def flex_conv_dilate(xyz, feat, dilate, knn, outdims, scope, knn_indices=None, concat=True, add_se='max_pool', upsample=True, **unused): num_point = xyz.get_shape()[1] npoint = num_point // dilate with tf.variable_scope(scope) as sc: if dilate > 1: points_sampled, feat_sampled, kp_indices = subsample(xyz, feat, npoint, kp_idx=None) else: points_sampled, feat_sampled = xyz, feat feats_T = tf.transpose(feat_sampled, perm=[0, 2, 1]) points_T = tf.transpose(points_sampled, perm=[0, 2, 1]) if knn_indices is None: # B, knn, numpts knn_indices, distances = knn_bruteforce(points_T, k=knn) x = feats_T for i, d in enumerate(outdims): x = flexconv_withBatchnorm(x, points_T, knn_indices, d, name='flexconv_{}'.format(i)) if add_se == 'max_pool': x_pool = flex_pooling(x, knn_indices, name='se_maxpool') newx = se_res_bottleneck(x, x_pool, outdims[-1], "se") # l: B, 64, N elif add_se == 'avg_pool': x_pool = flex_avg(x, points_T, knn_indices, outdims[-1], name='se_avgpool') x_pool = x_pool * (1.0 / knn) newx = se_res_bottleneck(x, x_pool, outdims[-1], "se") # l: B, 64, N else: newx = x new_feat = tf.transpose(newx, perm=[0, 2, 1]) # B, N, outdim # upsampling if upsample and dilate > 1: dist, idx = three_nn(xyz, points_sampled) dist = tf.maximum(dist, 1e-10) norm = tf.reduce_sum((1.0 / dist), axis=2, keep_dims=True) norm = tf.tile(norm, [1, 1, 3]) weight = (1.0 / dist) / norm new_feat = three_interpolate(new_feat, idx, weight) if concat: new_feat = tf.concat(axis=2, values=[new_feat, feat]) new_feat = feature_conv1d_1(new_feat, outdims[-1], name='concat_conv1d', c_last=True, ac_func=BNReLU) return xyz, new_feat
def local_detection_loss_nn(outs_dict, ar_th=0.3, det_k=16, ar_nn_k=5, pos_r=0.3, use_hardest_neg=True, **unused): xyz0, xyz1 = tf.split(outs_dict['xyz'], 2, axis=0) feat0, feat1 = tf.split(outs_dict['feat'], 2, axis=0) sample_ind0, sample_ind1 = tf.split(outs_dict['sample_nodes_concat'], 2, axis=0) score0, score1 = tf.split(outs_dict['att_sampled'], 2, axis=0) xyz_s0, xyz_s1 = tf.split(outs_dict['xyz_sampled'], 2, axis=0) feat_s0, feat_s1 = tf.split(outs_dict['feat_sampled'], 2, axis=0) rot = outs_dict['R'] knn1, _ = knn_bruteforce(tf.transpose(xyz1, perm=[0, 2, 1]), k=det_k) batchsize = tf.shape(xyz0)[0] samplenum = tf.shape(xyz_s0)[1] xyz0_warp = tf.matmul(xyz_s0, rot) batch_indices = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.range(batchsize), (-1, 1, 1)), (1, samplenum, 1)) # N M 1 indices = tf.concat([batch_indices, sample_ind1], axis=-1) # Batch, M, 2 knn1 = tf.transpose(knn1, [0, 2, 1]) knn_sampled1 = tf.gather_nd(knn1, indices) # batch, numpts, k ===> batch, M, k if use_hardest_neg: matching_xyz_dist_all = tf.sqrt( pairwise_dist(xyz0_warp, xyz_s1) + 1e-10) is_neg = tf.greater(matching_xyz_dist_all, 1) is_neg = tf.cast(is_neg, dtype=tf.float32) feat_dist_all = tf.sqrt(pairwise_dist(feat_s0, feat_s1) + 1e-10) neg_dist = feat_dist_all + (1 - is_neg) * 100 hardest_neg_ind1 = tf.cast(tf.argmin(neg_dist, axis=2), tf.int32) # batch, M hardest_neg_ind1 = tf.expand_dims(hardest_neg_ind1, 2) hardest_neg_indices = tf.concat([batch_indices, hardest_neg_ind1], axis=-1) # Batch, M, 2 knn_sampled_neg1 = tf.gather_nd( knn1, hardest_neg_indices) # batch, numpts, k ===> batch, M, k knn_sampled1 = tf.concat([knn_sampled1, knn_sampled_neg1], -1) det_k = det_k * 2 # gather feat batch_indices = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.range(batchsize), (-1, 1, 1, 1)), (1, samplenum, det_k, 1)) # N samplenum k,1 feat1_indices = tf.concat( [batch_indices, tf.expand_dims(knn_sampled1, axis=3)], axis=-1) # N m k 2 sampled_xyz1 = tf.gather_nd(xyz1, feat1_indices) sampled_feat1 = tf.gather_nd(feat1, feat1_indices) matching_xyz_dist = tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum( tf.squared_difference(tf.expand_dims(xyz0_warp, 2), sampled_xyz1), -1)) # match features matching_feat_dist = tf.reduce_sum( tf.squared_difference(tf.expand_dims(feat_s0, 2), sampled_feat1), -1) dists, indices_k_feat = tf.nn.top_k(-matching_feat_dist, k=5) batch_indices = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.range(batchsize), (-1, 1, 1, 1)), (1, samplenum, ar_nn_k, 1)) samplenum_indices = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.range(samplenum), (1, -1, 1, 1)), (batchsize, 1, ar_nn_k, 1)) indices_k_feat_select = tf.concat([ batch_indices, samplenum_indices, tf.expand_dims(indices_k_feat, axis=3) ], axis=-1) # compute ar sampled_xyzdist_selected = tf.gather_nd(matching_xyz_dist, indices_k_feat_select) is_good = tf.cast(tf.less_equal(sampled_xyzdist_selected, pos_r), tf.float32) padones = tf.ones([is_good.get_shape()[0], is_good.get_shape()[1], 1], tf.float32) is_good = tf.concat([is_good, padones], -1) first = tf.cast(tf.argmax(is_good, axis=-1), tf.float32) AR = tf.cast((first + 1e-8) / ar_nn_k, tf.float32) # ar is between 0 and 1, 0 is the best score0 = tf.squeeze(score0, axis=2) matchingloss = 1 - (AR * score0 + ar_th * (1 - score0)) det_loss = tf.reduce_mean(matchingloss, name='det_loss') add_moving_summary(det_loss) return det_loss
flex_pooling, knn_bruteforce) B, Din, Dout, Dout2, Dp, N, K = 1, 2, 4, 8, 3, 10, 5 features = np.random.randn(B, Din, N).astype(np.float32) positions = np.random.randn(B, Dp, N).astype(np.float32) features = tf.convert_to_tensor(features, name='features') positions = tf.convert_to_tensor(positions, name='positions') net = [features] # use our FlexConv similar to a traditional convolution layer neighbors = knn_bruteforce(positions, k=5) net.append(flex_convolution(net[-1], positions, neighbors, Dout, activation=tf.nn.relu)) # pool and sub-sampling are different operations net.append(flex_pooling(net[-1], neighbors)) # when ordering the points beforehand sub-sampling is simply features = net[-1][:, :, :N // 2] positions = positions[:, :, :N // 2] net.append(features) neighbors = knn_bruteforce(positions, k=3) # we didn't notice any improvements using the transposed version vs. pooling
def build_graph(self, positions, label): positions = positions / 16. - 1 # initial features are the position them self features = positions neighbors = knn_bruteforce(positions, k=16) x = features def subsample(x): # probably too simplistic, just kick out 3 of 4 points randomly # see our paper IDISS approach in the paper for better sub-sampling n = x.shape.as_list()[-1] return x[:, :, :n // 4] # similar to traditional networks for stage in range(4): if stage > 0: x = flex_pooling(x, neighbors) x = subsample(x) positions = subsample(positions) neighbors = knn_bruteforce(positions, k=16) x = flex_convolution(x, positions, neighbors, 64 * (stage + 1), activation=tf.nn.relu) x = flex_convolution(x, positions, neighbors, 64 * (stage + 1), activation=tf.nn.relu) if USE_POOLING: # either do max-pooling of all remaining points... x = tf.expand_dims(x, axis=-1) x = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(x, [1, 16], [1, 16]) else: # ... or do a flex-conv in (0, 0, 0) with all points as neighbors positions = tf.concat([positions, positions[:, :, :1] * 0], axis=-1) x = tf.concat([x, x[:, :, :1] * 0], axis=-1) K = positions.shape.as_list()[-1] neighbors = knn_bruteforce(positions, k=K) x = flex_convolution(x, positions, neighbors, 1024, activation=tf.nn.relu) x = x[:, :, -1:] # from