np.clip(data, a_min=0.5, a_max=data.max())) data[data >= 0.0] += 0.1 data[data < 0.0] = 0.0 max_val = scoreatpercentile(data.ravel(), 99) else: max_val = data.max() cmap = cm.get_cmap("gist_heat") cmap._init() cmap._lut[:120, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 120)**2 # Slightly change the appearance of the map so it suits the rays. map_object.fillcontinents(color='#dddddd', lake_color='#dddddd', zorder=0) lngs, lats = collected_bins.coordinates # Rotate back if necessary! if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: for lat, lng in zip(lats, lngs): lat[:], lng[:] = rotations.rotate_lat_lon( lat, lng, domain.rotation_axis, domain.rotation_angle_in_degree) ln, la = map_object(lngs, lats) map_object.pcolormesh(ln, la, data, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=max_val) # Draw the coastlines so they appear over the rays. Otherwise things are # sometimes hard to see. map_object.drawcoastlines() map_object.drawcountries(linewidth=0.2)
def plot_raydensity(map_object, station_events, min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, rot_axis, rot_angle): """ Create a ray-density plot for all events and all stations. This function is potentially expensive and will use all CPUs available. Does require geographiclib to be installed. """ import ctypes as C from import GreatCircleBinner, Point import multiprocessing import progressbar from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile bounds = rotations.get_max_extention_of_domain( min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, rotation_axis=rot_axis, rotation_angle_in_degree=rot_angle) # Merge everything so that a list with coordinate pairs is created. This # list is then distributed among all processors. station_event_list = [] for event, stations in station_events: org = event.preferred_origin() or[0] e_point = Point(org.latitude, org.longitude) for station in stations.itervalues(): station_event_list.append( (e_point, Point(station["latitude"], station["longitude"]))) circle_count = len(station_event_list) # The granularity of the latitude/longitude discretization for the # raypaths. Attempt to get a somewhat meaningful result in any case. lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 1000: lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 10000: lat_lng_count = 2000 else: lat_lng_count = 3000 cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def to_numpy(raw_array, dtype, shape): data = np.frombuffer(raw_array.get_obj()) data.dtype = dtype return data.reshape(shape) print "\nLaunching %i greatcircle calculations on %i CPUs..." % \ (circle_count, cpu_count) widgets = [ "Progress: ", progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar(), "", progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=circle_count).start() def great_circle_binning(sta_evs, bin_data_buffer, bin_data_shape, lock, counter): new_bins = GreatCircleBinner(bounds["minimum_latitude"], bounds["maximum_latitude"], lat_lng_count, bounds["minimum_longitude"], bounds["maximum_longitude"], lat_lng_count) for event, station in sta_evs: with lock: counter.value += 1 if not counter.value % 25: pbar.update(counter.value) new_bins.add_greatcircle(event, station) bin_data = to_numpy(bin_data_buffer, np.uint32, bin_data_shape) with bin_data_buffer.get_lock(): bin_data += new_bins.bins # Split the data in cpu_count parts. def chunk(seq, num): avg = len(seq) / float(num) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): out.append(seq[int(last):int(last + avg)]) last += avg return out chunks = chunk(station_event_list, cpu_count) # One instance that collects everything. collected_bins = GreatCircleBinner(bounds["minimum_latitude"], bounds["maximum_latitude"], lat_lng_count, bounds["minimum_longitude"], bounds["maximum_longitude"], lat_lng_count) # Use a multiprocessing shared memory array and map it to a numpy view. collected_bins_data = multiprocessing.Array(C.c_uint32, collected_bins.bins.size) collected_bins.bins = to_numpy(collected_bins_data, np.uint32, collected_bins.bins.shape) # Create, launch and join one process per CPU. Use a shared value as a # counter and a lock to avoid race conditions. processes = [] lock = multiprocessing.Lock() counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) for _i in xrange(cpu_count): processes.append( multiprocessing.Process(target=great_circle_binning, args=(chunks[_i], collected_bins_data, collected_bins.bins.shape, lock, counter))) for process in processes: process.start() for process in processes: process.join() pbar.finish() title = "%i Events with %i recorded 3 component waveforms" % ( len(station_events), circle_count) #plt.gca().set_title(title, size="large") plt.title(title, size="xx-large") data = collected_bins.bins.transpose() if data.max() >= 10: data = np.log10(data) data += 0.1 data[np.isinf(data)] = 0.0 max_val = scoreatpercentile(data.ravel(), 99) else: max_val = data.max() cmap = cm.get_cmap("gist_heat") cmap._init() cmap._lut[:120, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 120)**2 # Slightly change the appearance of the map so it suits the rays. map_object.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#bbbbbb') map_object.fillcontinents(color='#dddddd', lake_color='#dddddd', zorder=0) lngs, lats = collected_bins.coordinates ln, la = map_object(lngs, lats) map_object.pcolormesh(ln, la, data, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=max_val) # Draw the coastlines so they appear over the rays. Otherwise things are # sometimes hard to see. map_object.drawcoastlines() map_object.drawcountries(linewidth=0.2) map_object.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30)) map_object.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30))