def lasso_test(): """Runs a sample problem through the lasso function""" (A, b, l) = dg.data_gen() (x, hist) = lasso.lasso(A, b, l, 1.0, 1.0) K = len(hist['objval']) x = np.arange(K) # Plot the objective values fig = plt.figure() y = hist['objval'] ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) plt.xlabel('iter(k)') plt.ylabel('f(x^k) + g(z^k)') # Plot norms fig2 = plt.figure() bx = fig2.add_subplot(211) bx.semilogy(x, np.maximum(hist['r_norm'], 1e-8)) bx.semilogy(x, hist['eps_pri'], 'r--') plt.ylabel('||r||_2') cx = fig2.add_subplot(212) cx.semilogy(x, np.maximum(hist['s_norm'], 1e-8)) cx.semilogy(x, hist['eps_dual'], 'r--') plt.ylabel('||s||_2') plt.xlabel('iter(k)')
def main(): A = np.random.random((10, 10)) b = np.random.random((10, 1)) lambd = 1.0 rho = 1.0e-6 alpha = 1.5 x = lasso(A, b, lambd, rho, alpha) print(x)
def aux_mp_grid(A, y, target_support, sparsity_level, beta_min, beta_max, n_beta, beta_scaling, method, **kwargs): """ Auxiliary method for mp_lasso_grid and mp_lars_grid since both calls are almost equal. This is called from both methods to reduce/avoid code duplication. """ suppress_warning = kwargs.get('suppress_warning', False) start = timer() # SVD of A U, S, V = np.linalg.svd( max_iter = kwargs.get('max_iter', 2 * sparsity_level + 10) if beta_scaling == 'linscale': beta_range = np.linspace(beta_min, beta_max, n_beta) elif beta_scaling == 'logscale': beta_range = np.logspace(np.log10(beta_min), np.log10(beta_max), n_beta) results = [] coefs = np.zeros((A.shape[1], 0)) for beta in beta_range: B_beta, y_beta = calc_B_y_beta(A, y, U, S, beta) if method == 'lar': # Calculate LAR path new_coefs, elapsed_time, support = least_angle_regression( B_beta, y_beta, sparsity_level) elif method == 'lasso': # Calculate Lasso path new_coefs, elapsed_time, support = lasso(B_beta, y_beta, target_support, sparsity_level) else: raise RuntimeError("Method must be 'lar' or 'lasso'.") coefs = np.concatenate( (coefs, np.reshape(new_coefs, (new_coefs.shape[0], 1))), axis=1) binary_coefs = coefs.astype('bool') support, index = find_support_minimalSD(binary_coefs, target_support) coefs = coefs[:, index] elapsed_time = timer() - start return coefs, elapsed_time, support
def Lambda_effect(A, b, u_0, erreur, Lambda_min, Lambda_max, Nb_Lambda=10): ''' Inputs: - A, b, u_0, erreur - Lambda_min, Lambda_max - Nb_Lambda : le nombre de pas Outputs: - Non_zero : nombre d'elements non nuls dans la solution optimale - Solutions : les solutions optimales pour chaque Lambda ''' step = (Lambda_max - Lambda_min) / Nb_Lambda Non_zero = [] # Contien le nombre d'element non nulle pour un lambda donné Solutions = [] for i in range(Nb_Lambda): Lambda_i = Lambda_min + i * step res = lasso(A, b, Lambda_i, u_0, erreur) Solution = res['Sol_opt'] Count_non_zero = np.count_nonzero(Solution) Non_zero.append(Count_non_zero) Solutions.append(Solution) return Non_zero, Solutions
def recover_support(A, y, u_real, method, sparsity_level, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Handler method to call the different sparse encoders. Ultimatively uses encoder specified under method with the given data and recovers the support. Returns a success flag, the final support, the target support, the elapsed time and the relative error to the real solution. Parameters -------------- A : np.array, shape (n_measurements, n_features) Sampling matrix y : np.array, shape (n_measurements) Vector of measurements. u_real : np.array, shape (n_features) Signal that generated the measurements y under sampling of A, ie. A * u_real = y (+ potential signal/measurements noise). method : python string Sparse encoder that should be used. Should be in the __list_of_encoders__ specified above. promp and romp do not work currently. sparsity_level : python Integer Support size of the generating signal u_real. verbose : python Boolean Controls print-outs of this method. kwargs : python dictionary Keyword arguments than will be passed to the solver if necessary. Returns ----------------- success : True if correct support was recovered, false otherwise support : Support recovered at the end. target_support : Support of u_real. elapsed_time : time spent for calculating the support/solution. relative_error : relative l2 error between the recovered solution and u_real. """ target_support = np.where(u_real)[0] if method == "lar": result = least_angle_regression(A, y, sparsity_level, **kwargs) elif method == "lasso": result = lasso(A, y, target_support, sparsity_level) elif method == 'mp_lasso_grid': result = mp_lasso_grid(A, y, target_support, sparsity_level, **kwargs) elif method == 'mp_lars_grid': result = mp_lars_grid(A, y, target_support, sparsity_level, **kwargs) elif method == 'bp': result = basis_pursuit(A, y, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) elif method == "mp": result = matching_pursuit(A, y, sparsity_level) elif method == "omp": result = orthogonal_matching_pursuit(A, y, sparsity_level) elif method == "iht": result = iterative_hard_thresholding(A, y, sparsity_level, verbose=verbose) elif method == "l1iht": result = l1_iterative_hard_thresholding(A, y, sparsity_level, verbose=verbose) elif method == "romp": result = regularized_orthogonal_matching_pursuit(A, y, sparsity_level) elif method == "cosamp": result = cosamp(A, y, sparsity_level) elif method == "sp": result = subspace_pursuit(A, y, sparsity_level) elif method == "enet": result = elastic_net(A, y, target_support, sparsity_level, **kwargs) elif method in [ "pmp", "pomp", "plar", "plasso", "plar", "piht", "promp", "pcosamp", "psp", "penet" ]: # Calculate preconditioned system start_time = timer() V_lp, y_new = get_preconditioned_system(A, y) # Call method again without p in method name result = recover_support(V_lp, y_new, u_real, method[1:], sparsity_level, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) elapsed_time = start_time - timer() # Replace time with total time return result[0], result[1], result[2], elapsed_time, result[4] else: raise RuntimeError( "Encoder not found. Use one of {0}.".format(__list_of_encoders__)) # Postprocess solution coefs, elapsed_time, support = result relative_error = calc_relative_error(coefs, u_real) success = np.array_equal(support, target_support) if verbose: print "Finished example with method {0} in {1} seconds.".format( method, elapsed_time) print "Recovered: {0} Correct: {1}".format(support, target_support) print "Success: {0}".format(success) print "Error: {0}".format(relative_error) return success, support, target_support, elapsed_time, relative_error
from ridge import ridge from lasso import lasso from elastic import elastic import utilities # Load dataset. normalized = True dataset = utilities.import_CCPP(normalized) fit, _ = my_lslr(dataset, 15000, 0.1) utilities.stats(dataset, fit, 'My LSLR') fit, _ = my_ridge(dataset, 15000, 0.1, 0.1) utilities.stats(dataset, fit, 'My Ridge') fit = lslr(dataset) utilities.stats(dataset, fit, 'Library LSLR') fit = ridge(dataset) utilities.stats(dataset, fit, 'Library Ridge') # Load dataset. normalized = False dataset = utilities.import_CCPP(normalized) fit = elastic(dataset) utilities.stats(dataset, fit, 'Library Elastic') fit = lasso(dataset) utilities.stats(dataset, fit, 'Library Lasso')
scoreMat = scoreMat / np.linalg.norm(scoreMat) # Normalize the scores ######################### # GET THE MEASURED MATRIX ######################### y = np.zeros((m, 1)) # This is the matrix we get as measured in real life for i in range(m): y[i] = A[i, :].dot(scoreMat) print("True Local Betweenness Values: ") print(scoreMat) print() ##################### # SOLVE LASSO PROBLEM ##################### x = lasso(A, y) print("Reconstructed Local Betweenness Values: ") print(x) ############################### #CALCULATE RECONSTRUCTION ERROR ############################### MSE = np.linalg.norm(scoreMat - x) print("Relative L2-Norm Error Percentage: ", 100 * MSE, "%") # print(np.linalg.norm(scoreMat)) # This is ofc 1 ################# #PLOTTING UTILITY ################# g = igraph.Graph([(e.GetSrcNId(), e.GetDstNId()) for e in graph.Edges()])
