def get_method(method_id,
               url=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Returns the data frame of the method with the given ID. You can get the
       IDs of the supported methods from the `supported_methods` function or
       directly use the constants defined in the Method enumeration type."""
    if method_id == Method.TRACI.value or method_id == Method.TRACI:
        return traci.get(add_factors_for_missing_contexts, file=file, url=None)
    if method_id == Method.RECIPE_2016.value or method_id == Method.RECIPE_2016:
        return recipe.get(add_factors_for_missing_contexts, file=file, url=url)
def get_method(method_id, add_factors_for_missing_contexts=True, endpoint=True, summary=False,
               file=None, subset=None, url=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Returns the data frame of the method with the given ID. You can get the
       IDs of the supported methods from the `supported_methods` function or
       directly use the constants defined in the Method enumeration type."""
    method_id = util.check_as_class(method_id)
    if method_id == Method.TRACI:
        return traci.get(add_factors_for_missing_contexts, file=file, url=None)
    if method_id == Method.RECIPE_2016:
        return recipe.get(add_factors_for_missing_contexts, endpoint, summary, file=file, url=url)
    if method_id == Method.ImpactWorld:
        return impactworld.get(file=file, url=url)
    if method_id == Method.FEDEFL_INV:
        return fedefl_inventory.get(subset)