    def GET(self, name=None):

                logging.info("[LayMan][GET] %s" % name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][GET] Parameters: %s ... %s" %
                    (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][GET] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = None    # 200, 404...
                retval = None  # success: returned value. failure: error message.
                origName = name
                path = [d for d in name.split(os.path.sep) if d]

                # GET "http://localhost:8080/layman/fileman/"
                if path[0] == "fileman":

                    from fileman import FileMan
                    fm = FileMan()

                    # /fileman
                    if len(path) == 1:
                        logging.info("[LayMan][GET /fileman]")
                        (code, retval) = fm.getFiles(self.auth.getFSUserDir())

                    # /fileman/<file>
                    elif len(path) == 2:
                        (code, retval) = fm.getFile(self._getTargetFile(path[1]))

                    # /fileman/detail/<file>
                    elif len(path) == 3 and\
                        path[1] == "detail":
                        (code, retval) = fm.getFileDetails(self._getTargetFile(path[2]))

                        (code, retval) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="GET", call=origName)

                elif path[0] == 'publish':
                    from layed import LayEd
                    le = LayEd()

                    roles = self.auth.getRoles()
                    (code,retval) = le.getLayers(roles)

                # Get the list of tables in db (or other data)
                elif path[0] == 'data':
                    # /data    
                    if len(path) == 1:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd()

                        roles = self.auth.getRoles()
                        (code,retval) = le.getData(roles)

                    elif len(path) == 2:

                        # /layed/groups
                        if path[1] == "groups":
                            (code, retval) = self.auth.getRolesStr()

                        # /layed/allgroups
                        elif path[1] == "allgroups":
                            (code, retval) = self.auth.getAllRolesStr()

                            (code, retval) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="GET", call=origName)

                        (code, retval) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="GET", call=origName)

                elif path[0] == 'layed':

                    from layed import LayEd
                    le = LayEd()

                    # /layed[?usergroup=FireBrigade]
                    if len(path) == 1:
                        """ Get the json of the layers.
                        If usergroup parameter is specified, only the layers
                        of the corresponding workspace are returned.
                        Otherwise, the layers of all groups allowed are returned
                        in proprietary json, ordered by group (i.e. workspace)
                        logging.info("[LayMan][GET /layed]")
                        inpt = web.input(usergroup=None)
                        if inpt.usergroup == None: # workspace not given, go for all
                            roles = self.auth.getRoles()
                        else: # workspace given, go for one
                            role = self.auth.getRole(inpt.usergroup)
                            roles = [role]
                        (code,retval) = le.getLayers(roles)

                    elif len(path) == 2:

                        # /layed/workspaces
                        if path[1] == "workspaces":
                            (code, retval) = le.getWorkspaces()

                        # /layed/groups
                        elif path[1] == "groups":
                            (code, retval) = self.auth.getRolesStr()

                        # /layed/allgroups
                        elif path[1] == "allgroups":
                            (code, retval) = self.auth.getAllRolesStr()

                            (code, retval) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="GET", call=origName)

                    elif len(path) == 3:

                        # /layed/config/<layer>?usergroup=FireBrigade
                        if path[1] == "config":
                            layerName = path[2]
                            inpt = web.input(usergroup=None)
                            gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.usergroup)
                            (code, retval) = le.getLayerConfig(gsWorkspace, layerName)

                        # /layed/workspaces/<ws>
                        elif path[1] == "workspaces":
                            (code, retval) = le.getWorkspace(path[2])

                            (code, retval) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="GET", call=origName)

                        (code, retval) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="GET", call=origName)

                elif path[0] == "geoserver":
                    ws = None
                    g = None

                    from layed.gsconfig import GsConfig
                    code = 200

                    if path[1] == "style" and len(path) >= 3:
                        #if len(path) > 3:
                        #    ws = path[-2]
                        g = GsConfig()
                        retval = g.getStyle(path[-1])
                        web.header("Content-type", "text/xml")

                    (code, retval) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="GET", call=origName)