def plot_evaluation(my_colors, lib_colors): # Load dataset. dataset = utilities.import_CCPP(True) # Store constant variables. y_real = np.array(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values) std_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='darkslategray') fits = [] losses = [] losses_per_epoch = [] titles = ['LSLR Loss Per Epoch', 'Ridge Loss Per Epoch'] patches = ['Our LSLR Loss', 'Our Ridge Loss'] colors = my_colors epochs = 15000 # Calculate my regression fits. fit, loss = my_lslr(dataset, epochs, 0.1) fits.append(fit) losses_per_epoch.append(loss) losses.append(evaluate_fit(dataset, fits[0])) fit, loss = my_ridge(dataset, epochs, 0.1, 0.1) fits.append(fit) losses_per_epoch.append(loss) losses.append(evaluate_fit(dataset, fits[1])) # Print stats. utilities.stats(dataset, fits[0], 'My LSLR') utilities.stats(dataset, fits[1], 'My Ridge') # Setup plot. fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) x_axis = np.linspace(0, epochs, len(losses_per_epoch[0]), endpoint=True) ax.plot(x_axis, losses_per_epoch[1], color=colors[1], alpha=0.75) ax.plot(x_axis, losses_per_epoch[0], color=colors[0], alpha=0.75) ax.legend( [mpatches.Patch(color=colors[0]), mpatches.Patch(color=colors[1])], [patches[0], patches[1]]) ax.set(title='Loss Per Epoch', xlabel='Epoch', ylabel='Loss') # Plot fit losses. titles = ['Our LSLR', 'Our Ridge'] x_axis = np.linspace(0, len(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values), len(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values), endpoint=True) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) for i in range(0, len(fits)): mean = np.mean(losses[i]) print(titles[i] + ' Mean: ' + str(mean)) loss_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=colors[i]) ax[i].semilogy(x_axis, losses[i], color=colors[i]) ax[i].set_xlim(0, len(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values)) ax[i].axhline(y=np.std(y_real)**2, color='darkslategray', xmin=0, xmax=len(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values), linestyle='-') ax[i].axhline(y=mean, color='w', xmin=0, xmax=len(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values), linestyle='-') ax[i].text(1.05, mean, '{:.4f}'.format(mean), va='center', ha="left", bbox=dict(alpha=0), transform=ax[i].get_yaxis_transform()) ax[i].legend([loss_patch, std_patch], [patches[i], 'Standard Deviation']) ax[i].set(title=titles[i], xlabel='Value', ylabel='Logarithmic Loss') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3) # Reset variables. fits = [] losses = [] titles = ['LSLR', 'Ridge', 'Lasso', 'Elastic Net'] patches = ['LSLR Loss', 'Ridge Loss', 'Lasso Loss', 'Elastic Net Loss'] colors = lib_colors # Calculate regression fits from libraries. fits.append(lslr(dataset)) losses.append(evaluate_fit(dataset, fits[0])) fits.append(ridge(dataset)) losses.append(evaluate_fit(dataset, fits[1])) fits.append(lasso(dataset)) losses.append(evaluate_fit(dataset, fits[2])) fits.append(elastic(dataset)) losses.append(evaluate_fit(dataset, fits[3])) # Print stats. utilities.stats(dataset, fits[0], 'Library LSLR') utilities.stats(dataset, fits[1], 'Library Ridge') utilities.stats(dataset, fits[2], 'Library Lasso') utilities.stats(dataset, fits[3], 'Library Elastic Net') # Plot fit losses. fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2) fig.suptitle('Evaluation of Regression Libraries') for i in range(0, len(fits)): mean = np.mean(losses[i]) print(titles[i] + ' Mean: ' + str(mean)) loss_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=colors[i]) ax[int(i / 2) % 2, i % 2].semilogy(x_axis, losses[i], color=colors[i]) ax[int(i / 2) % 2, i % 2].set_xlim(0, len(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values)) ax[int(i / 2) % 2, i % 2].axhline(y=np.std(y_real)**2, color='darkslategray', xmin=0, xmax=len(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values), linestyle='-') ax[int(i / 2) % 2, i % 2].axhline(y=mean, color='w', xmin=0, xmax=len(dataset.iloc[:, 4].values), linestyle='-') ax[int(i / 2) % 2, i % 2].text(1.05, mean, '{:.4f}'.format(mean), va='center', ha="left", bbox=dict(alpha=0), transform=ax[int(i / 2) % 2, i % 2].get_yaxis_transform()) ax[int(i / 2) % 2, i % 2].legend([loss_patch, std_patch], [patches[i], 'Standard Deviation']) ax[int(i / 2) % 2, i % 2].set(title=titles[i], xlabel='Value', ylabel='Loss (Logarithmic)') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.7)
