def adcMonitorTask(threadName, delay, counter): global exitFlag while counter: if exitFlag: counter = 1 time.sleep(delay) print("%s: counter=%s %s" % (threadName, counter, time.ctime(time.time()))) adcMonitor() for ch in range(4): print("Volt of channel%s is :%05.3f" % (ch, chVolt[ch])) lcd.print_string(lcd.LCD_P1, (str(chVolt[3])[:5]), 3) lcd.print_string(lcd.LCD_P1, (str(chVolt[2])[:5]), 2) lcd.print_string(lcd.LCD_P2, (str(chVolt[1])[:5]), 3) #lcd.print_string(lcd.LCD_P2,(str(chVolt[0])[:5]),2) try: temperature = sensor.get_temperature() lcd.print_string(lcd.LCD_P2, (str(temperature)[:5]), 2) print("The temperature is %s celsius" % temperature) except: print("Check GPIO-BCM4 which is pulled up or not") while not k.kq.empty(): keystate = k.kq.get() print("state-q %s" % k.keystate) if (k.keystate == 1): lcd.disp_page_slide(lcd.LCD_P2, lcd.LCD_PAGE_TOG) counter = 200 elif (k.keystate == 2): pass exitFlag = 1 counter -= 1
def adcMonitorTask(threadName, delay, counter, pwm_ser, kq): global exitFlag while counter: if exitFlag: counter = 1 time.sleep(delay) print("%s: counter=%s %s" % (threadName, counter, time.ctime(time.time()))) adcMonitor() for ch in range(4): print("Volt of channel%s is :%05.3f" % (ch, chVolt[ch])) lcd.print_string(lcd.C.LCD_P1, (str(chVolt[3])[:5]) + 'v ', 3) lcd.print_string(lcd.C.LCD_P1, (str(chVolt[2])[:5]) + 'v ', 2) lcd.print_string(lcd.C.LCD_P1, (str(chVolt[1])[:5]) + 'v ', 1) lcd.print_string(lcd.C.LCD_P1, (str(chVolt[0])[:5]) + 'v ', 0) try: sensor = W1ThermSensor(W1ThermSensor.THERM_SENSOR_DS18B20, "041702b228ff") temperature = sensor.get_temperature() lcd.print_string(lcd.C.LCD_P2, (str(temperature)[:5] + 'c'), 0) lcd.print_string(lcd.C.LCD_P2, 'CNTR:' + "{:0>3d}".format(counter), 1) print("The temperature is %s celsius" % temperature) f_vaule, d_value = ua.uart_get(pwm_ser) lcd.print_string(lcd.C.LCD_P2, str(f_vaule)[2:7], 2) lcd.print_string(lcd.C.LCD_P2, str(d_value)[2:6] + '%', 3) print(f_vaule, d_value) except: print("Check GPIO-BCM4 which is pulled up or not") while not kq.empty(): keystate = kq.get() print("state-q %s" % keystate) if (keystate == k.C.KEYSTATE_PAGE): lcd.disp_page_slide(lcd.C.LCD_P2, lcd.LCD_PAGE_TOG) counter = 200 elif (keystate == k.C.KEYSTATE_EXIT): pass exitFlag = 1 counter -= 1