    def getNonRestrictedURL(self, request):
        """Returns the non-restricted version of the request URL.

        The intended use is for determining the equivalent URL on the
        production Launchpad instance if a user accidentally ends up
        on a restrict_to_team Launchpad instance.

        If a non-restricted URL can not be determined, None is returned.
        base_host = config.vhost.mainsite.hostname
        production_host = config.launchpad.non_restricted_hostname
        # If we don't have a production hostname, or it is the same as
        # this instance, then we can't provide a nonRestricted URL.
        if production_host is None or base_host == production_host:
            return None

        # Are we under the main site's domain?
        uri = URI(request.getURL())
        if not uri.host.endswith(base_host):
            return None

        # Update the hostname, and complete the URL from the request:
        new_host = uri.host[:-len(base_host)] + production_host
        uri = uri.replace(host=new_host, path=request['PATH_INFO'])
        query_string = request.get('QUERY_STRING')
        if query_string:
            uri = uri.replace(query=query_string)
        return str(uri)
    def getNonRestrictedURL(self, request):
        """Returns the non-restricted version of the request URL.

        The intended use is for determining the equivalent URL on the
        production Launchpad instance if a user accidentally ends up
        on a restrict_to_team Launchpad instance.

        If a non-restricted URL can not be determined, None is returned.
        base_host = config.vhost.mainsite.hostname
        production_host = config.launchpad.non_restricted_hostname
        # If we don't have a production hostname, or it is the same as
        # this instance, then we can't provide a nonRestricted URL.
        if production_host is None or base_host == production_host:
            return None

        # Are we under the main site's domain?
        uri = URI(request.getURL())
        if not uri.host.endswith(base_host):
            return None

        # Update the hostname, and complete the URL from the request:
        new_host = uri.host[:-len(base_host)] + production_host
        uri = uri.replace(host=new_host, path=request['PATH_INFO'])
        query_string = request.get('QUERY_STRING')
        if query_string:
            uri = uri.replace(query=query_string)
        return str(uri)
 def archive_url(self):
     """Return a custom archive url for basic authentication."""
     normal_url = URI(self.archive.archive_url)
     if self.name:
         name = '+' + self.name
         name = self.person.name
     auth_url = normal_url.replace(userinfo="%s:%s" % (name, self.token))
     return str(auth_url)
def _get_binary_sources_list_line(archive, distroarchseries, pocket,
    """Return the correponding binary sources_list line."""
    # Encode the private PPA repository password in the
    # sources_list line. Note that the buildlog will be
    # sanitized to not expose it.
    if archive.private:
        uri = URI(archive.archive_url)
        uri = uri.replace(userinfo="buildd:%s" % archive.buildd_secret)
        url = str(uri)
        url = archive.archive_url

    suite = distroarchseries.distroseries.name + pocketsuffix[pocket]
    return 'deb %s %s %s' % (url, suite, ' '.join(components))
def _get_binary_sources_list_line(archive, distroarchseries, pocket,
    """Return the correponding binary sources_list line."""
    # Encode the private PPA repository password in the
    # sources_list line. Note that the buildlog will be
    # sanitized to not expose it.
    if archive.private:
        uri = URI(archive.archive_url)
        uri = uri.replace(
            userinfo="buildd:%s" % archive.buildd_secret)
        url = str(uri)
        url = archive.archive_url

    suite = distroarchseries.distroseries.name + pocketsuffix[pocket]
    return 'deb %s %s %s' % (url, suite, ' '.join(components))
 def archive_url(self):
     """Return a custom archive url for basic authentication."""
     normal_url = URI(self.archive.archive_url)
     auth_url = normal_url.replace(
         userinfo="%s:%s" %(self.person.name, self.token))
     return str(auth_url)
def uri_path_replace(url, old, new):
    """Replace a substring of a URL's path."""
    parsed = URI(url)
    return str(parsed.replace(path=parsed.path.replace(old, new)))
def uri_path_replace(url, old, new):
    """Replace a substring of a URL's path."""
    parsed = URI(url)
    return str(parsed.replace(path=parsed.path.replace(old, new)))