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                if not success:
                    retval  = self._jsonReply(code, message=retval, success=success)
                # else: we return the returned value directly
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)
    def PUT(self, name=None):

                logging.info("[LayMan][PUT] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][PUT] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                global config
                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][PUT] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = 404    # 200, 404...
                message = "Call not supported: PUT "+name+" Please check the API doc or report a bug if appropriate."

                path = [d for d in name.split(os.path.sep) if d]

                # PUT "http://localhost:8080/layman/fileman/file.shp"
                if path[0]  == "fileman":
                    from fileman import FileMan
                    fm = FileMan()
                    fileName = path[-1]
                    data = web.data()
                    (code, message) = fm.putFile(self._getTargetFile(
                                                 fileName), data)

                # PUT /layman/user/
                # data: {screenName: "user", roles: [{roleTitle, roleName}, {roleTitle, roleName}]}
                elif path[0] == "user":
                    from userprefs import UserPrefs
                    up = UserPrefs(config)
                    data = web.data()
                    (code, message) = up.updateUser(userJsonStr=data)

                elif path[0] == "geoserver":
                    from layed.gsconfig import GsConfig

                    # /geoserver/style/style_name
                    if path[1] == "style":
                        #ws = None
                        #if len(path) > 3:
                        #    ws = path[-2]
                        gsc = GsConfig()
                        # If PUT Style fails, gsconfig throws an exception
                            gsc.putStyle(path[-1], web.data())
                            (code, message) = (200, "PUT Style OK")
                        except Exception as e:
                            code = 500
                            message = "PUT Style failed: " + str(e)

                # /layed/config/<layer>?usergroup=FireBrigade
                elif path[0] == "layed" and len(path) == 2:
                    from layed import LayEd
                    le = LayEd()
                    layerName = path[1]
                    inpt = web.input(usergroup=None)
                    gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.usergroup)
                    data = web.data()
                    data = json.loads(data)  # string -> json

                    usergroup = inpt.usergroup
                    if (not usergroup) and ("usergroup" in data.keys()):
                        logging.debug("[LayMan][PUT] Usergroup not provided in params, but given in data: %s"% data["usergroup"])
                        usergroup = data["usergroup"]

                    fsUserDir = self.auth.getFSUserDir()
                    fsGroupDir = self.auth.getFSGroupDir(usergroup)
                    dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(usergroup)
                    gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(usergroup)

                    (code, message) = le.putLayerConfig(gsWorkspace,
                                                        layerName, data,
                                                        fsUserDir, fsGroupDir,

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)
    def DELETE(self, name=None):

                logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][DELETE] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = 404    # 200, 404...
                message = "Call not supported: DELETE "+name+" Please check the API doc or report a bug if appropriate."

                path = [d for d in name.split(os.path.sep) if d]
                if len(name) > 0:

                    if path[0] != "fileman" and not self.auth.canDelete():
                            logging.error("[LayMan][DELETE] Only admin can DELETE")
                            raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Only Administrator can delete")

                    # /fileman/file.shp"
                    if path[0] == "fileman":
                            from fileman import FileMan
                            fm = FileMan()
                            fileName = name[8:]
                            (code, message) = fm.deleteFile(self._getTargetFile(path[-1]))

                    # /user/<username>
                    elif path[0] == "user" and len(path) == 2:
                        userName = path[1]
                        from userprefs import UserPrefs
                        up = UserPrefs(config)
                        (code, message) = up.deleteUser(userName)

                    # /layed/<layer>
                    elif path[0] == "layed" and len(path) == 2:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd()
                        layerName = path[1]
                        inpt = web.input(usergroup=None)
                        deleteTable = True
                        if "deleteTable" in inpt:
                            if inpt["deleteTable"].lower() == "false":
                                deleteTable = False
                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.usergroup)
                        dbSchema    = self.auth.getDBSchema(inpt.usergroup)
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete layer '%s'"% layerName )
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete from workspace '%s'"% gsWorkspace)
                        (code, message) = le.deleteLayer(gsWorkspace, layerName, dbSchema, deleteTable)

