def extract_lcdata(filepath, silent=True):
    """Extracts luminosity versus time from kepler binary file (.lc)
    lumfile = lcdata.load(filepath, silent=silent, graphical=False)

    if lumfile is None:
        raise FileNotFoundError("lumfile doesn't exist")
        n = len(lumfile.time)
        lum = np.full((n, 2), np.nan)
        lum[:, 0] = lumfile.time
        lum[:, 1] = lumfile.xlum
        return lum
def extract_lightcurves(runs, path_data, path_target, basename='xrb'):
    Loads Kepler .lum binaries and saves txt file of [time, luminosity, radius] for input to kepler_analyser
    Returns No. of cycles for each run
    runs = []         : list of run numbers, eg. [324,325,340]
    path_data = str   : path to directory where kepler output folders are located (include trailing slash)
    path_target = str : path to directory where output .txt files will be written (include trailing slash)
    in_name = str     : base filename of input, eg. 'run' for run324
    out_name = str    : base filename of output, eg. 'xrb' for xrb324

    NOTE: kepler_analyser overwrites summ.csv and db.csv, should put path_target as new directory

    print(f'Loading binaries from {path_data}')
    print(f'Writing txt files to {path_target}')

    cycles = np.zeros(len(runs), dtype=int)

    for i, run in enumerate(runs):
        rname = grid_strings.get_run_string(run, basename)
        lcfile = f'{rname}.lc'
        savefile = f'{rname}.data'

        print(f'Loading kepler binary for {rname}')
        lcpath = os.path.join(path_data, rname, lcfile)
        data = lcdata.load(lcpath, graphical=False)

        print('Writing txt file')
        savepath = os.path.join(path_target, savefile)

        # --- Save number of cycles in model ---
        cycles[i] = len(data.time)