    def __parseSchema(self, expand_oid_macros=False):
        """Parser for .schema files, like the one from OpenLDAP"""
        obj_str = 'objectclass'
        obj_len = len(obj_str)
        att_str = 'attributetype'
        att_len = len(att_str)
        oid_macros = {}

        f = open(self.filename, 'r')
        blocks = f.read().split('\n\n')

        for block in blocks:
            block = block.strip()
            if 'objectIdentifier' in block:
                oid_macros = self.__parseOIDMacros(block)
                self.macros = self.__getMacroDefinitions(block)
            elif re.match('^objectclass', block):
                block = block.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').strip()
                obj = ObjectClass(block[obj_len:])
                # Extra parsing to get the X-ORIGIN values as the python-ldap
                # parser isn't parsing the value for objectClasses
                if 'X-ORIGIN' in block:
                    waste, originstr = block.split('X-ORIGIN')
                    parts = originstr.strip().split('\'')
                    obj.x_origin = parts[1]
            elif re.match('^attributetype', block):
                block = block.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').strip()
                att = AttributeType(block[att_len:])

        if expand_oid_macros:
            error_msg = "You requested for the expansion of OID macros." \
                + " The definition for macro `{}` was  not found." \
                + " Storing it without expansion."
            for obj in self.objClasses:
                if ':' in obj.oid:
                    macro, index = obj.oid.split(':')
                        obj.oid = oid_macros[macro] + '.' + index
                    except KeyError as e:
                        logging.warning(error_msg, macro)
                        logging.debug(e, exc_info=True)

            for att in self.attrTypes:
                if ':' in att.oid:
                    macro, index = att.oid.split(':')
                        att.oid = oid_macros[macro] + '.' + index
                    except KeyError as e:
                        logging.warning(error_msg, macro)
                        logging.debug(e, exc_info=True)
    def __parseSchema(self, expand_oid_macros=False):
        """Parser for .schema files, like the one from OpenLDAP"""
        obj_str = 'objectclass'
        obj_len = len(obj_str)
        att_str = 'attributetype'
        att_len = len(att_str)
        oid_macros = {}

        f = open(self.filename, 'r')
        blocks = f.read().split('\n\n')

        for block in blocks:
            block = block.strip()
            if 'objectIdentifier' in block:
                oid_macros = self.__parseOIDMacros(block)
                self.macros = self.__getMacroDefinitions(block)
            elif re.match('^objectclass', block):
                block = block.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').strip()
                obj = ObjectClass(block[obj_len:])
                # Extra parsing to get the X-ORIGIN values as the python-ldap
                # parser isn't parsing the value for objectClasses
                if 'X-ORIGIN' in block:
                    waste, originstr = block.split('X-ORIGIN')
                    parts = originstr.strip().split('\'')
                    obj.x_origin = parts[1]
            elif re.match('^attributetype', block):
                block = block.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').strip()
                att = AttributeType(block[att_len:])

        if expand_oid_macros:
            error_msg = "You requested for the expansion of OID macros." \
                + " The definition for macro `{}` was  not found." \
                + " Storing it without expansion."
            for obj in self.objClasses:
                if ':' in obj.oid:
                    macro, index = obj.oid.split(':')
                        obj.oid = oid_macros[macro] + '.' + index
                    except KeyError as e:
                        logging.warning(error_msg, macro)
                        logging.debug(e, exc_info=True)

            for att in self.attrTypes:
                if ':' in att.oid:
                    macro, index = att.oid.split(':')
                        att.oid = oid_macros[macro] + '.' + index
                    except KeyError as e:
                        logging.warning(error_msg, macro)
                        logging.debug(e, exc_info=True)
 def get_attributetypes(self):
     """Returns a list of ldap.schema.models.AttributeType objects for all
     attributeTypes supported by this instance.
     attrs = ['attributeTypes']
     results = self.conn.search_s(DN_SCHEMA, ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
                                  'objectclass=*', attrs)[0]
     attributetypes = [
         AttributeType(at) for at in results.getValues('attributeTypes')
     return attributetypes
    def get_attributetypes(self, json=False):
        """Returns a list of ldap.schema.models.AttributeType objects for all
        attributeTypes supported by this instance.
        attrs = ['attributeTypes']
        results = self.conn.search_s(DN_SCHEMA, ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
                                     'objectclass=*', attrs)[0]

        if json:
            attributetypes = [vars(AttributeType(at)) for at in
            for attr in attributetypes:
                # Add normalized name for sorting
                attr['name'] = attr['names'][0].lower()
            attributetypes = sorted(attributetypes, key=itemgetter('name'))
            result = {'type': 'list', 'items': attributetypes}
            return dump_json(result)
            attributetypes = [AttributeType(at) for at in
            return attributetypes
 def test_empty_attributetype_attrs(self):
     """Check types and values of attributes of a minimal AttributeType"""
     # (OID 2.999 is actually "/Example", for use in documentation)
     attr = AttributeType('( 2.999 )')
     self.assertEqual(attr.oid, '2.999')
     self.assertEqual(attr.names, ())
     self.assertEqual(attr.desc, None)
     self.assertEqual(attr.obsolete, False)
     self.assertEqual(attr.single_value, False)
     self.assertEqual(attr.syntax, None)
     self.assertEqual(attr.no_user_mod, False)
     self.assertEqual(attr.equality, None)
     self.assertEqual(attr.substr, None)
     self.assertEqual(attr.ordering, None)
     self.assertEqual(attr.usage, 0)
     self.assertEqual(attr.sup, ())
     self.assertEqual(attr.x_origin, ())
class myLdifParser(LDIFParser):
    def __init__(self, ldif_file):
        self.ldif_file = ldif_file
        self.entries = []

    def parse(self):
        with open(self.ldif_file, 'rb') as f:
            parser = LDIFParser(f)
            for dn, entry in parser.parse():
                for e in entry:
                    for i, v in enumerate(entry[e][:]):
                        if isinstance(v, bytes):
                            entry[e][i] = v.decode('utf-8')
                self.entries.append((dn, entry))

schema_names = {}

for schema_fn in glob.glob('*.ldif'):

    parser = myLdifParser(schema_fn)
    if 'attributeTypes' in parser.entries[0][1]:
        for a in parser.entries[0][1]['attributeTypes']:
            att = AttributeType(a)
            for n in att.names:
                schema_names[n] = att.syntax

with open('opendj_attributes_schema.json', 'w') as w:
    json.dump(schema_names, w, indent=2)