                    # /publish/<layer>
                    elif path[0] == "publish" and len(path) == 2:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd()
                        layerName = path[1]
                        inpt = web.input()
                        if not "schema" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'schema' parameter missing")

                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.schema)
                        dbSchema    = self.auth.getDBSchema(inpt.schema)
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete layer '%s'"% layerName )
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete from workspace '%s'"% gsWorkspace)
                        (code, message) = le.deleteLayer(gsWorkspace, layerName, dbSchema, deleteTable=False)

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval  = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)
    def POST(self, name=None):
                logging.info("[LayMan][POST] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][POST] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                global config
                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][POST] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = None
                message = None
                origName = name
                name = [d for d in os.path.split(origName) if d]

                if len(name) > 0:

                    # POST "http://localhost:8080/layman/fileman/file.shp"
                    if name[0] == "fileman":
                        from fileman import FileMan
                        fm = FileMan()
                        # Jachyme, what we expect here to receive from the client?
                        # Where is it documented?
                        inpt = web.input(filename={}, newfilename="")
                        newFilename = inpt["newfilename"]
                        if not newFilename:
                            newFilename = inpt["filename"].filename
                        newFilename = self._getTargetFile(newFilename,False)
                        (code, message) = fm.postFile(newFilename, inpt["filename"].file.read())  # FIXME Security: we
                                                                         # shoudl read file size up to X megabytes
                        web.header("Content-type", "text/html")

                    # POST /layman/user
                    # data: {screenName: "user", roles: [{roleTitle, roleName}, {roleTitle, roleName}]}
                    elif name[0] == "user":
                        from userprefs import UserPrefs
                        up = UserPrefs(config)
                        data = web.data()
                        (code, message) = up.createUser(userJsonStr=data)

                    # POST "http://localhost:8080/layman/layed?fileName=Rivers.shp&usergroup=RescueRangers"
                    elif name[0] == "layed":
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd(config)
                        inpt = web.input(usergroup=None)
                        if not inpt.fileName:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'fileName' parameter missing")
                        fileName = inpt.fileName
                        fsUserDir = self.auth.getFSUserDir()
                        fsGroupDir = self.auth.getFSGroupDir(inpt.usergroup)
                        dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(inpt.usergroup)
                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.usergroup)
                        crs = inpt.crs # native crs
                        tsrs = inpt.tsrs # target srs
                        cpg = inpt.cpg # code page

                        secureLayer = True
                        if "secureLayer" in inpt:
                            if inpt.secureLayer.lower() == "false":
                                secureLayer = False

                        (code, layerName, message) = le.importAndPublish(fsUserDir, fsGroupDir,
                                                     dbSchema, gsWorkspace,
                                                     fileName, crs, tsrs, cpg, inpt, secureLayer)
                        # Set Location header
                        if code == 201 and layerName is not None:
                            location = layerName # TODO: provide full URI here             
                            web.header("Location", location)

                    elif name[0] == "publish" or name[0] == "data":
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd(config)
                        inpt = web.input()

                        # Obligatory parameters
                        if not "schema" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'schema' parameter missing")
                        if not "view" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'view' parameter missing")
                        if not "crs" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'crs' parameter missing")

                        viewName = inpt.view
                        dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(inpt.schema)
                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.schema)
                        crs = inpt.crs

                        secureLayer = True
                        if "secureLayer" in inpt:
                            if inpt.secureLayer.lower() == "false":
                                secureLayer = False

                        # Optional parameters
                        styleName = None
                        styleWs = None                        
                        if "style" in inpt:
                            styleName = inpt.style
                        if "style_ws" in inpt:
                            styleWs = inpt.style_ws

                        (code, layerName, message) = le.publishFromDbToGs(dbSchema, 
                                                            crs, inpt, styleName, styleWs, secureLayer)

                        # Set Location header
                        if code == 201 and layerName is not None:
                            location = layerName # TODO: provide full URI here             
                            web.header("Location", location)

                        (code, message) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="POST",

                    (code, message) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="POST", call=origName)

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval  = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)