class NodeContactTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for the Node class's contact management-related functions """ def setUp(self): self.node = Node() @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_add_contact(self): """ Tests if a contact can be added and retrieved correctly """ # Create the contact contact_id = generate_id(b'node1') contact = self.node.contact_manager.make_contact( contact_id, '', 9182, self.node._protocol) # Now add it... yield self.node.addContact(contact) # ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE closest_nodes = self.node._routingTable.findCloseNodes( contact_id, constants.k) self.assertEqual(len(closest_nodes), 1) self.assertIn(contact, closest_nodes) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_add_self_as_contact(self): """ Tests the node's behaviour when attempting to add itself as a contact """ # Create a contact with the same ID as the local node's ID contact = self.node.contact_manager.make_contact( self.node.node_id, '', 9182, None) # Now try to add it yield self.node.addContact(contact) # ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE closest_nodes = self.node._routingTable.findCloseNodes( self.node.node_id, constants.k) self.assertNotIn(contact, closest_nodes, 'Node added itself as a contact.')
class NodeContactTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for the Node class's contact management-related functions """ def setUp(self): self.node = Node() @defer.inlineCallbacks def testAddContact(self): """ Tests if a contact can be added and retrieved correctly """ # Create the contact h = hashlib.sha384() h.update('node1') contactID = h.digest() contact = self.node.contact_manager.make_contact( contactID, '', 9182, self.node._protocol) # Now add it... yield self.node.addContact(contact) # ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE closestNodes = self.node._routingTable.findCloseNodes( contactID, constants.k) self.failUnlessEqual( len(closestNodes), 1, 'Wrong amount of contacts returned; ' 'expected 1, got %d' % len(closestNodes)) self.failUnless( contact in closestNodes, 'Added contact not found by issueing ' '_findCloseNodes()') @defer.inlineCallbacks def testAddSelfAsContact(self): """ Tests the node's behaviour when attempting to add itself as a contact """ # Create a contact with the same ID as the local node's ID contact = self.node.contact_manager.make_contact( self.node.node_id, '', 9182, None) # Now try to add it yield self.node.addContact(contact) # ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE closestNodes = self.node._routingTable.findCloseNodes( self.node.node_id, constants.k) self.failIf(contact in closestNodes, 'Node added itself as a contact')
class KademliaProtocolTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for the Protocol class """ udpPort = 9182 def setUp(self): self._reactor = Clock() self.node = Node(node_id=b'1' * 48, udpPort=self.udpPort, externalIP="", listenUDP=listenUDP, resolve=resolve, clock=self._reactor, callLater=self._reactor.callLater) self.remote_node = Node(node_id=b'2' * 48, udpPort=self.udpPort, externalIP="", listenUDP=listenUDP, resolve=resolve, clock=self._reactor, callLater=self._reactor.callLater) self.remote_contact = self.node.contact_manager.make_contact( b'2' * 48, '', 9182, self.node._protocol) self.us_from_them = self.remote_node.contact_manager.make_contact( b'1' * 48, '', 9182, self.remote_node._protocol) self.node.start_listening() self.remote_node.start_listening() @defer.inlineCallbacks def tearDown(self): yield self.node.stop() yield self.remote_node.stop() del self._reactor @defer.inlineCallbacks def testReactor(self): """ Tests if the reactor can start/stop the protocol correctly """ d = defer.Deferred() self._reactor.callLater(1, d.callback, True) self._reactor.advance(1) result = yield d self.assertTrue(result) @defer.inlineCallbacks def testRPCTimeout(self): """ Tests if a RPC message sent to a dead remote node times out correctly """ yield self.remote_node.stop() self._reactor.pump([1 for _ in range(10)]) self.node.addContact(self.remote_contact) @rpcmethod def fake_ping(*args, **kwargs): time.sleep(lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout + 1) return 'pong' real_ping = real_timeout = lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout real_attempts = lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcAttempts lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcAttempts = 1 lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout = 1 = fake_ping # Make sure the contact was added self.assertFalse( self.remote_contact not in self.node.contacts, 'Contact not added to fake node (error in test code)') self.node.start_listening() # Run the PING RPC (which should raise a timeout error) df = def check_timeout(err): self.assertEqual(err.type, TimeoutError) df.addErrback(check_timeout) def reset_values(): = real_ping lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout = real_timeout lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcAttempts = real_attempts # See if the contact was removed due to the timeout def check_removed_contact(): self.assertFalse( self.remote_contact in self.node.contacts, 'Contact was not removed after RPC timeout; check exception types.' ) df.addCallback(lambda _: reset_values()) # Stop the reactor if a result arrives (timeout or not) df.addCallback(lambda _: check_removed_contact()) self._reactor.pump([1 for _ in range(20)]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def testRPCRequest(self): """ Tests if a valid RPC request is executed and responded to correctly """ yield self.node.addContact(self.remote_contact) self.error = None def handleError(f): self.error = 'An RPC error occurred: %s' % f.getErrorMessage() def handleResult(result): expectedResult = b'pong' if result != expectedResult: self.error = 'Result from RPC is incorrect; expected "%s", got "%s"' \ % (expectedResult, result) # Simulate the RPC df = df.addCallback(handleResult) df.addErrback(handleError) self._reactor.advance(2) yield df self.assertFalse(self.error, self.error) # The list of sent RPC messages should be empty at this stage self.assertEqual( len(self.node._protocol._sentMessages), 0, 'The protocol is still waiting for a RPC result, ' 'but the transaction is already done!') def testRPCAccess(self): """ Tests invalid RPC requests Verifies that a RPC request for an existing but unpublished method is denied, and that the associated (remote) exception gets raised locally """ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.remote_contact, "not_a_rpc_function") def testRPCRequestArgs(self): """ Tests if an RPC requiring arguments is executed correctly """ self.node.addContact(self.remote_contact) self.error = None def handleError(f): self.error = 'An RPC error occurred: %s' % f.getErrorMessage() def handleResult(result): expectedResult = b'pong' if result != expectedResult: self.error = 'Result from RPC is incorrect; expected "%s", got "%s"' % \ (expectedResult, result) # Publish the "local" node on the network self.node.start_listening() # Simulate the RPC df = df.addCallback(handleResult) df.addErrback(handleError) self._reactor.pump([1 for _ in range(10)]) self.assertFalse(self.error, self.error) # The list of sent RPC messages should be empty at this stage self.assertEqual( len(self.node._protocol._sentMessages), 0, 'The protocol is still waiting for a RPC result, ' 'but the transaction is already done!') @defer.inlineCallbacks def testDetectProtocolVersion(self): original_findvalue = self.remote_node.findValue fake_blob = unhexlify("AB" * 48) @rpcmethod def findValue(contact, key): result = original_findvalue(contact, key) result.pop(b'protocolVersion') return result self.remote_node.findValue = findValue d = self.remote_contact.findValue(fake_blob) self._reactor.advance(3) find_value_response = yield d self.assertEqual(self.remote_contact.protocolVersion, 0) self.assertTrue('protocolVersion' not in find_value_response) self.remote_node.findValue = original_findvalue d = self.remote_contact.findValue(fake_blob) self._reactor.advance(3) find_value_response = yield d self.assertEqual(self.remote_contact.protocolVersion, 1) self.assertTrue('protocolVersion' not in find_value_response) self.remote_node.findValue = findValue d = self.remote_contact.findValue(fake_blob) self._reactor.advance(3) find_value_response = yield d self.assertEqual(self.remote_contact.protocolVersion, 0) self.assertTrue('protocolVersion' not in find_value_response) @defer.inlineCallbacks def testStoreToPre_0_20_0_Node(self): def _dont_migrate(contact, method, *args): return args, {} self.remote_node._protocol._migrate_incoming_rpc_args = _dont_migrate original_findvalue = self.remote_node.findValue original_store = @rpcmethod def findValue(contact, key): result = original_findvalue(contact, key) if b'protocolVersion' in result: result.pop(b'protocolVersion') return result @rpcmethod def store(contact, key, value, originalPublisherID=None, self_store=False, **kwargs): self.assertTrue(len(key) == 48) self.assertSetEqual(set(value.keys()), {b'token', b'lbryid', b'port'}) self.assertFalse(self_store) self.assertDictEqual(kwargs, {}) return original_store( # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args contact, key, value[b'token'], value[b'port'], originalPublisherID, 0) self.remote_node.findValue = findValue = store fake_blob = unhexlify("AB" * 48) d = self.remote_contact.findValue(fake_blob) self._reactor.advance(3) find_value_response = yield d self.assertEqual(self.remote_contact.protocolVersion, 0) self.assertTrue(b'protocolVersion' not in find_value_response) token = find_value_response[b'token'] d =, token, 3333, self.node.node_id, 0) self._reactor.advance(3) response = yield d self.assertEqual(response, b'OK') self.assertEqual(self.remote_contact.protocolVersion, 0) self.assertTrue(self.remote_node._dataStore.hasPeersForBlob(fake_blob)) self.assertEqual(len(self.remote_node._dataStore.getStoringContacts()), 1) @defer.inlineCallbacks def testStoreFromPre_0_20_0_Node(self): def _dont_migrate(contact, method, *args): return args self.remote_node._protocol._migrate_outgoing_rpc_args = _dont_migrate us_from_them = self.remote_node.contact_manager.make_contact( b'1' * 48, '', self.udpPort, self.remote_node._protocol) fake_blob = unhexlify("AB" * 48) d = us_from_them.findValue(fake_blob) self._reactor.advance(3) find_value_response = yield d self.assertEqual(self.remote_contact.protocolVersion, 0) self.assertTrue(b'protocolVersion' not in find_value_response) token = find_value_response[b'token'] us_from_them.update_protocol_version(0) d = self.remote_node._protocol.sendRPC( us_from_them, b"store", (fake_blob, { b'lbryid': self.remote_node.node_id, b'token': token, b'port': 3333 })) self._reactor.advance(3) response = yield d self.assertEqual(response, b'OK') self.assertEqual(self.remote_contact.protocolVersion, 0) self.assertTrue(self.node._dataStore.hasPeersForBlob(fake_blob)) self.assertEqual(len(self.node._dataStore.getStoringContacts()), 1) self.assertIs(self.node._dataStore.getStoringContacts()[0], self.remote_contact)
class KademliaProtocolTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for the Protocol class """ def setUp(self): del lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor = twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor( ) self.node = Node(node_id='1' * 48, udpPort=9182, externalIP="") self.protocol = lbrynet.dht.protocol.KademliaProtocol(self.node) def testReactor(self): """ Tests if the reactor can start/stop the protocol correctly """ lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.listenUDP(0, self.protocol) lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.callLater( 0, lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.stop) def testRPCTimeout(self): """ Tests if a RPC message sent to a dead remote node times out correctly """ @rpcmethod def fake_ping(*args, **kwargs): time.sleep(lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout + 1) return 'pong' real_ping = real_timeout = lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout real_attempts = lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcAttempts lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcAttempts = 1 lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout = 1 = fake_ping deadContact ='2' * 48, '', 9182, self.protocol) self.node.addContact(deadContact) # Make sure the contact was added self.failIf(deadContact not in self.node.contacts, 'Contact not added to fake node (error in test code)') lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.listenUDP(9182, self.protocol) # Run the PING RPC (which should raise a timeout error) df = self.protocol.sendRPC(deadContact, 'ping', {}) def check_timeout(err): self.assertEqual(type(err), TimeoutError) df.addErrback(check_timeout) def reset_values(): = real_ping lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout = real_timeout lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcAttempts = real_attempts # See if the contact was removed due to the timeout def check_removed_contact(): self.failIf( deadContact in self.node.contacts, 'Contact was not removed after RPC timeout; check exception types.' ) df.addCallback(lambda _: reset_values()) # Stop the reactor if a result arrives (timeout or not) df.addBoth(lambda _: lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.stop()) df.addCallback(lambda _: check_removed_contact()) def testRPCRequest(self): """ Tests if a valid RPC request is executed and responded to correctly """ remoteContact ='2' * 48, '', 9182, self.protocol) self.node.addContact(remoteContact) self.error = None def handleError(f): self.error = 'An RPC error occurred: %s' % f.getErrorMessage() def handleResult(result): expectedResult = 'pong' if result != expectedResult: self.error = 'Result from RPC is incorrect; expected "%s", got "%s"' \ % (expectedResult, result) # Publish the "local" node on the network lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.listenUDP(9182, self.protocol) # Simulate the RPC df = df.addCallback(handleResult) df.addErrback(handleError) df.addBoth(lambda _: lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.stop()) self.failIf(self.error, self.error) # The list of sent RPC messages should be empty at this stage self.failUnlessEqual( len(self.protocol._sentMessages), 0, 'The protocol is still waiting for a RPC result, ' 'but the transaction is already done!') def testRPCAccess(self): """ Tests invalid RPC requests Verifies that a RPC request for an existing but unpublished method is denied, and that the associated (remote) exception gets raised locally """ remoteContact ='2' * 48, '', 9182, self.protocol) self.node.addContact(remoteContact) self.error = None def handleError(f): try: f.raiseException() except AttributeError, e: # This is the expected outcome since the remote node did not publish the method self.error = None except Exception, e: self.error = 'The remote method failed, but the wrong exception was raised; ' \ 'expected AttributeError, got %s' % type(e)