    def testChooseChunkShape(self):
        a = (15, )
        b = chooseChunkShape(a, 3)
        assert_array_equal(b, (3, ))

        a = (20, 50)
        b = chooseChunkShape(a, 10)
        assert_array_equal(b, (2, 5))

        a = (20, 50)
        b = chooseChunkShape(a, 3000)
        assert_array_equal(b, (20, 50))

        a = (17, 33)  # roughly 1:2
        b = chooseChunkShape(a, 3)
        assert_array_equal(b, (1, 2))
    def testChooseChunkShape(self):
        a = (15,)
        b = chooseChunkShape(a, 3)
        assert_array_equal(b, (3,))

        a = (20, 50)
        b = chooseChunkShape(a, 10)
        assert_array_equal(b, (2, 5))

        a = (20, 50)
        b = chooseChunkShape(a, 3000)
        assert_array_equal(b, (20, 50))

        a = (17, 33)  # roughly 1:2
        b = chooseChunkShape(a, 3)
        assert_array_equal(b, (1, 2))
    def _chooseChunkshape(self, blockshape):
        Choose an optimal chunkshape for our blockshape and Input shape.
        We assume access patterns to vary more in space than in time or channel
        and choose the inner chunk shape to be about 1MiB slices of t and c.
        Furthermore, we use the function
        to preserve the aspect ratio of the input (at least approximately).
        if blockshape is None:
            return None

        def isConsistent(idealshape):
            check if ideal block shape and given block shape are consistent

            shapes are consistent if, for each dimension,
                * input is unready, or
                * blockshape equals fullshape, or
                * idealshape divides blockshape evenly
            if not self.Input.ready():
                return True

            fullshape = self.Input.meta.shape
            z = zip(idealshape, blockshape, fullshape)
            m = map(lambda (i, b, f): b == f or b % i == 0, z)
            return all(m)

        if not self._ignore_ideal_blockshape and self.Input.ready():
            # take the ideal chunk shape, but check if sane
            ideal = self.Input.meta.ideal_blockshape
            if ideal is not None:
                if len(ideal) == len(blockshape):
                    ideal = numpy.asarray(ideal, dtype=numpy.int)
                    for i, d in enumerate(ideal):
                        if d == 0:
                            ideal[i] = blockshape[i]
                    if not isConsistent(ideal):
                        logger.warn("{}: BlockShape and ideal_blockshape are "
                                    "inconsistent {} vs {}".format(self.name, blockshape, ideal))
                        return tuple(ideal)
                    logger.warn("{}: Encountered meta.ideal_blockshape that does "
                                "not fit the data".format(self.name))

        # we need to figure out an ideal chunk shape on our own

        # Start with a copy of blockshape
        axes = self.Output.meta.getTaggedShape().keys()
        taggedBlockShape = collections.OrderedDict(zip(axes, self._blockshape))

        dtypeBytes = self._getDtypeBytes(self.Output.meta.dtype)

        desiredSpace = 1024**2 / float(dtypeBytes)

        if numpy.prod(blockshape) <= desiredSpace:
            return blockshape

        # set t and c to 1
        for key in 'tc':
            if key in taggedBlockShape:
                taggedBlockShape[key] = 1
        logger.debug("desired space: {}".format(desiredSpace))

        # extract only the spatial shape
        spatialKeys = [k for k in taggedBlockShape.keys() if k in 'xyz']
        spatialShape = [taggedBlockShape[k] for k in spatialKeys]
        newSpatialShape = chooseChunkShape(spatialShape, desiredSpace)
        for k, v in zip(spatialKeys, newSpatialShape):
            taggedBlockShape[k] = v
        chunkShape = tuple(taggedBlockShape.values())
        logger.debug("Using chunk shape: {}".format(chunkShape))
        return chunkShape