    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        IBugtracker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.lp = None

        # A word to the wise:
        # The Launchpad API is much better than the /+text interface we currently use,
        # it's faster and easier to get the information we need.
        # The current /+text interface is not really maintained by Launchpad and most,
        # or all, of the Launchpad developers hate it. For this reason, we are dropping
        # support for /+text in the future in favour of launchpadlib.
        # Terence Simpson (tsimpson) 2010-04-20

        try: # Attempt to use launchpadlib, python bindings for the Launchpad API
            from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
            cachedir = os.path.join(conf.supybot.directories.data.tmp(), 'lpcache')
            if hasattr(Launchpad, 'login_anonymously'):
                self.lp = Launchpad.login_anonymously("Ubuntu Bots - Bugtracker", 'production', cachedir)
            else: #NOTE: Most people should have a launchpadlib new enough for .login_anonymously
                self.lp = Launchpad.login("Ubuntu Bots - Bugtracker", '', '', 'production', cahedir)
        except ImportError:
            # Ask for launchpadlib to be installed
            supylog.warning("Please install python-launchpadlib, the old interface is deprecated")
        except Exception: # Something unexpected happened
            self.lp = None
            supylog.exception("Unknown exception while accessing the Launchpad API")