now on just the code part we copied from the Tensorpack framework x = tf.layers.flatten(x) x = tf.layers.dense(x, 512, activation=tf.nn.relu, name='fc0') logits = tf.layers.dense(x, 10, activation=tf.identity, name='fc1') cost = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=label) cost = tf.reduce_mean(cost, name='cross_entropy_loss') correct = tf.cast(tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, label, 1), tf.float32, name='correct') accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(correct, name='accuracy') train_error = tf.reduce_mean(1 - correct, name='train_error') summary.add_moving_summary(train_error, accuracy) return cost
def build_graph(self, *inputs_dict): inputs_dict = dict(zip(self.input_names, inputs_dict)) ####### concat pointclouds pcdset = [inputs_dict['anchor']] if self.config.num_pos > 0: pcdset.append(tf.reshape(inputs_dict['pos'], [-1, self.config.num_points, 3])) if self.config.num_neg > 0: pcdset.append(tf.reshape(inputs_dict['neg'], [-1, self.config.num_points, 3])) if self.config.other_neg: pcdset.append(inputs_dict['otherneg']) points = tf.concat(pcdset, 0, name='pointclouds') # query+pos+neg+otherneg, numpts, 3 if self.input_knn_indices: knn_ind_set = [inputs_dict['knn_ind_anchor']] if inputs_dict.get('knn_ind_pos'): knn_ind_set.append(inputs_dict['knn_ind_pos']) if inputs_dict.get('knn_ind_neg'): knn_ind_set.append(inputs_dict['knn_ind_neg']) knn_inds = tf.concat(knn_ind_set, 0, name='knn_inds') self.knn_indices = tf.transpose(knn_inds, perm=[0, 2, 1]) # batch, k. numpts else: self.knn_indices, distances = knn_bruteforce(tf.transpose(points, perm=[0, 2, 1]), k=self.config.knn_num) if self.config.sampled_kpnum > 0: sample_nodes_concat = tf.concat([inputs_dict['sample_ind_anchor'], inputs_dict['sample_ind_pos']], 0) self.sample_nodes_concat = tf.expand_dims(sample_nodes_concat, 2) else: self.sample_nodes_concat = None freeze_local = self.config.freezebackbone freeze_det = self.config.freezedetection freeze_global = self.config.freezeglobal ####### get local features outs = {} outs['xyz'] = points outs['knn_indices'] = self.knn_indices if self.config.input_R: outs['R'] = inputs_dict['R'] newpoints, localdesc = self.compute_local(points, freeze_local) localdesc_l2normed = tf.nn.l2_normalize(localdesc, dim=2, epsilon=1e-8, name='feat_l2normed') outs['feat'] = localdesc outs['local_desc'] = localdesc_l2normed saved_tensor_xyz_feat = tf.concat([newpoints, localdesc_l2normed], -1, name='xyz_feat') ####### get local attentions if self.config.detection: detect_att = getattr(backbones, self.detection_block)(localdesc, freeze_det=freeze_det) outs['attention'] = detect_att saved_tensor_xyz_feat_att = tf.concat([newpoints, localdesc_l2normed, detect_att], -1, name='xyz_feat_att') if self.config.sampled_kpnum > 0: outs['sample_nodes_concat'] = self.sample_nodes_concat localxyzsample, localfeatsample, kp_indices = backbones.subsample(points, localdesc_l2normed, self.config.sampled_kpnum, kp_idx=self.sample_nodes_concat) outs['feat_sampled'] = localfeatsample outs['xyz_sampled'] = localxyzsample xyz_feat = tf.concat([localxyzsample, localfeatsample], -1, name='xyz_feat_sampled') if self.config.get('detection'): att_sampled = tf.squeeze(group_point(detect_att, kp_indices), axis=-1) outs['att_sampled'] = att_sampled #### get global features if self.config.extract_global: globaldesc = self.compute_global(outs, freeze_global=freeze_global) globaldesc_l2normed = tf.nn.l2_normalize(globaldesc, dim=-1, epsilon=1e-8, name='globaldesc') outs['global_desc'] = globaldesc_l2normed ### loss if return self.compute_loss(outs)