k = 10 wt = np.zeros((1, d)) wt[:, 0:5] = -10 wt[:, 5:k] = 10 b = 0 mu = 0 sigma = 1 noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, (1, n)) X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (d, n)) y =, X) + b + noise X = csr_matrix(X) ### plot the precision recall - lambda l_syn = lasso() lamb = max_lamb(X, y) print(lamb) precision_list = [] recall_list = [] lamb_list = [] for i in range(10):, y, lamb) wt_pred, b = l_syn.get_param() p, r = precision_recall(wt_pred) precision_list.append(p) recall_list.append(r) lamb_list.append(lamb) lamb = lamb / 2 print(lamb_list)
import time from analysis import analyze sys.path.insert(0, './ridge') from ridge import ridge sys.path.insert(0, './lasso') from lasso import lasso sys.path.insert(0, './bayesian') from bayesian import bayesian sys.path.insert(0, './SVR') from svr import svr start = time.time() ridge(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]) ridge_end = time.time() lasso(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]) lasso_end = time.time() bayesian(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]) bayesian_end = time.time() svr(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]) svr_end = time.time() print "Ridge Results" print "Running Time: "+str(ridge_end-start)+" seconds" analyze("ridge_out.csv") print "---" print "Lasso Results" print "Running Time: "+str(lasso_end-ridge_end)+" seconds" analyze("lasso_out.csv") print "---" print "Bayesian Results"
#print 'linear regression cvn mse is ',cvn_lr #Now we will compute cvn for LASSO with a number of lambdas #if m==1: if False: lasso_train_vs_lambda = [] lasso_test_vs_lambda = [] lambdas = np.linspace(0.0000,100.0,11,endpoint=True) n_test = int(X_aug.shape[0]/5) X_aug_test = X_aug[:n_test,:] Y_test = Y[:n_test,:] X_aug_train = X_aug[n_test:,:] Y_train = Y[n_test:,:] print 'number of training data points = ',Y_train.shape[0] print 'number of testing data points = ',Y_test.shape[0] lasso_obj = lasso(X_aug_train,Y_train,True,np.ones(Y_train.shape[0]),True,True) lasso_obj.obtain_guess_for_lambda(lambdas[0]) for l in lambdas: converged = lasso_obj.train(l,False) if converged: b = np.concatenate((lasso_obj.beta,np.array([lasso_obj.beta_0]))) predicted_Y_train =,np.ones(X_aug_train.shape[0]))),b) predicted_Y_test =,np.ones(X_aug_test.shape[0]))),b) mse_train = mean_squared_error(predicted_Y_train.reshape((len(predicted_Y_train),1)),Y_train) mse_test = mean_squared_error(predicted_Y_test.reshape((len(predicted_Y_test),1)),Y_test) print 'lambda = '+str(l)+' train mse = '+str(mse_train)+' test mse = '+str(mse_test) lasso_train_vs_lambda.append(mse_train) lasso_test_vs_lambda.append(mse_test) print 'converged coefs ' print lasso_obj.beta print 'converged intercept ',lasso_obj.beta_0
coef_v_lambda = [] test_v_lambda = [] train_v_lambda = [] # In[189]: #lambdas = np.linspace(0.000,0.02,211,endpoint=True) lambdas = np.arange(0.0,0.02,0.0001) print lambdas # In[190]: lasso_obj = lasso(X,y,False,W,True,True) # In[191]: lasso_obj.obtain_guess_for_lambda(lambdas[0]) # In[192]: for l in lambdas: converged = lasso_obj.train(l,False) if converged: y_pred =,lasso_obj.beta) err = y-y_pred train_rms = math.sqrt(,,err))/float(1072))
import os import sys import time import cPickle # Scientific computing import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as lin import scipy.sparse as sps # Plotting import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sys.path.append('../optimization') # Custom modules import. import lasso if __name__ == '__main__': # Test lasso. m = 10 n = 100 x = sps.random(n, 1) A = np.random.randn(m, n) b = ( l = 1 niters = 20 debug = True xhat = lasso.lasso(A, b, l, niters, debug)
v_0 = u_0 # constante de régularisation Lambda = 0.1 # Input pour l'impact de Lambda Lambda_min = 0 Lambda_max = 20 Nb_Lambda = 10 ''' RESOLUTION DU PROBLEME ''' if (Nom_algo == 'LASSO'): Resultats = lasso(A, b, Lambda, u_0, erreur) if (Nom_algo == 'FISTA'): Resultats = lasso_accelerated(A, b, Lambda, u_0, v_0, erreur) #Plot resultats Erreur_histo = Resultats['Err_hist'] Solution = Resultats['Sol_opt'] Nb_iteration = Resultats['nb_iterations'] print("Solution trouvée :", Solution) print("Nb_iteration :", Nb_iteration) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7)) plt.plot(Erreur_histo) plt.title(" Evolution de l'erreur ") plt.xlabel('Iterations')