    async def test_sending_and_receiving(self):
        account1, account2 = self.account, self.wallet.generate_account(self.ledger)
        await self.ledger.subscribe_account(account2)

        await self.assertBalance(account1, '0.0')
        await self.assertBalance(account2, '0.0')

        addresses = await account1.receiving.get_addresses()
        txids = await asyncio.gather(*(
            self.blockchain.send_to_address(address, 1.1) for address in addresses[:5]
        await asyncio.wait([self.on_transaction_id(txid) for txid in txids])  # mempool
        await self.blockchain.generate(1)
        await asyncio.wait([self.on_transaction_id(txid) for txid in txids])  # confirmed
        await self.assertBalance(account1, '5.5')
        await self.assertBalance(account2, '0.0')

        address2 = await account2.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
        tx = await Transaction.create(
                coins_to_satoshis('2.0'), self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address2)
            [account1], account1
        await self.broadcast(tx)
        await self.ledger.wait(tx)  # mempool
        await self.blockchain.generate(1)
        await self.ledger.wait(tx)  # confirmed

        await self.assertBalance(account1, '3.499802')
        await self.assertBalance(account2, '2.0')

        utxos = await self.account.get_utxos()
        tx = await Transaction.create(
            [account1], account1
        await self.broadcast(tx)
        await self.ledger.wait(tx)  # mempool
        await self.blockchain.generate(1)
        await self.ledger.wait(tx)  # confirmed

        tx = (await account1.get_transactions(include_is_my_input=True, include_is_my_output=True))[1]
        self.assertEqual(satoshis_to_coins(tx.inputs[0].amount), '1.1')
        self.assertEqual(satoshis_to_coins(tx.inputs[1].amount), '1.1')
        self.assertEqual(satoshis_to_coins(tx.outputs[0].amount), '2.0')
        self.assertEqual(tx.outputs[0].get_address(self.ledger), address2)
    async def test_variety_of_transactions_and_longish_history(self):
        await self.generate(300)
        await self.assertBalance(self.account, '0.0')
        addresses = await self.account.receiving.get_addresses()

        # send 10 coins to first 10 receiving addresses and then 10 transactions worth 10 coins each
        # to the 10th receiving address for a total of 30 UTXOs on the entire account
        for i in range(10):
            notification = asyncio.ensure_future(
            _ = await self.send_to_address_and_wait(addresses[i], 10)
            await notification
            notification = asyncio.ensure_future(
            _ = await self.send_to_address_and_wait(addresses[9], 10)
            await notification

        # use batching to reduce issues with send_to_address on cli
        await self.assertBalance(self.account, '200.0')
        self.assertEqual(20, await self.account.get_utxo_count())

        # address gap should have increase by 10 to cover the first 10 addresses we've used up
        addresses = await self.account.receiving.get_addresses()
        self.assertEqual(30, len(addresses))

        # there used to be a sync bug which failed to save TXIs between
        # daemon restarts, clearing cache replicates that behavior

        # spend from each of the first 10 addresses to the subsequent 10 addresses
        txs = []
        for address in addresses[10:20]:
            txs.append(await Transaction.create([], [
            ], [self.account], self.account))
        await asyncio.wait([self.broadcast(tx) for tx in txs])
        await asyncio.wait([self.ledger.wait(tx) for tx in txs])

        # verify that a previous bug which failed to save TXIs doesn't come back
        # this check must happen before generating a new block
                tx.inputs[0].txo_ref.txo is not None
                for tx in await self.ledger.db.get_transactions(
                    txid__in=[tx.id for tx in txs])

        await self.generate(1)
        await asyncio.wait([self.ledger.wait(tx) for tx in txs])
        await self.assertBalance(self.account, '199.99876')

        # 10 of the UTXOs have been split into a 1 coin UTXO and a 9 UTXO change
        self.assertEqual(30, await self.account.get_utxo_count())

        # spend all 30 UTXOs into a a 199 coin UTXO and change
        tx = await Transaction.create([], [
        ], [self.account], self.account)
        await self.broadcast(tx)
        await self.ledger.wait(tx)
        await self.generate(1)
        await self.ledger.wait(tx)

        self.assertEqual(2, await
                         self.account.get_utxo_count())  # 199 + change
        await self.assertBalance(self.account, '199.99649')